"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." -Luke 4:18
Father Al Lauer, founder of One Bread, One Body, considered Luke 4:18 to be his personal mission statement. As he prepared for his ordination to the priesthood, he chose this Scripture verse as his theme. The passage was quoted on his funeral Mass card. Fr. Al was on fire with the Holy Spirit and operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit throughout his priesthood.
Jesus said: "I have come to light a fire on the earth. How I wish the blaze were ignited!" (Lk 12:49) Jesus came to baptize you with the Holy Spirit (Mk 1:8). On Easter, He told His disciples, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (Jn 20:22). After Jesus ascended, the gifts of the Spirit were poured out on us all (Eph 4:11; Acts 2:17) and the Church was born.
At Baptism, you received "the power to live and act under the prompting of the Holy Spirit through the gifts of the Holy Spirit" (Catechism, 1266; see also Mk 1:8). Yet the world, the devil, and our flesh constantly fight against the Holy Spirit for control of our lives (Gal 5:17). Therefore, "I remind you to stir into flame" the Holy Spirit in your lives (2 Tm 1:6-7).
Fr. Al once told me: "The more I say 'No' to myself, the more I say 'Yes' to the Holy Spirit." In that spirit, repent immediately of all sin. Deny yourself and take up your daily cross (Lk 9:23). Be on fire with the Holy Spirit, living so as to never stifle or sadden the Spirit (1 Thes 5:19; Eph 4:30). "Since we live by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit's lead" (Gal 5:25).
Archbishop George Pearce, friend of Medjugorje Dies
The Most Reverend George H. Pearce, S.M., D.D., Retired Bishop in
Residence, Diocese of Providence, RI, Archbishop Emeritus of Suva, died
on Sunday, August 30, 2015. May he rest in God's peace.
Msgr. George Hamilton Pearce, retired archbishop of the Fiji Islands, came with a group of American pilgrims on a private visit to Medjugorje at the end of September / beginning of October 2002. He has already been in Medjugorje in the eighties and in the nineties: he believes in the apparitions and in the authenticity of Our Lady’s messages. Msgr. Pearce is a religious, member of the Congregation of Marist Fathers. Since retiring from active Episcopal service, he lives and serves in the Archdiocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA, where - in the cathedral - he leads a Marian prayer group. Fr. Mario Knezovic spoke with him.
Msgr. George Hamilton Pearce, retired archbishop of the Fiji Islands, came with a group of American pilgrims on a private visit to Medjugorje at the end of September / beginning of October 2002. He has already been in Medjugorje in the eighties and in the nineties: he believes in the apparitions and in the authenticity of Our Lady’s messages. Msgr. Pearce is a religious, member of the Congregation of Marist Fathers. Since retiring from active Episcopal service, he lives and serves in the Archdiocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA, where - in the cathedral - he leads a Marian prayer group. Fr. Mario Knezovic spoke with him.
Father Archbishop, when someone mentions the word “Medjugorje”, what do you think about and what do you say about this place?
I have no doubt about its authenticity. I have been here three times already and I say to any priest who asks about it: just go and sit in the confessional, and you will see miracle after miracle after miracle… through Mary’s intercession and the power of God. We were told: “By their fruits you will know them”. Certainly, the heart and soul of the Medjugorje message is the Eucharist and the sacrament of the reconciliation.
Father Archbishop, the Church still examines the events of Medjugorje. What is your personal position? Do you believe in the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in this place and in the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary generally?
I have no doubts whatsoever. This is the work of God. As I said: you cannot but believe when you spend a little time in the confessional. Signs and wonders are merciful gifts of God too, but this is the greatest of all miracles for a priest to see the people around the altar of the Lord. I have been in several shrines, I have spent quite a bit of time in Guadalupe, I have been about eight times at Fatima, and also in Lourdes, it’s the same Mary, the same message, but here at Medjugorje this is the “now” word of Our Lady for the world. There is so much anguish and suffering. Our Lady has been with us all the way through, and in a special way in Medjugorje.
Do you know that, in the world, there are several thousands of prayer groups inspired by Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje? There are more than a thousand groups in your country, the USA… How much is this a sign that the Church recognises God’s words in the words of Our Lady?
We had many humorous remarks from the Pope John Paul II. Somebody asked him why he had not been to Medjugorje yet, and he answered: “It has not been approved yet!” Mirjana told us this morning that he told her that, if he were not Pope, he would have been to Medjugorje long ago!
We have a little group in the Cathedral in Providence, where I am. They call it “Little St. James”. They meet every evening; they have exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, benediction and Holy Mass.
We see that there is much tension in the world. America has felt the violence of the terrorism. How much America today can listen to the message of Peace and work on a just peace in the whole world?
I think that we have not got the message yet. There was a great turn to the Lord right after September 11th, but we need more then that, I think, before that country really turns to the Lord. So we just pray for that day, we hope we will turn to the Lord before we have to learn too many lessons, but this is also an act of the mercy of God. Everything is an act of the mercy of God. We know very well that God in his merciful love, in his permissive Providence, will take all the means possible that none of the least of his children will be totally lost. That’s all that really matters.
Father Archbishop, what would you say to those who want to come to Medjugorje? What would you say to those who doubt?
I would say: come in the spirit of an open mind, in prayer, entrust your journey to Our Lady. Just come and the Lord will do the rest.
Powerful Help
The Church provides
powerful help to persons who are dying. Most importantly she obliges her
children to seek the grace of the sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion
(Viaticum), and the Anointing of the Sick. And she obliges her priests to see to
it that the faithful in their care are not deprived of an opportunity to receive
addition to these, there is a little-known, but important, plenary indulgence
that is granted to the dying. If it is administered by a priest, it is called
Pardon” or “Apostolic
the old instruction manual Father Smith Instructs Jackson, Father Smith is
asked, “Has the Church any other help for the dying [in addition to the
sacraments]?” Father Smith responds: “Yes. The Church empowers the priest to
impart a plenary indulgence by what she calls a ‘last blessing.’”
words of Father Smith’s to Jackson are entirely in accord with the present-day
teachings of the Church.
current ritual of the Anointing of the Sick states that the priest “may add the
apostolic pardon for the dying” after the penitential rite or after the
sacrament of Penance. When Viaticum is given within Mass, “the apostolic pardon
may be added after the final blessing.”
And The
Handbook of Indulgences puts it
more forcefully: “Priests who minister the sacraments to the Christian faithful
who are in a life-and-death situation should not neglect to impart to them the
apostolic blessing, with its attached indulgence.”
Apostolic Blessing has two forms in the ritual for the Anointing of the Sick.
Both are short and easy to memorize. Form A: “Through
the holy mysteries of our redemption, may Almighty God release you
from all
punishments in this life and in the life to come. May He open to you the gates
of paradise and welcome you to everlasting joy.”
B reads as follows: “By
the authority which the Apostolic See has given me, I grant you a full pardon
and the remission of all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
(+) and of the Holy Spirit.”
question, of course, arises: “What if there is no priest present when a person
is dying?”
Handbook of Indulgences reassuringly stipulates that “If a priest cannot be
present, holy
mother Church lovingly grants such persons who are rightly disposed a plenary indulgence to be obtained in articulo mortis, at the approach of death, provided they regularly prayed in some way during their lifetime.” Note the two conditions. The dying person must be “rightly disposed” and have “regularly prayed.”
mother Church lovingly grants such persons who are rightly disposed a plenary indulgence to be obtained in articulo mortis, at the approach of death, provided they regularly prayed in some way during their lifetime.” Note the two conditions. The dying person must be “rightly disposed” and have “regularly prayed.”
rightly disposed means to be in the state of grace and without attachment even
to venial sin. This is required in the gaining of any plenary indulgence. But
what does it mean to have “prayed regularly in some way during their
Apostolic Constitution on Indulgences, Indulgentiarum Doctrina,promulgated by
Pope Paul VI in 1967, puts it this way. If one of the faithful in danger of
death is unable to have a priest to administer the sacraments and to impart the
apostolic blessing, “the Church, like a devoted mother, graciously grants such a
person who is properly disposed a plenary indulgence to be gained at the hour of
death. The
one condition is the practice of praying for this all during life. Use of a crucifix or cross is recommended
for the gaining of this indulgence.”
one condition necessary in such a situation, then, is that the dying person
should have desired this indulgence – and prayed for it! No doubt, this can be
accomplished in many ways; but one of simplest and clearest ways would be to
ponder prayerfully the words of the Apostolic Pardon itself.
that end, my friends and parishioners Bud and Barbara Kehew have provided us
with an attractive presentation of those very words.
information on the Pardon Prayer can be found here
Prayer cards can be purchased here
The Medjugorje Message: Pope Francis, Medjugorje and the New York Times
The Medjugorje Message: Pope Francis, Medjugorje and the New York Times: An article on Medjugorje published by a major news portal this week claims that pilgrims numbers visiting the ‘shrine’ are down since commen...
Medjugorje: Our Ladys message of August 25, 2015
children! Also today I am calling you to be prayer. May prayer be for you the
wings for an encounter with God. The world is in a moment of trial, because it
forgot and abandoned God. Therefore you, little children, be those who seek and
love God above all. I am with you and I am leading you to my Son, but you must
say your 'yes' in the freedom of children of God. I intercede for you and I love
you, little children, with an endless love. Thank you for having responded to my
Review of Our Lady's Messages for this year
January 02, 2015 "Dear children, I am
here among you as a mother who desires to help you to come to know the truth.
While I lived your life on earth I had knowledge of the truth, and by this
alone, a piece of Heaven on earth. That is why I desire the same for you, my
children. The Heavenly Father desires pure hearts filled with the knowledge of
the truth. He desires for you to love all those whom you meet, because I also
love my Son in all of you. This is the beginning of coming to know the truth.
Many false truths are being offered to you. You will overcome them with a heart
cleansed by fasting, prayer, penance and the Gospel. This is the only truth and
it is the truth which my Son left you. You do not need to examine it much. What
is asked of you, as I also have done, is to love and to give. My children, if
you love, your heart will be a home for my Son and me, and the words of my Son
will be the guiding light in your life. My children, I will make use of you,
apostles of love, to help all of my children to come to know the truth. My
children, I have always prayed for the Church of my Son, and so I also ask the
same of you. Pray that your shepherds may come to shine forth with the love of
my Son. Thank you." 01/02/2015
January 25, 2015 "Dear children! Also
today I call you: live your vocation in prayer. Now, as never before, Satan
wants to suffocate man and his soul by his contagious wind of hatred and unrest.
In many hearts there is no joy because there is no God or prayer. Hatred and war
are growing from day to day. I am calling you, little children, begin anew, with
enthusiasm, the walk of holiness and love; since I have come among you because
of this. Together let us be love and forgiveness for all those who know and want
to love only with a human love and not with that immeasurable love of God to
which God calls you. Little children, may hope in a better tomorrow always be in
your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call." 01/25/2015
February 02, 2015 "Dear children! I am
here, I am among you. I am looking at you, am smiling at you and I love you in
the way that only a mother can. Through the Holy Spirit who comes through my
purity, I see your hearts and I offer them to my Son. Already for a long time I
have been asking of you to be my apostles, to pray for those who have not come
to know God's love. I am asking for prayer said out of love, prayer which
carries out works and sacrifices. Do not waste time thinking about whether you
are worthy to be my apostles. The Heavenly Father will judge everyone; and you,
love Him and listen to Him. I know that all of this confuses you, even my very
stay among you, but accept it with joy and pray that you may comprehend that you
are worthy to work for Heaven. My love is upon you. Pray that my love may win in
all hearts, because that is the love which forgives, gives and never stops.
Thank you." 02/02/2015
February 25, 2015 "Dear children! In this
time of grace I call all of you: pray more and speak less. In prayer seek the
will of God and live it according to the commandments to which God calls you. I
am with you and am praying with you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
March 02, 2015 "Dear children! You are my
strength. You, my apostles, who with your love, humility and silence of prayer
are making it possible for one to come to know my Son. You live in me. You carry
me in your heart. You know that you have a mother who loves you and who has come
to bring love. I am looking at you in the Heavenly Father - your thoughts, your
pains, your sufferings - and I offer them to my Son. Do not be afraid and do not
lose hope, because my Son listens to his mother. Since he was born he loves and
I desire for all of my children to come to know that love. I desire that all
those who left him because of their pain and misunderstanding may return to him
and that all those who have never known him may come to know him. That is why
you are here, my apostles, and I as a mother am with you. Pray for the firmness
of faith, because love and mercy come from firm faith. Through love and mercy
you will help all those who are not aware that they are choosing darkness
instead of light. Pray for your shepherds because they are the strength of the
Church which my Son left to you. Through my Son, they are the shepherds of
souls. Thank you." 03/02/2015
March 18, 2015
The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last
daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would
appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March. It has been this way through
the years. Several thousand pilgrims gathered in prayer of the Rosary.. The
apparition lasted from 13:47 to 13:53.
"Dear children! With a full heart I am
asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse your hearts of sin and lift
them up to God and to eternal life. I am imploring you: be vigilant and open for
truth. Do not permit for all that is of this earth to distance you from the true
cognition of the contentment in the communion with my Son. I am leading you on
the way of true wisdom, because only with true wisdom can you come to know true
peace and the true good. Do not waste time asking for signs of the Heavenly
Father, because He has already given you the greatest sign, which is my Son.
Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth,
can help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that
you may be one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son. That is the cognition
which gives happiness on earth and opens the door of eternal life and infinite
love. Thank you."
March 25, 2015 "Dear children! Also today
the Most High permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of
conversion. Many hearts have shut themselves to grace and have become deaf to my
call. You, little children, pray and fight against temptation and all the evil
plans which the devil offers you through modernism. Be strong in prayer and with
the cross in your hands pray that evil may not use you and may not conquer in
you. I am with you and pray for you. Thank you for having responded to my
April 2, 2015 "Dear children, I have
chosen you, my apostles, because all of you carry something beautiful within
you. You can help me to have the love, for the sake of which my Son died and
then resurrected, win anew. Therefore, I am calling you, my apostles, to try to
see something good in every creature of God, in all of my children, and to try
to understand them. My children, you are all brothers and sisters through the
same Holy Spirit. You, filled with love for my Son, can speak of what you know
to all those who have not come to know that love. You have come to know the love
of my Son, you have comprehended His Resurrection, with joy you cast your gaze
towards Him. My motherly desire is for all of my children to be united in love
for Jesus. Therefore, I am calling you, my apostles, to live the Eucharist with
joy, because in the Eucharist my Son gives Himself to you anew and with His
example shows the love and sacrifice towards the neighbor. Thank you."
April 25, 2015"Dear children! I am with
you also today to lead you to salvation. Your soul is restless because your
spirit is weak and tired from all worldly things. You, little children, pray to
the Holy Spirit that He may transform you and fill you with His strength of
faith and hope, so that you may be firm in this battle against evil. I am with
you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to
my call." 04/25/2015
May 2, 2015 "Dear children, open your
hearts and try to feel how much I love you and how much I desire for you to love
my Son. I desire for you to come to know Him all the better, because it is
impossible to know Him and not to love Him - because He is love. I, my children,
know you. I know your pain and suffering because I lived through them. I laugh
with you in your joy and I cry with you in your pain. I will never leave you. I
will always speak to you with motherly tenderness. And I, as a mother, need your
open hearts to spread the love of my Son with wisdom and simplicity. I need you
to be open and sensitive to the good and mercy. I need you to be united with my
Son, because I desire for you to be happy and to help me to bring happiness to
all of my children. My apostles, I need you to show everyone the truth of God,
so that my heart, which suffered and today suffers so much pain, can win in
love. Pray for the holiness of your shepherds, so that in the name of my Son
they can work miracles, because holiness works miracles. Thank you."
May 25, 2015 "Dear children! Also today I
am with you and with joy I call all of you: pray and believe in the power of
prayer. Open your hearts, little children, so that God may fill you with His
love and you will be a joy to others. Your witness will be powerful and
everything you do will be interwoven with God's tenderness. I am with you and I
pray for you and your conversion until you put God in the first place. Thank you
for having responded to my call." 05/25/2015
June 2, 2015 "Dear children, I desire to
work through you, my children, my apostles, so that, in the end, I may gather
all my children there where everything is prepared for your happiness. I am
praying for you, that through works you can convert others, because the time has
come for acts of truth, for my Son. My love will work in you - I will make use
of you. Have trust in me, because everything that I desire, I desire for your
good, the eternal good created by the Heavenly Father. You, my children, my
apostles, are living an earthly life in union with my children who have not come
to know the love of my Son, who do not call me 'mother' - but do not be afraid
to witness Truth. If you are not afraid and witness courageously, the truth will
miraculously win, but remember, strength is in love. My children, love is
repentance, forgiveness, prayer, sacrifice and mercy. If you will know how to
love, by your works you will convert others, you will enable the light of my Son
to penetrate into souls. Thank you. Pray for your shepherds. They belong to my
Son. He called them. Pray that they may always have the strength and the courage
to shine with the light of my Son." 06/02/2015
June 25, 2015 "Dear children! Also today
the Most High gives me the grace to be able to love you and to call you to
conversion. Little children, may God be your tomorrow and not war and lack of
peace; not sorrow but joy and peace must begin to reign in the heart of every
person - but without God you will never find peace. Therefore, little children,
return to God and to prayer so that your heart may sing with joy. I am with you
and I love you with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my
call." 06/25/2015
Annual Apparition to Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez,
June 25th 2015
At her last daily apparition on May 7,
1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would
have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was
that way also this year.
The apparition, which lasted 4 minutes,
took place at Ivanka's family home. Only Ivanka's family was present at the
apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said: "Our Lady gave us her motherly
blessing and said: Peace, peace, peace."
July 02, 2015 "Dear children, I am
calling you to spread the faith in my Son - your faith. You, my children
illuminated by the Holy Spirit, my apostles, transmit it to others - to those
who do not believe, who do not know, who do not want to know - but for that you
must pray a lot for the gift of love, because love is the mark of true faith -
and you will be apostles of my love. Love always, anew, revives the pain and the
joy of the Eucharist, it revives the pain of the Passion of my Son, by which He
showed you what it means to love immeasurably; it revives the joy for having
left you His body and blood to feed you with Himself - and in this way, to be
one with you. Looking at you with tenderness, I feel immeasurable love which
strengthens me in my desire to bring you to a firm faith. Firm faith will give
you joy and happiness on earth and in the end the encounter with my Son. This is
His desire. Therefore, live Him, live love, live the light that always
illuminates you in the Eucharist. I implore you to pray a lot for your
shepherds, to pray so as to have all the more love for them because my Son gave
them to you to feed you with His body and to teach you love. Therefore, also you
are to love them. But, my children, remember, love means to endure and to give,
and never, ever to judge. Thank you."
July 25, 2015 "Dear children! With joy I
am with you also today and I call all of you, little children, pray, pray, pray
so as to comprehend the love which I have for you. My love is stronger than
evil, little children, therefore draw closer to God so as to feel my joy in God.
Without God, little children, you do not have a future, you do not have hope or
salvation; therefore leave evil and choose good. I am with you and, with you, I
intercede before God for all of your needs. Thank you for having responded to my
call." 07/25/2015
August 02, 2015 "Dear children, I, as a
mother who loves her children, see how difficult the time in which you live is.
I see your suffering, but you need to know that you are not alone. My Son is
with you. He is everywhere. He is invisible, but you can see Him if you live
Him. He is the light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace. He is the
Church which you need to love and to always pray and fight for - but not only
with words, instead with acts of love. My children, bring it about for everyone
to come to know my Son, bring it about that He may be loved, because the truth
is in my Son born of God - the Son of God. Do not waste time deliberating too
much; you will distance yourselves from the truth. With a simple heart accept
His word and live it. If you live His word, you will pray. If you live His word,
you will love with a merciful love; you will love each other. The more that you
will love, the farther away you will be from death. For those who will live the
word of my Son and who will love, death will be life. Thank you. Pray to be able
to see my Son in your shepherds. Pray to be able to embrace Him in them."
August 25, 2015 "Dear children! Also
today I am calling you to be prayer. May prayer be for you the wings for an
encounter with God. The world is in a moment of trial, because it forgot and
abandoned God. Therefore you, little children, be those who seek and love God
above all. I am with you and I am leading you to my Son, but you must say your
'yes' in the freedom of children of God. I intercede for you and I love you,
little children, with an endless love. Thank you for having responded to my
call." 08/25/2015
The Medjugorje Message: Newborn gifts – daily!
The Medjugorje Message: Newborn gifts – daily!: Two of my young grandsons accompanied me to Mass today. It was a joy to have them sitting beside me. There were many other young children in...
By Christine Watkins FROM NEAR-DEATH TO NEW LIFE I was raised in an anti-religious home, and I did not like Christians. I was never going to be one—of that much, I was sure. In my youth, I perfected the fine…Continue Reading →
Special Medjugorje Theme Song
"Our Lady of Medjugorje - Holy Queen of
Now on
The Mary Our Mother Foundation is pleased to announce the release of
a new inspirational recording on Medjugorje, "A Time of Grace, Messages of
Medjugorje." Our Lady's messages come to life in this recording as they are read
with a motherly voice that is gentle and loving. Included is a special theme
song dedicated to Our Lady of Medjugorje. Enjoy the video!
The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje, where dead priests are resurrected
The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje, where dead priests are resurrected: Writing in her latest newsletter from Medjugorje, Sr Emmanuel shares an anecdote relating to Pope Francis and Medjugorje: “For my part, P...
"Be filled with the Spirit." -Ephesians 5:18
At our Baptisms, we became the temples of the Holy Spirit. The Lord wants us to be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18; see also Acts 2:4). Paul taught that those filled with the Holy Spirit do the following four things. They:
* address "one another in psalms and hymns and inspired songs" (Eph 5:19),
* "sing praise to the Lord" (Eph 5:19) in their hearts,
* "give thanks to God the Father always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph 5:20), and
* "submit to one another out of fear of the Lord" (Eph 5:21, our transl).
Those filled with the Holy Spirit have set their hearts on higher realms (Col 3:1). In spirit, they inhabit the throne room of God. They have entered "His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise" (Ps 100:4). Those filled with the Spirit upbuild, encourage, and submit to those around them. They can love their neighbor in this way because they love themselves (Lk 10:27). They love themselves because the Holy Spirit cries out in their hearts "Abba!" ("Father") (Gal 4:6) Secure in their Father's love, those filled with the Spirit are a people of praise, thanksgiving, submission, and love. Accept the grace to be filled and stay filled with the Holy Spirit.
"To the One seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, forever and ever!" (Rv 5:13)
"I Myself am the living Bread come down from heaven. If anyone eats this Bread he shall live forever; the Bread I will give is My flesh, for the life of the world." -Jn 6:51
Praise the risen Jesus, Who baptizes us and fills us with the Holy Spirit! (Mk 1:8)
Be open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit
The essence of holiness is union with God. The third Person of the most Blessed Trinity is the Holy Spirit. Many names can be given to Him: the Paraclete, the Counselor and Consoler, the Interior Master or Teacher, the Sanctifier, and finally the Sweet Guest of the soul.
Union of God means living in the state of sanctifying grace. However, one of the key challenges is to be constantly open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. This is the key: being open and docile to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.
Transformation of the Apostles
We read in the Gospels quite frequently the defects and downright failure on the part of the Apostles. For example, Peter wanted to prevent Jesus from His Passion and Crucifixion. Then Peter denied Jesus three times—as Jesus had predicted shortly before at the Last Supper. However, there was a key turning point in the life of Peter and the other Apostles. It can be the same turning point in our lives depending on one interior attitude and action: allowing the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives.
The Apostles, united with the Blessed Virgin Mary, spent nine days and nine nights in silence, penance (fasting) as well as deep and constant prayer. Then the Holy Spirit descended upon Our Lady and the Apostles in wind and fire. The Apostles were never again the same. Just read and meditate the Acts of the Apostles and see for yourself. Weak and cowardly men were transformed into valiant soldiers of Christ, even ready and willing to shed their blood for the sake of the Name and Person of Jesus!
We will offer you three short but hopefully powerful hints that if taken seriously could change the course of your life. Why not accept the challenge?
1. A Good Confession
Why not spend a longer period of time to examine your conscience in great detail? Not only to spot your sins, but also the reason why you sinned as well as your inner motivations. Then beg from the bottom of your heart for a true, sincere, sorrow for these sins. Beg for the grace to recognize that sin is not only breaking the Commandments, but even more important, sin is breaking the Sacred Heart of Jesus who is the Incarnation of the love of God. Then make a firm purpose of amendment, making the purpose to avoid any person, place or thing that can lead you into sin. Beg the Lord from the depths of your heart, even before entering the confessional, that this confession will be your best and that it will result in a transformation of your life.
One key concept of sacramental theology is what is called Dispositive Grace. This means, in lay terms, that the better you prepare or dispose yourself for the Sacraments then the more abundant graces you will receive.
In other words, the more generous you are in preparing to receive God in the Sacraments then the more generous will God be in the outpouring of His graces. So, right now prepare yourself, better yet, prepare your whole family to make the best confession of your life. You will never regret it!
2. Be Docile And Open To God’s Heavenly Inspirations
God is always ready and willing to speak to us, but we are not always ready to listen to His voice. God spoke to the young Samuel in the temple, but he needed the help of the spiritual direction of the priest Eli. God spoke to Elijah on the mountain top—not in the earthquake, the thunder or lightning, but rather God spoke in the gentle breeze. God spoke to Our Lady through the instrumentality of the Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God. God spoke to Saul as he lay blind on the road to Damascus. “Who are you, Lord? I am Jesus of Nazareth who you are persecuting!” God spoke to Philip the deacon in the Acts with the purpose of moving Philip to instruct the Ethiopian eunuch, baptize him and send him on his way to be missionary to Ethiopia.
Therefore, we must cultivate a listening ear. If you like this image: we must be like the huge dish that picks up the waves or “Vibes” (vibrations). Saint Ignatius teaches us that the good vibes and bad vibes are constantly at work within us. It is up to us to discern between the good vibes and the bad. We must recognize and accept the good vibes which are the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. But we must be prompt to reject the bad vibes which are the temptations of the evil spirit that we call the devil! In other words, to listen to the Holy Spirit and to be docile to His promptings we must cultivate the art of spiritual discernment.
3. A Strong And Growing Devotion To Our Lady
The Blessed Virgin Mary has many different but beautiful titles. This is expressed most clearly in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Many of these attributes or praises of Mary are poetic symbols, and many are actually Biblical derivations.
However, relating to our topic on docility to the Holy Spirit, Our Lady can help us immensely! Why? For this simple but profound reason: Our Lady’s relationship to the Blessed Trinity and to specifically to the Holy Spirit. Our Lady is the Daughter of God the Father; she is the Mother of God the Son; finally, she is Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
A Cardinal once asked a group of charismatics the key to deeper union to the Holy Spirit. He gave the answer: union with Mary, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. As soon as he finished there were peals of thunder and lightning bolts that responded to the Cardinal’s assertion. For that reason, St Louis de Montfort affirms this statement with these words: “Those who love Mary, the Holy Spirit flings Himself into their souls.” Our Lady’s prayers open the gateway to the Divine Invasion of the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, if you find yourself floundering in the spiritual life, going nowhere fast like a hamster running around the wheel, and experiencing a sense of frustration, a sense of stagnation in your spiritual journey, why not try the three steps? You can make the best confession in your life, be open and docile to the Holy Spirit and learn the art of spiritual discernment, and finally cultivate a deep and filial love for Our Lady. Indeed this could be the turning point in your life—the start on the highway to holiness!
The Medjugorje Message: Apparition to Marija transmitted via internet tv
The Medjugorje Message: Apparition to Marija transmitted via internet tv: The CDF’s attempts this past year to restrict prayer meetings and gatherings around the world that promote the Medjugorje phenomenon does no...
Fr. Jozo Zovko - Our Lady calls us to pray
We must be honest with ourselves and look at how much time out of 24 hours in a day we dedicate to prayer. How much do I pray for my family? When the Lord has given me 24 hours in a day, how can I then say that I do not have time for prayer? How can my children find time for a television program they like? Why have we not succeeded in inspiring our family for longer and daily prayer? Can we sleep in peace while Our Lady calls us to pray the Rosary every day – to pray it together and to pray it with the heart? If I feel myself losing enthusiasm and love for prayer and my meeting with God, I must ask myself what is happening with me. I must not turn prayer into a habit or a form of an effort. Instead, as Our Lady said, for me, prayer must become “as breathing,” – absolutely necessary and natural…
brothers and sisters, never say that prayer is too long, or that we have
remained in prayer for a long time. Always remember Our Lady’s motherly words
which are meant to awaken us: “Spend all the more time in prayer.” Never give
crumbs or remnants of your day to God. To the contrary, give Him the gift of the
most beautiful time and in abundance. May your prayer not become shorter, but
flow into your life and your work throughout your entire day. This is because
prayer blesses your life. Prayer unites your family and keeps it in peace. It
removes all evil and temptation. Prayer is a meeting with the living Lord in our
hearts. …
If the Mother is calling all of us with such persistence and love, how much greater must our love be in responding and recognizing our call and our way? This call and way are right. We need to persevere on this way of the messages.
"As they were coming down the mountain..." -Mark 9:9
Peter said to the transfigured Jesus: "How good it is for us to be here!" (Mk 9:5) Peter may have been "beating around the bush." He may have been speaking not so much of the goodness of being on the mountain as of the badness of carrying the cross with Jesus in "the valley of the shadow of death" (Ps 23:4, RSV-CE; see also Mt 16:22). Compared to the valley of the shadow of death, the mountaintop looked great.
After Peter had made his remarks, "a cloud came, overshadowing them, and out of the cloud a voice: 'This is My Son, My Beloved. Listen to Him' " (Mk 9:7). The Father may have said, in effect: "Don't listen to Peter, who has just spoken. Listen to Jesus, Who says: 'It is good for us to get off the mountain and into the valley from which we can carry the cross up another mountain, Mt. Golgotha, Calvary.' "
St. Augustine preached on the transfigured Christ: "Go down to toil on earth, to serve on earth, to be scorned and crucified on earth. Life goes down to be killed; Bread goes down to suffer hunger; the Way goes down to be exhausted on His journey; the Spring goes down to suffer thirst; and you refuse to suffer?" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 556)
Father, give me ears to hear the crucified Jesus (see Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22).
"We were eyewitnesses of His sovereign majesty. He received glory and praise from God the Father when that unique declaration came to Him out of the majestic splendor: 'This is My beloved Son, on Whom My favor rests.' We ourselves heard this said from heaven.' " -2 Pt 1:17-18
Praise You, transfigured and glorified Lord Jesus. You are the Light of the world and of heaven (Rv 21:23). Alleluia!
Youth Festival 2015 Medjugorje
Published on Aug 2, 2015
I Adore You - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir ft Myrhael Angel.
Medjugorje: Our Lady's message to Mirjana of August 2, 2015
"Dear children, I, as a mother who loves her children, see how difficult the
time in which you live is. I see your suffering, but you need to know that you
are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere. He is invisible, but you
can see Him if you live Him. He is the light which illuminates your soul and
gives you peace. He is the Church which you need to love and to always pray and
fight for - but not only with words, instead with acts of love. My children,
bring it about for everyone to come to know my Son, bring it about that He may
be loved, because the truth is in my Son born of God - the Son of God. Do not
waste time deliberating too much; you will distance yourselves from the truth.
With a simple heart accept His word and live it. If you live His word, you will
pray. If you live His word, you will love with a merciful love; you will love
each other. The more that you will love, the farther away you will be from
death. For those who will live the word of my Son and who will love, death will
be life. Thank you. Pray to be able to see my Son in your shepherds. Pray to be
able to embrace Him in them."
date: 31.07.2015.
A friend of the youth, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, sent a message at the beginning of the Youth Festival 2015. The Cardinal sent this message from California, where he is at the moment participating in one big conference. The message is as follows:
«Dear young people, who gathered in Medjugorje again in the great numbers! I am with you intensively united in the heart and in the prayer in the last few days. Today we are celebrating the memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola. He had only one desire: to completely place himself at God’s disposal for spreading of His Kingdom! That readiness brought so many great fruits. Finally, we have our dear Holy Father Francis, the first pope from the Jesuit order. Let us entrust him and his service to Gospa! Jesus tells us what St. Ignatius was doing: Here I am! In the communion with You I would like to go in my life! May Lord bless you and your days that you will spend here with Him and His Mother in Medjugorje! Please pray for Synod on the Family!
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