Medjugorje: - INCREDIBLE NEWS!
(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017
August 27, 2017
Dear Family of Mary TV,
INCREDIBLE NEWS! You can now pray at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje at any time of day or night, from any place in the world!
This link to the live camera shot, http://marytv.tv/?page_id=2363 , can be found at the very top of Mary TV's web page.
Your prayers and donations have made this special place of prayer in Medjugorje accessible to all of Our Lady's children - 24/7 - just when she's telling us: "Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer!"*
*I'm told this feat is nothing short of a miracle. For example, there is no clear "line of sight" to our building. The signal has to travel 1.3 miles and make its way around buildings and trees. AND IT'S WORKING! We didn't really know what the camera would see. AND ITS PERFECT!
This must give Our Lady joy.... In the "Prayer to the Mother of Goodness, Love and Mercy", that she dictated to Jelena Vasilj on April 19, 1983, Our Lady included these words for us to pray to her: "Give us the grace to be merciful towards you!" Putting modern communications technologies at her disposal in Medjugorje so her children can stand by her side in prayer as she intercedes for the whole world is doing exactly that, being merciful to our Mother. "My Son promised me that evil will never win because you, the souls of the just, are here"
A big THANK YOU to all our donors. This is a labor of love from us all. Some unexpected larger donations came in just before the youth festival - when Our Lady had told us: "Be ready. This time is a turning point!" Without them we would not have been able to move forward as we have done.
Mary TV's team consists of volunteers, some of whom receive small stipends. No one gets a full salary.... And donations right now aren't really covering monthly expenses....but somehow Providence takes care. For example, Rosie hadn't told me that she was short 1,800 Euros to pay this year's rent for Mary TV's Tea House in Medjugorje. I just found out that on the day the rent was due (May 1st, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker) someone walked into the Tea House, placed 1,800 Euros into Rosie's hand, turned around and walked out! (Thank you, who ever you are!!)**
Here is the link for how you can be part of this marvelous work for Our Lady:
Thank you and God bless you!
Denis Nolan
*"Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer. Pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and a meeting with the Most High. He will transform your hearts and you will become people of love and peace. Do not forget, little children, that Satan is strong and wants to draw you away from prayer. You, do not forget that prayer is the secret key of meeting with God. That is why I am with you to lead you. Do not give up on prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call." (August 25, 2017 message).
** I just can' keep from sharing one more little story: Franjo and Rosie will be traveling to the US soon to greet their first grandchild (Yes, Josip and Christina are about to have a baby)! Franjo was late applying for a Visa....The family was a little nervous he might be cutting it too short. He was greeted last week when he walked into the US Embassy in Sarajevo, with: "Hi Franjo! How's Rosie?" He was greeted warmly and given "red carpet" treatment! People at the Embassy are familiar with Mary TV and watch it regularly!
Fr. Antonio–Mario Čirko: „I came to Medjugorje to renew my priesthood before Mary, as this is where my vocation was initiated”
date: 23.08.2017.
Many pilgrims from all over the world come to Medjugorje during the summer months and many Croatians are among them too. All those pilgrims arrive here to be spiritually fed before returning to their homes and that is why from July 1 to August 31, there is one additional Holy Mass in Croatian language at 1 pm each day. Many pilgrims decide to spend a part of their holidays while here, not just during seminars or spiritual retreats, but also in the other days as well. Fr. Antonio – Mario Čirko, religious and Carmelite priest, parish priest in the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Remete (parish in Zagreb), was one of them and he told us his story and reasons to be here.
„This is my second part of the holiday and I decided to come here to Our Lady in Medjugorje, as I have a long connection with Medjugorje. Medjugorje helped my family to understand the beauty of the faith and the sacramental life. When I was a child, I began to come here with my sister and my parents. I recall something that happened when I was 11. Fr. Slavko was the main celebrant and my mom prayed to Gospa, to Our Lady: Thank you, Gospa, since we are able to be here as a family. As a confirmation that you can hear our prayers, I am asking you to give us a little sign. It was a simple faith of one mother. But then, once the Holy Mass was finished, something interesting happened. Fr. Slavko, who was the main celebrant, instead of returning to the sacristy with all other priests, started to break through the crowds, came to me and gave me the rosary. I did not know Fr. Slavko and that was a sign of God’s love to us. I was connected to Medjugorje and to the Virgin Mary ever since I was little. Today, as a Carmelite priest, my dream ever since I was a little boy was achieved, I am able to be here as a Marian priest in Marian shrine and church! I am really grateful for that grace. Mary always provides safe road to us and we would never go astray if we follow her life, since she always bring us to Jesus. That is obvious here in Medjugorje with so many full confessionals, church that is packed and all the programme we have here, especially the Youth Festival that gathered thousands of young people. I am always happy to be in Medjugorje, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially moving for me. My cousin, now late Fr. Mile Cirko, who was a Franciscan, told me when I was young that I would become a priest. It was something that struck me deep in my heart. I think God spoke to me through him and placed the vocation seed within me back then. As the life went on, I graduated in high school and I completed medical college and only after all that I entered the convent. But, the vocation seed kept growing within me. There is a statue of St. Anthony in the Franciscan church in Zagreb and I remember I used to light a candle as a little boy before his feast there. After several years, my mom asked me why I was lightning a candle and I told her it was because I wanted to become a priest. Now, I came here to Medjugorje to renew my priesthood before Gospa, as this is where my vocation was born, along with late Fr. Mile.”
Medjugorje: Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace:
"Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer. Pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and a meeting with the Most High. He will transform your hearts and you will become people of love and peace. Do not forget, little children, that Satan is strong and wants to draw you away from prayer. You, do not forget that prayer is the secret key of meeting with God. That is why I am with you to lead you. Do not give up on prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call." (August 25, 2017)
Father Jozo Zovko celebrates his Golden Jubilee
With great joy, Father Jozo Zovko celebrated his Golden Jubilee with Jesus, the High Priest: in other words the 50th anniversary of his ordination! This took place the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, on August 6, at Badija, on the island of Korčula. See https://franjevci.info/zlatna-misa-fra-joze-zovke/
The Call to Confession - Father Jozo Zovko
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Fr. Jozo Zovko |
The call to Confession-Fr. Jozo
"The call to monthly confession. That is the sacrament through which peace flows, the spiritual anointing, forgiveness. I ask you to remember. I desire as your brother, as your friend and the one who loves you, the one who places you in his heart and promises to pray for you and your families and your intentions, as such a desire to say something that is above all -- There is no confession without a priest!
Perhaps this is the greatest reason why the Anglican pastors want to be Catholic, to leave sin. Jesus gave the priesthood. In the Hall of the Last Supper, our Holy Father wrote a most beautiful letter to us, in the Hall where the priesthood was born and again reminding all of the priests on the greatness, on the grace, of the source of where and how the roots began.
When Jesus said, "How fervently I long to be this night with you." Why? Because He desired to give the Priesthood to us. And He gave it. Without the priest there is no forgiveness of the sins. There is no Eucharist. And practically speaking, there is no Church. "Let us start to pray for priests."
Featured article from August's Spirit of Medjugorje
On the Way to Medjugorje
By Dawn Curazzato
In the Jubilee year, 2000, I went to Medjugorje for the first time. That same year, Pope John Paul II made St. Faustina the first saint of the Third Millennium and dedicated Divine Mercy to be celebrated the first Sunday after Easter, making it a splendor for the Church. On that day, he said, "THIS is the happiest day of my life!" Not becoming a priest, not becoming pope, but this day was his happiest. Why? Because he had made Divine Mercy the image of his pontificate, knowing what a great gift it was to humanity, and he fulfilled God's Will. He was very devoted to the Blessed Mother, and many say he was a mystic.
In 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot on May 13 at 5:00 PM - the exact date and time Blessed Mother appeared to the Fatima children in 1917. Pope John Paul II did not take this to be "coincidence." He recognized himself as the "Bishop in White" who was shot and killed in the vision the Fatima children were shown. He would later say, "One hand fired; another guided." He understood Our Lady guided the bullet through his body, and it was through Her intercession that he lived! When he recovered, after visiting his would-be assassin and forgiving him, he made a trip to Fatima and had the bullet from his body placed in
Our Lady's crown in the Fatima statue, to thank and honor Her for Her intercession. He was a great Pope, and I loved him, as did millions of others. Whether he was a mystic or not, I do not know, but he made a very important statement about Medjugorje. He said, "Medjugorje is the continuation and fulfillment of Fatima!" On this, the 100 year celebration of Fatima, I hold that close to my heart and ponder it as I remember my first trip there.
I had heard a great deal about Medjugorje and there was a trip in October of 2000, but I couldn't afford to go. In June of 2000, my husband and daughter gave a "surprise" 50th birthday party for me and, lo and behold, after opening all my cards, I got the exact amount to go. I was very excited. My friend, Kathy, who had been there several times said, "You won't want to come home!"
Just before it was time to leave, my mom found out she had cancer and needed surgery. I couldn't leave her. I went to the hospital three days before we were supposed to leave, and I told her I wasn't going to go. She told me to go - that I could do more for her there, and my sisters would take care of her while I prayed for her in Medjugorje. I told her OK, but as I got on the bus to leave for the airport, I began to cry. As I turned my head and looked out the window, the woman sitting behind me saw my reflection in the window and asked what was wrong, so I told her about my mother. She said, "I have something for you," and she placed a first class relic of Blessed Margaret in my hand and my first "spiritual kiss" and call of Our Lady of Medjugorje began. You see, the lady introduced herself and told me she was a technician at Roswell, the cancer hospital where my mother was having her surgery as we spoke, and she told me not to worry, that my mother would be fine. And she was! What she could not possibly know is that before I left, I went to visit the Dominican nuns on Doat street in Buffalo, NY, to tell them five of my friends and I had just officially begun a prayer group called "Ladies of the Lord" with the blessings of Msgr. Nugent of St. Bernadette's Parish. The nun I was speaking with asked if we had a "Patroness." We didn't, and she asked if we would consider
In 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot on May 13 at 5:00 PM - the exact date and time Blessed Mother appeared to the Fatima children in 1917. Pope John Paul II did not take this to be "coincidence." He recognized himself as the "Bishop in White" who was shot and killed in the vision the Fatima children were shown. He would later say, "One hand fired; another guided." He understood Our Lady guided the bullet through his body, and it was through Her intercession that he lived! When he recovered, after visiting his would-be assassin and forgiving him, he made a trip to Fatima and had the bullet from his body placed in
Our Lady's crown in the Fatima statue, to thank and honor Her for Her intercession. He was a great Pope, and I loved him, as did millions of others. Whether he was a mystic or not, I do not know, but he made a very important statement about Medjugorje. He said, "Medjugorje is the continuation and fulfillment of Fatima!" On this, the 100 year celebration of Fatima, I hold that close to my heart and ponder it as I remember my first trip there.
I had heard a great deal about Medjugorje and there was a trip in October of 2000, but I couldn't afford to go. In June of 2000, my husband and daughter gave a "surprise" 50th birthday party for me and, lo and behold, after opening all my cards, I got the exact amount to go. I was very excited. My friend, Kathy, who had been there several times said, "You won't want to come home!"
Just before it was time to leave, my mom found out she had cancer and needed surgery. I couldn't leave her. I went to the hospital three days before we were supposed to leave, and I told her I wasn't going to go. She told me to go - that I could do more for her there, and my sisters would take care of her while I prayed for her in Medjugorje. I told her OK, but as I got on the bus to leave for the airport, I began to cry. As I turned my head and looked out the window, the woman sitting behind me saw my reflection in the window and asked what was wrong, so I told her about my mother. She said, "I have something for you," and she placed a first class relic of Blessed Margaret in my hand and my first "spiritual kiss" and call of Our Lady of Medjugorje began. You see, the lady introduced herself and told me she was a technician at Roswell, the cancer hospital where my mother was having her surgery as we spoke, and she told me not to worry, that my mother would be fine. And she was! What she could not possibly know is that before I left, I went to visit the Dominican nuns on Doat street in Buffalo, NY, to tell them five of my friends and I had just officially begun a prayer group called "Ladies of the Lord" with the blessings of Msgr. Nugent of St. Bernadette's Parish. The nun I was speaking with asked if we had a "Patroness." We didn't, and she asked if we would consider
Steeples of St. James
Blessed Margaret, who has a plaque in the monastery, and is patroness of the handicapped, blind and unloved. Perfect! Of all the relics in the world, a woman I had never met, who is a technician at the hospital where my mother is being operated on, hands me THAT particular relic of the Patroness, which the Dominican nuns had just given us, while on the way to Medjugorje. Oh this WAS going to be a special trip!
The trip to Medjugorje is long and grueling, and when we arrived it was near dusk. Everyone went into our host home and unpacked...not me, though. I had to see St. James Church before I unpacked. I could see the two steeples of the church, so I ran down the street. I didn't want to have to find the house we were staying at in the dark. When I got to the church, there were hundreds of birds chirping loudly in three small trees near the church. All of a sudden they stopped - in unison - not another peep! I looked at my watch and it was 6:40, the time Our Lady appears! Does nature also pay Her homage?! It seems so!
The next morning, we went to Apparition Hill, where Our Lady first appeared. I was deeply affected by the peace and beauty of the spot where Our Lady has promised to leave a permanent sign that the world will have no doubt that She was appearing there. It is holy ground. I took a few pebbles from that spot. They are among my prized possessions.
We met several of the visionaries and were especially taken with the story Vicka and Jakov told us about Our Lady showing them Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. All the visionaries have a holy joy about them, especially Vicka, who was my favorite. Though she has many sufferings, she exudes joy. I had brought a manuscript of a book I had just written and Vicka prayed over it, for which I was very grateful.
On the third day, my roommate, Mary, and I looked out our window at night, and we saw the cross on Mt. Krizevac all aglow in a red hue, as if on fire. The next morning on our way up the mountain, we asked our guide about what we saw. We asked her who was up there. She said no one. She said, "You will see when you get to the top that there are no lights. There are no people up there late at night, as it is a treacherous climb in the dark. What you saw, many people report seeing. Some people see it lifted up and spinning with bright lights around it. It is a 'gift' to see that." I said, "Yes, but what does it mean?" She just smiled. Mary and I looked out every night thereafter, but never saw it again. However, we'll never forget it! Our trip to the top, praying the Rosary at each of the Stations along the way was very special, too.
The trip to Medjugorje is long and grueling, and when we arrived it was near dusk. Everyone went into our host home and unpacked...not me, though. I had to see St. James Church before I unpacked. I could see the two steeples of the church, so I ran down the street. I didn't want to have to find the house we were staying at in the dark. When I got to the church, there were hundreds of birds chirping loudly in three small trees near the church. All of a sudden they stopped - in unison - not another peep! I looked at my watch and it was 6:40, the time Our Lady appears! Does nature also pay Her homage?! It seems so!
The next morning, we went to Apparition Hill, where Our Lady first appeared. I was deeply affected by the peace and beauty of the spot where Our Lady has promised to leave a permanent sign that the world will have no doubt that She was appearing there. It is holy ground. I took a few pebbles from that spot. They are among my prized possessions.
We met several of the visionaries and were especially taken with the story Vicka and Jakov told us about Our Lady showing them Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. All the visionaries have a holy joy about them, especially Vicka, who was my favorite. Though she has many sufferings, she exudes joy. I had brought a manuscript of a book I had just written and Vicka prayed over it, for which I was very grateful.
On the third day, my roommate, Mary, and I looked out our window at night, and we saw the cross on Mt. Krizevac all aglow in a red hue, as if on fire. The next morning on our way up the mountain, we asked our guide about what we saw. We asked her who was up there. She said no one. She said, "You will see when you get to the top that there are no lights. There are no people up there late at night, as it is a treacherous climb in the dark. What you saw, many people report seeing. Some people see it lifted up and spinning with bright lights around it. It is a 'gift' to see that." I said, "Yes, but what does it mean?" She just smiled. Mary and I looked out every night thereafter, but never saw it again. However, we'll never forget it! Our trip to the top, praying the Rosary at each of the Stations along the way was very special, too.
We went to Mass every day where many priests concelebrated and it was like a taste of Heaven - so very special. There were also long lines for Confession - something you don't see in the West. One day we were coming out of Mass, and saw some pilgrims pointing up. When I looked up, my two friends and I witnessed the Miracle of the Sun! I thought I would faint!! When I was 10 years old, my dad told me the story of Fatima and I said to him, "Dad, I wish I was alive then! I could have gone to Fatima to be with Blessed Mother and see the sun spin!" My father smiled. Well, I think my Father in Heaven smiled, too, because here it was some 40 years later, and I am "seeing" through the eyes of the 10 yr. old child who lives within! Praise God! My dad passed away this past February and I will always be grateful to him for teaching me about my Faith.
It was time to leave, and I found myself crying again! My friend, Kathy, was right - I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay in this place that seems to be so close to Heaven. As we were all getting back on the bus, I had one more experience that I did not talk about for a long time until I discussed it with my spiritual director. I heard a voice - a loud voice - so I thought everyone heard what I heard. The voice said only three words: "Work for Me!" I said "Yes!" But when I looked around, I saw everyone talking and going about their business, and I realized no one else heard it. I had read the voice of God is soft and sweet. This voice was strong and distinct, so I questioned it until my priest put me at ease about it. I DO work for God. ALL of us should! God speaks to us in many ways, through Scripture, through other people, through the lives of the saints, through nature and dates, and natural means. Occasionally we may "hear" a voice or inner stirring, but we have to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and we have to maintain a child-like Faith which will confound the learned and proud. Many amazing things have happened to me since that trip - too many to mention here. But this I must share because we are all called to witness and to take God's Love and Mercy to those He puts on our path. We are to be His Light in this dark world.
I met so many wonderful people on the two trips I was able to make to Medjugorje, including the editor of this paper, June Klins, who touches many hearts by spreading Our Lady's messages. We were told that we don't choose to go to Medjugorje - that Our Lady calls us there. There is a "purpose" for each of us, which gave me pause to think...what is my "purpose?" What can I do for Our Lady, for Jesus, for my Church? I thought about it quite a lot while there. I remembered a quote President Kennedy made many years ago, but I substituted one word - "Church" - in place of "country": Ask not what your Church can do for you; ask what you can do for your Church. We should!
Our prayer group, "Ladies of the Lord/ Disciples of Divine Mercy," grew from six housewives to over 200 women after coming home from that first trip to Medjugorje. We get 60-90 women at EVERY meeting the second Thursday of each month in the Gathering Room at St. Gregory the Great Church in Amherst, NY. We pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet, and then we do readings from the Catechism, Bible and St. Faustina's Diary. After discussion/speaker we have fellowship. When we leave that room, we leave invigorated with the Holy Spirit and ready to face our days, not alone but as sisters in Christ. We go out as Apostles, part of Our Lady's Army! My Pastor once asked me, "How do you get all these women to come?" "I tell them they don't have to come!!" So I know those who come, come because they WANT to, and they understand the power of prayer! Our main requirement is to include ALL those on our petition list in our daily prayers and offerings and do acts of Mercy and Love when and where we can.
I have been doing presentations on "The Real Presence in the Eucharist" and the healing of my granddaughter ("The Power of Prayer") for 20 years. We give out free rosaries, scapulars, blessed medals and Catholic hand outs and pamphlets as well as bumper stickers with our emblem (the face of Jesus and a rosary) and motto "Prayer Not Despair" on them. They are all good ways to share the faith. Recently one of my Ladies of the Lord came out of Adoration and found this note on her car: (the card says "Thanking you for your kindness....and thanking GOD for you.")
"Dear Bumper sticker owner: I wanted to Thank You for your Prayer Not Despair bumper sticker! I never was someone who thought much of bumper stickers, but now I realize that sometimes they can really have a positive effect. Probably about three times I have seen this sticker on a car just at a time I was feeling close to despair. I believe God drew my attention to it. Well, each of those times I saw the sticker, my whole attitude changed. I felt God was telling me there was hope and just to keep praying. So I thought you should know about this. I thank you greatly for this bumper sticker because it has revived me and cheered me up, and has given me hope when I was losing hope. Thanks again! A Friend"
You see, we never know how what we do or say affects another. A kind word, a card, a visit, an act of mercy or a bumper sticker all done with love can have a very positive effect. A small ripple can turn into a huge "tsunami of faith" that WILL change the world. Is God calling YOU to work for Him? Let us Pray.......
Editor's note: If you are interested in obtaining a "Prayer Not Despair" magnetic bumper sticker, or Dawn's book, Memoirs of a Miracle, you can contact her at samcurazzato12@gmail.com. If you do not have email, you can call June at 814-898-2143 for Dawn's contact information.
It was time to leave, and I found myself crying again! My friend, Kathy, was right - I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay in this place that seems to be so close to Heaven. As we were all getting back on the bus, I had one more experience that I did not talk about for a long time until I discussed it with my spiritual director. I heard a voice - a loud voice - so I thought everyone heard what I heard. The voice said only three words: "Work for Me!" I said "Yes!" But when I looked around, I saw everyone talking and going about their business, and I realized no one else heard it. I had read the voice of God is soft and sweet. This voice was strong and distinct, so I questioned it until my priest put me at ease about it. I DO work for God. ALL of us should! God speaks to us in many ways, through Scripture, through other people, through the lives of the saints, through nature and dates, and natural means. Occasionally we may "hear" a voice or inner stirring, but we have to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and we have to maintain a child-like Faith which will confound the learned and proud. Many amazing things have happened to me since that trip - too many to mention here. But this I must share because we are all called to witness and to take God's Love and Mercy to those He puts on our path. We are to be His Light in this dark world.
I met so many wonderful people on the two trips I was able to make to Medjugorje, including the editor of this paper, June Klins, who touches many hearts by spreading Our Lady's messages. We were told that we don't choose to go to Medjugorje - that Our Lady calls us there. There is a "purpose" for each of us, which gave me pause to think...what is my "purpose?" What can I do for Our Lady, for Jesus, for my Church? I thought about it quite a lot while there. I remembered a quote President Kennedy made many years ago, but I substituted one word - "Church" - in place of "country": Ask not what your Church can do for you; ask what you can do for your Church. We should!
Our prayer group, "Ladies of the Lord/ Disciples of Divine Mercy," grew from six housewives to over 200 women after coming home from that first trip to Medjugorje. We get 60-90 women at EVERY meeting the second Thursday of each month in the Gathering Room at St. Gregory the Great Church in Amherst, NY. We pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet, and then we do readings from the Catechism, Bible and St. Faustina's Diary. After discussion/speaker we have fellowship. When we leave that room, we leave invigorated with the Holy Spirit and ready to face our days, not alone but as sisters in Christ. We go out as Apostles, part of Our Lady's Army! My Pastor once asked me, "How do you get all these women to come?" "I tell them they don't have to come!!" So I know those who come, come because they WANT to, and they understand the power of prayer! Our main requirement is to include ALL those on our petition list in our daily prayers and offerings and do acts of Mercy and Love when and where we can.
I have been doing presentations on "The Real Presence in the Eucharist" and the healing of my granddaughter ("The Power of Prayer") for 20 years. We give out free rosaries, scapulars, blessed medals and Catholic hand outs and pamphlets as well as bumper stickers with our emblem (the face of Jesus and a rosary) and motto "Prayer Not Despair" on them. They are all good ways to share the faith. Recently one of my Ladies of the Lord came out of Adoration and found this note on her car: (the card says "Thanking you for your kindness....and thanking GOD for you.")
"Dear Bumper sticker owner: I wanted to Thank You for your Prayer Not Despair bumper sticker! I never was someone who thought much of bumper stickers, but now I realize that sometimes they can really have a positive effect. Probably about three times I have seen this sticker on a car just at a time I was feeling close to despair. I believe God drew my attention to it. Well, each of those times I saw the sticker, my whole attitude changed. I felt God was telling me there was hope and just to keep praying. So I thought you should know about this. I thank you greatly for this bumper sticker because it has revived me and cheered me up, and has given me hope when I was losing hope. Thanks again! A Friend"
You see, we never know how what we do or say affects another. A kind word, a card, a visit, an act of mercy or a bumper sticker all done with love can have a very positive effect. A small ripple can turn into a huge "tsunami of faith" that WILL change the world. Is God calling YOU to work for Him? Let us Pray.......
Editor's note: If you are interested in obtaining a "Prayer Not Despair" magnetic bumper sticker, or Dawn's book, Memoirs of a Miracle, you can contact her at samcurazzato12@gmail.com. If you do not have email, you can call June at 814-898-2143 for Dawn's contact information.
St. Sixtus and Companions, St. Cajetan
Dear Family of Mary!
St. Sixtus and Companions, St. Cajetan
Dear Family of Mary!
Our Lady appeared on Mt Podbrdo to Ivan on Saturday August 5 (10:00pm Medj time). It was the last day of the Youth Festival. Our Lady's apparition took place at her statue on Mt Podbrdo. Here is Ivan's account of this encounter with Our Lady, as translated from Croatian to Italian and then into English:
This evening Our Lady came to us once more particularly joyful.
First of all, she greeted all of us with her maternal greeting:
"Let Jesus Christ be praised, my dear children!"
"Let Jesus Christ be praised, my dear children!"
Then, with hands extended, Our Lady prayed over all of us. Then, she said:
"Dear children, also today I rejoice with all of you! Again today I ask you to make your choice for Jesus. I see so many young people who are coming back to Jesus again, deciding for Jesus, and changing their lives. Therefore, I ask you to pray, young people. Pray for the family, young people! The Madonna prays for all of you, especially in this time of grace. Pray more! Pray so that my Son may be born in your hearts! So that He renews you! Thank you for having responded to my call."
She then blessed all of us with her motherly blessing.
Our Lady continues to pray for all of you.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
pellegrinaggio medjugorje festivl giovani serata finale
Medjugorje Youth Festible 2017 Praise the Lord
Maria Vallejo-Nagera speaks of her conversion at Medjugorje
Published on Jun 26, 2011
Vallejo - Nágera was so kind to share the story of her conversion here
in Medjugroje for medjugorje.net (Feb. 2007.) so I could share it with
all of you. Her story is on video now, for those that want to read the
story click here and for those that want to watch the video click read
Just when the Mass was over, our Irish priest advised us to hurry because the young visionary Jakov was going to give testimony of his extraordinary experiences with Our Lady in the huge auditorium in the back of the church. That sounded interesting, so off I went with my friends, driven by curiosity more that by faith. I remember very well that we were walking in open air, just in front of that long line of confessionary boxes that are situated outside the big Saint James Church of Medjugorje. It was a sunny, beautiful day, with some sparse white cotton clouds in the sky. I was walking in haste between my Spanish best friend and a French lady that was in our group, when out of the blue I felt this urge to look up to that beautiful spring sky. I did not see anything out of order or anything supernatural, like many pilgrims have admitted to seeing in Medjugorje. I did not see, but felt an extraordinary experience of love. In my heart what happened to me lasted 10 minutes, but in reality, only three seconds passed. Believe me when I tell you that those three seconds changed my life forever. What I felt was that an immense, indescribable love poured all over me. It was not physical, but spiritual. I went completely rigid; I stopped my walk and stared at those beautiful clouds. Time seemed to have come to a halt. Nothing moved around me: the people, the birds, the noises... Everything went quiet, still... The love that surrounded me, that filled my skin, my eyes, my clothes, my head..., was something so, so powerful that I realized I wanted to follow it to till the end. My head was soaked with a huge understanding, an incredible light, that told me with no doubt that what was pouring over me was the eternal and perfect love of Jesus. I remember that I sensed a male voice in my heart that said to me: "My child, this is how I love you. This is how I love ALL AND EACH of you." In my heart I just knew it was Jesus talking directly to me. I wanted to cry, I wanted to die! I remember that inside my brain I said to him: "Oh, my Lord..., my poor Lord Jesus! If this is the way you love us, I think it is an unfair love..." "And why do you say that, my child?" "Because it is humanly impossible to return this perfect, humongous, and eternal love. It is so unfair for you!" "My child, you cannot and you will not understand. Yes, no one realizes how much I love each and every one of you. But this Love is real, and I give it to every single human being." "OH! Please, please, take me now with you!" I said, feeling my eyes welling up with joy and fear at the same time. "I don't want to live anymore without this love!" But then everything went back to "reality." The experience was gone and there I was, completely confused, wanting to explain to every person in the world what had happened to me, how much God loves us. I wanted to run to a little corner and call my husband, who was in London completely far from me, from my wonderful experience. I wanted to die of shame, I wanted to hide from the eyes of God. I felt the sadness and the shame of realizing how ungrateful I had been all my life with God. In Spain I had become a literally a little celebrity due to my first novel, which almost won the most important literary prize. It came out 5th among 400 novels, and it sold so well. But that novel had been very hard on the Church. Actually, I was cruel and coldhearted toward the priesthood in general. I had made fun of them and I had been cruel to them with my writings. I was so ashamed. I understood what a huge mistake my first novel had been. And to make matters worse, it had been very popular in my country, where many readers had bought the book and made a bestseller of it. I was so repentant that I wanted to scream with pain. But I did not say a word then. As only three seconds had really passed my friends did not notice anything, and I was scared to death to tell them. I remember walking to Jakov´s lecture in a daze of fear, shame, happiness and confusion. Jakov's testimony was lovely, beautiful and touching, and it was then when I started to cry with long, sorrowful tears. Everyone in my group though that I was touched by Jakov´s words. If only they had known the truth! It took me six months to tell my dear Irish priest and my husband about this experience. I know very well that my conversion began that spring morning, the moment I felt in my heart for the first time and with the power of a snowstorm the immense love of God. I know it was in Medjugorje, while I walked by the confessionals outside the church.
Just when the Mass was over, our Irish priest advised us to hurry because the young visionary Jakov was going to give testimony of his extraordinary experiences with Our Lady in the huge auditorium in the back of the church. That sounded interesting, so off I went with my friends, driven by curiosity more that by faith. I remember very well that we were walking in open air, just in front of that long line of confessionary boxes that are situated outside the big Saint James Church of Medjugorje. It was a sunny, beautiful day, with some sparse white cotton clouds in the sky. I was walking in haste between my Spanish best friend and a French lady that was in our group, when out of the blue I felt this urge to look up to that beautiful spring sky. I did not see anything out of order or anything supernatural, like many pilgrims have admitted to seeing in Medjugorje. I did not see, but felt an extraordinary experience of love. In my heart what happened to me lasted 10 minutes, but in reality, only three seconds passed. Believe me when I tell you that those three seconds changed my life forever. What I felt was that an immense, indescribable love poured all over me. It was not physical, but spiritual. I went completely rigid; I stopped my walk and stared at those beautiful clouds. Time seemed to have come to a halt. Nothing moved around me: the people, the birds, the noises... Everything went quiet, still... The love that surrounded me, that filled my skin, my eyes, my clothes, my head..., was something so, so powerful that I realized I wanted to follow it to till the end. My head was soaked with a huge understanding, an incredible light, that told me with no doubt that what was pouring over me was the eternal and perfect love of Jesus. I remember that I sensed a male voice in my heart that said to me: "My child, this is how I love you. This is how I love ALL AND EACH of you." In my heart I just knew it was Jesus talking directly to me. I wanted to cry, I wanted to die! I remember that inside my brain I said to him: "Oh, my Lord..., my poor Lord Jesus! If this is the way you love us, I think it is an unfair love..." "And why do you say that, my child?" "Because it is humanly impossible to return this perfect, humongous, and eternal love. It is so unfair for you!" "My child, you cannot and you will not understand. Yes, no one realizes how much I love each and every one of you. But this Love is real, and I give it to every single human being." "OH! Please, please, take me now with you!" I said, feeling my eyes welling up with joy and fear at the same time. "I don't want to live anymore without this love!" But then everything went back to "reality." The experience was gone and there I was, completely confused, wanting to explain to every person in the world what had happened to me, how much God loves us. I wanted to run to a little corner and call my husband, who was in London completely far from me, from my wonderful experience. I wanted to die of shame, I wanted to hide from the eyes of God. I felt the sadness and the shame of realizing how ungrateful I had been all my life with God. In Spain I had become a literally a little celebrity due to my first novel, which almost won the most important literary prize. It came out 5th among 400 novels, and it sold so well. But that novel had been very hard on the Church. Actually, I was cruel and coldhearted toward the priesthood in general. I had made fun of them and I had been cruel to them with my writings. I was so ashamed. I understood what a huge mistake my first novel had been. And to make matters worse, it had been very popular in my country, where many readers had bought the book and made a bestseller of it. I was so repentant that I wanted to scream with pain. But I did not say a word then. As only three seconds had really passed my friends did not notice anything, and I was scared to death to tell them. I remember walking to Jakov´s lecture in a daze of fear, shame, happiness and confusion. Jakov's testimony was lovely, beautiful and touching, and it was then when I started to cry with long, sorrowful tears. Everyone in my group though that I was touched by Jakov´s words. If only they had known the truth! It took me six months to tell my dear Irish priest and my husband about this experience. I know very well that my conversion began that spring morning, the moment I felt in my heart for the first time and with the power of a snowstorm the immense love of God. I know it was in Medjugorje, while I walked by the confessionals outside the church.
Testimony of Cardinal Ernest Simoni-Troshani, given at the Medjugorje

August 4, 2017
St. John Vianney
St. John Vianney
Dear Family of Mary!
On this feast of the Patron of Priests, St. John Vianney, I am so happy to share excerpts from the testimony of Cardinal Ernest Simoni-Troshani, given at the Medjugorje Youth Festival on August 3, 2017! The Cardinal shares from his heart about his life and how important Jesus and Mary have been to him. He also shares his impression of Medjugorje! (This is a transcription of the Cardinal being translated from Albanian to Croatian to English!)
In his homily, given at Holy Mass, August 3, 2017 in Medjugorje the Cardinal said:
Again God has directed me by his glory and the benefit of people. God has so honored me and rewarded me that I am able to be here with you. Often times I am invited to proclaim the good news. I am very happy and I feel that heaven is open above this place and the angels descend upon this place, that they rejoice with us at this great meeting, because you are all at this meeting with the Lord!
It is a joy for us to participate in the presence of the living Lord Jesus Christ. At the beginning I asked the Pope. As the Church teaches us always, we must be in union with the head of this Church. I greatly desired that I would be here as a priest. To celebrate Holy Mass here in Medjugorje. His Holiness, Pope Francesco, I would say another St. Francis, a great heart, a man of the Church. I said to him, “Holiness, here people come who want to meet Jesus, to encounter Him. I would like to hear your word. The Word of Christ from your lips. Until yesterday, I was an ordinary priest from Albania. But today in this position that you have given to me, Holiness, may I witness before the people of Medjugorje? I ask you, as the Vicar of Christ on earth.” His word, with great joy He said to me, “Go to Medjugorje. Spread the Good News!”
In his teaching and testimony in the morning session on August 3, 2017 the Cardinal said:
I am so excited to be here (Medjugorje). I have the impression that angels are descending to be with us in this beautiful atmosphere. In this beautiful place. In invite you that even though it is summer, that we all experience Jesus Christ in this heat.
In 1945 what started was a difficult year, a Calvary for everything that was Christian in Albania. It was evil and the force of darkness, Satan. It came to make the Albanian country full of blood, to make martyrs of the Albanian people. But the situation was more and more complicated when Stalin took control with his hands. He wanted our Albanian government to say that he would open the Church in the world. He gathered all the priests together. We did not know why they invited us. But we found out. They wanted to detach us from Rome, from the Vatican. So we would not be a Catholic Church. But the Catholic clergy never wanted that. As they were able to see that we persevered, they told us, do what you want with the Vatican. You are free. But it was a false freedom. The world was told we had freedom but this was false news. But still the ideology became stronger and stronger and more crazy.
You see what was happening was such a difficulty. It was a prison without wall, and we the people young and old, they were pushing.
In 1956 I became a priest. I started my own mission. I didn’t know that I was always followed. They had spies watching me and wrote every word I said. They would use that information one day against me. But you see even though we could feel in our spirit that difficulties were coming, we left two things to the people of God, pray the Rosary and adore the Blessed Sacrament. And that is how they would survive.
The government knew this. That is how the persecution began. 1963, midnight. They came and tied me up, and brought me to an unknown area. I received the decree that I was condemned to death because I was telling the people they would all die for Jesus Christ. They also had a secret camera the recorded what I was saying and doing. That is how I ended up in a small room, two meters by two meters.
One of my good friends had been a secret agent. He was a spy. I thought he was a good man, but he was a spy. And he started to attack the system. I could see what was going to happen. So I changed my tactic. I said Jesus teaches us to love our enemies. To love everyone. Jesus doesn’t want us to have enemies.
And there was one other accusation. Two weeks before the American president, John Kennedy, died. And we, all the priests of the world were asked to say three Holy Masses for the late American President, John Kennedy. I did this, because the Holy Father asked. So I became the enemy of the system. And of course, the image of the late president, and his wife, Jacqueline, disturbed the communist country. I was to be hung by the neck. They would use these points to accuse me.
Still there was another accusation. That people would be happy that I was hung, because I conducted an exorcism. That souls would be saved. But the president when he heard that, said I should not be hanged. Of course I remained in prison. I remained in solitude in that cell, but I was not killed. Today I am proud I was in a prison. Because I was able to bring the joyful news of Jesus Christ. It was good that I was in prison.
So my business card, my dear young people, is that I was able to speak about God in the prison, in the catacombs. So now you can see how they call me the cardinal, the little creature of God.
After 10 years, they took me back to court. Again they wanted to judge me. This time they brought a group of young Catholics who lied about me so that the court would bring the death penalty against me. So you can see dear brothers and sisters, that when man can no longer act, God intervenes. They could not bring me the death penalty. So I remained again in solitude, in prison. I would say Holy Mass, and here confessions. I was a prisoner among the prisoners.
Then after 28 years in prison, in the catacombs, I was freed. But I had to clean the toilets and do the worst work. But the hand of God led me, even though I had heard I would be working. I still could be a priest, and when I wasn’t working, I could say Holy Mass. In 1990 I went for another interview. And they said, we invited you to tell you that the Church is going to be open soon.
Again, Vatican is going to come to Albania. The Church is going to have freedom and God will return to the people. And I was happy. May it be so. But I have the Holy Father in Rome. I will continue to do what I did, as a priest. Then together with the people I experienced freedom!
That was when we truly experienced, all the people of God, Catholics, Muslims, Orthodox, we all experienced freedom. After that time, I had the experience in all the places I visited, I would give a joyful speech about Jesus, who in the prison I was able to confess. Again, we were able to have all that joy again. Then Mother Teresa came to Albania. And together we were going to visit the Holy Father. That is when things began to be renewed, Mother Teresa and the Holy Father. People began to invest in our lives and that is how we began to live.
I did not expect to be a cardinal in my life. I was invited to come to Assisi, to a peace conference. I didn’t know why I was invited. Imagine me, little priest, unknown priest from Albania, when I looked around me and saw people – presidents and leaders from all over the world. Why was I there? I didn’t understand. And more interesting for me, the Holy Father invited me to lunch! I didn’t know, Holy Father didn’t tell me. Holy Father came to Albania in 2014, and I spoke before him, and that is why he invited me. So I didn’t know anything. Not Holy Father nor anyone there in Rome told me I would be a cardinal. But on the screen I saw my name, Cardinal Ernest.
So today I am saying this. This is God’s gift. This is a reward of the Mother of God, and anyone who says three Rosaries a day will experience a miracle that he would never be able to experience. If you pray the Rosary you will experience a greater miracle than I did! And I am trying to tell you, that the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, she is going to bring you in your life, and give you in your life, the light. You will have peace too.
So I want to witness what I in my years, 89 years old, learned. Whatever we pray and give to Our Lady, to the Mother, she will give it to Jesus and He will answer it for you. That is what I want to tell you today. For two thousand years Christ’s mother, Our Lady, is supporting what Christ wants, what Jesus wants. And that is how she will continue in the world. The Cardinal brought a book, a book each of you should see. It has all the apparitions of the world. Everywhere that Our Lady is there is the salvation of the world. Here is the book. Please read about the apparitions. The one who will pray to God for the salvation of the world. All the apparitions of Our Lady up to 2000.
What is the most beautiful thing that happened to me in my life of 89 years? My life is connected with the providence of God. I say this humbly. When I became a priest, when I had Jesus Christ in my hands. Further when the Holy Father appointed me as a Cardinal, and he rewarded me for all I did for God.
We have the impression that we have heard a saint speak!! And his advice is to pray the Rosary and give everything to Our Lady! He is truly Our Lady’s Cardinal!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2017
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2017
Message of Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn to the youth on occasion of the Youth Festival 2017 in Medjugorje
date: 04.08.2017.
Also this year, all of the participants were again remembered by our dear friend, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn from Vienna who sent them a message:
„Dear young friends!
You again arrived to Medjugorje in such a great number. No one ordered you to come here in this summer heat. You are doing that since this is desire of your own heart, otherwise you would not have bothered to do so. What moves you to come to Medjugorje? This is not a fashion, not a trend, not just some enthusiasm. This is special vicinity, vicinity of Gospa who is attracting you. I know that from Lourdes and other places where she is showing her vicinity, where people can feel her presence. Such mighty strength and consolation comes from Mary’s nearness! So many people discovered faith in Her presence, were converted and so many after so many years were able to go again for confession and to receive God’s forgiveness. I was very moved that our Holy Father appointed his Special Envoy for pastoral work in Medjugorje, Archbishop of Warsaw Praga, Henryk Hoser, exactly on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11. That is a very nice sign, while he also emphasised many conversions as one of the fruits of Medjugorje. Therefore I ask from you to pray for him! He is successor of St. Peter to whom Jesus entrusted the whole Church! I ask you for one more thing, something that Pope Francis reminds us often to – charity and love for the poor and little ones. He who has heart for the poor of any sort, cannot fail in his life. There is a great love that comes from Medjugorje for the people in need. I am with you in my heart in these days and I wish you to obtain many graces, to have good confession and to experience joy of genuine celebration in the communion with others. Do not allow anyone or anything take that joy away from you. That joy is truly authentic testimony for this world.
Yours truly, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn.“
Medjugorje: Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo of August 2nd, 2017
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