March 15, 2013
Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and
On March 2nd, 2013, Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the Blue
Cross. After the apparition, she gave us the following message:
children! Anew, in a
motherly way, I am calling you not to be of a hard heart. Do not shut your eyes
to the warnings which the Heavenly Father sends to you out of love. Do you love
Him above all else? Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly
Father, out of His great love, sent his Son to redeem us by the Cross? Do you
repent for not yet having accepted the message? My children, do not resist the
love of my Son. Do not resist hope and peace. Along with your prayer and
fasting, by His cross, my Son will cast away the darkness that wants to surround
you and come to rule over you. He will give you the strength for a new life.
Living it according to my Son, you will be a blessing and a hope to all those
sinners who wander in the darkness of sin. My children, keep vigil. I, as a
mother, am keeping vigil with you. I am especially praying and watching over
those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you - for
your shepherds. Thank you."
2. Ivan
in Argentina. After having seen his
venue cancelled in Uruguay, Ivan was able to give his testimony in Buenos Aires.
Only a few days before leaving for Rome to
the conclave, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (our dear Pope!)
gave his approval for Ivan to receive the
apparition at Luna Park. According to Ivan, during the
apparition the Blessed Mother prayed at
length in Aramaic, her mother tongue, over each priest
present and she gave this message:
Dear children! Today I invite you to open yourself to prayer. You are
living a time in which God gives you great blessings and you don't know how to
take advantage of it. You are preocupied by lots of things except your soul and
your spiritual life. Wake up from this tired world, awaken your soul from its
sleep and say to God with all your strength, "Yes!" Decide for holiness and
conversion. Dear children, I am with you and I am calling you with all my soul
to the perfection and the holiness of your soul and of all what you do. Thank
you for having responded to my call today".
At Luna Park, which was packed, Ivan said that the Gospa
is shedding tears of blood for her children who have been killed by abortion.
3. Viva
Francis, Pope of the Americas! On the
evening of March 13th (Marthe Robin's birthday), we were glued to our computer
screen, waiting for the red curtain to open. Then we saw an unknown figure
appear, a Cardinal whom no journalist made mention of, a Cardinal whom the Holy Spirit had secretly set apart. He is one to Our Lady's liking:
humble, determined, firm in the Church's faith, a fighter for the Gospel
before a hostile government - in short a friend of simplicity and filled with
charity for all! While the journalists are still talking, the Christian media
is giving good commentaries on his person and his work. I don't need to add
anything else to these reports, but here are a few points closely related to
Medjugorje for which we give thanks to God:
- For years the Archbishop of Buenos Aires had been
following the events in Medjugorje and gave them credit.
- He welcomed Fr. Jozo Zovko while on his mission in
- He welcomed Fr. Danko last year, for his mission
through Argentina. (Fr. Danko is a Franciscan from St. James parish in
Medjugorje, well known by pilgrims.)
- Cardinal Bergoglio allowed Ivan to spread his witness
in Buenos Aires early this March.
- One of his first initiatives, the day after his
election, was to consecrate his Pontificate to the Blessed Mother. He went to
Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica at 8:00 am, brought a bouquet of flowers for the
Virgin Mary and prayed silently in front of her Icon. Didn't the Gospa ask in
Medjugorje that we always begin our work with a prayer and finish it with giving
- For the past 3 years his confessor has been a
Franciscan from Herzegovina! For the previous 30 years his confessor had been
Fr. Berislav Ostojic, a Jesuit and a Croatian (now deceased).
- Last, he is the one who will enfold the workings of
the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje once Pope Emeritus Benedict hands over the
file to him, which is hopefully positive. Let's pray that its contents will be
released soon.
4. In the depths of China... Recently I heard a story about two Austrian
missionaries, Father
Gotsch and Brother Gervasius, that I would like to
repeat here.Gervasius, who had travelled through Tibet and India, tells that one
day in 1976, in southern China, he went along with Fr. Gotsch to visit a dying
man from Kaotai. They rode their horses for 200 kms (124 miles) through hills
and over mountains passes to arrive at the house of the dying man, too late. He
had already died. After the burial, as they made their way back over the
mountains, they met a young man who seemed to be waiting for them on the side of
the road. The man asked them to follow him to his ailing mother. They followed
him to a small hamlet 15 kms (9 miles)away. They found the dying woman in a very
poor dwelling. When she saw the priest, she asked, "Stranger, will you answer
the truth if I ask you questions?"
"Of course, Mother!" the priest responded.
"Is there a God in whom there are three persons? Is
there another life, a place of happiness for good people, and a place of terror
for bad ones? Is it true that God came on this earth to die for men and open the
place of happiness for them? Stranger, is this all true?"
Astounded, the priest answered "YES". And he wondered
how this woman learned all these things.
The woman continued,
"You have the water with you, so wash me so that I may
go to the place of happiness!"
Father Gotsch couldn't believe what she was asking.How
did she know that he had baptismal water with him? Her determined attitude was
somewhat childlike yet convincing. The priest briefly explained to her the
liturgy and the meaning of the sacrament, and he baptized her. The sick woman,
full of joy, said,
"You also have the bread with you. It is special bread
because God is inside. Give me some of that bread!"
The priest took out of his bag the consecrated Host that
he was carrying with him. He explained to her the meaning of the sacrament of
the Eucharist and gave her Holy Communion. He also gave her the last rites (the
confession of sins and the anointment of the sick). He then said to her,
"Until now, you are the one who asked questions, now
it's my turn to ask questions! From whom did you learn the truths of our faith?
Did you meet Catholic believers or Evangelists?"
"No, stranger" she replied.
"So did you read Christian books?"
"I can't read, Stranger, and I did not even know there
were such books."
"Then from where and from whom did you receive this
knowledge of our faith?"
"I always thought that it should be like this, and I
have lived this way for 10 years. I have also taught my sons this way and you
can wash them all (baptize them)."
"But you knew that we were going to come this way
"Certainly! I saw a man in a dream. It's him who told me
to send my younger son to the road and call the 2 strangers that were about to
pass by. He told me that they were going to "wash" me to go to the place of
happiness after death."
The missionaries were deeply moved. The woman's
attitude toward death was so peaceful that it left no room to doubt. Before
leaving, the missionaries gave her a picture of Saint Joseph, patron of the
dying. Filled with joy, she exclaimed,
"But this one, I know him! He often came to visit me. He
is the one who told me to send my son on the road to call you!"
She couldn't say for sure if Saint Joseph came to visit
her in person, or if it was in a dream, but
knowing that did not matter to her. What mattered was
what Saint Joseph had taught her.
Later on, the missionaries learned that this woman died
that very night.
(From the German publication « Weite Welt » N˚ 1,
Jan. 1976)
On March 19,
we will celebrate the Solemnity of St Joseph. Let's not forget to honor him and
ask much from him, especially for those who do not known yet the love of God. He
will always surprise us with his goodness!
Dearest Gospa, Mother of the Church, you has given us a magnificent
present with Pope Francis! With you and all the elected ones in Heaven, we want
to pray for his protection and to watch as sentinels around him, in this crucial
time for the Church.
Sister Emmanuel +
(Translated from