
Medjugorje: August 25, 2018 Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace

"Dear children! This is a time of grace. Little children, pray more, speak less and permit God to lead you on the way of conversion. I am with you and love you with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call." 


Who is your enemy

Fr. Jozo Zovko: He that can separate you from the alter is your only enemy.

Fr. Jozo Zovko speaks of the Holy Eucharist

Place your life upon this altar. You will witness how a priest will place a drop of water within a chalice full of wine. That drop of water intermingles with the wine and signifies you in the Holy Mass. You can become one, unite with and intermingle with Jesus. That is why the Holy Mass is called Communion ...union with God ...you and your God together ...that is the Holy Eucharist. All of us together and Jesus. That is the church, and that is where the one, holy Catholic apostolic church comes from.
 "He who can separate you from the altar is your only enemy. There is no other" 
Every time we come into the church and celebrate the Holy Mass, that is our embrace, our hanging onto Our Lord and saying, "Lord where would we go, for you are the Word of Life." Where did the martyrs gain so much strength from? In the Church, where did the witnesses gain their strength from? To date, in this year, 23 missionaries have been murdered around the world in four months. That is a lot. How can a man give his life for Jesus simply, with delight? It is the Holy Mass that does this within us, so that for you I'm able to give my very eyes, my arms and my life, my everything as Jesus gave His all; and the same way the Christian must give his all.

 Yes, once again, I must return to the Holy Mass and the Holy Eucharist. Why is it that churches and sects do not tolerate the Mass, do not respect Our Lady? Because they go hand-in-hand. Yes, they go together. Our Lady teaches to come to love Jesus, to fall in love with Him, and that is why she places us before the Holy Eucharist, and pleads with us to pray before this holy, blessed Sacrament, so from Jesus we may learn to become bread for others; so that I not have fear to say, "Take this, all of you, of me, and eat of it."

I know a lot of Anglican and Protestant priests, ministers, that were in Medjugorje.

 I know of a Presbyterian bishop that I have met from Washington. He had sent a multitude of his priests to Medjugorje as well. When I was in Washington a few years ago, I visited him because he visited me and came to Medjugorje.

 He had a problem, a cross, that was inflicted upon him. His son was shot in Vietnam and became paralyzed. When his son returned from the war, he said to his wife, "Let us make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. I believe Our Lady will hear us." And Our Lady gave a miracle. The son was healed and converted the parents. The bishop desired that all of his priests come to know Our Lady. Eight of those priests to date have become Catholic priests, without any shouts, without publication, without media. Our Lady works in miraculous ways. She was always the sign, the sign of a better world, the sign of peace and unity in the Church, the sign of our salvation. May it also truly be the same in your city or town. Let us commence this Holy Mass by preparing ourselves and involving this great grace.

Let’s Be Honest: It’s a Lack of Faith

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
Editor’s Note: During July and August, Rhode Island Catholic is sharing some of Bishop Thomas J. Tobin’s favorite Without a Doubt columns. The following column originally ran on March 16, 2017.
A “Shoe” cartoon I saw the other day said this: “A recent study has shown that six of the seven dwarfs . . . aren’t happy.”
The reference to Disney’s “Seven Dwarfs,” reminded me of a recent article in the “National Catholic Reporter” by Nicole Sotelo that discusses why young adult Catholics have left the church. Apparently a lot of them aren’t “happy” either. The article lists several reasons for the defections.
For starters, a high number dropped out because they are unhappy with the church’s teaching on sexuality – abortion, homosexuality and birth control. Another large group says they’ve left because of the way the church treats women. On the other hand, only a few have stopped participating because they feel that the church has abandoned traditional practices such as the Latin Mass.
Along with the findings of a number of professional studies, several other reasons are often cited for the youthful departures: The sexual abuse scandal; the hypocrisy of the members; the irrelevance of organized religion; the church isn’t very welcoming; too much emphasis on money; the Mass is boring; too busy to attend, etc., etc.
I heard of one young man, raised thoroughly Catholic, who stopped going to church because he’s “angry with God.” The reasons for his anger aren’t clear.
Ms. Sotelo summarizes her findings by saying that if we analyze the statistics we’ll find that when young people leave the Church “it has less to do with a lack of belief and more to do with the fact that young people want a church they can believe in.”
I’m not so sure. I think that the erosion of church participation is in fact a manifestation of a “lack of belief,” or at least the consequence of a very thin and fragile faith. And all of these reasons that are so often cited for dropping out – are they reasons or just convenient excuses?
Three observations are in order.
First, I think that many of the excuses young people use for quitting the church apply to older adults as well.
Second, I’m not convinced that disagreement about sexuality morality is a primary cause of departures. If that were the case, the mainline Protestant churches would be booming, but they’re not. Most of them jettisoned traditional Christian teaching on these matters a long time ago and still they languish.
And third, one of the most obvious indicators of commitment to the faith is regular participation in Sunday Mass.
Now, without a doubt, members of the church, including some priests and bishops, have given plenty of reasons for fellow members to become disillusioned and then quit. Nonetheless, if your faith is strong and resilient you overcome these hurdles and attend Sunday Mass, despite your personal experiences, disappointments and doubts.
And so, for example, if your faith is strong you go to church because you know it fulfills a divine command; it’s the primary Christian, Catholic way of observing the Lord’s Day. There’s a tendency nowadays to overlook the concept of “obligation,” in things both religious and secular. An entitled generation thinks that when they attend Mass they’re doing God a favor, when, in fact they have a sacred obligation to do so, and that it’s offensive to God if they deliberately choose to ignore him!
If your faith is strong, you attend Mass because an unparalleled sacred action is unfolding in your presence – the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, the oblation of Christ that reconciled God and man and redeemed the world.
If your faith is strong you attend Mass because you will hear the Word of God proclaimed, in the reading of the Scriptures and the preaching of the homily. “The homilies are terrible,” you say. Might be true, but remember, throughout salvation history God has managed to use flawed preachers to deliver his word effectively to his people.
If your faith is strong, you attend Mass because there, and only there, are you able to receive the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. You can stay home and pray all you want, but the Eucharist is the heart and soul of our faith. “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you,” Jesus said. (Jn 6: 53)
If your faith is strong, you go to church because you realize it’s important to belong to the Christian community, a community of faith and love that will accompany you through life in good times and in bad. And despite a few colorful characters and occasionally eccentric behavior (sounds like most families, doesn’t it?) the church is a divine institution, established by Jesus and guided by the Holy Spirit.
When, at the beginning of her article Ms. Sotelo suggests that “young people want a church they can believe in,” she misses the point. That church already exists; it’s the Catholic Church, the one founded by Jesus.
Near the end of her article, however, she offers some rather encouraging words about remaining in the Church. “The reasons we stay are many,” she says, “including our love for the faith, our gratitude for the tradition, and the knowledge that if we work together, we can build a better church.” Would that more young people shared her perseverance, commitment and faith!
Jesus asked: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8) The question remains relevant.


Prayer for Healing

Lord Jesus, I believe you are alive and resurrected. I believe you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar and in each of us who believe in you. I praise you and adore you. I thank you, Lord, for coming to me, as a living bread descended from heaven. 

You are the fullness of life, you are the resurrection and the life, you, Lord, you are the health of the sick. Today I want to present you all my ills, because you are the same yesterday, today and always and you yourself reach me where I am. You are the eternal present and you know me. Now, Lord, I ask you to have compassion on me. 

Visit me for your gospel so that everyone recognizes that you are alive in your Church today; 
and that renew my faith and my trust in you; I beg you, Jesus.

Have compassion on the sufferings of my Body, my heart and my soul.

Have compassion on me, Lord, bless me and let me regain health.

May my faith grow and open me to the wonders of your love, so that it may also be a witness of your power and your compassion.

I ask you, Jesus 
for the power of your holy wounds 
for your holy Cross and for your Precious Blood.

Heal me, Lord. 
Heal me in the body, 
heal me in the heart, 
heal me in the soul.

Give me life, life in abundance. 
I ask you for intercession 
of Mary Most Holy, your Mother, the Virgin of Sorrows, 
that he was present, standing, near your Cross; 
who was the first to contemplate your holy wounds, 
and what you gave us for Mother.

You have revealed to us that we have taken our pains upon you 
and for your holy wounds we have been healed.

Today, Lord, I present to you all my ills with faith 
and I ask you to heal me completely.

I ask you, for the glory of the Father in heaven, 
to heal even the sick of my family and my friends. 
Let them grow in faith, in hope 
and that they regain health for the glory of your name. 
Because your kingdom continues to extend itself more and more in the hearts 
through the signs and wonders of your love.

All this, Jesus, I ask you because you are Jesus. 
You are the Good Shepherd and we are all the sheep of your flock.

I’m so sure of your love, 
that even before knowing the result 
of my prayer, I tell you with faith: 
Thank you, Jesus, for all you will do for me and for each of them. 
Thanks for the sick you’re healing now, 
thank you for those you are visiting with your Mercy.

Father Emiliano Tardif


Fr. Joe Whalen second anniversary

Today, August 8th, (Feast of St. Dominic and also the same day St. Mary MacKillop died) marks the second anniversary of Fr. Joe Whalen's passing to eternal life. We still miss him greatly but know we now have a powerful intercessor. His St. Raphael oil ministry is busier than ever!

His full story here:



Medjugorje Mladifest 2018: Hosanna

Published on Aug 1, 2018

Medjugorje Mladifest 2018: Hosanna

Medjugorje Youth Festival 80,000 Strong

Medjugorje Youth Festival 80,000 Strong, Papal Envoy in Attendance Almost 1,000 Priests…Media Ignores Largest Catholic Gathering in Europe

As Catholic Media and leading pundits wring their hands about empty pews and the vanishing youth inside churches, they again refuse to report on a very big Catholic story.

This week the largest gathering of young Catholics in Europe are attending the Medjugorje Youth Festival.

80,000 young people from 60 countries, all on fire for the Catholic faith, are the clear future of the church.  These young people go to daily mass, they go to confession  they pray the rosary, they sit in adoration.

The Vatican papal envoy is present and mingling among the faithful. The entire week is a wonderful, joyful, powerful, spiritual event yet Catholic media in USA again ignore this important news story.

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How can our media possibly write fearful articles about the future of the Church as they ignore the large ray of hope coming from the young people who are gathered in Medjugorje.

What demonic force is at work here – What exists in these people hearts?

From Papaboys 3.0:

The 29th edition of the Medjugorje Youth Festival, Mladifest 2018, is in full and lively activity. Over 80,000 young people are present, coming from more than 60 countries. Long lines to the confessionals and tens of thousands of consecrated particles, during masses celebrated by over 650 priests. Also Archbishop Hoser, personal representative of the Holy Father for the parish of Medjugorje, is present and mingles among the pilgrims.

Such a quantity of young people who together pray and receive the sacraments is second only to the World Youth Days, strongly desired by St. John Paul II.

It is the largest international gathering held annually in Europe. Mladifest was born, about thirty years ago, by the will of Father Slavko Barbaric, when he began to gather and welcome young people, to talk to him about the Marian spirituality of Medjugorje.

Most of the media ignore this event, even if the growth of young people participating in the meeting has increased considerably, especially in the last 10-12 years. The young people respond to the silent call that the Gospa has addressed to them for almost thirty years.

Until the early 2000s, the Festival had a large participation of young people, but did not have today’s numbers. Those were the years of his first rapid development, in those days there was less organization, much more spontaneity, but the Festival participants were about a third of those present today.


Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message of August 2, 2018 to Mirjana

Mirjana greets Our Lady today - August 2, 2018
(c) Mary TV, 2018

August 2, 2018
Dear Family of Mary!

Our Lady's Message of August 2, 2018:

Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to open hearts to peace; to open hearts to my Son, so that in your hearts love for my Son may sing, because only out of that love peace comes in the soul. 

My children, I know that you have goodness, I know that you have love - a merciful love, but many of my children still have a closed heart. They think that they can do it without directing their thoughts towards the Heavenly Father who illuminates-towards my Son who is always with you anew in the Eucharist and who desires to listen to you. My children, why do you not speak to Him? The life of each of you is important and precious, because it is a gift from the Heavenly Father for eternity.

Therefore, do not ever forget to keep on thanking Him: speak to Him.
I know, my children, that what is to come afterwards is unknown to you, but when your hereafter comes you will receive all the answers. My motherly love desires that you be ready. My children, by your life keep putting good feelings in the hearts of the people whom you meet, feelings of peace, goodness, love and forgiveness. Through prayer, hearken to what My Son is saying and act accordingly.

Anew, I am calling you to prayer for your shepherds, for those whom my Son has called. Remember that they need prayers and love. Thank you.

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV

PS.  You can view this encounter between Our Lady and Mirjana on our website at this link:  https://marytv.tv/mirjanas-apparition/