
Medjugorje: February 25, 2020 message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace

(c)Mary TV 

February 25, 2020 
Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! In this time of grace, I desire to see your faces transformed in prayer. You are so flooded by earthly concerns; you do not even feel that spring is at the threshold. You are called, little children, to penance and prayer. As nature fights in silence for new life, also you are called to open yourselves in prayer to God, in Whom you will find the peace and warmth of the spring sun in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call."(February 25, 2020)

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 


Sister Emmanuel's Report from Medjugorje

Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary! 

1. On February 2nd, 2020, Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross. She then conveyed this message:
"Dear children! By the act of the decision and love of God, I am chosen to be the Mother of God and your mother. But also by my will and my immeasurable love for the Heavenly Father and my complete trust in Him, my body was the chalice of the God-man.
I was in the service of truth, love and salvation, as I am now among you to call you, my children, apostles of my love, to be carriers of truth; to call you to spread His words, the words of salvation, by your will and love for my Son: that with your actions you may show, to all those who have not come to know my Son, His love.
You will find strength in the Eucharist-my Son who feeds you with His Body and strengthens you with His Blood. My children, fold your hands [in prayer] and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; you are drawing truth to be able to discern; you are drawing love that you may know to love truly. My children, apostles of my love, fold your hands [in prayer], look at the Cross. Only in the Cross is salvation. Thank you." 

As with all sites linked to Medjugorje, at the request of the authorities, we relinquish posting the film of the 2nd of the month apparition with Mirjana. Obedience is always blessed!

2. In France, February is the month we celebrate the feast of Lourdes (11 February) and St. Bernadette (18 February).This little girl grew up in poverty, lacking the bare essentials in life (see PS1). It's enough to know that her little brother would scrape wax from candles in the village church to try to fill his empty stomach! People looked down on this family who lived in a sordid cave that was more like a cell. Once, while questioned, Bernadette heartbreakingly uttered: "She (The Lady) spoke to me like a person!" Falsely accused of theft, her father was sent to jail, leaving his wife and children in total poverty. However, the Soubirous family had the greatest of riches: Theirs was a family united in a deep faith, in family prayer that never lost fervor, and for Bernadette, God always came first. The cross planted in her life from childhood onwards, far from bringing her down, strengthened her attachment to Christ whose destiny she shared in many ways. It is true that the cross lived in communion with Jesus can create saints, while the cross lived without Jesus can lead to despair. In her personal diary, Bernadette wrote:

"Jesus, I do not feel my cross when I look at yours!"

How I wish I could say the same thing! Still a long way to go.... Here, Bernadette gives us the best illustration of the word twice repeated by the Blessed Mother in this message above: "Fold your hands in prayer, and look at the cross!" For Bernadette, the cross borne in her childhood developed further at the convent of Nevers where she became Sr. Marie Bernard. But she did not become a Saint because of the suffering she endured, even less so because she saw Our Lady. No, she became holy because she kept the gaze of her heart fixed upon Jesus, even in the midst of the storms, which made her suffering extraordinarily fruitful.  She became holy because she was able to offer to God all the events of her life, and use them to develop the union of her soul with Christ, according to Mary's school. This union was her immense treasure, her reason for living, her little Heaven hidden from the eyes of others.  Seen through the eyes of the world, her fate was in no way enviable, poor and sick as she was, but she would not have changed places with anyone. The Mother of God did not promise her happiness of this world, but rather of the other world.  (The other world referred to here does not mean Heaven, rather it's the Kingdom that is hidden and already present behind the veil of our earthly realities).

May Bernadette help us live through the trials and anxieties of today, our eyes focused on the one Savior! It is beautiful that the message of Lourdes begins with the sign of the Cross. Following Mary's example, Bernadette made the sign of the cross so solemnly that all who saw her do it were deeply touched.

3. She has the cure for us!  Mary's exhortation to keep our eyes locked on the cross is not unrelated to the wave of distress caused by the coronavirus that has taken over China and surrounding areas in recent weeks. Our Blessed Mother always provides the cure before we develop the disease. Keeping our eyes glued to the cross is a source of healing, peace and light. From His open heart, Jesus offers us salvation. Recently, Our Lady told us: "Trials will come... If you are mine, you will win, for your refuge will be the Heart of my Son Jesus." Our Mother did not hide from us the difficulties that are to come. Even nature is in rebellion against man. The story in Exodus of the Hebrews in the desert helps us to position ourselves correctly in respect of God. 
The Hebrew people had turned away from the Living God who had saved them from slavery, and shifted toward false gods, the idols of the time. But God loves His people so much that He did not want them to lose the treasure of true faith and become perverted. He allowed snakes to appear that had a fatal bite. That is when Moses intervened, placing a bronze snake on a mast, and all who looked at it were healed. This image foreshadows the cross of Christ and the salvation offered to men by Jesus when he was nailed to the wood of the cross. "Those who look to Him are radiant" (Psalms 34:5). Let us remember this statement made by so many saints: When we contemplate the wounds of Christ, our own wounds are healed; but when we look at our own wounds, we sink... 

"By his wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)

Some countries have decided to eliminate Christ from their borders. They have banned the cross, Christian education is severely sanctioned, believers are persecuted, etc. But what can become of a nation without the Savior? "The world without Jesus has no future," Mary tells us. Jesus, in His humility, does not force any doors that are closed to Him, He respects our freedom and pulls away. But then, who comes to fill this void? History shows us that man without God, left to himself and to his own strength, cannot go far. He invents a false salvation and seeks happiness in places where it gets lost. He goes so far as to lose simple human common sense by even trampling natural law. We are entitled to interpret this kind of event, the appearance of a virus, as a warning, not in fear, but for the purpose of awakening our conscience and to fall to our knees. Whether the virus spreads or not, it is essential to ask for the grace to know how to discern the signs of our time, and to pray unceasingly. Less commentaries and more prayer!

Beware! God does not send an epidemic or a tsunami. God is innocent of evil. We cannot by any measure make him responsible for evil. (See PS2, Sr. Lúcia of Fatima's words). But if God is not invited to remain with His people, if man believes he can live without Him, then God withdraws, and with Him the protection He wanted to give to those people. Then, in His burning desire to save man, He allows the enemy to do as he wills. Then all kinds of troubles appear, and man ends up crying out to his Savior. God alone can turn evil into good, and turn a terrible ordeal into a blessing. Today, the weight of suffering is indeed a heavy burden, but when our suffering is united with Christ, it becomes fruitful and redemptive. For this reason, Mary still gives us the key, namely her Son Himself! "In the cross alone is salvation." Early Christians recognized this: "There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved." (Acts 4:12)
Dear Brothers and Sisters, the ball is in our court. May today be the day when we begin, or start again, to turn to God and live His Word! The course that history takes and much of what will happen depends on us. We cannot imagine the power of even the simplest of prayers and the least of our little sacrifices offered to God. Heaven will always thank us for the slightest step we take to protect life, to help our brothers in distress and value our own life!


Are Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in the Democratic Party?'

                 R.I. Bishop Tobin: 'Are Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in the Democratic Party?'

By Michael W. Chapman | February 7, 2020 | 11:35am EST

Bishop Thomas Tobin, head of the Diocese of Providence, R.I.
Bishop Thomas Tobin, head of the Diocese of Providence, R.I.

Commenting on the top Democrats who are running for their party's presidential nomination, Bishop Thomas Tobin, head of the Catholic Diocese of Providence, R.I., noted that all of them are "pro-abortion," so extreme in their views that they support "even partial-birth abortion."
He also asked whether pro-life people are even "welcome" in the Democratic Party.
The top Democratic candidates support abortion, apparently without restrictions, which is the position of the Democratic Party platform.
Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg and his "husband" Chasten Buttigieg. (Getty Images)
Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg and his "husband" Chasten Buttigieg. (Getty Images)
Joe Biden is a Catholic who ignores the church's teaching on this issue. Pete Buttigieg was baptized a Catholic but is now Episcopalian and "gay married." Amy Klobuchar is a Congregationist, Elizabeth Warren is a Methodist, and Mike Bloomberg is a Jew who reportedly attends synagogue only on certain holy days. Bernie Sanders is a Jew who reportedly practices no particular faith.

"As the presidential primary shifts to New England, it's sad to note that all of the major Democratic candidates are pro-abortion, supporting even partial-birth abortion," said Bishop Tobin in a Feb. 4 tweet.
"Where are pro-life Democrats supposed to turn?" he said.  "Or are pro-life voters not welcome in the Democratic party?"
Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist who practices no "organized religion."  (Getty Images)
Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist who practices no "organized religion." (Getty Images)

According to the Democratic Party platform, "We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion --regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured."
"We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment," states the platform.
Joe Biden.   (Getty Images)
Joe Biden. (Getty Images)

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Gospa Told Me

"The Gospa Told Me"
By June Klins
      Last month, as I prayed about our February issue, Our Lady led me to the incredible testimony of Sabine Morson, which was aired on July 28, 2014 on Mary TV, Fruit of Medjugorje, Program #125 (marytv.tv/fruit-of-medjugorje/). Sabine, who is originally from Germany, now lives in Virginia. She has been to Medjugorje about 30 times and made a promise to Our Lady in 1990 that she would spread Her messages to as many people as she could. 

     Sabine's first trip to Medjugorje was in 1989. A priest invited her to go with her youth group. She really did not believe, but was hoping to "get a tan", since she heard the weather was hot. At the time, she was attending Mass, although halfheartedly, but she did not know how to say the Rosary and had not been to Confession since her First Confession. 

     When they arrived in Medjugorje, Sabine recounted, "As soon as my feet hit the ground, I instantly believed." Another group arrived at the same time, and by mistake she followed them to the rectory. A woman pushed her up the stairs and she found herself with a handful of priests and nuns in the apparition room. "It was the most amazing experience! Our Lady was appearing!" Although there were no flowers there, the smell of roses filled the air. She left the apparition and ran right to Confession.
Sabine in Medjugorje
Sabine in Medjugorje
     Sabine's experience so inspired her that she wanted her friends to experience it, so the following July, she and four friends decided to go to Medjugorje before they were to meet with a priest from Scotland about pro-life work. They were able to rent a car in Luxemburg, although none of them was old enough to rent a car. When they got about 5 ½ hours from Medjugorje, they could not find a place to camp or to stay, so they decided to just drive through the night until they got there. At that point, Sabine took over the driving. All of a sudden, they saw what looked like a telephone pole in the middle of the road, and thought it was very odd. As Sabine turned the wheel to avoid it, the car began spinning as if on ice. The car overturned two or three times and landed upside down in a ravine. One of the girls had not even put her seatbelt on yet, so she was flipping up and down in the car. Villagers came running out of their houses in their night clothes when they heard the crash. They turned the car back over and smashed the windows to remove the girls from the car. They started pouring brandy and other alcohol on their wounds because that is all they had. By the time the police arrived, they all smelled like alcohol. The police (Communist at the time) asked who had been driving the car and Sabine said she was. They confiscated her passport and told her she was under arrest for drunk driving.

     They knew they needed a hospital for the girl who was not wearing a seatbelt, since she could not feel her legs and could not move. When the ambulance came, Sabine and one other girl went in the ambulance with the girl who was hurt, and the other two were ordered to get back into the car, which was crushed and leaking gas and oil.

     When they got to the hospital, the head doctor asked who was driving the car. Sabine said that she was, to which the doctor said, "I just wanted you to know that you killed your friend." Sabine began to cry and asked to see her body. She was taken to a room where she saw that her friend was still alive, so she asked the doctor why he had said that. He replied, "Because she'll never walk again, so she might as well be dead, and you did this to her." 

     They tested Sabine for alcohol, and when the test was negative, they did not know what to do, so they sent the girls back to the police station. Sabine was put into a cell there for about 8-10 hours, and given only a cup of water. She asked if she could call the American Consulate in Zagreb, but they kept putting her off. Finally, the girls were escorted to a building next to the police station and the judge pronounced Sabine "guilty", but she did not know what the charges were.

     They gave back their passports. They took all their money, but they did allow them to make a call to the car rental agency to get another car.
     The girls drove back to the hospital to visit their friend and were told by the doctors that she had severed her spine and would probably never walk again. She would need at least 10 days before the swelling would go down, so they could put her in a body cast. In order to go back to the U.S., she would have to be accompanied by a nurse and a doctor and it would cost a minimum of $35,000! They had no idea what to do, but felt they should go to Medjugorje. The girl who was hurt told them to go because maybe they could find people to help them. They did not want to leave her, but felt this was what they needed to do. For some unknown reason, they left the journal they had been keeping with their friend, even though she was not able to even pick it up. 

     They arrived in Medjugorje around 11:00 PM and were kneeling around the statue of Our Lady in front of the church. (At that time the statue was closer to the church than it is now.) They were crying and begging Our Lady for a miracle for their friend. Fr. Svet was locking up the church and heard them crying, so he asked them what was going on. They told him their story and he asked them to come to the rectory the next day and he would take them to another priest.

     The following day, after the English-speaking Mass, Fr. Svet took them to the rectory and introduced them to Fr. Slavko. After they related the story to Fr. Slavko, he said, "I have an assignment for you. I want you to stay here for three days, just like Jesus stayed in the tomb for three days. You will live the life of Jesus, but first you will live His death. Here's what I want you to do every day while you're here. Every day you will climb Mt. Krizevac. Every day you should go to Mt. Podbrdo. Every day you should go to Mass, and every evening you should go to the Rosary and Mass again, and Adoration as well. After three days, you come back to see me." They thought this sounded overwhelming, but they did it all "with the grace of God and the help of Our Lady". Fr. Slavko had also told them that after the English-speaking Masses a collection would be taken to bring their friend back to the U.S.

     After the three days, Fr. Slavko met with them and gave them a satchel filled with money. He said, "I haven't counted it all, but I think it is enough to get your friend back." He gave them a blessing and then asked them to do him a favor. "What I want you to do is when you get back and you find out that you do not need this money, then I want you to give it to a pro-life cause that helps further the cause of life." They were confused as to why they wouldn't need the money. Father replied, "Gospa [Our Lady] will let you know." Then he pointed at Sabine and said, "I will see you very soon."
Fr. Slavko
Fr. Slavko
     When they got back to the hospital, they got the surprise of their lives – their friend, who was in a different room now, jumped up! She had been completely healed!!! Her healing had taken place at the exact time they were praying at the statue in Medjugorje. She had written it all down in the journal they had left with her. She had been lying in her bed crying and asking God why He had allowed this to happen. But then she stopped and prayed instead, "Use me whatever way you can, even if I can never walk again." In that instant, she felt something like hands sliding under her back, and felt heat going up and down her body. Then she felt these hands urging her to sit up. A nurse who saw her do this asked what she was doing. Then she felt an embrace from behind, but there was no one there. The nurse suggested she get all the way up and try to walk with her help. She did, and had not even a twinge of pain. The nurse took out a Miraculous Medal and a Medjugorje medal she was wearing under her uniform, and she said, "Gospa did this." They went to a little closet and prayed the Rosary in thanksgiving. 

     After their friend was discharged, the girls drove to Lourdes. The friend who was healed still had a lump on her back from the accident, but after she went into the baths at Lourdes, it disappeared! They went on to London where they met the priest from Scotland. After hearing their story, he took the girl who was healed to a doctor in London to be X-rayed. The doctor came to the waiting room looking for a person who should be a quadriplegic because the X-ray showed no healing. The priest said, "This is a miracle!" They wrote up the testimony and he took it to Rome, where he prayed he would run into someone who would take it to the Commission studying Medjugorje. By no coincidence, he ran into Cardinal Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) and gave him all the documentation.

"For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible"
(Mt 19:26)
     Prior to this, the girls gave the money in the satchel from Medjugorje to the priest who did pro-life work, because his printing press had broken. Sabine stayed a little longer in Scotland to do some pro-life work with him and she met a pregnant young mother who was going to have an abortion. The priest told Sabine she needed to help the woman, so he gave her two plane tickets to travel to Medjugorje. The young mother was not even a believer, but had a conversion in Medjugorje. Within six months, she became Catholic and had her baby baptized! 

     While in Medjugorje, Sabine went to see Fr. Slavko. She remembered that he had said he would see her very soon, but she did not think he would remember her because he would have met so many people in Medjugorje in the three months span since she had been there. She said, "I was here in July with my friends." He responded, "Yes, your friend who was healed." She asked, "What? How did you know that?" He replied, "The Gospa told me!"


Medjugorje: Message to Mirjana from Our Lady


Mirjana greets Our Lady 
(c) Mary TV 2020/ Anthony Zubac

February 2, 2020
The Presentation of the Lord

Dear Family of Mary!

The February 2nd, 2020 Message:

Dear children,

By the act of the decision and love of God, I am chosen to be the Mother of God and your mother. But also by my will and my immeasurable love for the Heavenly Father and my complete trust in Him, my body was the chalice of the God-man.

I was in the service of truth, love and salvation, as I am now among you to call you, my children, apostles of my love, to be carriers of truth; to call you to spread His words, the words of salvation, by your will and love for my Son: that with your actions you may show, to all those who have not come to know my Son, His love.

You will find strength in the Eucharist-my Son who feeds you with His Body and strengthens you with His Blood. My children, fold your hands [in prayer] and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; you are drawing truth to be able to discern; you are drawing love that you may know to love truly. My children, apostles of my love, fold your hands [in prayer], look at the Cross. Only in the Cross is salvation.
Thank you.
(February 2, 2020)    Video -  https://marytv.tv/mirjanas-apparition/
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2020