by Jakob Marschner
Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic participates in international Holy Land pilgrimage for healing of humanity on August 19-27, and will have three public apparitions in Bethlehem, inside or outside Church of the Nativity. Other apparitions to Vicka will take place at other holy sites.
Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic with Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina Covic-Radojicic
Bethlehem will see the Virgin Mary returning when she will appear in apparition to Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic during the first international Maranatha pilgrimage to The Holy Land on August 19-27.
“Exactly where in Bethlehem is still not decided because it will depend on the number of participants. I guess it could be in Manger Square in front of the Church of the Nativity” Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina Covic-Radojicic tells Medjugorje Today.
The organizers expect people from all over the world to be there. Representatives from more than 10 countries in Europe, North and South America have confirmed their attendance. Many priests and a good number of Bishops and Archbishops have expressed their interest, along with some Cardinals.
Vicka looks forward to see The Holy Land
Vicka in January 2013. Photo: Daniel Miot,
Vicka’s participation is further confirmed by the visionary herself, in a video below this article. She will have three apparitions in Bethlehem, on August 24-26, and apparitions at other, still not chosen holy sites on other days of the nine day pilgrimage.
“It will be very nice to be united in the Holy Land with people from all nations, all peoples, to share the messages of Our Lady and tell everyone how Our Lady loves the whole world” Vicka says in the video.
the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The only major church to have
survived intact since the early Christian period is likely too small to
hold the number of people expected for Vicka’s apparitions
“It is a very beautiful thing, carrying love to everyone. Once Our Lady said that it is people who have made divisions in religions – Muslims, Orthodox, Catholics, etc., and not God. God is one.”
Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina Covic-Radojicic tells Medjugorje Today that Vicka enthusiastically agreed when she asked the visionary to join the pilgrimage.
“It is very important because Our Lady wants us to know that we are all equally loved. For Our Lady there is no difference. At that moment what will be seen is the true love of a Mother who loves us all” Vicka says in her video for Maranatha.
Manger Square outside Church of the Nativity – holds more people and could be a likely site of Vicka’s apparitions
“I am really happy. For me, this is a small thing that I can give, that I can accept, but at the same time it is very big and important. With humility and through prayer we should be happy that God is calling us, and in this way we can help others. It is not ours, but the Lord’s work” Vicka says about the international pilgrimage.
“It all started in the Holy Land! Our Lady was born there, Jesus was born there, Calvary happened there… everything. These are the most important places” the visionary adds.
Archbishop heads the initiative
major international pilgrimage to The Holy Land is a long-time vision
to Archbishop André Léonard of Brussels (centre) who leads Maranatha
The 9 day Maranatha pilgrimage and the entire initiative is headed and will be led by Archbishop André Léonard of Brussels, Belgium. The organizers have been in touch with other Bishops and Archbishops as well as Cardinals, and tell of many being interested in also joining Maranatha.
“It is a prayer and a project. Maranatha is a prayer that is found in the last verse of the Bible, in the book of Revelation. We read it in Greek, but Maranatha is an Aramean word that means: Come, Lord! It is the final prayer in the Bible: Come, Lord Jesus!” Archbishop Léonard tells in his official announcement video for Maranatha.
André Leonard of Brussels with Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina
Covic-Radojicic. The Archbishop and the former close co-worker of
Medjugorje priest Fr. Jozo Zovko had the same vision of an international
Holy Land pilgrimage, and their shared vision began to take form when
they met in 2007
“It is a sentence, a prayer that touches me deeply. And so I wanted to give that name to this project because our project refers to a prayer for the healing of the human heart. The prophet Jeremiah once said: “The human heart is complicated and sick.” I wonder what Jeremiah would say today if he could see the human heart and the condition of humanity in our time” the Belgian Archbishop says.
“Why in the Holy Land? Because this is our cradle, the cradle of Christianity. It will be an ecumenical pilgrimage of Christians of different denominations. We were are all born there, and at the same time it is a way to support and help our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, whose life is indeed not easy.”
“And there where we were all born, we come together to pray, fast, advocate, strive to prove solidarity and unity, to cooperate in the healing of our own hearts and the healing of humanity” the Archbishop of Brussels tells in the video.
Many preparations going on
Petar Ljubicic – the priest to announce the prophetic secrets of
Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo is among the first of many
expected priests to confirm his attending Maranatha. Photo: Daniel
With thousands of participants expected, and moving from place to place, the pilgrimage will be a major arrangement, and planning has long been going on. The arrangements pertaining to Vicka’s apparitions are merely aspects within a much larger planning.
“There will be giant screens so that people can see her face. Vicka’s apparitions will also be filmed. And Vicka will be translated into Arabic and Hebrew from Italian” Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina Covic-Radojicic tells Medjugorje Today.
Sabrina Covic-Radojicic, world coordinator of Maranatha
She further confirms the participation of Medjugorje priest Fr. Petar Ljubicic who was chosen by visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo to announce the contents of her ten prophetic secrets to the world, when time is up.
“And we will have people joining us from France, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Switzerland, Italy, United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Germany, maybe Colombia. We hope to have people joining us from all over the world” Sabrina Covic-Radojicic tells.
“We will invite people who wish to strongly answer Our Lady’s call and fast on bread and water and pray during these days. Also, we already know that we will have people of good will of other faiths joining us, too.”
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