
Fr. Edward A. Sousa Jr. celerbrates Christmas Mass at Saint Joseph Church in Providence R.I.


Medjugorje Message I am carrying my Son Jesus to You

Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, given today, December 25, 2019:

"Dear children! I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, for Him to bless you and reveal to you His love, which comes from Heaven. Your heart yearns for peace, of which there is less and less on earth. That is why people are far from God and souls are sick and heading towards spiritual death. I am with you, little children, to lead you on this way of salvation to which God calls you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (December 25, 2019)


At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:25 pm and lasted 9 minutes.
Our Lady came with little Jesus in her arms. Through Jakov, Our Lady gave the following message:

Dear children, today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you to open your hearts and to implore Jesus to strengthen your faith. Children, through prayer with the heart, faith and works you will come to know what it means to live a sincere Christian life. Often times, children, darkness, pain and crosses overwhelm your hearts. Do not waver in faith and ask 'why' because you think that you are alone and abandoned. Instead, open your hearts, pray and believe firmly and then your heart will feel God's nearness and that God never abandons you – that He is beside you at every moment. Through prayer and faith, God will answer your every 'why' and transform your every pain, darkness and cross into light. Thank you.


With great joy I bring you the King of Peace

Fr. Jozo's Reflection on Our Lady's Message of Dec. 25, 2007

"Dear children! With great joy I bring you the King of Peace for Him to bless you with His blessing. Adore Him and give time to the Creator for whom your heart yearns. Do not forget that you are passers-by on this earth and that things can give you small joys, while through my Son, eternal life is given to you. That is why I am with you, to lead you towards what your heart yearns for. Thank you for having responded to my call." (12/25/07)

This is a Christmas message and also the last message of this year. In the time leading to Christmas, we were witnesses of our preparation and maximum effort and activity in preparing the way to the Lord who was to come.
To all those with open hearts the Holy Mother and Virgin is able to say: "With great joy I bring you the King of Peace, that He may bless you with His blessing." How many hearts have received this precious gift of the King of Peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and in Holy Communion! They have done so in complete unity with the Church, which was preparing them to open their hearts for that great gift - the King of Peace - through prayer, fasting, dawn Masses and the Sacraments. This peace and joy of Christmas shines from joyful hearts.

Such believers are completely different from those motivated by purchasing gifts to bring joy to their own hearts and to the hearts of others. Because this is not possible, once again, those individuals were deceived and disappointed. After the feast, they remained even more empty and tired. This is not Christmas. They lack Jesus, the King of Peace. They lack peace and His joy, which He gives to the prepared hearts, families and the Church.

Life and a frantic rush inspired and moved by the inclination and desire of a goal to possess and enjoy has never been blessed. In fact it is worthless. It is most sad to recognize and to live in the vicinity of someone who lives only for things. Our heart and our nature long for something higher than things or pleasure. Our hearts can be satisfied and filled only by their Creator, by God who came as Christ, the King of Peace.
Therefore, this warm Motherly teaching is for each of us: "Adore Him and give time to the Creator for whom your heart longs." Our manger scenes in Churches and in families are not decoration or folklore. They are a place of prayer and adoration of the King and Lord. It is so important for us to find time to dedicate to prayer and thanksgiving for His birth and our salvation. A manger where a family does not gather and take time for prayer is an empty sign to us and to our children. It is almost on the level of false display windows and illuminated cities, which in an external way show their tradition but not the faith, gratitude and love for the Mother and the Child given to us.

Our Lady calls us to adore Jesus, our King. From the beginning, She has been asking for this in Her messages. This is why our prayer community in its program lives from the Eucharist and adores the living and present Jesus in the Holy Sacrament. Unfortunately, some members easily dispense and free themselves from Adoration on Thursdays, or fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays. In Adoration we are so close to Him. We are at His feet, listening to His teaching of grace and receiving His blessing and peace. Our life and our heart longs for Him. Every time we meet together in prayer, in reflection on the message of the Queen of Peace and in Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament, we give important time to Him for whom we long.

My dear ones, once again, our good Mother cautions us not to forget that we are passers-by in this world. It is painful to listen to or speak to a person who acts and lives as if he will never die or account to God for his life. It is difficult to meet people who, sunk in their selfishness, feel no responsibility for others with whom they share their life and gifts and who do not think at all about those who are to come after them. Because of this, we have polluted the air we breathe, poisoned the food we eat and poisoned the family in which we are born and raised. We have poisoned the earth, the hearts and everything that we have seized in our selfishness as solely our own. If we are not aware that we are passers-by on this earth and that things of this earth are not our goal or of greatest value, most certainly we have forgotten eternal life and the un-passing joy that our King of Peace and Savior brought and gave to us by His birth. This especially pertains to technology and offers of pleasure and enjoyment. Christmas and its celebration are not a time of pleasure and entertainment but a discovery of what is not passing and is eternal. All of this is a gift to us for which we must be grateful.

 We must take time in song, prayer and in listening to the Word of God to give thanks to the Lord.
In a most beautiful way, the Mother explains to us that She is with us to lead us towards that for which our hearts long. We are like a child in front of a shop window stopping before our toy, our dreamed of desire, trying to force our mother to enter into the shop and to buy it for us. If a child does not succeed, he cries and throws a tantrum, putting his mother in an uncomfortable position and she most often gives in. How are we to pass through this world of consumerism and of great offers when it seems to us that somehow we need all this? Everyone else has this or that new product, so why shouldn't I?

Permit me to share a story with you. A hermit walked through a city. He walked by all the shop windows and all the shops. He enjoyed looking at the most beautiful things that people were buying and taking home.
He was whole-heartedly grateful for everything: for beautiful clothes, expensive shoes, all the food products and an abundant market of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. At the end of the day he prayed: "How wonderful and good you are, Lord. Thank you for all the most beautiful things that my brothers and sisters are buying. Thank you for everything, but especially thank you for the gift that I do not need any of those things. Thank you that I am perfectly happy and free because I can be without all that I have seen." This is the freedom that we need. We have become addicted to technology and such expensive things telling ourselves that we cannot be without them. As a consequence, we are not free.

On the same day, when Our Lady gave this message through Marija, Our Lady explained through the visionary Jakov not to seek joy in the things of this world but to open our hearts and to accept God.
On everything we touch we leave behind our fingerprints, and simple expertise reveals the person who has touched the item. It is the same with our hearts in watching advertising on television, newspapers, and other media. An identifiable imprint of our addiction or our freedom remains.
God wants us to be free. He does not want us to live for things, but for Him who is our peace and our all. Let us persevere in the Motherly school of Our Lady. Let us not reject it or superficially take it to heart. This message, in particular, is completely Gospel based; "Jesus said to him, if you want to be perfect, go and sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven and come follow Me (Mt. 19, 21-22)." 



Life After Death Experience

Life After Death Experience – My Visit to Heaven, Hell & Purgatory

sondra 2I am the second youngest of five children. I was raised Catholic. My mom was Catholic and my dad converted after my mother passed on. In my twenties, I married Kenneth Abrahams and we had three children: Melanie, Jeffrey, and Karen. Every Sunday I went to church, but I was a pew warmer. After Vatican II, I had a bad opinion of the church. I was disappointed and disillusioned with our church. However, I was devoted to the Blessed Mother and prayed the Rosary—a devotion I learned from my mother.


The first time Mary ever appeared to me, I was five years old. She told me that my father had been healed through her intercession. She also made a dead rose beautiful again that was in a vase near me. I realized that if you prayed to her she listened. As a child, my school was next to the Catholic Church. Every day after school, I would run across the street to the church and go see the statue of Our Lady of La Salette. I would burn a candle hoping that she would stop crying like the statue. I would then genuflect to Jesus and run out the door and go home.

Dead at 30

In January 1970, I had a hysterectomy when I was 30 years old due to cervical cancer. After the surgery, the doctors gave me medicine that was new on the market, and I had a reaction to it in the hospital. My husband came and picked me up and brought me back to our house in Houston, TX. My mother-in-law had been watching the kids. I went back to my bedroom, and I thought I was having a stroke. My mother-in-law called my husband, and he came home. That was my introduction into Hell in so many ways.
The doctors told my husband to bring me back to the hospital immediately. I couldn’t breathe, my heart was exploding in my chest, and I had my head back trying to get air into my lungs. My husband brought me to the emergency room and the doctor didn’t know what to give me as an antidote. The doctor thought I was going to go into cardiac arrest. The doctor started doing chest compressions and suddenly I was staring down at my body watching everything happen. I heard the doctor start cursing and yelling at the nurses. He started yelling a code and saying “I’m losing her.”

An Encounter With Christ: Consuming Love

Suddenly, I was pulled through the ceiling, and I felt myself going from one dimension to another. I can’t explain it or fully describe it, but I was yanked through my body and pulled into a tunnel. I could see light and I saw angels and then souls in transit. I could see a little tiny light ahead, and I wanted to get to that light. As I got closer and closer, it got brighter and brighter and the light was Christ.
I remember him putting His arms around me. He wasn’t a spirit; He was real. I was just my soul and it was dirty. I remember and could feel His love–a consuming love. It was in every pore of my being. I felt His love and compassion. Being a parent, I thought I knew love, but His love doesn’t even compare. His love consumes you and you can feel it. It is the most beautiful, unusual sensation I’ve ever had.
He told me that He was going to show me things. He turned and He moved his hand. As He moved his hand, I saw a review of my life from the time I was a tiny child up until age 30. It was almost like a movie screen. I saw every time I did something good and I felt His love and joy. When I did something bad, I felt His hurt and intense pain that I caused Him. He showed me my whole life. But He never stopped loving me. His mercy is enormous. Explaining this is very hard. I came face to face with Jesus. He is a more beautiful than any picture I have ever seen. He radiates love.

Lake of Fire

Jesus asked me if I was satisfied with my life and I told him no. He said I would have more opportunities. Then he said he was going to show me something else.
He showed me Hell. It was horrible. It never ends. It is for all eternity. It is just horrible. You can’t ever get out. I was so distraught about the souls going into Hell. The souls looked like something in your worst dreams, almost like monsters. They were cursing God and never stopped. It was like a volcano. You can’t imagine what these souls looked like.
I cried out “I will pray for them!” and Jesus shook his head. He showed me a horrible man who would curse God, and he was mean, cruel and prideful. He would slam doors in people’s faces on purpose. He would see an animal and deliberately run over it on the street. The man’s friends showed him that he needed to find God. And the man said “I don’t need to find God. I am God.” The man was in a car accident and as his soul detached from his body, Our Lord appeared to him one last time and asked him two things: “Do you love me, truly love me? Are your sorry for your sins?” The man cursed Our Lord. Jesus pointed and the soul’s face went into the fire. The man did not recognize Jesus because of his pride.
To this day, I don’t know who this man was. I have never forgotten this. I knew right away that I didn’t want to go to Hell. The suffering is so intense there.

Purifying Fire

Then Jesus showed me Purgatory. I called Purgatory “the gray zone” for years because of the bleakness and grayness. There are levels, but I don’t know how many. The bottom is very dark and black. Most souls that end up there have committed very serious sins and the suffering there is intense. There are fires, but they are fires within souls cleansing them. As a soul is cleansed and purified they begin to move up to different layers of gray and up into the light. Then they are crystal clean and released into Heaven.
I saw my great uncle Creighton who died when I was four or five years old. He committed suicide by shooting himself. He was in the lowest level of Purgatory. His soul recognized mine, and he asked me to pray for him. I heard his cry. He came another 20 years later after this experience and let me know he had been released.
We have to pray for the souls in Purgatory–offer Masses, Rosaries, and sacrifices. That is how the souls move out of Purgatory as they can’t pray for themselves. They can pray for us, but they can’t pray for themselves. It’s us who need to pray for them. There are billions of souls in Purgatory. Not one soul knows that there is another soul around them. They are completely isolated. They know why they are there. They can’t take comfort in other people. There is no sense of time. There are no clocks.


After I saw the bottom level of Purgatory, Jesus showed me Heaven. The souls in Heaven are radiant. I never saw anyone’s feet. They moved around and the smells were out of this world. The music was beautiful–thousands of voices praying to God. I met my mother’s mother who died many years before I was born. She thanked me for naming my oldest daughter after her. She gave me a personal message to give to my mother. She told me to remember to pray the Rosary. She looked like she was 30 years old.
Then the Blessed Mother appeared with St. Michael. The Blessed Mother is gorgeous. When She speaks it’s like little tiny bells chiming. It’s so hard to explain. She told me all the times I prayed to her she had heard every prayer. All prayers are heard. St. Michael was something else. I remember thinking that I wanted to be on his side! I saw prayers of people carried back and forth to Heaven by the angels. The reason why we don’t get what we pray for sometimes is that something we ask for may not be for the good of our soul. Jesus is looking at things for the good of our soul. I saw Padre Pio. I also saw another saint who looked like a nun, but I have no idea who she was.

Things to Come

I asked Jesus about His beating on the cross. He said that people today are putting more scars and wounds on His body. He showed me things that were to come. He showed me abortions. I saw billions of bloody torn bodies. Jesus started to cry. He said “You see, this is what mankind thinks of my Father’s gift of life. They destroy it.” I didn’t understand at the time, but he said I would later on.
After that he showed me euthanasia and said many would die in hospitals and nursing homes. Then he showed me clear tanks with babies in them that all looked alike and they were attached to umbilical cords, but there were no wombs. Their eyes were blank. Jesus said “Man will try to create life and they will destroy many. They cannot create life because only My Father can create and destroy life. Only He can put the soul into the body.” I was shown that at the time of conception the soul enters the body. A guardian angel is assigned to that soul at conception.  A baby that has Down’s Syndrome or another disability is not a mistake. They are here on a mission to show us compassion and love. Jesus said “My father makes no mistakes. He knows every creation He has made.”
Jesus put his arms around me and kissed me on the forehead and touched me where my heart was and said “You will remember everything I have told you. The day will come in the future that you will speak on these things and tell my people and you will bring back my lost sheep.”

Back to Life

I looked down and saw the filth of my soul. I told Jesus I loved Him and I was slammed back into my body. I opened my eyes and the doctor was looking at me. It took me two weeks to talk to the doctor and ask him what happened in the emergency room. I told the doctor how his cursing was wrong. He told me that I had died, and he didn’t think he was going to get me back. I only died for about two minutes.
When Roe vs. Wade came out three years later after my death experience, I knew we were going to have to fight for the babies. I have been giving talks all over the United States and Canada about my experience to wake people up and bring them back to God. We are in a crisis. This is not the end of the world. This is an end of the times as we know it. God is renewing the world.

Souls in Purgatory

After my death experience, souls came to me to ask for prayers. I didn’t always know who I was praying for. One night a soul came to me and asked me to pray for him because the prayers people were saying for him had stopped. His name was Victor. I announced on a TV show I was interviewed on that whoever is related to Victor needs to keep on praying for him. I later got a call from two sisters in New York, and they said it was their dad. The day I had been on TV was the day of the anniversary of his death. They had stopped praying for him. They started praying for him again and later found out that he had eventually been released from Purgatory.

Redemptive Suffering

Anytime you do something out of love without any idea of getting anything back, this shortens your time in Purgatory. Suffer with grace and don’t complain–this shortens your time. Offer it up for those souls who don’t know God. Many people who have cancer and offer up their suffering don’t spend much time in Purgatory. Many children with cancer are the ones who are the best at offering up their suffering. They have a special place in Heaven. The Blessed Mother and the child’s guardian angel always come for them.
Purgatory and the afterlife should be emphasized by our priests. We need to pray for the souls there. Our priests need to talk about Hell and Purgatory because they are real. 99% of people will go to Purgatory–but there are levels. Our young people are into so much trouble with drugs and alcohol. We are given free will and God will never interfere with our free will. We don’t hear many priests or people speaking about Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. What are we afraid of? Priests don’t realize how they are going to be judged as the leaders of the people. If they only knew the responsibility they have as shepherds and all the gifts and graces they have been given. Many of them are not using these gifts. I have had many seminarians calling me with questions about the afterlife because many seminaries are not teaching about the afterlife.
God’s mercy and His love are immense. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is beautiful. God is always showing us His mercy. He asks so little of us. Let us pray that we return His love with our prayers and acts of mercy so that one day we may be united with Him in Heaven.


THE WARNING-The Coming Illumination of Conscience of Souls When We Will ...

The Warning: The Coming Illumination of Conscience of Souls When We Will See Ourselves as God Sees Us


You Are God’s Masterpiece

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
I don’t listen to classical music all the time, but sometimes I do, and while driving home recently I heard on the radio a Bach cantata that was inspired by the biblical account of Mary’s Visitation to Elizabeth. It got me thinking about how many works of art, even in the secular world, have been created by religious instinct.
Think about the glorious music inspired by religion – Handel’s Messiah, so many Mass settings of the great masters, beloved hymns of Christian devotion, and even the joyful Christmas carols we sing each year.
And what about the other works of art, paintings and sculptures? Michelangelo’s Pietà, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper come quickly to mind.
And consider the great buildings, veritable monuments to faith, that have withstood the test of time — the stunning basilicas of Rome, including St. Peter’s; Westminster Abbey in London; the Chartres Cathedral in France, and many other spectacular houses of worship around the globe, Christian and non-Christian alike. Remember how many people around the world, including secularists, were horrified by the devastating fire that ripped through Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris last spring?
Now the point of this is not to praise great works of music, art and architecture. It’s to praise you, for in fact, you are God’s masterpiece, his pièce de résistance. Take all the great works of art throughout history — those that have been or ever will be — add them all together, and they’re not as valuable as your immortal soul.
You are the Divine Artist’s masterpiece because he has fashioned you in his image and likeness. “What is man that you should think of him; you have made him a little less than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor,” Psalm 8 proclaims. And “man is the summit of the Creator’s work,” explains the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (#343)
Someday, all the spectacular works of art will cease to exist. The sacred music will no longer be sung; St. Peter’s Basilica will lie in ruins; and the Pietà will be a pile of dust, only to be scattered by the wind. Your soul, though, will last forever, never to die, unable to be destroyed. The only question is: Where will it reside? Where will it spend eternity? In heaven or in hell?
Something to think about: Your soul is your most valuable possession. Are you taking care of it?


Medjugorje: Our Lady's message to Mirjana Of December 2, 2019

"Dear children.
As I am looking at you who love my Son, my heart is being filled with tenderness. I am blessing you with a motherly blessing. With a motherly blessing, I am also blessing your shepherds -  you who speak the words of my Son, who bless with His hands and who love Him so much that you are ready to make every sacrifice for Him with joy. You are following Him, who was the first shepherd, the first missionary.

My children, apostles of my love, to live and work for others, for all those whom you love through my Son, is the joy and comfort of earthly life. If through prayer, love and sacrifice the Kingdom of God is in your hearts, then your life is joyful and bright. Among those who love my Son and who love each other through Him, words are not necessary. A gaze is sufficient for the unspoken words and unexpressed feelings to be heard. There where love reigns, time no longer counts. We are with you.

My Son knows you and loves you. Love is that which brings you to me and through that love I will come to you and speak to you of the works of salvation. I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus. Therefore, you, my children, wherever you go, illuminate with love and faith as apostles of love.
Thank you."     Video  https://marytv.tv/mirjanas-apparition/