Dear Family of Mary!"
Dear children! Listen, because I wish to speak to you and to invite you to have more faith and trust in God, who loves you immeasurably. Little children, you do not know how to live in the grace of God, that is why I call you all anew, to carry the word of God in your heart and in thoughts. Little children, place the Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and live it.
Teach your children, because if you are not an example to them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Thank you for having for responded to my call" (Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of August 25, 1996)..
I would like to finish sharing my journal with you on Psalm 23. It struck me that the words of this Psalm instruct us on the loving intentions of our Father in heaven. We hear in this Psalm the way that the Father wants to love us. His intention is to lead us, protect us, feed us, teach us, and celebrate us. We need to know God's intentions towards us so that we will not fall into the trap of the enemy, who lies to us about our Father.
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." "He leads me on the paths of righteousness for his name's sake" (v. 3).
Your voice will always lead me to do the right thing won't it? "Yes, my voice speaks in your conscience, directing you to the good and to my particular will for you. It is the way for you to glorify My Name. My voice will speak clear words of counsel for you, so that all your works will be holy.""Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me" (v. 4).
"The rod of my correction and the staff of my leading bring you safely through all temptations and all evil. You will feel my words as comfort, never fear, only love. My words do not inspire fear even when I correct you. I always speak love to you. That is my voice.""Thou preparest a table before me in the sight of my enemies" (v.5).
"I feed you, I feast your soul with my words so that you are never hungry, no matter how beset you may be. My voice will keep you fed with peace and hope.""Thou anointest my head with oil" (v.5).
My voice will bring the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with power. As you listen to my voice you will receive My Spirit, who will empower you to do the good."My cup overflows." (v.5)
"That very Holy Spirit will overflow from your heart like a spring that wells up to eternal life. Just like the oil in the widow's jar that never ran dry, it will never empty. That is the fruit of my Shepherd's voice.""Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" (v.6).
Dear children! Listen, because I wish to speak to you and to invite you to have more faith and trust in God, who loves you immeasurably. Little children, you do not know how to live in the grace of God, that is why I call you all anew, to carry the word of God in your heart and in thoughts. Little children, place the Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and live it.
Teach your children, because if you are not an example to them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Thank you for having for responded to my call" (Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of August 25, 1996)..
I would like to finish sharing my journal with you on Psalm 23. It struck me that the words of this Psalm instruct us on the loving intentions of our Father in heaven. We hear in this Psalm the way that the Father wants to love us. His intention is to lead us, protect us, feed us, teach us, and celebrate us. We need to know God's intentions towards us so that we will not fall into the trap of the enemy, who lies to us about our Father.
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." "He leads me on the paths of righteousness for his name's sake" (v. 3).
Your voice will always lead me to do the right thing won't it? "Yes, my voice speaks in your conscience, directing you to the good and to my particular will for you. It is the way for you to glorify My Name. My voice will speak clear words of counsel for you, so that all your works will be holy.""Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me" (v. 4).
"The rod of my correction and the staff of my leading bring you safely through all temptations and all evil. You will feel my words as comfort, never fear, only love. My words do not inspire fear even when I correct you. I always speak love to you. That is my voice.""Thou preparest a table before me in the sight of my enemies" (v.5).
"I feed you, I feast your soul with my words so that you are never hungry, no matter how beset you may be. My voice will keep you fed with peace and hope.""Thou anointest my head with oil" (v.5).
My voice will bring the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with power. As you listen to my voice you will receive My Spirit, who will empower you to do the good."My cup overflows." (v.5)
"That very Holy Spirit will overflow from your heart like a spring that wells up to eternal life. Just like the oil in the widow's jar that never ran dry, it will never empty. That is the fruit of my Shepherd's voice.""Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" (v.6).
"Those who listen to my voice in their hearts will follow me and as they follow me they will leave a legacy of only goodness and mercy. The fruit of your life will be goodness and mercy if you follow your Shepherd faithfully.""And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." "My voice will lead you to your true home, the heart of the Trinity. My voice leads you home. You will know my voice because it leads to the Father, your true home."Yes, Lord, you're Shepherd's voice is my hope. I want to be led by you in thought, word and deed!
There you have it! My little attempt at journaling with the Lord. You can see how much God can give us if we just take some time with His Word!
In Jesus and Mary,
Cathy Nolan
"Those who listen to my voice in their hearts will follow me and as they follow me they will leave a legacy of only goodness and mercy. The fruit of your life will be goodness and mercy if you follow your Shepherd faithfully.""And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." "My voice will lead you to your true home, the heart of the Trinity. My voice leads you home. You will know my voice because it leads to the Father, your true home."Yes, Lord, you're Shepherd's voice is my hope. I want to be led by you in thought, word and deed!
There you have it! My little attempt at journaling with the Lord. You can see how much God can give us if we just take some time with His Word!
In Jesus and Mary,
Cathy Nolan