Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic has been seen in the homes of several people, even though it is known that she was elsewhere when the sightings occured. Vicka confirms that people have told her of healings through her visits, but says she does not know what happens.
A ray of light hitting Vicka while she is talking to pilgrims
Several people testify that Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic has been present in their homes, and that healings have resulted – by a time when Vicka was elsewhere.
The phenomenon is called bilocation, and is among the most rare gifts of the Holy Spirit. In recent decades, the ability to be present in more than one place at the same time has also been associated with Saint Padre Pio.
The cover of the new version of Finbar O’Leary’s interview book
Though she has heard people tell her stories of her presence, Vicka has no conscious awareness of possessing the gift, she tells the Irish author and Medjugorje resident Finbar O’Leary in the new, updated version of his book “Vicka, Her Story”:
- Your most recent gift, the gift of bilocation, seems to be similar to St. Padre Pio, where you are coming to people all over the world. I have heard some beautiful stories about this, that as a result of you appearing to them, people are healed of cancer and many different sicknesses? the author asks Vicka.
“I do not know. I pray about it. I cannot confirm or deny any of that. They are mostly people who have some illness like cancer and perhaps are not able to move” Vicka replies.
“When they visit Medjugorje, they tell me that they experienced my presence in their homes, that I was there. But I have no awareness of that” the visionary adds.
“I pray about it. I cannot confirm or deny any of that” Vicka says about people’s claims of her gift to bilocate
- A woman from Italy shared with me a few months ago that she had been diagnosed with cancer and was waiting to go into hospital. One night while asleep in her home, a beautiful young woman appeared, dressed in white. Later in hospital, further tests showed the cancer was completely gone. Shortly afterwards she came to Medjugorje with a small group of pilgrims from Italy. One morning they came to the yeard of your home, to hear you speak. The moment she saw you, Vicka, she recognised you as the young woman who had appeared in her home.
“As I said, I have no awareness of this but I do pray about it.”
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