Just returned from Medjugorje
Hi everyone, I just returned last night from two weeks in Medjugorje and spent a bit of time speaking with our dear Blue Cross. What a joy to finally meet him! There were so many pilgrims there, thousands, and so many wonderful priests. We were blessed to have Archbishop Gustavo Garcia from Chicago present in the village while we were there, and he is such a gifted homilist~~fantastic! There were also several Byzantine clergy from the Ukraine present as well. Medjugorje certainly is a microcosm of the Church. For the evening international Holy Mass and for Adoration there was standing room only, and about 40 to 50 priests on the altar each evening.
I have been many, many times to Medjugorje and I must say that if the "numbers are down," that wasn't the case in the past two weeks, and we are told the the Youth Festival had the largest attendance ever. It will be interesting to hear what the Vatican will declare about this most special place, but no matter what, the fruits cannot be denied.
A Bishop very close to our Holy Father spoke at the Youth Festival, and Cardinal Schoenborn has also again welcomed a visionary to his Cathedral as you know, this time Marija, last year Ivan. We had 13 days of bright sunshine and one day of rain in the afternoon and evening of Our Lady's apparition to Mirjana on Oct 2, that very sad message from Our Lady perhaps reflected in the rain.
I truly believe that whatever happens between Rome and Medjugorje, it is part of Our Lady's plan. We must perservere and continue to pray for the priests of Medjugorje, the visionaries, and all those responsible in making the decisions. As for me, Medjugorje is a most important place in these times in which we live and will play a huge role in whatever is to come. Ljubav i mir!! - Maureen
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