March 22, 2010 — Fr. Joseph Whalen, MS prays the La Salette Memorare prayer and a brief story of the La Salette, France apparition, of September 19, 1846. Fr. Joseph Whalen is a La Salette missionary healing priest. His dramatic life story is a story of "how God writes straight with crooked lines!" His ministries are many and he is a champion of the sick, the elderly, drug addicts, alcoholics, families, and those in need. The charism of the La Salette's is Reconcilliation ... of compassion and mercy to the repentant;he is noted for his ability to hear confessions hour upon hour. Fathers message is to realize that Its Never Too Late to Live. Fr. Whalen conducts many healing services every year and his St. Raphael Healing Ministry is international. Fr. Whalen has spent his entire priesthood witnessing Christs healing presence and helping countless people to find hope in the midst of life's many challenges. http://www.straphaeloil.com/
Archangel Raphael- Fr. Joe Whalen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjk7UAZKpNQ
Memorare To
Our Lady of La Salette
Remember, Our Lady of La Salette,
true Mother of Sorrows, the tears you
shed for us on Calvary. Remember
also the care you have taken to keep
us faithful to Christ, your Son. Having
done so much for your children, you
will not now abandon us. Comforted
by this consoling thought, we come
to you pleading, despite our infidel-
ities and ingratitude.
Virgin of Reconciliation, do not
reject our prayers, but intercede for
us, obtain for us the grace to love
Jesus above all else. May we console
you by living a holy life and so come
to share the eternal life Christ gained
by his cross. Amen.
La Salette Invocation
Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler
of sinners, pray without ceasing for
us who have recourse to you.
When you pray you are close to God.
I call you to pray, pray, pray. When you pray you are close to God and He gives you the desire for eternity. This is a time when you can speak more about God and do more for God. Therefore, little do not resist but permit Him to lead you, to change you and to enter into your life. Do not forget that you are travellers on the way toward eternity. Therefore, permit God to lead you as a shepherd leads his flock. Our Lady of Medjugorje
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