Recently, I was reviewing some of the early messages that were given through the locutionist, Jelena Vasilj. She was just a little girl when Our Lady began to speak to her and to guide the prayer group of young people in Medjugorje through her. Let me share this amazing message, given on July 30, 1987.
"Dear children, today I invite you in a special way to pray for the plans of God to be fulfilled: first of all with you, then with this parish which God himself has chosen. Dear children, to be chosen by God is really something great, but it is also a responsibility for you to pray more, for you, the chosen ones, to encourage others so you can be a light for people in darkness.
"Children, darkness reigns over the whole world. People are attracted by many things and they forget about the more important.
"Light won't reign in the world until people accept Jesus, until they live His words, which is the Word of the Gospel.
"Dear children, this is the reason for my presence among you for such a long time: to lead you on the path of Jesus. I want to save you and, through you, to save the whole world. Many people now live without faith; some don't even want to hear about Jesus, but they still want peace and satisfaction! Children, here is the reason why I need your prayer: prayer is the only way to save the human race.
"This message captures the essence of Our Lady's plan through Medjugorje. She has come to save the whole world. She has chosen 6 visionaries and 2 locutionists, a parish, a village, and a large number of pilgrims to become her prayer warriors in this bold plan to save the whole world. Our part, as prayer warriors, is to pray, pray, pray, for she says: "Prayer is the only way to save the human race." Prayer is the only way to save the human race! Prayer is the only way to save the human race!!!
Are we responding to her call? Are we praying with her for the whole world? Are we praying with her at all? During this Lent may we return to this call, to this holy task she has given us. May we make prayer our life. As she said to us also in July of 1987:
"O children! I want you to live each new day with love and peace. I want you to be carriers of peace and love. People need so much those graces of peace and love, but they have lost them because they don't pray!
Create in your hearts a permanent prayer, because only thus will you be able to be prepared vessels. Through prayer your Father will build you into the vessels He wants. For this abandon yourselves completely to Him." (July 11, 1987 Jelena)In Jesus and Mary! Cathy Nolan© Mary TV 2010
1 comment:
Dear children! In this Lenten time of grace, I call you to open your hearts to the gifts that God desires to give you. Do not be closed, but with prayer and renunciation say ‘yes’ to God and he will give to you in abundance. As in springtime the earth opens to the seed and yields a hundredfold, so also your heavenly Father will give to you in abundance. I am with you and love you, little children, with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjugorje message, February 25, 2006
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