“On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines.... I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.... I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.... The kingdom of Heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son....
"Accepting the Invitation" Most people can think of a special invitation in their life that meant the world to them. Whether it was being invited to a cool birthday party in grade school, or asked out to the prom in high school, or an opportunity to show the best of one’s work at a crucial moment, or a chance to meet a personal hero - such invitations are certainly welcomed as dreams come true, and no one could ever imagine purposely turning such solicitations down in favor of the boring day-to-day obligations of life.
And yet, in the Gospel, Christ complains that many turn down His invitation to the Heavenly Wedding Banquet. He calls us to the fulfillment of our hearts’ desires, but so many ignore or even spurn His generous invitation. Even those of us who, with our baptism, have formally and joyfully accepted His invitation, are too often guilty of dragging our feet, delaying in our replies and making excuses for not joining whole-heartedly in the celebration.
In fact, Holy Mass and the Eucharist is the foretaste of the Heavenly Wedding Banquet, for it is our privileged invitation to partake of Heavenly food and revel in the real presence of the Bridegroom. So, let our enthusiasm for the celestial “pre-party” reflect our eagerness and excitement for the Heavenly Banquet, and may our zeal and pious preparation attest to our gratitude and enthusiastic acceptance of the invitation to Life!
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