“Be love where there is hatred” and “Be food where there is hunger” the Virgin Mary said in message during visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s visit to Motherwell near Glasgow, Scotland, on January 4 and 5. About 1,000 people attended each apparition, some from USA, Italy, and England.
Virgin Mary brought concrete wishes and suggestions to Scotland where
she appeared to visionary Ivan Dragicevic on January 4 and 5
Medjugorje came to Scotland on Friday and Saturday when visionary Ivan Dragicevic had public apparitions in Motherwell. And the Virgin Mary had brought a concrete task to the just about 1,000 people in attendance on both evenings.
“Dear children, I am inviting you also today to be love there where is hatred, to be food there where is hunger. Open, little children, your hearts and let your hands be extended so that every creature through you can be grateful to God the creator. Pray, little children, and open your hearts to God’s love. Therefore, you must pray, pray. Thank you, children, that also today you have responded to my call” the Virgin Mary said on January 5.
Ivan Dragicevic. Photo: Daniel Miot, guardacon.me
*The message to Ivan has been confirmed by parish priest Fr. Dominic M. Towey, and was conveyed to Medjugorje Today by attendee Gillian Reynolds.
Some among the audience had come from USA, Italy, and England. The church was able to hold everyone though people were “standing like sardines in a tin”, according to another report. “A fabulous spirit of prayer” during the Rosary before the apparition was also described.
St. John the Baptist’s Church in Motherwell, Scotland, where Ivan spoke and had two apparitions
Ivan told that the Virgin Mary was very joyful during the apparition, and said “her love and joy were so great it was as if she had a tear in her eye.” The joy was reflected in the audience where people described to have had a “beautiful” and “emotional” experience. However, Ivan was serious during his testimony.
“Ivan spoke about how Our Lady is always being with us, but to ask ourselves whether we are always with her? He also said that Our Lady has not said anything ‘new’ and that people often ask him how long she will appear etc. He said that we must ask ourselves how much we live what the Church and our faith offers us” Gillian Reynolds reports.
Source of Article http://www.medjugorjetoday.tv/
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