"What is and isn't Working for the Alcoholic and Addict: In Their Own Words"

In 1998, I went to Medjugorje in Bosnia with my friends, Arlene Albert and Edward Sousa, along with his son Ed, Jr. before he became a priest. All were from Warwick, RI. Ten years ago, Arlene moved to Florida.
I made the ten day journey thinking I was going for my father, Brigadier General, Albert L. Gramm, who had passed away in 1990 at eighty years old from cancer. I wanted to pray for his soul. Being one of the commanding officers of the 26th Yankee Division during WWII fighting in Metz, Lorraine and the Battle of the Bulge, he feared dying after killing to survive during the war. Our family took him to a priest to give him comfort and believe in God's love and mercy before his death.
In my heart, I came to realize the Blessed Mother was calling me to return back to the Church. While I was there, a visionary, Vicka, told us that it is Our Lady who calls each and everyone of us herself to visit those holy grounds in Medjugorje.
I waited and wondered for years, why she had called me. I hadn't lost Lori until 2006, and came to realize after her death that my journey was not going to be on a tropical island at my retirement, but reaching out to others suffering from their addiction.
So many of us around the world have cried tears with losing a loved one to their addiction with alcohol and drugs. What is the answer? How do we help them? Why can't we stop this horrible, heartless action with our child, sibling, friend, parent, or a mate turning to a substance that kills them.
One day, I asked my cousin, who has a son battling heroine, "What do you think it takes for an Alcoholic or Drug user to realize they are killing themselves?" She replied, "I often wonder that myself. Maybe they are waiting for someone to do it for them and they don't realize they have to do the work. Maybe they need to read it in a book or hear it from someone. So, I'm telling you, "You can do it."
Enclosed is a link to my interview on Sheriff Thomas Hodgson television show from the Bristol County Jail & House of Correction at 400 Faunce Corner in North Dartmouth, MA. Too my surprise, we talked mostly about Medjugorje and the spiritual side of life. T the end, it contains my talk to the women in prison. A month before, I had reached out to their men and women inmates with addiction from the family side. I wanted to share this with everyone, no matter where you are or from where. You have my permission to use the video at any educational location around the world.
Maybe this video will help someone lost without faith or help an alcoholic or drug user find God in their lives.
God Bless!
Alberta Sequeira
Email: alberta.sequeira@gmail.com (I love to hear from people)
My books can be purchased at www.amazon.com/author/albertasequeira