Images by Bernard Gallagher
Part of Cardinal Schoborn's Talk at Saint James Church in Medjugorje.

Cardinal Schönborn speaks in Medjugorje On December 30, 2009, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna and a member of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave a powerful, lengthy talk at St. James Church in Medjugorje.Schönborn's talk revolved around the theme of God's mercy, and he did not hesitate to praise Medjugorje.
His first words as he stepped to the podium were "Hvaljen Isus i Marija," a Croatian phrase that means "Praised be Jesus and Mary." This is a common greeting among the visionaries and Medjugorje villagers. The Cardinal repeated it several times and urged the crowd to repeat it with him.He went on to say "When you look at a place like Medjugorje, you can see a superpower of mercy. Many merciful deeds were born here or they were supported here."During one poignant moment of his talk, Cardinal Schonborn urged the crowd to stand and join him in singing the well-known Medjugorje song Gospa Majka Moja. He smiled warmly as he sang along.Delving further into the topic of mercy, Cardinal Schönborn said, "What a deep feeling of compassion there is in Jesus. Many deeds of mercy in the Church were born exactly in this way, like Mother Teresa, who couldn't accept people dying in the street. Or Mother Elvira, here in Medjugorje, the founder of Cenacalo Community rehab center: she couldn't stand to see young people on drugs, destroying their lives with drugs. What is this deep, profound emotion that we call compassion?"While concluding his talk in Medjugorje, Cardinal Schönborn said, "I believe that many experiences in the Church demonstrate something that is impossible from a human point of view."Cardinal Schönborn has been in Medjugorje since December 28. He will celebrate New Year's Eve Mass at St. James Church. The visit and implied endorsement from such a prominent Vatican cardinal is seen by many as a very positive indication of the Church's stance on the apparitions.While some had expected Cardinal Schönborn's visit to Medjugorje to be private, he has instead surprised the town by being very visible. He has spent his time concelebrating Mass at St. James Church, climbing Apparition Hill with visionary Marija Lunetti, hearing confessions, praying in silence at Adoration, and, perhaps most notably, giving his talk today in the parish church with the Franciscan friars at his side. source:
His first words as he stepped to the podium were "Hvaljen Isus i Marija," a Croatian phrase that means "Praised be Jesus and Mary." This is a common greeting among the visionaries and Medjugorje villagers. The Cardinal repeated it several times and urged the crowd to repeat it with him.He went on to say "When you look at a place like Medjugorje, you can see a superpower of mercy. Many merciful deeds were born here or they were supported here."During one poignant moment of his talk, Cardinal Schonborn urged the crowd to stand and join him in singing the well-known Medjugorje song Gospa Majka Moja. He smiled warmly as he sang along.Delving further into the topic of mercy, Cardinal Schönborn said, "What a deep feeling of compassion there is in Jesus. Many deeds of mercy in the Church were born exactly in this way, like Mother Teresa, who couldn't accept people dying in the street. Or Mother Elvira, here in Medjugorje, the founder of Cenacalo Community rehab center: she couldn't stand to see young people on drugs, destroying their lives with drugs. What is this deep, profound emotion that we call compassion?"While concluding his talk in Medjugorje, Cardinal Schönborn said, "I believe that many experiences in the Church demonstrate something that is impossible from a human point of view."Cardinal Schönborn has been in Medjugorje since December 28. He will celebrate New Year's Eve Mass at St. James Church. The visit and implied endorsement from such a prominent Vatican cardinal is seen by many as a very positive indication of the Church's stance on the apparitions.While some had expected Cardinal Schönborn's visit to Medjugorje to be private, he has instead surprised the town by being very visible. He has spent his time concelebrating Mass at St. James Church, climbing Apparition Hill with visionary Marija Lunetti, hearing confessions, praying in silence at Adoration, and, perhaps most notably, giving his talk today in the parish church with the Franciscan friars at his side. source:
Cardinal Schonborn's Talk

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Cardinal Schönborn’s talk
Here are the ‘live’ tramsmissions of Cardinal Schonborn’s talk at St James church this afternoon .The talk was in Italian, translated into Croatian. Can anyone out there provide an English transcript?
Please EMAIL me if you can help with this.
Cardinal Schönborn talk, part 1
Cardinal Schönborn talk, part 2
Posted by pilgrim at 6:22 PM Source
Cardinal Schönborn’s talk
Here are the ‘live’ tramsmissions of Cardinal Schonborn’s talk at St James church this afternoon .The talk was in Italian, translated into Croatian. Can anyone out there provide an English transcript?
Please EMAIL me if you can help with this.
Cardinal Schönborn talk, part 1
Cardinal Schönborn talk, part 2
Posted by pilgrim at 6:22 PM Source
Medjugorje: Questions to Mirjana

Q: What does Our Lady says about the division in families? (question not completely audible)
I believe that Our Lady doesn’t have to talk about it because if you keep the vow before God…Here, when we get married in the church, we put our right hand on the Cross so that God may help me, so there’s no divorce. If its good, then thanks be to God. If not, then just take your cross. Because you cannot be only partially Catholic. You are or you are not. Saddest thing is we Catholics try to justify things that cannot be justified. We are or we are not. We follow Jesus or we do not follow him.
Q: So divorce is not acceptable?
Of course. Husband can leave wife and wife can leave husband but she is his wife and he is her husband. If my husband for example leaves me, I would not be able to look for another husband because he is my husband before God. What God binds once, only He can separate. I cannot force my husband to be with me but even if he leaves, he still remains my husband.
Q: And annulment?
Pointing to a row of priests Mirjjana says, Here is the priests! (laughter). I am not planning to divorce, that’s why I am not interested in annulments. I know that if you did not tell about some illness you may have or if you do not want to have children, it could be an excuse. Then church will give you an annulment, if that’s the case, as far as I’ve heard but I never questioned too much about it.
Q: This question concerned a marriage partner being an unbeliever. The actual question although just audible was posed by someone whose English was not clear.
I think you forgot, I am just a visionary. Its usually like (this) that husband is unbeliever. That is why God put her husband in her way, so he is her responsibility. She needs to help him to come to know God and God’s love, not through criticising, judging or forcing but simply through her love, her example, and her prayer. That is the only way.
Q: What can you do to help people who live different lifestyles to change their lives?
I would just pray for them. I put them in God’s hands and I pray for them because I feel sorry for them, because they simply go against the nature, and nature was created by God, so that it means you go against God. Mirjana said in English “ everything what you are doing with your heart will help. It’s important that you doing with your heart”. Its beautiful that you are worried for them so much. That means that you love your neighbour and I’m glad that there is no judgements in your words, only love. And that is what Our Lady desires from us, not to judge but to love them and to pray for them.
Q: So divorce is not acceptable?
Of course. Husband can leave wife and wife can leave husband but she is his wife and he is her husband. If my husband for example leaves me, I would not be able to look for another husband because he is my husband before God. What God binds once, only He can separate. I cannot force my husband to be with me but even if he leaves, he still remains my husband.
Q: And annulment?
Pointing to a row of priests Mirjjana says, Here is the priests! (laughter). I am not planning to divorce, that’s why I am not interested in annulments. I know that if you did not tell about some illness you may have or if you do not want to have children, it could be an excuse. Then church will give you an annulment, if that’s the case, as far as I’ve heard but I never questioned too much about it.
Q: This question concerned a marriage partner being an unbeliever. The actual question although just audible was posed by someone whose English was not clear.
I think you forgot, I am just a visionary. Its usually like (this) that husband is unbeliever. That is why God put her husband in her way, so he is her responsibility. She needs to help him to come to know God and God’s love, not through criticising, judging or forcing but simply through her love, her example, and her prayer. That is the only way.
Q: What can you do to help people who live different lifestyles to change their lives?
I would just pray for them. I put them in God’s hands and I pray for them because I feel sorry for them, because they simply go against the nature, and nature was created by God, so that it means you go against God. Mirjana said in English “ everything what you are doing with your heart will help. It’s important that you doing with your heart”. Its beautiful that you are worried for them so much. That means that you love your neighbour and I’m glad that there is no judgements in your words, only love. And that is what Our Lady desires from us, not to judge but to love them and to pray for them.
Medjugorje: Our Lady's annual message to Jakov

All of this time in which God in a special way permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you on the way that leads to Jesus and to your salvation.
My little children, you can find salvation only in God and therefore, especially on this day of grace with little Jesus in my arms, I call you to permit Jesus to be born in your hearts. Only with Jesus in your heart can you set out on the way of salvation and eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call. December 25, 2009
Dear Friends

Dear friends,
May God bless you with hope and peace with the miracle of Christmas,
and fill your heart with love and joy during this Christmas season.
May the joy of the season stay in your heart and bring you a year of happiness.
I wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful New Year. Ed Sousa
May God bless you with hope and peace with the miracle of Christmas,
and fill your heart with love and joy during this Christmas season.
May the joy of the season stay in your heart and bring you a year of happiness.
I wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful New Year. Ed Sousa
Doubt and do Without.

DOUBT AND DO WITHOUT" Now you will be mute — unable to speak — until the day these things take place, because you have not trusted my words." —Luke 1:20
We see many people who are spiritually deaf and dumb. The Lord has repeatedly proclaimed His love for them and warned them, but still they waltz into Christmas as if there were no Christ, no sin, no salvation, no meaning to life, and no eternal life. These people are spiritually deaf. Many others, even Christians, are spiritually dumb.
They can talk about anything but Jesus. Christ is the only One given the "silent treatment" at Christmas, although Christmas is intended to celebrate His birthday. Although it's rather easy to recognize spiritual deafness and dumbness in others, people may be noticing it in us.
To be freed from this condition, we must find the cause of it. Possibly the cause of our spiritual deafness and dumbness is the same as the cause of Zechariah's physical deafness and dumbness. Because Zechariah doubted the angel's message, he was struck deaf and dumb (Lk 1:18ff). He was healed when he showed faith in the angel's message by naming his child John (Lk 1:63-64).
Have we succumbed to temptations to doubt? Have we let ourselves be infected by the skepticism of our secular culture? Is doubt the cause of our unwillingness to hear God and our inability to speak up for Him? Repent of doubt and watch what other areas of your life are transformed. Father, may I not persist in my "unbelief, but believe" (Jn 20:27).
Excerpt: Nancy Pelosi Thanks God for Abortion Funds.

Nancy Pelosi: "Thank God" Senate Bill Funds Abortions, Says House Can Pass Bill
by Steven Editor December 17, 2009
Washington, DC ( --
by Steven Editor December 17, 2009
Washington, DC ( --
In yet another comment that will draw guffaws from pro-life advocates, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is thankful to God that the Senate bill include massive abortion funding.
Pelosi also claims she has enough votes to pass a pro-abortion health care bill in the House, though that is disputed.
Comment: Nancy Pelosi " who calls herself a Catholic " thanks God for abortion funds to abort God's children. God is not pro-death, he is pro-life. The Lord is the giver of life. eas

A multitude of pilgrims journey to Medjugorje to open their hearts to Our Lady, surrendering to Her all their problems and difficulties so that they may grow closer to Her Son Jesus. This pilgrim, after climbing Apparition Mountain, spent time in quiet prayer and reflection, opening Her heart to receive the gift of God’s peace.
Are you He, the one who is to come

"'Are You "He Who is to come" or are we to expect someone else ?
When the men came to Him they said, 'John the Baptizer sends us to You with this question: Are You "He Who is to come?" ' " —Luke 7:19-20
Christmas means not just recalling Christ's first coming and preparing for His second coming. It also means receiving a new coming of Christ into our lives. Many of us have already asked Jesus to come into our hearts and be Lord of our lives. We have also experienced other comings of Christ, but this Christmas the Lord will come again to us in a personal and new way. However, it can be difficult to recognize Christ's coming. At His first coming, Jesus came in the womb of a teenage girl from Nazareth and hardly anyone recognized Him.
Jesus often comes to us in the poor, hungry, ill, or imprisoned. Even so, we may not recognize Him and later ask Him: "When did we see You hungry or thirsty or away from home or naked or ill or in prison?"
John the Baptizer's disciples weren't sure whether Jesus' coming was the coming of the Messiah, so "John sent them to ask the Lord, 'Are You "He Who is to come" or are we to expect someone else?' "
Jesus responded: "The blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life, and the poor have the good news preached to them. Blest is that man who finds no stumbling block in Me" (Lk 7:22-23). Jesus' Christmas coming will either result in our receiving Jesus' love in even greater ways or stumbling over Someone we don't even notice. Don't stumble.
Jesus often comes to us in the poor, hungry, ill, or imprisoned. Even so, we may not recognize Him and later ask Him: "When did we see You hungry or thirsty or away from home or naked or ill or in prison?"
John the Baptizer's disciples weren't sure whether Jesus' coming was the coming of the Messiah, so "John sent them to ask the Lord, 'Are You "He Who is to come" or are we to expect someone else?' "
Jesus responded: "The blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life, and the poor have the good news preached to them. Blest is that man who finds no stumbling block in Me" (Lk 7:22-23). Jesus' Christmas coming will either result in our receiving Jesus' love in even greater ways or stumbling over Someone we don't even notice. Don't stumble.
Mirjana, What does Our Lady say about the end times?

November 4, 2009
Question: Mirjana, What does Our Lady say about the end times?
Well, the one who dies tomorrow, for that person the end of the world will happen tomorrow. That person will encounter God tomorrow. So it is not important to talk about it at all. It is important to talk about ourselves, to think of myself. What is my soul like? Is it ready to encounter God now, this very moment?
I would like to recommend to you do not talk about chastisements, because Our Lady came in Medjugorje to help us and not to destroy us. What She said is, “What I started in Fatima, I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.” If our Heavenly Mother’s heart will triumph, what to fear?
Not A Baby

Shades of George Orwell’s 1984 and Newspeak! Among the truths of Newspeak were:
We can now add to that:
We can now add to that:
Mary, A voice crying in the dessert.

Today in our time,- Our Lady like John the Baptist is the voice of one Crying in the Dessert. We need to listen and pay attention to what she is saying to us. She comes to lead us to her son Jesus. Your heavenly mother wishes to speak to you. Please listen to her words.
Come Holy Spirit, Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary your well beloved spouse.
Greg Sousa Photography

Greg Sousa was born and raised in West Warwick, Rhode Island. He credits his spark in photography to his father, Edward. As a young boy Greg would watch as his father, a detective on the West Warwick Police Department, practice at home with the department issued black and white camera."My father would take a photo of my brother and I, and through the magic of film development, we would be able to see a photo of ourselves that was taken 15 minutes later. That would be the beginning of a fascination that has stayed with me until this day. I have always been amazed with capturing a single moment in time and preserving it forever."Greg began his professional career as a newspaper photographer. After several years covering breaking news, sports and community events, he left the news business to begin a career in "wedding photojournalism." His images have appeared in Time Magazine, U.S. News & World Report, People Magazine, Modern Bride and The Knot Magazine...
Greg Sousa Photography
2147 Highway 581 North Pikeville, NC 27863 Phone: 919-440-1522 also
This is Beautiful

Thank You, Joy
Website owned and maintained by Deacon Steve A. Politte.
Deacon Steve can be reached at
Deacon Steve can be reached at
Our Lady's Message given to Ivan

My dear children, my little children! Even today the Mother loves you with her motherly love and desire, dear children, that in this time of grace, open your hearts so that the light of my Son, the light of the birth of my son come into your heart, enlighten your hearts, your souls and make them happy. I call you especially, dear children, pray for the families, pray for holiness in the family in this time. Even today, dear children, I want to say thank you because you welcomed me, you have accepted my messages and live my messages.
The Hour of Grace

Day and time of the Hour of Grace - December 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception- to begin at 12 noon and to continue until 1 pm (one full hour of prayer)- During this hour the person making the 'Hour of Grace' either at home or in the Church must put away all distractions. (Do not answer the telephone, or answer any doors, or do anything but totally concentrate on your union with God during this Special H our of Grace).- Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms- The remainder of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent prayer before God meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, praying the Holy Rosary, praising God in your own way or by using favorite prayers, singing hymns, meditating upon other Psalms, etc. You can read more about the Hour of Grace HERE
Posted by Esther G. Posted 2:45 PM 2 comments Links to this post
Day and time of the Hour of Grace - December 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception- to begin at 12 noon and to continue until 1 pm (one full hour of prayer)- During this hour the person making the 'Hour of Grace' either at home or in the Church must put away all distractions. (Do not answer the telephone, or answer any doors, or do anything but totally concentrate on your union with God during this Special H our of Grace).- Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms- The remainder of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent prayer before God meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, praying the Holy Rosary, praising God in your own way or by using favorite prayers, singing hymns, meditating upon other Psalms, etc. You can read more about the Hour of Grace HERE
Posted by Esther G. Posted 2:45 PM 2 comments Links to this post
Pope John Paul Prayed for Our Lady to Come to Earth

The Pope Prayed for Our Lady to Come to Earth...
In a recent question-and-answer session with English-speaking pilgrims at Medjugorje (October 3), the visionary Mirjana revealed that the late Pope John Paul II had prayed to the Blessed Virgin, asking Her to come on earth once more to assist him against the threat of communism. Two months later, She appeared in Medjugorje!
This was revealed in a response given by the visionary Mirjana to a question, asking if she ,or any of the other visionaries, had ever met with the Holy Father.
“I was in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican with all the other pilgrims. I was with an Italian priest. The Pope (John Paul II) was walking by, and he was blessing. He blessed me and just passed by. The priest with me said, ‘Holy Father, this is Mirjana from Medjugorje,’ and he came back and blessed me again. Then he left. And I said to priest, ’Most likely he thought I just need a double blessing!’
“In the afternoon, we received a note to go to Castel Gondolfo, close to Rome, the next day. And myself and the Pope were alone together, and among other things, he said to me, ‘I know everything, I have been following everything. Ask pilgrims to pray for my intentions. Take care of Medjugorje, because Medjugorje is the hope for the entire world.’
“A priest told me that, from the very beginning, the Pope was very fond of Medjugorje, because two months before the apparitions in Medjugorje started, he was praying to Our Lady to come again on earth. He said, ‘I cannot do it all alone because Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc., are all communist. I cannot do it on my own. I need you.’ And later he heard that in Yugoslavia, a communist country, in a little village (Medjugorje), Our Lady appeared and he said, ‘That is the response to my prayers.’ ” source-Spirit of Medjugorje
The Medjugorje Message
“A priest told me that, from the very beginning, the Pope was very fond of Medjugorje, because two months before the apparitions in Medjugorje started, he was praying to Our Lady to come again on earth. He said, ‘I cannot do it all alone because Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc., are all communist. I cannot do it on my own. I need you.’ And later he heard that in Yugoslavia, a communist country, in a little village (Medjugorje), Our Lady appeared and he said, ‘That is the response to my prayers.’ ” source-Spirit of Medjugorje
The Medjugorje Message
Our Lady's message to Mirjana of December 2, 2009

At this time of preparation and joyful expectation I, as a mother, desire to point you to what is the most important, to your soul. Can my Son be born in it? Is it cleansed by love from lies, arrogance, hatred and malice? Above all else does your soul love God as your Father and does it love your fellow brother in Christ? I am pointing you to the way which will raise your soul to a complete union with my Son. I desire for my Son to be born in you. What a joy that would be for me as mother. Thank you. December 2, 2009
Medjugorje: Colleen Willard's Miracle Testimony

Colleen Willard's Miracle Testimonial
For those who doubt the authenticity of Medjugorje-Just view this:
Colleen Willard was miraculously healed of a number of serious physical ailments after being prayed over by the visionary Vicka in Medjugorje. Colleen says that her suffering was the best thing that ever happened to her because it drew her closer to Jesus on the cross.
Dear Children Listen, because I wish to speak to You.

Dear Family of Mary!"
Dear children! Listen, because I wish to speak to you and to invite you to have more faith and trust in God, who loves you immeasurably. Little children, you do not know how to live in the grace of God, that is why I call you all anew, to carry the word of God in your heart and in thoughts. Little children, place the Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and live it.
Teach your children, because if you are not an example to them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Thank you for having for responded to my call" (Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of August 25, 1996)..
I would like to finish sharing my journal with you on Psalm 23. It struck me that the words of this Psalm instruct us on the loving intentions of our Father in heaven. We hear in this Psalm the way that the Father wants to love us. His intention is to lead us, protect us, feed us, teach us, and celebrate us. We need to know God's intentions towards us so that we will not fall into the trap of the enemy, who lies to us about our Father.
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." "He leads me on the paths of righteousness for his name's sake" (v. 3).
Your voice will always lead me to do the right thing won't it? "Yes, my voice speaks in your conscience, directing you to the good and to my particular will for you. It is the way for you to glorify My Name. My voice will speak clear words of counsel for you, so that all your works will be holy.""Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me" (v. 4).
"The rod of my correction and the staff of my leading bring you safely through all temptations and all evil. You will feel my words as comfort, never fear, only love. My words do not inspire fear even when I correct you. I always speak love to you. That is my voice.""Thou preparest a table before me in the sight of my enemies" (v.5).
"I feed you, I feast your soul with my words so that you are never hungry, no matter how beset you may be. My voice will keep you fed with peace and hope.""Thou anointest my head with oil" (v.5).
My voice will bring the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with power. As you listen to my voice you will receive My Spirit, who will empower you to do the good."My cup overflows." (v.5)
"That very Holy Spirit will overflow from your heart like a spring that wells up to eternal life. Just like the oil in the widow's jar that never ran dry, it will never empty. That is the fruit of my Shepherd's voice.""Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" (v.6).
Dear children! Listen, because I wish to speak to you and to invite you to have more faith and trust in God, who loves you immeasurably. Little children, you do not know how to live in the grace of God, that is why I call you all anew, to carry the word of God in your heart and in thoughts. Little children, place the Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and live it.
Teach your children, because if you are not an example to them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Thank you for having for responded to my call" (Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of August 25, 1996)..
I would like to finish sharing my journal with you on Psalm 23. It struck me that the words of this Psalm instruct us on the loving intentions of our Father in heaven. We hear in this Psalm the way that the Father wants to love us. His intention is to lead us, protect us, feed us, teach us, and celebrate us. We need to know God's intentions towards us so that we will not fall into the trap of the enemy, who lies to us about our Father.
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." "He leads me on the paths of righteousness for his name's sake" (v. 3).
Your voice will always lead me to do the right thing won't it? "Yes, my voice speaks in your conscience, directing you to the good and to my particular will for you. It is the way for you to glorify My Name. My voice will speak clear words of counsel for you, so that all your works will be holy.""Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me" (v. 4).
"The rod of my correction and the staff of my leading bring you safely through all temptations and all evil. You will feel my words as comfort, never fear, only love. My words do not inspire fear even when I correct you. I always speak love to you. That is my voice.""Thou preparest a table before me in the sight of my enemies" (v.5).
"I feed you, I feast your soul with my words so that you are never hungry, no matter how beset you may be. My voice will keep you fed with peace and hope.""Thou anointest my head with oil" (v.5).
My voice will bring the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with power. As you listen to my voice you will receive My Spirit, who will empower you to do the good."My cup overflows." (v.5)
"That very Holy Spirit will overflow from your heart like a spring that wells up to eternal life. Just like the oil in the widow's jar that never ran dry, it will never empty. That is the fruit of my Shepherd's voice.""Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" (v.6).
"Those who listen to my voice in their hearts will follow me and as they follow me they will leave a legacy of only goodness and mercy. The fruit of your life will be goodness and mercy if you follow your Shepherd faithfully.""And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." "My voice will lead you to your true home, the heart of the Trinity. My voice leads you home. You will know my voice because it leads to the Father, your true home."Yes, Lord, you're Shepherd's voice is my hope. I want to be led by you in thought, word and deed!
There you have it! My little attempt at journaling with the Lord. You can see how much God can give us if we just take some time with His Word!
In Jesus and Mary,
Cathy Nolan
"Those who listen to my voice in their hearts will follow me and as they follow me they will leave a legacy of only goodness and mercy. The fruit of your life will be goodness and mercy if you follow your Shepherd faithfully.""And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." "My voice will lead you to your true home, the heart of the Trinity. My voice leads you home. You will know my voice because it leads to the Father, your true home."Yes, Lord, you're Shepherd's voice is my hope. I want to be led by you in thought, word and deed!
There you have it! My little attempt at journaling with the Lord. You can see how much God can give us if we just take some time with His Word!
In Jesus and Mary,
Cathy Nolan

Pray constantly for the strength to escape whatever is in prospect, and to stand secure before the Son of Man." —Luke 21:36
The Lord already has commanded us to pray always, but today may be a day of more intense prayer. A tremendous spiritual war is raging. Some Christians are winning this war by giving up their lives for the gospel. Others are so defeated they don't even know a war is going on.
Their spirits have "become bloated with indulgence and drunkenness and worldly cares" (Lk 21:34). Still others are neither winning nor losing; they are in the middle of the fight of their lives, for their lives. Many of these Christians are resisting sin to the point of shedding their blood (Heb 12:4).
The Lord calls us to join them in the struggle by our prayers on their behalf (Rm 15:30). Our brothers and sisters in the Lord are crying: "Pray for us that the word of the Lord may make progress and be hailed by many others, even as it has been by you. Pray that we may be delivered from confused and evil men" (2 Thes 3:1-2). Therefore, "at every opportunity pray in the Spirit, using prayers and petitions of every sort.
Pray constantly and attentively for all in the holy company" (Eph 6:18). At the beginning of his papacy, Pope John Paul II exhorted us: "We feel not only the need but even a categorical imperative for great, intense and growing prayer by all the Church. Only prayer can prevent all these great succeeding tasks and difficulties from becoming a source of crisis" (The Redeemer of Man, 22, emphasis added).On this last day in the Church's year, the Lord wants to complete His works, transform His people, forgive our sins, restore broken relationships, and more. For this to be done, there is "the necessity of praying always and not losing heart" (Lk 18:1). Father, may this be a day of exceptional conversions and mighty wonders.
Why Rep. Patrick Kennedy attacked Bishop Tobin.

This is a great article!
Please pray for our Bishops who are on the front lines fighting for the truth!!
Please pray for our Bishops who are on the front lines fighting for the truth!!
Our Lady's Medjugorje message of November 25, 2009

On the 25th of every month, Our Lady gives the Medjugorje visionary Marija a message for the world. This is today's message:
"Dear children! In this time of grace I call you all to renew prayer in your families. Prepare yourselves with joy for the coming of Jesus. Little children, may your hearts be pure and pleasing, so that love and warmth may flow through you into every heart that is far from His love. Little children, be my extended hands, hands of love for all those who have become lost, who have no more faith and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call."
. Watch on Youtube
Thank You Pilgrim

Opinion: Chris Matthews should be fired for his Offensive Interview of Bishop Tobin
Matthews showed how inept he is as an interviewer, how misinformed he is as a Catholic, how rude he is as a person and how threatened he is by the Moral truth.
Matthews showed how inept he is as an interviewer, how misinformed he is as a Catholic, how rude he is as a person and how threatened he is by the Moral truth.
. See Video of Chris Matthews interview with Bishop Thomas Tobin.
Medjugorje: Ninth Anniversary of Fr. Slavko Barbaric Death.

Ninth anniversary of death of late Fr. Slavko Barbaric
On Tuesday, 24th of November there we will remember ninth anniversary of death of late Fr. Slavko Barbaric, who spent eighteen years of his life spreading Our Lady’s messages and taking care of pilgrims. Fr. Slavko was born on March 11, 1946, and he entered Franciscan order when he was nineteen years old, and received ordination in 1971. He was doctor of religious pedagogy and had title of psychotherapist. He wrote and published fifteen books that were translated in more than twenty world languages. He also founded institution of Mother’s village, Foundation of Friends of talented students, started International Meetings of Priests, Festival of Youth, and so on. He died close to XVI. Station on the Cross Mountain after having completed the Way of the Cross for parishioners and pilgrims. His grave at the local graveyard Kovacica became one of the prayer places in parish of Medjugorje.
On the ninth anniversary of late Fr. Slavko’s death we will pray the Way of the Cross on the Cross Mountain at 2 p.m. and celebrate the Holy Mass at 6 p.m. in the church of St. James.
IN MEMORY OF FATHER SLAVKO BARBARIC March 11, 1946 - November 24, 2000
Click Here - For Fr. Pervan's Funeral Homily
Father Slavko Barbaric died on November 24, 2000 at 3.30 p.m. After the Way of the Cross, that he animated usually every Friday on the Hill of Krizevac for parishioners and pilgrims, he felt some pain. He sat down on a rock, then lay down on the ground, lost consciousness and gave his soul over to the Lord.
Father Slavko Barbaric was born on March 11, 1946, as the son of Marko and Luca born Stojic at Dragicina (parish of Cerin). He attended elementary school in Cerin and then went on to high school in Dubrovnik. He entered into the Franciscan order at Humac on July 14, 1965. He made his final vows September 17, 1971. He was ordained priest the December 19, 1971. He studied at Sarajevo, Graz and Freiburg. He finished his studies at Graz (Austria) with a master's degree. After 5 years of pastoral service in the province of Herzegovina, in the parish of Capljina, he continued his studies at Freiburg, where he obtained his doctorate in religious pedagogy and the title of psychotherapist.
As Franciscan priest, he was in Capljina from 1973 to 1978. From the spring of 1982 to September 1984, he was chaplain for students at Mostar, and he held retreats in the house of religious sisters at Bijelo Polje near Mostar. His fruitful work with the students and his retreats very well accepted by the students, however, the Communist government in power at that time persecuted him. In those difficult moments, his eminence, Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, protected father Slavko’s mission.
Thanks to his knowledge of the main European language and despite his numerous obligations in different parishes, father Slavko put himself ceaselessly at the service of Medjugorje pilgrims from the time he finished his studies and came back to the country in 1982. He was officially sent to Medjugorje in 1983. According to the order of Mgr. Zanic, bishop of Mostar, he was transferred to the parish of Blagaj, and in 1988 to Humac, where he was parish vicar and assistant of the master of novices.
At the beginning of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, when all elderly friars were exiled to Tucepi, with the oral accord of + father Drago Tolj, former provincial, father Slavko remained at Medjugorje.
From the very beginning of his mission in Medjugorje, father Slavko has been writing spiritual books: "Pray With the Heart", "Give Me Your Wounded Heart", "Celebrate Mass With the Heart", "In the School of Love", "Adore my Son With the Heart", "With Jesus and Mary Climbing the Golgotha to Meet the Risen Lord", "Pray Together with a Joyful Heart", Interviews, and "Fast With the Heart", which is now in print. Fr. Slavko Barbaric’s books have been translated in twenty languages and more than 20 million copieshave been printed in the whole world. He published also numerous articles in various publications. He was editor of the St Francis’ Bulletin in Capljina, collaborated in Krsni Zavicaj, Glas Mira and the Radio "Mir" Medjugorje. He gave unceasingly conferences for pilgrims, animated adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, veneration of the Cross, the rosary up the Apparition Hill, the Way of the Cross on the Mount Krizevac, where he finished his earthly life. He animated annual meetings for priests and youth, in the prayer house of the Franciscan province "Domus Pacis" he animated "Fasting and prayer retreats". The destructions of the war inspired him to found and lead an institution for the education and care of the young, the "Mother’s Village", where more than 60 persons have found their home (war orphans, children from separated families, unwed mothers, elderly abandoned persons and sick children). If there was a man who loved children, it was Fr. Slavko. Children loved him in return: they always gathered around him and he knew always how to gather them – just like Jesus! His psychotherapeutic formation and education allowed him to work with drug addicts in the Community of the Cenacolo, founded by Sister Elvira, mostly in their house in Medjugorje, "Campo della vita". He oriented the help received from the whole world in two directions: "Foundation for children of deceased defenders" who died during the war, and "Foundation of friends of talents" to help students.
It is difficult to extract something from the life of this big and unusual man. If we would try to do it, it is undoubtedly the period of his life in Medjugorje. Father Slavko Barbaric has traveled throughout the whole world, spreading the message of peace and reconciliation of Our Lady. He was the soul and the heart of the peace movement born in Medjugorje 19 1/2 years ago. He had wonderful gifts: knowledge of languages, facility of communicating with people, education, simplicity, care for human beings in need, inexhaustible energy – one could not believe that one single man could have it, diligence, and above all piety, humility, charity. He prayed and he fasted a lot, he loved Our Lady with a childlike love. It was, in fact, the essence of his life: through prayer and fasting to take souls to God through Mary - the Queen of Peace.
It seemed sometimes above the reality to live near him – he was here, in the world, but at the same time so much out of the world. In his presence, the words of Jesus from his high priestly prayer became reality: "They do not belong to the world, as I myself do not belong to the world. Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth. As you have sent me into the world, I sent them into the world. I sanctify myself for them, in order that they may be sanctified by the truth…" (Jn 17,16-19)
The burial will be at the cemetery in Medjugorje "Kovacica", on Sunday, November 26, 2000, after the mass in the church of St James at 2 p.m.
Medjugorje, November 25, 2000 Marija Dugandzic
Father Slavko Barbaric died on November 24, 2000 at 3.30 p.m. After the Way of the Cross, that he animated usually every Friday on the Hill of Krizevac for parishioners and pilgrims, he felt some pain. He sat down on a rock, then lay down on the ground, lost consciousness and gave his soul over to the Lord.
Father Slavko Barbaric was born on March 11, 1946, as the son of Marko and Luca born Stojic at Dragicina (parish of Cerin). He attended elementary school in Cerin and then went on to high school in Dubrovnik. He entered into the Franciscan order at Humac on July 14, 1965. He made his final vows September 17, 1971. He was ordained priest the December 19, 1971. He studied at Sarajevo, Graz and Freiburg. He finished his studies at Graz (Austria) with a master's degree. After 5 years of pastoral service in the province of Herzegovina, in the parish of Capljina, he continued his studies at Freiburg, where he obtained his doctorate in religious pedagogy and the title of psychotherapist.
As Franciscan priest, he was in Capljina from 1973 to 1978. From the spring of 1982 to September 1984, he was chaplain for students at Mostar, and he held retreats in the house of religious sisters at Bijelo Polje near Mostar. His fruitful work with the students and his retreats very well accepted by the students, however, the Communist government in power at that time persecuted him. In those difficult moments, his eminence, Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, protected father Slavko’s mission.
Thanks to his knowledge of the main European language and despite his numerous obligations in different parishes, father Slavko put himself ceaselessly at the service of Medjugorje pilgrims from the time he finished his studies and came back to the country in 1982. He was officially sent to Medjugorje in 1983. According to the order of Mgr. Zanic, bishop of Mostar, he was transferred to the parish of Blagaj, and in 1988 to Humac, where he was parish vicar and assistant of the master of novices.
At the beginning of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, when all elderly friars were exiled to Tucepi, with the oral accord of + father Drago Tolj, former provincial, father Slavko remained at Medjugorje.
From the very beginning of his mission in Medjugorje, father Slavko has been writing spiritual books: "Pray With the Heart", "Give Me Your Wounded Heart", "Celebrate Mass With the Heart", "In the School of Love", "Adore my Son With the Heart", "With Jesus and Mary Climbing the Golgotha to Meet the Risen Lord", "Pray Together with a Joyful Heart", Interviews, and "Fast With the Heart", which is now in print. Fr. Slavko Barbaric’s books have been translated in twenty languages and more than 20 million copieshave been printed in the whole world. He published also numerous articles in various publications. He was editor of the St Francis’ Bulletin in Capljina, collaborated in Krsni Zavicaj, Glas Mira and the Radio "Mir" Medjugorje. He gave unceasingly conferences for pilgrims, animated adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, veneration of the Cross, the rosary up the Apparition Hill, the Way of the Cross on the Mount Krizevac, where he finished his earthly life. He animated annual meetings for priests and youth, in the prayer house of the Franciscan province "Domus Pacis" he animated "Fasting and prayer retreats". The destructions of the war inspired him to found and lead an institution for the education and care of the young, the "Mother’s Village", where more than 60 persons have found their home (war orphans, children from separated families, unwed mothers, elderly abandoned persons and sick children). If there was a man who loved children, it was Fr. Slavko. Children loved him in return: they always gathered around him and he knew always how to gather them – just like Jesus! His psychotherapeutic formation and education allowed him to work with drug addicts in the Community of the Cenacolo, founded by Sister Elvira, mostly in their house in Medjugorje, "Campo della vita". He oriented the help received from the whole world in two directions: "Foundation for children of deceased defenders" who died during the war, and "Foundation of friends of talents" to help students.
It is difficult to extract something from the life of this big and unusual man. If we would try to do it, it is undoubtedly the period of his life in Medjugorje. Father Slavko Barbaric has traveled throughout the whole world, spreading the message of peace and reconciliation of Our Lady. He was the soul and the heart of the peace movement born in Medjugorje 19 1/2 years ago. He had wonderful gifts: knowledge of languages, facility of communicating with people, education, simplicity, care for human beings in need, inexhaustible energy – one could not believe that one single man could have it, diligence, and above all piety, humility, charity. He prayed and he fasted a lot, he loved Our Lady with a childlike love. It was, in fact, the essence of his life: through prayer and fasting to take souls to God through Mary - the Queen of Peace.
It seemed sometimes above the reality to live near him – he was here, in the world, but at the same time so much out of the world. In his presence, the words of Jesus from his high priestly prayer became reality: "They do not belong to the world, as I myself do not belong to the world. Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth. As you have sent me into the world, I sent them into the world. I sanctify myself for them, in order that they may be sanctified by the truth…" (Jn 17,16-19)
The burial will be at the cemetery in Medjugorje "Kovacica", on Sunday, November 26, 2000, after the mass in the church of St James at 2 p.m.
Medjugorje, November 25, 2000 Marija Dugandzic
*Message of our Lady of November 25, 2000."Dear children! Today when Heaven is near to you in a special way, I call you to prayer so that through prayer you place God in the first place. Little children, today I am near you and I bless each of you with my motherly blessing so that you have the strength and love for all the people you meet in your earthly life and that you can give God’s love.
I rejoice with you and I desire to tell you that your brother Slavko has been born into Heaven and intercedes for you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Bishop Tobin disappointed in Rep. Kennedy for going public in Communion decision.

Providence, Rhode Island, Nov 22, 2009 - 04:47 pm (CNA).
In a strong response to Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s public revelation that he has been banned from Communion for his stand on abortion, the Bishop of Rhode Island, Thomas Tobin, expressed his “disappointment” and “surprise” at Kennedy’s decision to make public a matter that was private and aimed at his spiritual well-being.
In an interview published on Sunday by the Providence Journal, Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-Rhode Island), son of the late Edward Kennedy, said that “the bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion.”
Kennedy also said that Bishop Tobin allegedly explained the penalty by telling him “that I am not a good practicing Catholic because of the positions that I’ve taken as a public official.”
The congressman declined to say whether he has obeyed the Bishop’s request.
Later in the day, Bishop Tobin issued a statement clarifying the terms of his decision.
“I am disappointed and really surprised that Congressman Patrick Kennedy has chosen to reopen the public discussion about his practice of the faith and his reception of Holy Communion. This comes almost two weeks after the Congressman indicated to local media that he would no longer comment publicly on his faith or his relationship with the Catholic Church,” Bishop Tobin writes.
Bishop Tobin said that on February 21, 2007, he wrote to Congressman Kennedy stating that “in light of the Church's clear teaching, and your consistent actions, therefore, I believe it is inappropriate for you to be receiving Holy Communion and I now ask respectfully that you refrain from doing so.
“My request came in light of the new statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that said, ‘If a Catholic in his or her personal or professional life were knowingly and obstinately to repudiate her definite teachings on moral issues, he or she would seriously diminish his or her communion with the Church. Reception of Holy Communion in such a situation would not accord with the nature of the Eucharistic celebration, so that he or she should refrain.’”
In the same letter, Bishop Tobin wrote to Congressman Kennedy: "I am writing to you personally and confidentially as a pastor addressing a member of his flock . . . At the present time I have no need or intention to make this a public issue.”
On February 28, 2007, the Congressman responded to the Bishop sating: “I have the utmost respect for the work you do on behalf of the Catholic community in Rhode Island… I understand your pastoral advice was confidential in nature and given with the best intentions for my personal spiritual welfare.”
“I am disappointed that the Congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being,” the bishop writes in his Sunday statement.
Bishop Tobin explains that he has “no desire” to discuss Congressman Kennedy's spiritual life in public.
“At the same time, I will absolutely respond publicly and strongly whenever he attacks the Catholic Church, misrepresents the teachings of the Church, or issues inaccurate statements about my pastoral ministry. It should be absolutely clear the Congressman himself has once again chosen to make this discussion a matter of public record. In the meantime, I will continue to pray - sincerely and fervently - for his conversion and repentance, and for his personal and spiritual well-being. I wish him well.”
In a strong response to Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s public revelation that he has been banned from Communion for his stand on abortion, the Bishop of Rhode Island, Thomas Tobin, expressed his “disappointment” and “surprise” at Kennedy’s decision to make public a matter that was private and aimed at his spiritual well-being.
In an interview published on Sunday by the Providence Journal, Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-Rhode Island), son of the late Edward Kennedy, said that “the bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion.”
Kennedy also said that Bishop Tobin allegedly explained the penalty by telling him “that I am not a good practicing Catholic because of the positions that I’ve taken as a public official.”
The congressman declined to say whether he has obeyed the Bishop’s request.
Later in the day, Bishop Tobin issued a statement clarifying the terms of his decision.
“I am disappointed and really surprised that Congressman Patrick Kennedy has chosen to reopen the public discussion about his practice of the faith and his reception of Holy Communion. This comes almost two weeks after the Congressman indicated to local media that he would no longer comment publicly on his faith or his relationship with the Catholic Church,” Bishop Tobin writes.
Bishop Tobin said that on February 21, 2007, he wrote to Congressman Kennedy stating that “in light of the Church's clear teaching, and your consistent actions, therefore, I believe it is inappropriate for you to be receiving Holy Communion and I now ask respectfully that you refrain from doing so.
“My request came in light of the new statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that said, ‘If a Catholic in his or her personal or professional life were knowingly and obstinately to repudiate her definite teachings on moral issues, he or she would seriously diminish his or her communion with the Church. Reception of Holy Communion in such a situation would not accord with the nature of the Eucharistic celebration, so that he or she should refrain.’”
In the same letter, Bishop Tobin wrote to Congressman Kennedy: "I am writing to you personally and confidentially as a pastor addressing a member of his flock . . . At the present time I have no need or intention to make this a public issue.”
On February 28, 2007, the Congressman responded to the Bishop sating: “I have the utmost respect for the work you do on behalf of the Catholic community in Rhode Island… I understand your pastoral advice was confidential in nature and given with the best intentions for my personal spiritual welfare.”
“I am disappointed that the Congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being,” the bishop writes in his Sunday statement.
Bishop Tobin explains that he has “no desire” to discuss Congressman Kennedy's spiritual life in public.
“At the same time, I will absolutely respond publicly and strongly whenever he attacks the Catholic Church, misrepresents the teachings of the Church, or issues inaccurate statements about my pastoral ministry. It should be absolutely clear the Congressman himself has once again chosen to make this discussion a matter of public record. In the meantime, I will continue to pray - sincerely and fervently - for his conversion and repentance, and for his personal and spiritual well-being. I wish him well.”
Bishop Tobin asked Rep. Patrick Kennedy to stop receiving Communion in a 2007 letter.

EAST PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island — The Roman Catholic bishop of Rhode Island said Sunday that he asked Rep. Patrick Kennedy in a 2007 letter to stop receiving Communion, the central sacrament of the church, because of the congressman's public stance on moral issues.
Bishop Thomas Tobin divulged details of his confidential exchange with Kennedy after the Democratic lawmaker told The Providence Journal in a story published Sunday that Tobin had instructed him not to receive Communion. The two men have clashed repeatedly in the past few weeks over abortion.
Kennedy did not say where or how he received those instructions. He declined to say whether he has obeyed the bishop's request.
"The bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion," Kennedy told the paper in an interview conducted Friday.
Kennedy said the bishop had explained the penalty by telling him "that I am not a good practicing Catholic because of the positions that I've taken as a public official," particularly on abortion.
The outspoken prelate and Kennedy, a son of the nation's most famous Roman Catholic family, have feuded since Kennedy in an interview last month criticized Roman Catholic church leaders for threatening to oppose an overhaul of the nation's health care system unless it included tighter restrictions on abortion.
Kennedy voted against an amendment tightening abortion restrictions that was sought by the bishops. But he voted in favor of a health care plan that included the amendment he opposed.
Tobin urged Kennedy not to receive communion in a February 2007 letter, a portion of which was released publicly by Tobin's office Sunday.
"In light of the Church's clear teaching, and your consistent actions, therefore, I believe it is inappropriate for you to be receiving Holy Communion and I now ask respectfully that you refrain from doing so," Tobin wrote.
It was not immediately clear whether Tobin and Kennedy spoke further about the request. Kennedy spokeswoman Kerrie Bennett did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment on the letter.
Tobin, the spiritual leader of the nation's most heavily Roman Catholic state, demanded an apology from Kennedy after the congressman criticized church leaders who opposed universal health care unless the plans included more restrictions on abortions. He also requested a meeting with Kennedy.
"While I greatly respect the Catholic Church and its leaders, like many Rhode Islanders, the fact that I disagree with the hierarchy of the church on some issues does not make me any less of a Catholic," Kennedy wrote in a letter to Tobin, agreeing to a sitdown. "I embrace my faith which acknowledges the existence of an imperfect humanity."
Their meeting fell apart. While Tobin called it a mutual decision, Kennedy accused Tobin of failing to abide by an agreement to stop discussing the congressman's faith publicly.
Tobin followed up with a biting public letter published in a diocesan newspaper.
"Sorry, you can't chalk it up to an 'imperfect humanity.' Your position is unacceptable to the Church and scandalous to many of our members. It absolutely diminishes your Communion with the Church," Tobin wrote.
Susan Gibbs, a spokeswoman for Washington Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl said officials with the archdiocese didn't know whether Kennedy attends Mass in the nation's capital. Anyone who does not believe in core Catholic teachings would be asked not to come forward for Communion, she said. Church leaders continue teaching and counseling those individuals, Gibbs said.
As for Kennedy, Gibbs said "we have not barred anyone from receiving Communion.
"We don't know of his worship habits," she said. "Most legislators return home on the weekends."
Associated Press Writer Brett Zongker contributed to this report from Washington.
Medjugorje Video: You're the Way
Watch for the blacklash of Cardinal Schonborn visit to Medjugorje.

Bluecross-Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:00 pm Post subject: Watch for the backlash...
I see that the visit of Cardinal Schonborn, now officially confirmed by his personal secretary, has caught opponents of Medjugorje on the back foot.
Their disbelief and anger has now turned against cardinal Schonborn and there is some very negative reporting against him starting to appear in the media.
I suppose it was to be expected. Fear of any sort of recognition by the Church for Medjugorje will turn into anger by many opponents. I’m sure there will be a barrage of heat turned up on Medjugorje over the next few weeks in an effort to combat any good news that may be forthcoming from the cardinal’s visit, even though it is a private occasion.
So don’t be surprised if all the old arguments and nastiness comes to the surface again and the visionaries and priests connected with Medjugorje come under fire.
The boat will be well and truly rocked as the storms blow against it. But rest assured that Jesus is in the boat. Our faith in Medjugorje will be tested. Of that I have no doubt.
Fair play to the cardinal for not letting opponents deter his visit.
I see Benedict hasn’t pulled rank and tried to stop him from visiting Medjugorje. How could he? Didn’t he also visit on two occasions when he was cardinal? I also know of another well-respected cardinal who was in Medjugorje on a private visit a year or so ago.
I see that the visit of Cardinal Schonborn, now officially confirmed by his personal secretary, has caught opponents of Medjugorje on the back foot.
Their disbelief and anger has now turned against cardinal Schonborn and there is some very negative reporting against him starting to appear in the media.
I suppose it was to be expected. Fear of any sort of recognition by the Church for Medjugorje will turn into anger by many opponents. I’m sure there will be a barrage of heat turned up on Medjugorje over the next few weeks in an effort to combat any good news that may be forthcoming from the cardinal’s visit, even though it is a private occasion.
So don’t be surprised if all the old arguments and nastiness comes to the surface again and the visionaries and priests connected with Medjugorje come under fire.
The boat will be well and truly rocked as the storms blow against it. But rest assured that Jesus is in the boat. Our faith in Medjugorje will be tested. Of that I have no doubt.
Fair play to the cardinal for not letting opponents deter his visit.
I see Benedict hasn’t pulled rank and tried to stop him from visiting Medjugorje. How could he? Didn’t he also visit on two occasions when he was cardinal? I also know of another well-respected cardinal who was in Medjugorje on a private visit a year or so ago.
*It is useful to be reminded that Our Lady is fully aware of satan’s plans against Medjugorje. She has warned in several of her messages of the evil one’s intentions. These days Satan wants to frustrate my plans. Pray that his plan not be realized.... These days you have been experiencing how Satan is working.... Pray, because Satan wishes to complicate my plans still further...
Dear children! This Christmas Satan wanted in a special way to spoil God's plans. You, dear children, have discerned Satan even on Christmas day itself. But God is winning in all your hearts. So let your hearts keep on being happy. Thank you for having responded to my call.
(December 12, 1984) My dear children! Satan is so strong and with all his might wants to disturb my plans which I have begun with you. You pray, just pray and don't stop for a minute! I will pray to my Son for the realization of all the plans I have begun. Be patient and constant in your prayers. And don't let Satan discourage you. He is working hard in the world. Be on your guard!
(January 14, 1984) These days Satan is working underhandedly against this parish... Satan wants to work still more fiercely to take away your joy from each one of you.... Dear children! These days Satan is manifesting himself in a special way in this parish. Pray, dear children, that God's plan is brought into effect and that every work of Satan ends up for the glory of God. I have stayed with you this long so I might help you along in your trials. Thank you for having responded to my call. (February 7, 1985)
*It is useful to be reminded that Our Lady is fully aware of satan’s plans against Medjugorje. She has warned in several of her messages of the evil one’s intentions. These days Satan wants to frustrate my plans. Pray that his plan not be realized.... These days you have been experiencing how Satan is working.... Pray, because Satan wishes to complicate my plans still further...
Dear children! This Christmas Satan wanted in a special way to spoil God's plans. You, dear children, have discerned Satan even on Christmas day itself. But God is winning in all your hearts. So let your hearts keep on being happy. Thank you for having responded to my call.
(December 12, 1984) My dear children! Satan is so strong and with all his might wants to disturb my plans which I have begun with you. You pray, just pray and don't stop for a minute! I will pray to my Son for the realization of all the plans I have begun. Be patient and constant in your prayers. And don't let Satan discourage you. He is working hard in the world. Be on your guard!
(January 14, 1984) These days Satan is working underhandedly against this parish... Satan wants to work still more fiercely to take away your joy from each one of you.... Dear children! These days Satan is manifesting himself in a special way in this parish. Pray, dear children, that God's plan is brought into effect and that every work of Satan ends up for the glory of God. I have stayed with you this long so I might help you along in your trials. Thank you for having responded to my call. (February 7, 1985)
I invite you to call on everyone to pray the Rosary. With the rosary you shall overcome all the adversities which Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church. All you priests, pray the Rosary! Dedicate your time to the Rosary! (June 25, 1985)
I am with you and I am protecting you even though Satan wishes to destroy my plans and to hinder the desires which the Heavenly Father wants to realize here... Today also I invite you to prayer, now as never before when my plan has begun to be realized.
I invite you to call on everyone to pray the Rosary. With the rosary you shall overcome all the adversities which Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church. All you priests, pray the Rosary! Dedicate your time to the Rosary! (June 25, 1985)
I am with you and I am protecting you even though Satan wishes to destroy my plans and to hinder the desires which the Heavenly Father wants to realize here... Today also I invite you to prayer, now as never before when my plan has begun to be realized.
Satan is strong and wants to sweep away plans of peace and joy and make you think that my Son is not strong in his decisions... Today again I would like to say to you that I am with you also in these troubled days during which Satan wishes to destroy all that my Son Jesus and I are building.... Pray, little children, in a special way, because Satan is strong and wants to destroy hope in your heart. I bless you... _________________ source-Medjugorje forum
A Special Grocery List

Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food.
John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store at once. Visualizing the family needs, she said: 'Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can.
John told her he could not give her credit, since she did not have a charge account at his store. Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocer that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family. The grocer said in a very reluctant voice, 'Do you have a grocery list?
'Louise replied, 'Yes sir O.K.' he said, 'put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries.
Louise hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed.
The eyes of the grocer and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down. The grocer, staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, 'I can't believe it. The customer smiled and the grocer started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more.
The grocer stood there in utter disgust. Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scalesand looked at it with greater amazement. It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer, which said: 'Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands. The grocer gave her the groceries that he had gathered and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The other customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to the grocer and said; 'It was worth every penny of it.
Only God Knows how much a prayer weighs.' THE POWER: When you receive this, say a prayer. That's all you have to do. Just stop right now, and say a prayer of thanks for your own good fortune.
Medjugorje: Good News Cardinal Schonborn to visit Medjugorje

Cardinal Schonborn is to visit Medjugorje from December 8 (feast of the Immaculate Conception) to January 4.
What an incredible newsflash!! Cardinal Schonborn will be in Medjugorje for such a long time....and will be there for Christmas and to enter the New Year! Allelujia! I am sure much more news will follow :)
Ljubav i mir!
What an incredible newsflash!! Cardinal Schonborn will be in Medjugorje for such a long time....and will be there for Christmas and to enter the New Year! Allelujia! I am sure much more news will follow :)
Ljubav i mir!
Archbishop of Vienna to visit Medjugorje--BREAKING NEWS-- 11/11/2009 Fr. Neil Buchlein
I just received an e-mail this morning from one of my friends who lives in Medjugorje and helps with the coordination of the music for the English speaking masses and lives there year round that Cardinal Schonborn will be visiting Medjugorje from December 8th through January 4th. No doubt this is very good news and the Cardinal has been a very strong supporter of Medjugorje since the late 1980s
He told Cardinal Ratizinger in 1989, "if Medjugorje were closed, he would also have to close the Seminary in Vienna, because the majority of those candidates had received their call to the priesthood through Medjugorje. To this, Cardinal Ratzinger replied: 'Closing Medjugorje is not even a question!'"
In 1998 he said, "I believe that the words of Mary at Cana: “Do whatever He tells you,” make up the substance of what s he says throughout the centuries. Mary helps us to hear Jesus and she desires with her whole heart and with all her strength that we do what He tells us. This is what I wish for all the communities of prayer which were formed from Medjugorje; this is what I wish for our diocese and for the Church. ...
Personally, I have not been to Medjugorjre, but in a certain way I have been there many times through the people I have met and the people I know. And in their lives I am seeing good fruit. I would be lying, if I said this fruit did not exist. This fruit is concrete and visible and I can see in our diocese and in many other places graces of conversion, graces of a supernatural life of faith, graces of joy, graces of vocations, of healings, of people returning to the Sacraments - to confession. All this is not misleading. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, as a Bishop, I can only see the fruit. If we had to judge the tree by it’s fruit, like Jesus, I must say that the tree is fruitful!"Will Cardinal Schonborn also pay a visit to the Bishop of Mostar? We can certainly hope and pray that he does! source:
The Austrian cardinal recently met with the Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti when she visited and gave witness at St Stephen’s cathedral in Vienna last month. Later in September Cardinal Schonborn spoke positively about Medjugorje at a retreat for priests in Ars, France, saying that in Medjugorje priests are overwhelmed by their experience of Confession.
Posted by pilgrim at 7:00 PM
Posted by pilgrim at 7:00 PM
Dear Family of Mary

November 9, 2009The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
Dear Family of Mary!
"Today I invite you to offer your crosses and sufferings for my intentions --- Little children, offer your sufferings as a gift to God so that they may become a most beautiful flower of joy. Therefore, little children, pray that you may understand that suffering can become joy, and the cross a way of joy." (September 25, 1996)
Last night Denis received an unexpected phone call from Mary Jo Chenevert. Mary Jo loves Our Lady of Medjugorje. She has made several trips to Medjugorje. She had an beautiful experience with Pope John Paul II in 1993. She went to Rome with a group that was scheduled to meet with him, but the Holy Father broke his collar bone and the meetings were cancelled. Mary Jo felt that the Lord wanted her to meet the Holy Father and talk to him about Medjugorje and so she held out hope. Finally, just before leaving Rome, her group was admitted to a meeting with the Pope.Mary Joe said that Pope John Paul II was suffering from his injury, but that he greeted everyone. When he greeted her, he traced the Sign of the Cross on her forehead. She was very moved, and forgot to say anything about Medjugorje, but as he walked away she held out some Rosaries that she had brought from Medjugorje to give to him. She blurted out, "They are from Medjugorje!" The Holy Father turned around smiling, and came back to her and said, "Do everything you can to protect Medjugorje!" Mary Joe answered, "But, most Holy Father, I am only one person!" He answered, "Pray for the protection of Medjugorje!" As he walked on, he kissed the Rosaries. (Mary Jo's witness appears in Medjugorje and the Church, by Sr. Emmanuel and Denis Nolan, 1995, paraphrased here.) "Do everything you can to protect Medjugorje!" These words have since taken on a new meaning for Mary Jo. She has fallen very ill. She can no longer travel to Medjugorje, or even go to daily Mass. She is suffering. But she told Denis that she is offering up her suffering for Medjugorje. She is acting as a human shield for Medjugorje in the spiritual battle that is raging in the heavens. Indeed, one person can do a great deal in spiritual warfare, because we can offer our sufferings for the sake of souls, and win much ground for God's plan. Medjugorje is God's plan for the salvation of the world in these days. Medjugorje is renewing the Church, drawing her children back to the faith by the millions. The enemy is enraged against Medjugorje. Our Lady needs prayer warriors like Mary Jo who will pray for her intentions in Medjugorje. It is critical at this time that we respond to Our Lady's call. Let's pray for Mary Jo, that she can persevere in her intercession, and that the Lord will heal her. Thank you, Mary Jo, for your response to Our Lady's call. You teach us a great deal by your witness. Maybe Our Holy Father is speaking to all of us now, "Pray for the protection of Medjugorje!"
In Jesus and Mary!Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
Dear Family of Mary!
"Today I invite you to offer your crosses and sufferings for my intentions --- Little children, offer your sufferings as a gift to God so that they may become a most beautiful flower of joy. Therefore, little children, pray that you may understand that suffering can become joy, and the cross a way of joy." (September 25, 1996)
Last night Denis received an unexpected phone call from Mary Jo Chenevert. Mary Jo loves Our Lady of Medjugorje. She has made several trips to Medjugorje. She had an beautiful experience with Pope John Paul II in 1993. She went to Rome with a group that was scheduled to meet with him, but the Holy Father broke his collar bone and the meetings were cancelled. Mary Jo felt that the Lord wanted her to meet the Holy Father and talk to him about Medjugorje and so she held out hope. Finally, just before leaving Rome, her group was admitted to a meeting with the Pope.Mary Joe said that Pope John Paul II was suffering from his injury, but that he greeted everyone. When he greeted her, he traced the Sign of the Cross on her forehead. She was very moved, and forgot to say anything about Medjugorje, but as he walked away she held out some Rosaries that she had brought from Medjugorje to give to him. She blurted out, "They are from Medjugorje!" The Holy Father turned around smiling, and came back to her and said, "Do everything you can to protect Medjugorje!" Mary Joe answered, "But, most Holy Father, I am only one person!" He answered, "Pray for the protection of Medjugorje!" As he walked on, he kissed the Rosaries. (Mary Jo's witness appears in Medjugorje and the Church, by Sr. Emmanuel and Denis Nolan, 1995, paraphrased here.) "Do everything you can to protect Medjugorje!" These words have since taken on a new meaning for Mary Jo. She has fallen very ill. She can no longer travel to Medjugorje, or even go to daily Mass. She is suffering. But she told Denis that she is offering up her suffering for Medjugorje. She is acting as a human shield for Medjugorje in the spiritual battle that is raging in the heavens. Indeed, one person can do a great deal in spiritual warfare, because we can offer our sufferings for the sake of souls, and win much ground for God's plan. Medjugorje is God's plan for the salvation of the world in these days. Medjugorje is renewing the Church, drawing her children back to the faith by the millions. The enemy is enraged against Medjugorje. Our Lady needs prayer warriors like Mary Jo who will pray for her intentions in Medjugorje. It is critical at this time that we respond to Our Lady's call. Let's pray for Mary Jo, that she can persevere in her intercession, and that the Lord will heal her. Thank you, Mary Jo, for your response to Our Lady's call. You teach us a great deal by your witness. Maybe Our Holy Father is speaking to all of us now, "Pray for the protection of Medjugorje!"
In Jesus and Mary!Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
Medjugorje: Cross in the Sky

Just moments after Mirjana’s apparition of Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje on November 2, 2009 at the Blue Cross, the thousands of pilgrims present looked up to see this cross directly above Cross Mountain. Many of the pilgrims were touched, seeing this as a sign from God, directly after hearing Our Lady’s words calling us back to God the Father.
Reflection on Mirjana's October Message

Reflection on Mirjana’s October Message
By Fr. Neil Buchlein
Greetings! I hope that you have "caught your breath" by now after saying, "WOW! That is quite a message!" At the same time it could also "lull us" into a false complacency of how well we are doing. We may be on the other side of saying, “This is for non-believers, but that is not me!” Let's take a look at what Mirjana means when she says that she prays for non-believers. Here is what she has said in the past: “Our Lady prays together with me for the non-believers, though She says: `For those who have not yet known God's love.’ For this intention, Mary asks for the help of us all, or those who look at Her as Mother, because She says we can change the non-believers through our prayer and example. In these difficult times, Mary desires that we pray especially for them, because all the ugly things that happen (wars, homicide, suicide, divorce, abortion, drugs) are caused by the non-believers. That is why She repeats: ‘When you pray for them, you are praying also for yourselves and for your future.' On my part, I urge you to take this seriously. If only you could see just once the tears that run down Our Lady's face when She speaks of the non-believers, I'm sure you'd pray with all your heart. Mary says that this is time for deciding, thus, we who say we believe in God have a great responsibility when we know that our prayers and sacrifices dry the tears from Our Lady's face."
I'm going to "stretch the envelope" a little, and ask those of us who are sleeping or reading these messages with closed minds and hearts, "When we are not living the messages, then who do you think we are?" "We are non-believers!" We are certainly not going to win over those who say they are non-believers when we are providing a poor example and not living faithfully. Are we really using the Five Stones [prayer, Eucharist, Confession, Bible reading, fasting] to our advantage?
Take a look once again at the message: "Dear Children, As I look at you, my heart seizes with pain.” She is hurting as any mother would for her children who are wondering off. Her heart is in pain because of Her unconditional, merciful love for us. She will, as our Heavenly Mother, NEVER give up on us, but She will soon stop reminding us monthly, when Her Son tells Her that She will no longer appear to the visionaries.
Humanity is addicted to sin, and we are on the fast track to destruction. How quick we are to defend ourselves even when we are doing wrong. What a horrible and no-good priest am I when I question a person who does not attend Sunday Mass on a weekly basis! Gee, I thought that I was called and ordained (a Sacrament in the Church) to be a shepherd and lead them from going astray.
We live so fast, and have so much at our "beck and call" that many look to try to "fit God into their lives," rather than having Him as the center. We can justify anything today, even without thinking long and hard about it. This attitude is extremely prevalent in the world today. Gee, do you really think we want to humble ourselves and "Kneel down beneath the Cross and look at my Son." This message is not about "doom and gloom" but certainly a "Wake Up Call" and tell us that we are NOT doing what we need to do. Don't say, "Oh, Fr. Neil, but I am trying." Don't try, but DO IT.
Time is running out very quickly, and one day soon we will no longer have these Messages of Love. Our Mother does not want us to lose the race, but live with Her Son forever. BUT will we be responsible, or come up with some ridiculous or "worldly justifiable excuse" that "everyone is doing it"?
This is not an easy life, and once you know of the Messages, there are many obstacles that are thrown in our way. It takes courage, perseverance, and love. Doing what we need to do may even cause us heartache, and to become unpopular. I know priests (and I am one of them. . .imagine that!) who have lost "friends" because they spoke the Truth, but the friend(s) did not want to hear it. So the priest licks his wounds, cries out to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and hears the words, "Thank You for being a priest and teaching the Truth." The Truth may not make me popular, but it will get me into Heaven. Isn't that where you want to be?
The clock is in motion. Do an inventory of your soul. Get to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and make the necessary changes that you need to make. Mother is waiting!
Editor’s note: Fr. Neil lives in Hurricane, WV. He has just launched a website Article from
Greetings! I hope that you have "caught your breath" by now after saying, "WOW! That is quite a message!" At the same time it could also "lull us" into a false complacency of how well we are doing. We may be on the other side of saying, “This is for non-believers, but that is not me!” Let's take a look at what Mirjana means when she says that she prays for non-believers. Here is what she has said in the past: “Our Lady prays together with me for the non-believers, though She says: `For those who have not yet known God's love.’ For this intention, Mary asks for the help of us all, or those who look at Her as Mother, because She says we can change the non-believers through our prayer and example. In these difficult times, Mary desires that we pray especially for them, because all the ugly things that happen (wars, homicide, suicide, divorce, abortion, drugs) are caused by the non-believers. That is why She repeats: ‘When you pray for them, you are praying also for yourselves and for your future.' On my part, I urge you to take this seriously. If only you could see just once the tears that run down Our Lady's face when She speaks of the non-believers, I'm sure you'd pray with all your heart. Mary says that this is time for deciding, thus, we who say we believe in God have a great responsibility when we know that our prayers and sacrifices dry the tears from Our Lady's face."
I'm going to "stretch the envelope" a little, and ask those of us who are sleeping or reading these messages with closed minds and hearts, "When we are not living the messages, then who do you think we are?" "We are non-believers!" We are certainly not going to win over those who say they are non-believers when we are providing a poor example and not living faithfully. Are we really using the Five Stones [prayer, Eucharist, Confession, Bible reading, fasting] to our advantage?
Take a look once again at the message: "Dear Children, As I look at you, my heart seizes with pain.” She is hurting as any mother would for her children who are wondering off. Her heart is in pain because of Her unconditional, merciful love for us. She will, as our Heavenly Mother, NEVER give up on us, but She will soon stop reminding us monthly, when Her Son tells Her that She will no longer appear to the visionaries.
Humanity is addicted to sin, and we are on the fast track to destruction. How quick we are to defend ourselves even when we are doing wrong. What a horrible and no-good priest am I when I question a person who does not attend Sunday Mass on a weekly basis! Gee, I thought that I was called and ordained (a Sacrament in the Church) to be a shepherd and lead them from going astray.
We live so fast, and have so much at our "beck and call" that many look to try to "fit God into their lives," rather than having Him as the center. We can justify anything today, even without thinking long and hard about it. This attitude is extremely prevalent in the world today. Gee, do you really think we want to humble ourselves and "Kneel down beneath the Cross and look at my Son." This message is not about "doom and gloom" but certainly a "Wake Up Call" and tell us that we are NOT doing what we need to do. Don't say, "Oh, Fr. Neil, but I am trying." Don't try, but DO IT.
Time is running out very quickly, and one day soon we will no longer have these Messages of Love. Our Mother does not want us to lose the race, but live with Her Son forever. BUT will we be responsible, or come up with some ridiculous or "worldly justifiable excuse" that "everyone is doing it"?
This is not an easy life, and once you know of the Messages, there are many obstacles that are thrown in our way. It takes courage, perseverance, and love. Doing what we need to do may even cause us heartache, and to become unpopular. I know priests (and I am one of them. . .imagine that!) who have lost "friends" because they spoke the Truth, but the friend(s) did not want to hear it. So the priest licks his wounds, cries out to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and hears the words, "Thank You for being a priest and teaching the Truth." The Truth may not make me popular, but it will get me into Heaven. Isn't that where you want to be?
The clock is in motion. Do an inventory of your soul. Get to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and make the necessary changes that you need to make. Mother is waiting!
Editor’s note: Fr. Neil lives in Hurricane, WV. He has just launched a website Article from
Living in the Spirit

We have gifts that differ according to the favor bestowed on each of us." —Romans 12:6
Doctors recommend regular physical exercise to keep our bodies in shape. Physical therapists recommend specific exercises to enable an injured body part to work normally. Musicians practice exercises on their instruments to develop "muscle-memory." Thereby musicians hone their physical talents to the point of being automatic, making them free to enter into the spirit of the composition.
In an even greater way, Doctor Jesus commands us to exercise the gifts of the Spirit He has given us (see Rm 12:6. By exercising our spiritual gifts, the body of Christ becomes more vigorous. Each spiritual gift helps to heal the wounded parts of Christ's body when exercised properly (1 Cor 12:9). By exercising our spiritual gifts regularly, we become so "in tune" with the Spirit that we develop "Spirit-memory." We are more quickly able to recognize the movements of the Holy Spirit, even to the point that we become "co-workers" with the Spirit (1 Cor 3:9).The risen Jesus has given us the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:8, 10). Now we have a choice. Will we exercise these gifts or make excuses for not using them? Holy Spirit, "I will not treat God's gracious gift as pointless" (Gal 2:21). Fill me up and use me up.
We have gifts that differ according to the favor bestowed on each of us." —Romans 12:6
Doctors recommend regular physical exercise to keep our bodies in shape. Physical therapists recommend specific exercises to enable an injured body part to work normally. Musicians practice exercises on their instruments to develop "muscle-memory." Thereby musicians hone their physical talents to the point of being automatic, making them free to enter into the spirit of the composition.
In an even greater way, Doctor Jesus commands us to exercise the gifts of the Spirit He has given us (see Rm 12:6. By exercising our spiritual gifts, the body of Christ becomes more vigorous. Each spiritual gift helps to heal the wounded parts of Christ's body when exercised properly (1 Cor 12:9). By exercising our spiritual gifts regularly, we become so "in tune" with the Spirit that we develop "Spirit-memory." We are more quickly able to recognize the movements of the Holy Spirit, even to the point that we become "co-workers" with the Spirit (1 Cor 3:9).The risen Jesus has given us the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:8, 10). Now we have a choice. Will we exercise these gifts or make excuses for not using them? Holy Spirit, "I will not treat God's gracious gift as pointless" (Gal 2:21). Fill me up and use me up.
Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Mirjana of November 2, 2009

Dear children,
Also today I am among you to point you to the way that will help you to come to know God’s love, the love of God who permitted you to call him Father and to perceive him as Father.
I ask of you to sincerely look into your hearts and to see how much you love him. Is he the last to be loved? Surrounded by material goods, how many times have you betrayed, denied and forgotten him?
My children, do not deceive yourselves with worldly goods. Think of your soul because it is more important than the body; cleanse it. Invoke the Father, he is waiting for you. Come back to him. I am with you because he, in his mercy, sends me. Thank you. November 2, 2009
Breaking News, The Vatican's Apostolic Nuncio of Austria was in Medjujgorje this week.

Austria's Papal Nuncio in Medjuorje ***BREAKING NEWS*** 10/30/2009
The Vatican’s Apostolic Nuncio of Austria was in Medjugorje this week for four days with a large group of Austrian pilgrims estimated at more than 1,000.
The Vatican’s Apostolic Nuncio of Austria was in Medjugorje this week for four days with a large group of Austrian pilgrims estimated at more than 1,000.
Last Sunday, Archbishop Stephan Zurbriggen told the congregation at the English-speaking Mass that his benediction carried with it a special papal indulgence (with the usual conditions attached) for all those able to attend the Masses at which he was the Celebrant while he was in Medjugorje. Peace and Blessings.
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