
Need A Hug

God has shown us how much he loves us... it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us!
- Romans 5:8

Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs during his baseball career, but on this particular day toward the end of his career, the Braves were playing the Reds in Cincinnati, and the great Bambino was no hero. He bumbled the ball and threw badly. In one inning alone, his errors were responsible for most of the five runs scored by Cincinnati.
As the Babe walked off the field and headed toward the dugout after the third out, a crescendo of angry cries and boos rose to greet him. Then a boy jumped over the railing and ran out onto the field. With tears streaming down his face, he threw his arms around the legs of his hero.
Ruth didn't hesitate for a second. He picked up the boy, hugged him, then set him down and patted his head. The cries from the crowd abruptly stopped. A hush fell over the entire park. In that brief moment, the fans saw two heroes on the field: Ruth who, in spite of his own dismal day in fielding, cared about the feelings of a young fan and a boy, who cared about the feelings of another human being.
No matter what your performance has been on the playing field of life, God has a hug waiting for you. He is your number-one fan. " God Speaks "


Our Lady's Message to Ivan

Tonight in Medjugorje Our Lady Gives An Important Message at the Blue Cross.
With many thousands of pilgrims present, Our Lady uncharacteristically gives a special long message.


The sunset over Cross Mountain, as seen from Apparitoin Hill, tonight, August 28, 2009.

Temperatures were extremely hot in Medjugorje today, but even so, there were those who climbed the mountains during the heat of the day, willing to offer this sacrifice to Our Lady for Her intentions as well as their own. Early evening dark clouds floated toward Medjugorje eventually covering the village making the sky overcast for the rest of the night, so there were no stars seen above as many thousands of pilgrims gathered at the Blue Cross for Our Lady’s apparition tonight to Ivan. Many were thankful that the clouds did not bring rain, while others would have been thankful for a cool sprinkle of rain on this hot sultry evening.

The summer crowds are still here in Medjugorje. The areas all around the Blue Cross were packed with pilgrims and they continued to arrive up until just moments before Our Lady appeared, causing confusion and disruption with their flashlights and talking as they tried to find even the smallest open space to settle down in. Despite the inconveniences of being shoulder to shoulder in such a large crowd, in the darkness, sitting on uncomfortable stones and the dusty ground, on a hot summer night in Medjugorje, the realization hits suddenly that all these people are here for a single purpose, to be with Our Lady—out of love for Her, wanting conversion or a grace for a loved one or an answer to prayer—but all have come tonight to be with Our Lady. To Our Lady the large numbers of pilgrims bring great joy and typically, just as She came tonight, Our Lady demonstrates Her joy in the apparitions when She appears to Ivan on Apparition Mountain. Though Our Lady’s apparition tonight was shorter than normal, being just over five minutes, the length and depth of Our Lady’s message given tonight to Ivan was a surprise. Following is Ivan’s description of tonight’s apparition.

“Tonight, most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy and, at the beginning, as always, greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children, my little children.” Then, with Her hands extended for a while, She prayed over us here and then She prayed for the sick present. She then blessed us all with Her motherly blessing and then blessed all the articles you brought for blessing. Afterwards She said:

**“Dear children, also today, I call you in a special way: accept my messages, renew my messages. Dear children, today, more than ever, I need your works and not your words. Therefore, dear children, live my messages so that light may illuminate your hearts and fill your hearts. Dear children, know that the Mother is praying with you. Thank you, also today dear children, for having accepted my messages and for living my messages. Pray [to be] my sign.”

Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. I then recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions and your families and especially the sick. Then Our Lady left, in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”


On The Light Side of the News

I saw this while driving by a Handy Mart fueling station on U.S. Highway 70 in Goldsboro, N.C. Thought it was funny so I stopped to take a photo. How often do you see a llama at a gas station?

Greg Sousa
Chief Photographer
Goldsboro News-Argus
310 North Berkeley Blvd.
Goldsboro, N.C. 27534
(919) 778-2211 ext. 865


Totus Tuus--Totally Yours


Immaculate Conception, Mary, my Mother.
Live in me. Act in me. Speak in and through me.
Think your thoughts in my mind. Love, through my heart.
Give me your dispositions and feelings.
Teach, lead and guide me to Jesus.
Correct, enlighten and expand my thoughts and behavior.
Possess my soul. Take over my entire personality and life.
Replace it with yourself.
Incline me to constant adoration and thanksgiving.
Pray in me and through me.
Let me live in you and keep me in this union always.
Pope John Paul II


Our Lady's Medjugorje message of August 25, 2009

Message of August 25, 2009

"Dear children! Today I call you anew to conversion. Little children, you are not holy enough and you do not radiate holiness to others, therefore pray, pray, pray and work on your personal conversion, so that you may be a sign of God's love to others. I am with you and am leading you towards eternity, for which every heart must yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call."


The Syro-Phoenician Women

"She keeps shouting." —Matthew 15:23 Contrast the Israelite scouts and Israelite people in the first reading to the Syro-Phoenician Gentile woman in the Gospel. The former did not believe in God's liberating power, even though they had just seen what God did to the Egyptians at the Red Sea, even though they had just passed between walls of water at the Red Sea! "They forgot the God Who had saved them" (Ps 106:21). "They waited not for His counsel. They did not remember His great love, which is tantamount to defying God. The Syro-Phoenician woman, in contrast, heard only what must have seemed like discouraging words from Jesus rather than great promises. She believed in Jesus anyway, because she had heard of His great works (Jn 14:11). Like the man born blind, she must have intuitively known that no one could do such healing works if God was not with Him (Jn 9:33). She knew that what Jesus was saying had to be outweighed by His power, and that His compassion was evident in His works. So she persevered in imploring Jesus for her request, believing in Jesus' ultimate power, refusing to be discouraged by what she saw and heard in the present moment.To whom do you listen? We hear many negative, discouraging voices. We must shut out these voices and make it our priority to listen only to God. Yet, even when what the Lord says seems discouraging, we must pray without ceasing and not lose heart. "Do not give in to discouragement. The Lord is looking for faith (Lk 18:8). Will He find faith in You? Have faith in Jesus (Jn 14:1). Have faith in God (Jn 14:1). Lord, help me. "I do believe; help my lack of faith" (see Mk 9:24).


Ivanka Speaks with pilgrims at Youth Festival

Ivanka speaks with pilgrims at Youth Festival
This short talk by the visionary Ivanka was given at Medjugorje on August 1, 2009 and concurrently translated into six languages from Croat. Ivanka rarely gives talks to pilgrims and lives a discreet, almost private life, close to the village of Medjugorje. She was the first of the six visionaries to see Our Lady at the start of the apparitions in June 1981. She has been married for 22 years and has four children.• I would like to greet you all with the most beautiful of greetings: Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am so pleased to be here with you today and even more pleased that you are ready to hear the message of Our Lady.For 28 years I have been asking God the very same question: Why did you choose me? I know that I was given a great grace and also I know that at the same time I was given a great responsibility.I have accepted this as a gift but at the same time I have been praying all the time that God gives me strength to fulfil all the assignments he has for me.I lived with my family at Mostar at that time and as always, after school, I used to come to Medjugorje. This is what happened that day on June 24, 1981 when I saw Our Lady for the first time.On that day, like every day, I was outside the village with Mirjana and we were waiting for other friends to come. I do not how long we were waiting but we got tired of that and then we started walking towards the houses.While we were walking towards the village I was really forced by something to look towards the hill and then I saw Our Lady. I said to Mirjana, “Mirjana, I see Our Lady on the hill” but Mirjana said, “ Don’t tell me these foolish things.”I followed Mirjana who was walking back to the village and then we met Milka, the sister of the visionary Marija. Milka saw that something was wrong with me and she asked me what happened, and I told the girls to come back with me, that I had seen Our Lady. We went back and then all three of us saw Our Lady. Vicka also came to us and then two boys, the two Ivans. The apparition kept calling us but none of us dared to climb the hill.Our Lady was four or five hundred metres away from us. She kept calling us and emotions we felt in our heart were huge. We felt all kinds of emotions in our heart and none of us dared to get closer to her.Whoever we told that we saw Our Lady that evening, they did not believe us. They told us not to tell such things. That night was the longest night in my life. I was only 15 and I questioned myself the entire night whether what I saw was true or not.So the next day at the same hour we went back together to the apparition hill. Before we saw Our Lady we saw the light, three times, and when we finally got to her, I cannot describe that moment of meeting with Our Lady because we felt so much love, felt so secure, so much happiness in our hearts.When we came to her we saw this most beautiful person, maybe 19 or 20 years of age. She had a crown of stars, white veil, greyish dress, and she was standing on a cloud She had the most beautiful blue eyes and long black hair.I knew that it was the Blessed Mother You see, two months before that day my mother had passed away. Because I knew in my heart that this was the Blessed Virgin Mary I asked her, “Mother, where is my mother?” And she said, “Do not worry, my child, your mother is with me.”Our Lady told us, “Do not worry. I’ll pray with you always. I’ll come again tomorrow.”The word spread very quickly so that on the third day people started following us because they saw something was happening with us, so they gave us holy water to bless the apparition. On that third day when Our Lady came, Vicka blessed her and she said, “If you come from God, stay. But if you do not come from God, please leave us.” And then Our Lady smiled back at us and said, “I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace.On that day Our Lady gave the first public message, which was the message of peace. As the days passed by Our Lady asked us to convert, to fast, to do some penance, to pray and go to confession and attend Holy Mass. These are the main messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje.From 1981 until 1985 I received the apparitions on a daily basis. During that period Our Lady dictated to me her biography. I wrote everything down. She also told me the future of the world and the future of our Church. When I have permission from Our Lady, this will be published. On the 7th May, 1985, I had the last daily apparition and that was the longest apparition that I have ever had because Our Lady stayed with me one hour. On that day Our Lady gave me the final and tenth secret and I was told that I would not have the apparitions on a daily basis anymore, but Our Lady promised me that she was going to appear to me once a year on June 25.From 1985 to today I received the apparition once every year on June 25. But at that last daily apparition I was given the greatest gift, not just for myself but for the entire world. And because every single human being is asking is there a life after this life on earth, I am standing before you here today, I am standing before the entire world and I can easily answer that question. Yes, there is a life after this life, because by God and Our Lady I was given this great grace, that I was able to see my late mother during that apparition time and my mom told me: “My dear child, I’m proud of you.”For 28 years Our Lady has been telling us which road we need to take in our life. She is showing us the way and we have to decide which road we are going to take in our life.Our Lady has given a different mission to each one of us visionaries. My mission is to pray for families. So every day I pray for families.The last apparition I had was this year on June 25 and that apparition lasted ten minutes and Our Lady spoke to me about the tenth secret and she advised for all of us to become apostles of peace and to pray for peace. Our Lady ended her message with “Peace, peace, peace.”Let us be reminded in prayer. Let us pray for each other. Our Lady wants us to be be in peace, not to be afraid, to know that she is there for us all of the time.Finally, when you leave Medjugorje I would like you to take peace and love from Medjugorje back to your home and to your country. Thank you all for everything.

Spiritdaily: - The Sun Still Spins in Medjugorje


Youth Festival-Medjugorje

From Spain,Spanish Author Maria Vallejo Nagera giving her testimony of her conversion in Medjugorje. .

Maria's interview on Abortion in Spanish. Go to minute 29 or 30.

Patrick and Nancy Latta of Medjugorje at the 2009 Medjugorje Youth Festival. Photo posted by Pilgrim at

Stay in the Light of Jesus

NOW OR NEVER" Keep careful watch over your conduct. Do not act like fools." —Ephesians 5:15

Pope John Paul II and prophets from other Christian denominations have proclaimed the prophetic word that we must take advantage of the opportunities we have now because these doors will soon be closed. Jesus said: "The light is among you only a little longer. Walk while you still have it" (Jn 12:35). "We must do the deeds of Him Who sent Me while it is day. The night comes on when no one can work" (Jn 9:4). Jeremiah prophesied: "Give ear, listen humbly, for the Lord speaks. Give glory to the Lord, your God, before it grows dark; before your feet stumble on darkening mountains; before the light you look for turns to darkness, changes into black clouds. If you do not listen to this in your pride, I will weep in secret many tears; My eyes will run with tears for the Lord's flock" (Jer 13:15-17)."Make the most of the present opportunity, for these are evil days. Do not continue in ignorance, but try to discern the will of the Lord" (Eph 5:16-17). "You have no idea what kind of life will be yours tomorrow. Therefore, witness and work for the Lord now.


Sojourners of the Burning Heart


Send Your Angel to Mass

*This very special prayer was written by a devout woman named Ruth Merz from Cincinnati, Ohio. Ruth was the mother of eight children who was diagnosed with cancer, which eventually and sadly claimed her life. Unable to attend mass because of her illness, she wrote this wonderful prayer. We hope that her words will convey special meaning to those who are ill and to their friends and families who care for them. Please feel free to share it with anyone that you feel might benefit from it.

O’ Holy angel at my side Go to church for me Kneel in my place at Holy Mass Where I desire to be. At offertory in my stead Take all I am and own And place it as a sacrifice Upon the Altar throne. At Holy Consecration bell, Adore with Seraph’s love My Jesus hidden in the Host Come down from Heaven above. There pray for those I dearly love And those that cause me grief That Jesus’ blood may cleanse all hearts Give suffering souls relief. That when the priest Communion takes Then bring my Lord to me That His sweet heart may rest in mine And I His temple be. Pray that the sacrifice divine May all man’s sin efface Then bring me Jesus’ blessing home The pledge of every grace. Amen

Thought for Today

We set out in the pursuit of pricey possessions, profitable portfolios, impressive careers, and busy social calendars because we have been led to believe that these things will bring us joy. However, when we secure our pursuits, we quickly learn that lasting joy doesn't come from getting what we want.
When we reach our goals, we only experience temporary happiness — a happiness that will end as soon as we lose the object of our pursuit. Happiness fades as our retirement portfolios decline. Happiness disintegrates as our business deals go south. Happiness eludes us when we place unrealistic hopes in the people and things of this world.
Joy, on the other hand, has only one source and His name is Jesus. The Apostle Paul tells us about this genuine joy in his epistle to the Philippians. In fact, he shares about the kind of joy that people can experience when they face the toughest times. Have you ever met someone who is experiencing inexplicable joy? They may be walking through the deepest, darkest valley, and yet they are content, peaceful, and joyful. You may have also met their polar opposites — people who have everything in this world but are absolutely miserable. The best of circumstances cannot provide lasting joy, nor can the worst squelch it.
Today there are more Christians who are fearful, anxious, worried, discouraged — and yes, joyless — than I have seen in a long time. They need to learn how to reclaim their joy. As Christians we all received joy in connection with our salvation. When we live in obedience to the Lord, we are going to fully experience that joy. Yet disobedience to the Word of God will diminish our joy; it will cover up our joy. Anything that comes between us and Jesus will rob us of our only lasting joy.
Whenever we are obedient to the Word of God, our joy is going to deepen, even in the tough times, even in the difficult times, even in the dark days. And that is why James said, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds" (James 1:2).
No matter what difficulties we face today, whatever financial hardships or internal struggles, we can still rejoice because everything in this world is only temporary. When our hope is in Jesus Christ and in our eternal home with Him in heaven, we will remain joyful in the midst of the most turbulent storm. But when we become so focused on this world, on our strategies, on our styles, on what we like and dislike, we forget about our eternal home.
What is the secret of Paul's joy? We find the answer in his own words: "In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:4-6).
Paul was confident that the God who brought us salvation will keep us in His hands. What can touch us when we have the assurance of everlasting life? In light of our daily struggles, our hurting relationships, our dwindling bank accounts, none of these things can possibly compare to the joy of knowing that our salvation is secure.
No matter what losses we face in this world, we can find joy in our eternal relationship with our Creator. Our houses may foreclose, but we can never lose our heavenly home. Friends and loved ones may disappoint us, but our Savior will never leave us. Government and society may become godless, but God will prevail in Truth for eternity. Our lives may crumble around us, but our eternity in heaven will always be secure. And that is reason for great joy!
Greg S.


Fr. Jozo speaks on Prayer

Message of July 25, 2009
“Dear children! Let this time be a time of prayer for you.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Here we have a very short message of Our Lady, and maybe we are more intrigued by its shortness than by the call itself. But, if we get into it a bit more deeply, we will come to realise that this message contains all the messages that the Queen of Peace has given in these last 28 years.

It is obvious that even after so much time we have failed to understand the importance and purposefulness of prayer. So, for some people prayer has become a pattern recited by heart, which they rattle off without being aware of the importance and beauty of the words. For some people prayer has become an obligation, which they fulfil at a precisely set time, with a routine ritual. There are even those for whom prayer has become a burden, and they themselves have become a burden to others, because they do not live what they pray.

Our Lady speaks about the “time of prayer”. She calls us to make a time of prayer out of every hour, day, and moment of ours.

We cannot ponder over this call without first defining what prayer is?!

– Prayer is seeking of God.
– Prayer is a dialogue with God.
– Prayer is surrender to God.
– Prayer is consecration to God (of oneself and others)
– Prayer is friendship with God.
– Prayer is living together with God.
– Prayer is singing praises to God.
– Prayer is exaltation of God
– Prayer is “filling the empty water-pots” like at Cana, and Jesus does the miracle.
– Prayer is the “place and time” of transfiguration – Tabor

The call to let “this time be a time of prayer” is a call for us to live our time with God, immersed into Him, that by living the experience of the meeting with Him we become a blessing for others. A Christian is a happy man because he has got something to give away! We are called to refresh the tired, to comfort the sorrowful, to nurse the sick, to feed the hungry… In order to be able to respond to this call, we should pray, fill our time with God and with the blessings He bestows on us abundantly.
By imbuing our time with God, we bring God into the time and space of our generation, and in this way people are being blessed. By imbuing our time with God, we are being enlightened, becoming so the beacons showing the right Way.

Our intentions for this month:

Let us pray for the gift of a pure and open heart so that God could make His abode in it.
Let us pray for the necessary gifts of the Spirit so that we could live the Glad Tidings and imbue with joy the time we live.
Let us pray for the young gathered at the Festival in Međugorje. Let us pray that they may be Mary’s army of praying people and joyful Christ’s worshipers, and to bear out that in our time, too, one can be Jesus’ disciple and witness. August 10, 2009


Family of Mary

August 10, 2009 St. Lawrence Dear Family of Mary!"Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer for you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (July 25, 2009)

Our Lady wants this to be a time of prayer for us. And prayer is supposed to be a two way conversation between us and God! So Our Lady's desire is that this would be a time when we speak to God and He speaks to us. Her prayer is that this would a time of communication with the Lord in which we can pour out our hearts to Him, and He can respond with His healing and His love which will lead us onto new paths.
*Our Lady once said, "Pray with me to the Holy Spirit for Him to lead you in the search of God's will on the way of your holiness." (May 25, 2007) Our Lady knows that the Holy Spirit is the key to our communion with God. It is the Holy Spirit that we need if we are going to be able to communicate with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the medium of love through which the Father and the Son love each other, and through which we can join in that communion of love. We need the Holy Spirit to really hear from God. During this time of prayer, let's ask for the Holy Spirit to anoint us every day, to come upon us with His love and His power so that we can truly enter into prayer and hear from the Lord. Come Holy SpiritCome Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through ChristOur Lord, Amen.
In Jesus and Mary,Cathy Nolan


Interview with Medjugorje visionary Vicka

The Period of Conversion and the Ten Secrets
The following is an excerpt from an interview with Vicka. This was broadcast live by Radio Maria Italia from Medjugorje on January 2, 2008:

PADRE LIVIO – One of the reasons these apparitions are so important has to do with something the Madonna said after the first year the apparitions began. The Madonna made certain pronouncements which I would like for you to comment on, giving your interpretation of them. The Madonna said: “My apparitions at Medjugorje are the last ones for humanity. Hurry to convert” (April 17, 1982) and, “I came to call the world to conversion for the last time. In the future I will come no more upon the Earth. These are my last apparitions” (May 2nd, 1982). Do you think this means that Medjugorje are the last apparitions of the Madonna here on Earth?
VICKA – For me the message that the Madonna has given is very clear: this is the last time that She will be present here on Earth in the way She has been present at Medjugorje for such a long period of time. I heard Her speak those words because I was the one who received them personally; the words of the other message I did not receive personally and maybe the other seers could add something more. Still today the Madonna is inviting us to conversion, because it is today that we are living this time of grace. We must not wait for tomorrow in order to convert, we must do so today because tomorrow could be too late. The Madonna says, everything that you can do today, do today. And also, our conversion isn't something that happens on just one day, but it continues over our entire life. Mary calls us in order to bring us closer to Her Son. She has never said that She should have the first place. I have never heard this from Her mouth. Always when the Madonna speaks She says, "Put my Son first; I come second." She says, "When you pray, always pray to my Son first, and then afterwards to me, and then the many graces God gives to me, I can give to you." The Madonna is only a go-between between God and men. God gives these graces to the Madonna and then She gives them to us.
PADRE LIVIO – I was really struck by what the Madonna said about the third secret, which concerns the sign on the mountain. You seers said that it will be a visible sign, an indestructible sign that comes from God. However, She also added, “Hurry and convert yourselves. When the promised sign on the hill will be given, it will be too late” (Sept. 2, 1982). Another time She also said, “And even after I've left this sign on the hill which I have promised to you, many will not believe. They will come to the hill, they will kneel, but they won't believe” (July 19, 1981). Why is it, in your opinion, that people will see the sign but they won't convert?
VICKA – The third secret is about a sign that She will leave here [Medjugorje] on the mountain of the apparitions. This sign will remain forever. It is given above all for those people who are still far away from God. The Madonna wishes to give these people who will see the sign a chance to believe in God. I was able to see this sign...
PADRE LIVIO – You have already seen the sign?
VICKA – Yes, I saw it in a vision.
PADRE LIVIO – Jakov once said in an interview with Radio Maria that in order to see the sign it will be necessary to come here to Medjugorje, is that true?
VICKA – Yes, it's true. The sign will remain on Podbrdo and one will have to come here to see it. This sign will be indestructible and will remain in that place forever. I want to say about those people who will see it and not believe, the Madonna leaves everyone free to believe or not, but those are ones whose hearts are too closed. It's the same thing as the Madonna said to us, "If one wants to go to Heaven, he will go to Heaven, if one wants to go to hell he will go to hell". Those people who are far away from God and do not want to believe, these will not believe in the sign. For those who [do not know God] but have good intentions and a desire to love, these will be benefitted by the sign. But I think that those who do everything against God, they will run away from the sign, they will not believe.
PADRE LIVIO – [...] So, this is a time of grace, this is the time of conversion, "Don't wait for the sign in order to convert yourselves," the Madonna said. Well, so why leave a sign like some last extreme help: is it in order to move the Church to recognize the apparitions as authentic?
VICKA – Yes, certainly it will be for the Church, so that they will have no doubt that the Madonna had been among us and it is also for those who are still far away from God. So the Madonna is thinking about both groups of people, and then it is up to us how to be ready to respond to the sign. To respond to Her call through the sign. Everyone who comes, who will see, you know, you can say, "I don't believe it" and that is your personal idea, that's what you believe, but that the Madonna is here, that She is present, that She leaves this sign, a sign that no man can make; it is something only God can make and so nobody will be able to say that it is a small thing or something else. This arrives in such a way that they won't have words to say what it is.
PADRE LIVIO – This means that when the time of the secrets comes, the fourth through the tenth secrets, secrets which are evidently rather arduous, it means that in any event, in the time of the secrets, we will always have the sign of the Madonna which will comfort us. But you also said the last time, last year, that during the time of the ten secrets one of the seers will still have the daily apparitions [of the Madonna].
VICKA – Yes, it is certain, it is something I repeat now. We will see who it is, there is still me, Marija and Ivan. Afterwards we will see who the Madonna has chosen, who [of us three] remains with the apparitions. Or maybe it will be someone else that the Madonna has chosen.
PADRE LIVIO – Well, you know me, I have no scruple about asking certain questions... Someone said something to Mirjana like "Vicka said that during the time of the ten secrets there will be one seer who will continue to have the daily apparitions" but Mirjana said that she didn't know anything about this. What does that mean? That this was told to you personally by the Madonna?
VICKA – Yes, the Madonna told me personally. Afterwards we shall see, the Madonna didn't say, "Vicka, it will be you" [...]. Now we just wait to see who it will be. She said that when the time comes, to the person who will continue to have the apparitions, She will explain every 'how and what' to that person.


Youth Festival in Medjugorje

Our Lady's message of July 25, 2009-Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer for you. Thank you for having responded to my call. July 25, 2009


Medjugorje Headline

A Great Cry Burst Forth From Thousands of Pilgrims During Mirjana's Apparition Today, August 2, 2009.
Many were seeing the sun dancing or spinning, others saw a cross illuminated in the sun, still others saw different colors within or streaming out of the sun.

Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Miriana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 2, 2009 MessageTo Mirjana Soldo Given on the Day for Non-Believers“

*Dear children, I am coming, with my Motherly love, to point out the way by which you are to set out, in order that you may be all the more like my Son; and by that, closer to and more pleasing to God. Do not refuse my love. Do not renounce salvation and eternal life for the sake of transience and frivolity of this life. I am coming to lead you and, as a mother, to caution you.- Come with me.”
Mirjana reported that Our Lady appeared with the sun shining behind her during the entire apparition. At the same time, thousands of onlookers also reported seeing what is commonly called the miracle of the sun, where a person can look directly at the sun without any discomfort.