Confession lines in Medjugorje during Rosary and Croatian Mass March 25, 2010. Our Lady calls us, in Her message yesterday, “to be strong in prayer and in the moments when trials attack you.
Jakov, one of the six Medjugorje visionaries, says that the Sacrament of Confession is necessary to be able to live Our Lady’s messages. When he speaks to pilgrims who come to Medjugorje, he tells them, “Purify your hearts because only with pure and clean hearts will we be able to accept and to live what Our Lady has been inviting us to here.” Accept the invitation of Our Lady to go to Confession, during this Lenten season so with purified hearts, Our Lady will carry us before Jesus who will be our strength and support. Medjugorje.com
Pray for priests. There is no confession without the priest. It is God himself who forgives sins through the priest. The priest is the sign that God has not abandoned his people. We need holy priests. Pray for your confessor. Fr Jozo Zovko ofm
Posted by pilgrim
The fruits of Medjugorje are so beautiful, I can't understand why so many people are against it. If you even mention Medjugorje on some blogs all hell breaks loose. I learned this the hard way :) Thanks for sharing so much info about Our Lady's apparitions here.
Mary,there are many enemies of Medjugorje but many-many more friends then enemies.
Medjugorje is the hope of the world and is under Our Lady's protection and in the end all will be well.
The fruits of Medjugorje cannot be denied.
“There are certainly strongholds of Confession today. I think particularly of Medjugorje. I dare speak of that because for 28 years it has become one of the greatest strongholds of Confession. Thousands and thousands of people go to Confession!
“Certainly our places of pilgrimage are strongholds for Confession. This is my experience, and that of many of my brother priests who exercised the ministry of Confession in places of pilgrimage. But especially in Medjugorje, they were overwhelmed by the experience of Confession.”
• Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Ars, France, September 29, 2009
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