
"Accept the mission..." 5 Promises from Our Lady's Medjugorje Message ...

Come, Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth through me.
Fill me with Your life and Your grace,
that my soul may be sanctified.
Increase in me the gift of holy wisdom,
that I may use wisely the gifts You have given me.
Increase in me the gift of understanding,
that I may hear and respond to Your call.
Increase in me the gift of Your good counsel,
that I may always follow God's will.
Increase in me the gift of knowledge,
that I may grow in holiness by knowing God and myself more fully.
Increase in me the gift of love, that I may serve as Christ's hands and feet and voice
sharing Your love with everyone I meet today.
Come, Holy Spirit! Renew the face of the earth through me!

Song-Come Holy Spirit  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LtEBxh8LHM

Medjugorje: 4 Canton friends renew faith on unforgettable pilgrimage

By Jay Turner
Last month, on a pilgrimage with three lifelong friends to the Marian apparition site at Medjugorje, Jean Kelleher, a veteran teacher at St. John the Evangelist School, finally received the sign from God that she had been hoping and praying for ever since her cancer diagnosis in April 2011.

The cross that appeared in the sky at Medjugorje
There, under a red-orange sunset surrounded by a sea of fellow believers, two large clouds appeared in the sky — seemingly out of nowhere — and formed the unmistakable shape of a cross.
It was the only object in the sky, and it had a beautiful glow as thousands of people reached for their phones to take a picture.
“Then it just disappeared,” recalled Kelleher. “All at once it just disappeared. That was our sign. We were crying; I was crying.”

For Kelleher, it was an affirmation that she was exactly where she needed to be — miles away from the stresses of everyday life and the burdens of her disease, with her heart set on God in a place of mystery, wonder and peace.
Located in the southwest corner of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Medjugorje was altogether unknown until 1981, when the Virgin Mary appeared for the first time to six young villagers on a site now known as Apparition Hill. Three of the visionaries still claim to receive daily messages from Mary, while the others receive a message once a year on the same day. According to the visionaries, the messages are to be transmitted to the world and primarily address peace, faith, conversion, prayer, and fasting.

Today, Medjugorje is one of the most popular apparition sites in Europe, attracting more than one million visitors annually. The Catholic Church has not officially approved the claims of the visionaries, although a formal investigation is ongoing and a report is expected to be released in early 2013.

Kelleher, like many American Catholics, first became aware of Medjugorje through the story of Artie Boyle, a Hingham father of 13 who was miraculously cured of cancer following a pilgrimage to the site in 2000. Boyle, whose son Brian plays for the New York Rangers, had been given a 5 percent chance of survival and was scheduled to have his right lung removed four days after returning from his trip. However, a follow-up scan confirmed what he had already believed in his heart to be true: The cancer, including all three tumors in his lung, had vanished.
Boyle has since shared his story on ABC’s Good Morning America and has became close friends with one of the visionaries, Ivan Dragicevic, who now lives half the year in Medjugorje and half the year in Boston with his wife and children.

Kelleher, who has met both Boyle and Dragicevic in the past year, decided that she, too, would travel to Medjugorje, and she was able to convince three of her friends to join her: Marie Monahan, Lori Arsenault and Kate McNeil.
All four women are part of a close-knit circle of friends from the Canton High class of 1977, and as they headed to the airport on the morning of August 12, two others from the group, Susan Baker and Stephanie McClellan, stood on the Route 93 overpass at Houghton’s Pond holding a large sign that read, simply, “Believe.”

The message, as one might expect, brought Kelleher to tears, and it set the tone for a seven-day journey that exceeded all expectations.
“Going [to Medjugorje] just confirmed what we already knew,” said Monahan, “but to see it … you just can’t explain it. It was just so unbelievably moving to see that many people of our faith all together. It feels like we left a piece of heaven there.”

Monahan said there were 30,000 people from around the world who visited that week — and yet it never felt overcrowded or uncomfortable.
Together, they attended huge outdoor masses at St. James Church, climbed Apparition Hill and the rocky terrain of Cross Mountain, and prayed at the Stations of the Cross.
“It’s just amazing to see all of these people,” said Monahan. “We saw people climbing barefoot, little kids, older people; people waiting in line for hours to do confession. Some people would kneel down on the cement and pray for hours.”

(L-R): Lori Arsenault, Jean Kelleher, Marie Monahan, Kate McNeil
Throughout the trip, Kelleher said she felt “phenomenal” both physically and spiritually, and she even met a fellow pancreatic cancer survivor, a man from Connecticut who happened to be in the same tour group — and happened to be named Jean.

“The whole time I was looking for a sign or a message,” she said. “And I saw this man at the airport in Frankfurt who was wearing a purple bracelet. Out of all of these people, somehow there were two Jeans with pancreatic cancer.”
Kelleher prefers to think it was more than just a coincidence, and the cross she saw — that everyone saw — only solidified her belief that God’s hand was at work throughout the whole trip.
“Jean has been such an inspiration,” said Monahan of her childhood friend. “A lot of people would turn away from God, but she has done the opposite, and it’s brought our friends closer.”

And while she didn’t experience the miracle cure that Artie Boyle experienced, she started feeling better in the weeks leading up to her trip and got “great results” from her CAT scan, including news that her lymph nodes were no longer swollen and the fluid buildup she had been experiencing had all but disappeared.
“I was in a really bad place this past spring and summer,” she said. “Now I feel 100 percent better, and with the new chemo I’m taking, I now only have 30-minute infusions and I get to do two weeks on and one week off.”
Kelleher acknowledged that she still has her “moments” in which she doesn’t feel well or feels sad or scared. She still prays every day to be rid of cancer, although if her upcoming tests reveal that it’s still there, then “that’s okay, too.”

“I really do believe that everything is God’s will,” she said. “I know what I want and what I’m praying for, but it doesn’t always mean that it’s going to happen.”
As for her experience at Medjugorje, Kelleher said it will stay with her for the rest of her life, and her friends feel the same way, with Monahan insisting that she would “go every year” if she could afford the trip.
“Not only did we go for Jean, but we all got something out of it for ourselves,” said Monahan. “It solidified our faith. You can’t even explain how beautiful it was.”

“It was about faith and healing and being there with my friends,” said Kelleher. “It was unbelievable. I would recommend it to everybody, Catholic or non-Catholic. It’s just inspiring.”


God touched my heart through Our Lady

Medjugorje changed my life

Jean Azar comes from Lebanon and he came to Medjugorje in 2002 for the first time. That was a very difficult period of his life, he had several suicide attempts and he received grace to be healed in Medjugorje. “God touched my heart through Our Lady and ever since then I have been walking with Her. Many things changed in my life, I became better person ever since I live Our Lady’s messages and meditate on them every day. I was able to see my whole life in front of my eyes, from early childhood to mature period and I felt God’s grace close to me all the time. I was only one year old when I lost my father and I was three and a half when I saw my teacher being killed by the bomb that exploded in the front yard of our school. Those two events influenced me for the whole life, but I can see now that grace of our Lord is so great and is above all that. I only thank dear Lord for giving me the grace to come here every year. I can never thank Our Lady for leading me to Her Son every day”, said Jean and added that his sister recommended him to come here after she read a lot about Medjugorje. “She saw that I was in a difficult state and she told me how I should try to come here. I was saying to her that Our Lady is everywhere, why should I be going to Medjugorje to heal myself. But, after I read that book, I was really moved. I decided to come here, but before that, I wrote a letter to Our Lady and I raised many questions to Her. It was on that first pilgrimage that all of my questions were answered”, said Jean.
Medjugorje Official


Maria Vallejo-Nágera apadrina MayFeelings

Published on Sep 26, 2012 by
Videoclip anuncio Conferencias de Maria Vallejo-Nagera y MayFellings en Buenos Aires y Montevideo, 7 y 14 de Noviembre 2012.
Dear friends,
I start to work evangelizing again with my lectures. Now Latin America has asked me to go. I am starting a gruesome trip all over Latin America to bring the joy of Jesus to as many people as I can. Please pray for me and for my beautiful but difficult journey:
With love,
Maria Vallejo-Nágera

Apparition of Ivan in Vienna

Medjugorje Visionary Ivan, Live from Vienna, also Testimony from Colleen Willard


Dear Family of Mary

Ivan sees Our Lady on Jan 31, 2012
Ivan during a previous appariton in Kalamazoo, 1/31/12
(c)Mary TV 2012

Dear Family of Mary!

The Evening of Prayer at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, was successfully streamed to the world yesterday (September 25) by Mary TV . It was a miracle and blessing from God. Our team did a fantastic job, and everyone was able to take part! We are so grateful to everyone who worked so hard to provide the live stream!!

Ivan shared about his encounter with Our Lady before Adoration last evening. I have transcribed his remarks including the message Our Lady gave to us during the event according to the translator for Mary TV's English translation:

Ivan's words in Vienna on September 25, 2012 about his encounter with Our Lady:
After the encounter I want to explain something to you. I want to explain what was most important in the encounter with Our Lady. It is difficult in this world today to find the right words, because it is difficult to describe the encounter with Our Mother. In this world today where we do not have words to express what she is like and what she says, every word is poor. As I said shortly before in my testimony the encounter with the Gospa is in reality an encounter with paradise. When she comes she brings us paradise. It is difficult to put the beauty and emotion of Our Lady into words. This is why I am going to try to talk with the words I have. I will try to describe what I have seen today.
Gospa came today very happy and full of joy. She has greeted us with her motherly greeting, "My dear children, be blessed with the greetings of Christ." Afterwards she prayed over you priests present for a long time. In a special way I recommended you, you priests present now, to Our Lady. Also in a special way, I presented Your Eminence, and the diocese we are in. Afterwards the Gospa prayed in a special way for this diocese and for the needs of this diocese. After that she gave this message:
"Dear children, I call you also today, that you pray with your full heart and that you love each other. If there is not peace, pray and you will receive peace. You will receive it. Through you and your prayer peace will flow into the world. This is why, my little children, pray, pray, pray, because prayer can do miracles in mankind and in the world. I give thanks for everyone who lives prayer and accepts it. Thank you for responding to my call."
After that she blessed us with her motherly blessing and she blessed all the articles you brought. I entrusted all of you, your families and needs. Especially you sick, I have entrusted. After that she prayed over us here, especially the sick. After that she left in prayer and in the sign of the cross and the light and she said "Go in peace, my dear children." These are the most important things I have taken from the encounter with the Gospa.
I want to say again, in truth, I want to tell you, it is very, very difficult to express in words what I have received. You see I am standing here in front of you, and it is difficult for me to come back. I am still in her presence. Every day when I see her, her beauty, her love, I am completely taken by it. Once we asked her, "Mother, why are you so beautiful? And she said, "Dear children, I am beautiful because I love. You also should love and you would become beautiful." Dear friends, our mother loves us. This is why we accept the messages, out of love. Let us start to pray in our families. Let us be the sower who sows the new seeds in our families. Let us decide for holiness within the family. Our Mother will help us on this way. Your eminence, Your Excellency, dear priests, I want to thank you in truth for this beautiful day of prayer together. And I hope that we will all become carriers of peace in this world today. In the peace of Christ, may it be that way. Thank you....
Imagine seeing paradise!! Imagine being so drawn to Our Lady that it takes hours to refocus! Our Lady's coming is such a miracle of love!! Thanks again, to Ivan for witnessing so well for Our Lady, and to all those involved in putting on the beautiful evening of prayer!! It was a beautiful encounter with heaven!
God bless you all,
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2012

Our Lady's Message to Mirjana of September 25, 2012

“Dear children! When in nature you look at the richness of the colors which the Most High gives to you, open your heart and pray with gratitude for all the good that you have and say: ‘I am here created for eternity’ – and yearn for heavenly things because God loves you with immeasurable love. This is why He also gave me to you to tell you: ‘Only in God is your peace and hope, dear children’. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



date: 13.09.2012.

Lebanese priest Fr. Charbel Zgheib was in Medjugorje with a group of young people. This was his first visit to Medjugorje. “One can really feel faith here and God’s presence as well. Peace is all over the place”, said Fr. Charbel who added that many Lebanese are coming to Medjugorje. “Many come out of curiosity, but there are also those who have many difficulties. When they come here, their whole life is changing. When they come back to Lebanon, they are really different; their view of life is changed because they have encountered God and Our Lady here.” Fr. Charbel said that many have felt vocations here. “My spiritual leader along with few other Maronite priests has all received their vocation here. Medjugorje has indeed changed many lives”, said Fr. Charbel from Lebanon.

Seventy-two pilgrims from Panama were in Medjugorje. Michelle Arjona gave us her witness and this is her first time in Medjugorje. She found her peace and promised to speak to people in Panama about Medjugorje. “I will speak to my family that is not very religious. I am happy to teach them about some things and especially my classmates as well.”
 Marcello Saggiorato comes from Argentina, he has son who is 16 and he wanted to hear something good for his life, so he decided to come to Medjugorje for Youth Festival. “We made Facebook page of Medjugorje this year, page of the International Youth Festival, to encourage some other young people to come as well. So far, our group has 20 people, 8 of them are young, and my wife is among them. I think that one can experience deep encounter with Our Lady here in Medjugorje. We also believe that this place is deeply filled with peace.

Immaculada Fernandez Caballero, Irene Alvarez Sanchez and Adrian Perez Ferrero come from Spain. They said that they felt invited to come here. Some of them were here before and some just heard about Medjugorje and decided to come. Irene said: “As a family we met one prayer community who was here before and after we got close to them, we came here. They were preparing us pilgrims and were informing us about the pilgrimage and this place.”
Pepe Aguilar Castillo, 17 years old young man, came with his family for the first time from Mexico. Eight of them came to Medjugorje. “I can see many people who believed in Jesus and Our Lady, and they had never believed before. I am really thrilled with Holy Masses and gathering of youth, it is so good to see that everyone here is so happy.”

Violeta, Nada and Vidosava came from Macedonia. They said that they were really happy to see young people gathering from all over the world to praise the Lord and to be like one. Their group was made of Catholic and Orthodox pilgrims. (photos)
Medjugorje Official


La Salette Father Pat hospitalized in France


father pat GRENOBLE, France — La Salette Father Andre “Pat” Patenaude, the “singing priest,” fell ill recently after a visit to India where he contracted pancreatic disease, a terribly painful illness.

He was spending the summer months at the original La Salette Shrine in the French Alps when he was taken ill last month and taken to the hospital in Grenoble. In severe pain, he was diagnosed with the serious infection. Because of the intense pain, a coma is often induced. This was done with Father Pat.
He has had two minor surgeries or procedures to remove fluids and relieve pressure. He is being kept “asleep,” partly because he must not eat or drink anything in his present condition. His sister, Rita, who was already in France at La Salette when he fell ill, is by his side as much as possible.

Father Pat is expected to be in a coma for about a month and will probably be hospitalized through October.
It is stressed that no cards are desired at this time.
Prayer is requested.

New Song by Tatiana Tajci Cameron - "Črlena hiža" - Tajči (Ft. Jane)

Published on Sep 11, 2012 by


How Jesus led Anna her to the Catholic Church

Anna relates how Jesus Christ led her to the Catholic Church. She started out with many misconceptions about the Church and in this video she explains how God revealed Himself and showed the misconceptions to be false.

Mass and Healing Service

Fr.Joe Whalen and Fr. John Welch
September 27
Thursday evening 7:00pm
2 Prospect Hill Road
Stockbridge, MA 02163
Mass and Healing Service
Fr. Joseph Whalen, M.S.
Fr. John Welch, M.S.


A Vision, It all began in Medjugorje

Fr. Michael E. Sevigny


In the “Year of the Eucharist” 2004, and the month of October, while on an extended Marian Pilgrimage, something quite magnificent happened in my life. As is true of most Pilgrimages, the Lord takes one out of one’s comfort zone and ordinary environment, and invites one into a special time of listening and transformation. Pilgrimages can be thresholds of great grace.
It was in the midst of Pope John Paul II launching his Encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, and having been bathed and wrapped in several weeks of intense prayer, adoration, and private meditation, that a most profound experience happened in my life, in the form of an intense dream. The dream happened in the very early hours of the morning while I was residing in a private home at the foothills in Medugorje, referred to as Blue Cross or Apparition Hill.

The dream was of Our Lady, Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace. I saw Our Lady before me, kneeling in prayer. She was dressed in a full-length blue dress; in the front of the dress was a full-length blue Scapular. Her hands were extended, holding a pleated full-length blue Scapular. She remained in prayer, moved very close to me, and placed the Scapular over my head. The Scapular rested on my nose, and Our Lady tugged on it so that it rested on my shoulders. No words were exchanged, just a very peaceful and deliberate placing of this Scapular on me. As the Scapular rested on my shoulders, Our Lady remained, looking at me, while still in a position of prayer. Having placed the Scapular on my shoulders, She simply began to move away until I could no longer see Her.
On waking that morning I realized that something magnificent had happened to me, clearly a grace, a gift had happened in my soul. A great joy and inner peace were very present.

There was a need in me to share this dream, but with whom; who would understand? There was a need to understand, and so I searched my inner soul for meaning — definitely an interior change had taken place; a mystery was sealed on the fabric of my soul. The mystery found Our Lady at the foot of the Cross and it resonated deep in my heart. It was calling me to stand close to Our Lady at the very foot of the Cross. From that very moment I realized a charge; a mission was given to me.

Now, after much discernment and speaking over the years with various spiritual directors, it has become clear that I am being called to embrace something new. On the floor of this graced Third Millennium, standing before me is the awesome task, the joy of discovering and the unfolding of this grace.
Clearly, after having shared this dream, a spiritual director told me that the reason the Scapular rested on my nose was to allow Our Lady the opportunity to draw real close and to tug that gift into my heart. Immediately on hearing this, a great joy, a peace, an incredible light happened in my soul. It became clear that I was being called to embrace a new way of living. Presently, it has been almost seven years since this dream occurred and it has stayed vibrantly alive in my heart. It continues to be a grace that is unfolding.

This dream, already sealed on my heart, was carving an inner space, creating an indelible presence in my heart. It was calling me into a deeper sense of peace within my own being and allowing me to extend that gift into the lives of others.
Experiencing this dynamic of peace touching my interior being was only enhanced and enriched with the encounter of the document, Ecclesia de Eucharistia. This document has influenced my discernment and has been a guiding light to discovering this mission: to be a missionary of Peace, a missionary of the Eucharist.
This document issued forth a Year of the Eucharist and coincided so dynamically with my “apparition dream.” The dream occurred in the month of October when the document was promulgated; it became a new portal to understanding this timely inner grace.

Sharing my dream and encountering other men and women with a similar desire to contemplate the gift of peace and embrace it as a way of Gospel perfection, along with the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, with a special Vow of Peace, serves as a wellspring, a bubbling foundational gift for the development of our new religious community. This Community is to be known as the “Apostles of Peace, A Marian Community,” set on Eucharistic contemplation and of Peace, to stir deep in the womb of the Church a new amazement and joy for our Eucharistic Lord!
Fr. Michael E. Sevigny, O.F.M. Cap.
Founder of   http://www.apostlesofpeace.org/

Loved And Gifted

"Set your hearts on the greater gifts. Now I will show you the way which surpasses all the others." -1 Corinthians 12:31-13:1

Love and the gifts of the Spirit (charisms) go together. If we have charisms, such as tongues, prophecy, knowledge, faith, ministry, or martyrdom, but do not have love, we gain nothing (1 Cor 13:1-3). Gifts without love are dead (cf Jas 2:26).

However, this does not mean that we should forget about the gifts of the Spirit and concentrate on love. Immediately after Paul proclaimed, "There are in the end three things that last; faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love" (1 Cor 13:13), he taught on the proper use of tongues and prophecy. He thanked God that he spoke in tongues more than any Corinthian (1 Cor 14:18), and commanded us to set our hearts especially on the gift of prophecy (1 Cor 14:1).

 Therefore, Paul taught not only that gifts without love were dead, but that love without gifts leaves something to be desired. Love is one way of describing the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). Fruit is the end product. Without the full workings of the Holy Spirit, including the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we will not have fully developed fruit.

Love is the atmosphere essential for the proper use of the spiritual gifts, while use of the gifts is a prerequisite for the full development of love. Seek the gifts of the Spirit in love and for love.

 Father, may I seek both the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit.

 "God's wisdom is vindicated by all who accept it." -Lk 7:35


Ivan Fills Itailian Church To Overflowing

By Jakob Marschner

People sat on the floor, and some could not even find any room for standing when Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic gave a talk and had a public apparition on September 18 in The Basilica of the Crucifix in Como, Italy. “In the future, we will be considered lucky” the organizer said.

medjugorje visionary ivan dragicevic apparition apparizione basilica cruxifix crucifixition crocifisso como september settembre 18 2012
Ivan’s apparition in Como on September 18

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s third stop on his week-long tour of Italy filled The Basilica of the Crucifix in Como to last seat and more on September 18. But though the big church was packed, the crowd fell alltogether silent when Ivan’s apparition began after three hours of preparation in prayer.

“A silence surreal enough to spread the feeling that the Basilica of the Crucifix was deserted. In fact, part of the crowd could not find room for even standing, even among the crowded aisles. All were suddenly still, stunned, surrounded by a total dumb amazement” the local newspaper La Provincia di Como reports.

medjugorje seer visionary ivan dragicevic apparition apparizione basilica cruxifix crucifixition crocifisso como september settembre 18 2012
Part of the crowd in The Basilica of the Crucifix

Many sick and disabled people brought into the church in wheelchairs were present, but also many young people, families, and children, the newspaper adds.

Organizer Sabino Simone noted the historical aspect to the Medjugorje apparitions, and also struck a more prophetic note:

“In the future, we will be considered lucky when we can tell our grandchildren that we were present at an apparition of the Virgin Mary” said Simone, for many years an organizer of Medjugorje pilgrimages from Como.        http://is.gd/rh08Fi

Daily Grace: Life's Most Important Detail

Daily Grace: Life's Most Important Detail: Details . Our daily lives includes many details. It included things we need to do or must not forget to do. If you are like most ...


Mary Strongly Calls To Pary For Peace

By Jakob Marschner

With the petition repeated five times, the Virgin Mary issued her strongest appeal to join her in prayer for peace in the world for many years in her message to visionary Ivan Dragicevic on Sunday in Turin, Italy.Collaborate with her in constructing a new and better world” Ivan added.

virgin mary our lady madonna gospa vergine maria vierge marie tihaljina medjugorje pray prayer peace apparition visionary seer veggente voyant seher ivan dragicevic rivoli torino italy italia september settembre 16 2012
With a five-fold call to prayer for world peace, the Virgin Mary left little doubt of her current needs during her September 16 apparition to Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s visit to Turin, Italy, on September 16 turned out to be all about the need for prayer for peace in the world.

In this local setting, void of the immediate worldwide attention paid to her regular monthly messages to Ivan’s fellow visionaries Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti and Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, the Virgin Mary passed on her most pressing call to prayer for world peace for years:

“Dear children, also tonight I want to help you. Pray for peace. Pray with me for peace in the world. Peace, dear children! Only peace! I am praying with you for peace in the world. For this reason I say to you, dear children, persevere in prayer! Thank you, dear children, because also today you have responded to my call” the Virgin Mary said, according to Radio Maria.

ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionary seer veggente voyant seher
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic during an apparition

Ivan underlined the call when he described his apparition:

“Once again, I would like to emphasize that the Madonna prayed for peace in the world for quite a long time and, with very simple words, invites all of us to pray with her for peace in the world. I hope that we will respond to the call of Our Lady and welcome her messages, so we will be her collaborators in the construction of a new and better world” the visionary told the attendees in Turin.

He described his regular private conversation with the Virgin as “long”, then added:

“After this private conversation Our Lady went into prayer.”


Madonna of Medjugorje - 1986 documentary

Published on Sep 1, 2012 by

An early but important documentary about Medjugorje made for the BBC in 1986. This was five years after the apparitions began but while the country was still living under communist rule.


"Just give the order and my servant will be cured." -Luke 7:7

When you receive Holy Communion, the priest or distributor says: "Body of Christ," and you respond: "Amen." Your "Amen" means:
* You believe you are receiving "the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus" (Catechism, 1374).
* You ask Jesus to give you an order, a word, for you to obey (Lk 7:7).
* You believe in the Lord's healing (see Lk 7:7).
* You commit yourself to unity with the members of Christ's body (cf 1 Cor 11:18ff).
* You commit yourself to the new covenant in Jesus' blood (1 Cor 11:25).
* You "proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes!" (1 Cor 11:26)

Your "Amen" before receiving Communion is a total commitment of your life to the Father, through the Son, and in the Spirit.
Therefore, we should receive Jesus in Holy Communion daily or as often as possible. We should prepare for Communion by regular, frequent Confession and by fasting in some conscious way before each Mass. Communion will either be one of the greatest events of our lives and a whole way of life, or Communion will be very harmful to us (1 Cor 11:17). Make all your Communions holy.

Prayer: Father, may this book lead its readers to daily and holy Communions.

Promise: "This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me." -1 Cor 11:24


Healing Mass at Saint Charles Church

 There will be a Healing Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Church at 178 Dexter Street, Providence, R.I. on Thursday Evening, September 20, at 7 PM in the upper church. Hands on Prayer and Confession will be offered after the Mass.

  Healing Masses are every third Thursday of the month.

Medjugorje: Skulls on Podbrdo!

Skulls on Podbrdo!

 Valentina, 29, comes from the Ukraine. Upon seeing her, you'd believe her to be a "normal," young girl. However! Her story is far from ordinary! From an atheist background and marked by the hardcore communism of those regions, she grew up in material poverty and spiritual emptiness. One day, she won a "green card," a sort of American-style lottery, and was given the opportunity to go and live in the United States! She was only 18 years old, and worked as a hairdresser in the Ukraine. So considering the horrible conditions of her life, she left. In the beginning, it was very hard - she didn't speak a word of English. Her work did not fill up her life, and a terrible feeling of emptiness overcame her. She asked herself the questions that the Queen of Peace asked all of us on July 2nd: "Stop for a moment and reflect on yourselves and on the transience of this your earthly life. Then reflect on eternity and the eternal beatitude. What do you want? Which way do you want to set out on?"

In the darkness of her soul, she couldn't help thinking that there was, perhaps, another dimension to life. So she tried a few tentative words to a celestial Father, to whom her Ukrainian grandmother used to pray, but who was totally unknown to her: "If you exist, if you are a father, show me!" Through this prayer she received peace in her heart! Her faith was born! It began to increase day by day, and Valentina became a fervent Catholic.

One day she met some pilgrims returning from Medjugorje. Their testimonies inspired in her a deep desire to go there, and in 2007 she undertook the trip. There, her heart was so taken by the presence of Our Lady that she felt strongly moved to make a deal with Her. While praying the rosary at the Statue of the Risen Christ, she realized her mission was to pray for the youth of the Ukraine and Divine Providence would open doors to her as well as hearts.

She had found her vocation! She made her way back to her pension, full of happiness, and, on the path encountered a man, a stranger, who said to her point blank, "Please excuse me if what I'm going to say to you seems stupid, but I have to say it to you: I sense that you are called to bring the young people of your homeland here to the Gospa. Also, I have been looking for you to tell you I would like to sponsor this mission!" Valentina could not believe her ears! She had committed herself to the mission only moments ago at the Risen Christ! Valentina went back to her country to begin her work.

She organized her first pilgrimage in 2008 and all the young people of her parish responded to the call! Her pure heart, her youth, her determination and especially the anointing of the Holy Spirit which rests on her, opened people's hearts to her. She dedicated a great deal of time to prayer.

Very quickly, she was drawn to the most poor, and God led her into a medical field, where she found enormous moral poverty. The sick were abandoned. Always with the aid of Divine Providence (she herself had no money), she undertook the creation of hospices where the sick at the end of their life could regain their dignity. Mother Teresa of Calcutta inspired her in that endeavor. She also proposed to some atheist doctors to come with her, and that is how she turned up one day in June of 2011 with 50 pilgrims from a medical corps, all atheists. The doctors who came were professional abortionists! Valentina clung to the Gospa, who wants to invite all her children - yes all - to come under her maternal mantle.

Among them, a gynecologist in her sixties. Along with the whole group, she climbed Apparition Hill. Little did she know that Valentina had prepared a contingency plan inspired by the Gospa for all her pilgrimages: atheist or not, upon arriving at the top, everyone consecrates himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! The gynecologist did this like everyone else. In the evening she gathered her group together, because she wanted to share something very important. Her throat tightened. She had difficulty talking, she, this big shot who oversaw all the services of her hospital...

"I had scarcely put my foot down on the hill", she said, "when everything changed before my eyes. The rocks disappeared. The hill was suddenly covered with the bones and skulls of all the babies I had aborted over forty years. Look at these hands! (Here, she stretched out her hands before the group). Here are the hands which killed an entire city!" She was crying and in the room, the handkerchiefs came out one after another. All the abortionists who were present retreated into themselves. For the most part, they would leave changed, converted, dedicated to stopping abortions and to walking with God.

Valentina continues her beautiful mission. As of today, 400 abortionist doctors have come under her influence. The most recent group of 50 left Medjugorje last August 29. She doesn't make them pay, because she doesn't want any money from innocent blood to be part of the mix. How does she manage it? Each time it's a new challenge. The money comes at the very moment it is needed to finance the pilgrimage of these rich doctors. Since that first time, several hospitals have stopped abortions and the practice of euthanasia. Valentina, and all those who now support her, have one goal: to cleanse all the hospitals of the Ukraine from these deadly practices and to bring down upon them the blessing of God. She wants to give back to the doctors of the medical corps the dignity of their profession. Today, so many of those hands which killed innocent ones are transformed, and Heaven uses them to protect and promote life!

I have never seen the sun spinning at Medjugorje, but this miracle, the whole world can see it! Valentina is convinced that this river of grace will not be limited to the Ukraine. Let us pray for her and her friends, that they may be protected! And let us ask on behalf of all nations for the grace of this burning zeal and living faith which have moved and will move many more mountains!
source- http://www.childrenofmedjugorje.com/


The Exaltation of the Cross

Woman adores the Crucifix
(c)Pawel Maria Wysocki
Meditate on the wounds of Jesus!
September 14, 2012
The Exaltation of the Cross
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Today, in a special way, I invite you to take the cross in the hands and to meditate on the wounds of Jesus. Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children, during your life sustained because of your sins or the sins of your parents. Only in this way, dear children, you will understand that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator. By Jesus' passion and death on the cross, you will understand that only through prayer you, too, can become true apostles of faith; when, in simplicity and prayer, you live faith which is a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call." (March 25, 1997)
We have been talking lately about surrender. Our Lady wants us to surrender everything to God, all we possess, all we desire, all we do. But there is even more that we can surrender to the Lord. We can surrender our wounds, sins, sorrows, and memories of the past. These very things can cause us to be anxious, to be sad, to be distrustful of God and unable to surrender our lives to Him.
I received a beautiful email from Deacon John Giglio yesterday, and he said I could share it with all of you:
Hi Cathy,
I really enjoyed todays post and your story about the dream you had. [The dream of our car going into a lake and sinking with all our belongings!]
Years ago, I lost my job and then lost our home and possessions due to foreclosure. For a number of years I felt guilty about that loss and even refused to drive by the old home to see it.
A few years later, I was on retreat with a group of us men who were in formation for the diaconate. The priest retreat master got us in a semi-circle and had us pray. He asked us to relax and think about a happy moment in our lives. Immediately my mind went back to that house; the children were gathered in front of the Christmas Tree, the fireplace was lit, my wife was sitting on the couch, on the TV was the Christmas Story from Fr. Peyton's Rosary Movies; it was so real I burst out in tears, couldn't control myself, had to leave the room escorted by a friend who comforted me. What happened then was that God lifted all those guilt's and sufferings off me and I was free after that to meditate on my past and even to drive by the old house and not have all those hard feelings in my soul. As the old saying says: Let go, let God! (Deacon John)
What a beautiful healing for Deacon John. It was in the context of a retreat, a time set aside to be in the presence of the Lord in a special way. It was then that the Holy Spirit could begin to move in Deacon John's heart, delivering him of the guilt and shame of his loss, helping him to forgive himself and all involved, and to return to peace of heart.
Our Lady wants us to go on retreat with the Crucifix. She wants us to take time apart and meditate on what Jesus did for us so that we could be free of all sin, all shame, all guilt and all sadness. We could really have a retreat every day, if we followed her advice and spent time with the Crucifix, alone and in peace. Jesus wants to heal our memories and emotions so that we can be free to receive His love.
This weekend we have two powerful feasts, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows. Both feasts are powerful for healing. The sorrows of Jesus and Mary are like ointments that can be applied to our wounded hearts. They bring compassion and communion of heart to us, because Jesus and Mary have suffered everything we have suffered. They want to unite with our suffering to strengthen us and heal us. If we can surrender our past wounds and sorrows to them, they will turn them into grace. Like Deacon John, we will find release and peace if we "Let go - let God!"
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2012

My Birthday present to Mary: Writing about my miraculous Medjugorje conversion

Spinning Sun in Medjugorje

By  June Castro
Philippine Daily Inquirer
September 9, 2012

I debated with myself about writing this, as in this “trending” age, many skeptical comments will make their way to Facebook or Twitter. But ultimately, I decided that what people thought of me wasn’t important.
This week the Church celebrates what it believes to be the birthday of Mama Mary, and what better gift can I give her than to share the story of my conversion?
Since the news of my illness came out, a number of people who had come to visit me kept asking why I had become such a passionate Marian devotee.
I have kept silent about this for almost 20 years, as I felt that there was so much more to say about the messages and history of Marian apparitions, and that what happened to me wasn’t important.
But everything happens for a reason, and as Our Lady said, “What good is it if I keep coming to visit you and give you messages if you only hide these away in a drawer?”
My illness made me realize that we must make use of whatever time we have left to continue to serve.
My conversion started in Medjugorje, and continues to this day.
It was the year of the canonization of St. Lorenzo Ruiz. My son Diego was to perform for the Pope with the troupe of (Fr. James) Reuter babies, and I accompanied him to Rome.
It was my first time in Europe and I was so excited. I planned to continue on to Geneva to visit my friend Cibbie.
Among the pilgrims in Rome were Ching Escaler and Aurora Aquino. All the Pinoys were talking about going to this little village in Yugoslavia where Mama Mary was said to appear.
Tita Aurora even urged me to change my plans and go with them. But I would have none of that! My first time in Europe would not be wasted in some poor village.
On the train to Geneva, Diego and I were in a compartment seated in front of an elderly couple, and the lady was reading a newspaper with “Medjugorje” and a photo of a Marian image on the front page. I was intrigued and struck up a conversation with them just so I could borrow the paper.
The couple was from Costa Rica, and was thrilled to discover that we were Filipinos! “Oh you have given hope to the world! Because of your People Power you have shown us that we do not have to go up in flames!” Of course, I got to borrow the paper, which was in Spanish.
Upon my return from Europe, I decided that the first docu I would produce with my new professional video equipment would be for God, and the second for country.
That afternoon after school, Diego ran in excitedly, holding a book he had borrowed from his teacher for me. It was Fr. Rene Laurentin’s “Is the Blesssed Virgin Mary Really Appearing in Medjugorje?”
I took it up and put down the book I was reading to show my appreciation.
I found it, my first docu.
The spinning sun
I brought a crew to Medjugorje. I was skeptical at first, as there were so many stalls in the plaza fronting the church. Then I met the visionary, Fr. Slavko; cried when Fr. Jozo laid hands on me; saw the spinning sun; watched my rosary turn from silver to gold; and had the seed of love and longing planted in my heart.
When I got back to Manila, I turned over all the materials to my scriptwriter, but two weeks later she came and said that she couldn’t do it, and that perhaps I should write it myself.
I had never written a script! Talk, I could, and how! But write? What an agony.
We had turned our living room into an editing area, and I would write from late night to early morning, eking out one painful scene at a time.
Ryan Cayabyab had given me his Tagalog composition, “Hail Holy Queen,” to use in the docu, and I loved to sing along with it. One morning around 3 a.m., I was sitting on a chair and singing the refrain, “Ipakita mo sa amin ang iyong anak na si Jesus,” over and over again, when all of a sudden I felt like someone had thrown a shawl over me.
I froze. The hair on my arms stood on end, and I felt that there was someone behind me. But how could it be when I had my back to the wall? I could feel the presence, but wasn’t scared as it was warm and enveloping.
Then I felt a hand take my face and turn it toward the glass door on the right, and I heard a voice say, “If you could see him with my eyes, then you would love him as I do.”
And there, behind the glass door, at the corner of the patio was Jesus! He was dressed in a long robe that softly glowed, and he was bent over, lovingly stroking the head of a sheep.
I was stunned. My chair hit the floor with a thud, and I was filled with overwhelming emotion and uncontrollable tears. I was later to learn that this is often referred to as “the waterfall of love.”
I don’t remember what happened after that, but when I regained my composure, I knew that I couldn’t tell my husband about it, because he would think I was crazy and order me to stop working on the docu. So I decided to go to the Claret Church. It was after 4 a. m., and I was the only one there.
I didn’t know what to pray. I had forgotten the mysteries of the rosary, so I just sat there apologizing to God when all of a sudden, there at the altar, as if in a stage play, the mysteries of the rosary began to play out and Jesus, Mary, Joseph, were real—flesh and blood.
Two mysteries were burned unforgettably in my mind and heart: The Loss and Finding in the Temple, and The Agony in the Garden.
In the first, I saw the boy Jesus seated on a rock, and going down the steps to meet Joseph. Mary was some distance behind. I couldn’t hear the actual words, but knew that he was being scolded for what he had done. I saw Mary flinch interiorly when he turned to say that she, of all people, should have known where he was. She bowed her head and was silent.
He realized that he had hurt her, and followed his parents quietly, and I heard in my heart, “and he turned and went up with them in obedience.”
The agony in the garden was a Jesus I had never seen or expected. The photos of Jesus kneeling at a rock, looking so holy, were the images I had of that mystery, but this was not what I saw.
Intense interior pain
I saw a man in intense interior pain, not able to sit or stand for long. He would get up and walk to the back, and gaze with disappointment at the men who were asleep, then he would go back to the rock and cry and groan, then stand and pace back and forth.
I told Lydia Sison what I saw, and how surprised I was at the scene that unfolded before me.
Years later, Lydia excitedly told me that a book had been published on the visions of Maria Valtorta, and that the vision I had was exactly what was in the book.
Many years later, when Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion was released, I felt as if I was impaled in the cinema chair, as I watched again what I had seen transpire at the altar of Claret Church in 1987.
I have had other experiences. I was hit by a bolt of light from an open tabernacle in the Adoration Room. I felt as if I had shot up like a rocket then. I saw angels on the roof outside my bedroom; I saw an aged Mediatrix standing at the corner of a room in Carmel; and my 5-year-old daughter saw Mama Mary on the hill of Medjugorje and told me that she was wearing a blue “shawl” and said she couldn’t stay for long as her Son was waiting for her—and “where my son is, there I must be also.” This, from a 5-year-old child.
I share all this in the hope that you may believe. We are given many gifts, and allowed the free will to make our choices.
Mama Mary has said she has come to tell us that God really does exist. However, she warns us that evil is also trying to destroy our faith and our families, so she is unceasing in her efforts to lead us to her Son.
Happy birthday, dearest mother; this is for you.


Are We Listening?

Are We Listening?


In this Sunday’s Gospel passage, the story of the deaf and dumb man healed by Jesus shows us what happens when we encounter the Lord.  Our journey with Jesus begins at our baptism; however, this journey continues and deepens as we make our way toward eternal life in heaven.

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We encounter the Lord when we read the Scriptures, receive the sacraments, or enter into deep contemplative prayer.  It is in these moments that he touches us because every spiritual moment is a personal encounter with the same Jesus who healed the man of this Sunday’s gospel narrative.  
As we break open the gospel passage and begin to explore some unique qualities. We discover that the man whom Jesus heals possesses those characteristics exemplifying the way in which we must live Christianity each day if we are to continually encounter the Lord Jesus.
We notice that the man is open, in need and accepting of our Lord’s   help.  These qualities characterize the deaf man’s humility.  Humility is a basic virtue of the Christian way of life and a necessary virtue if we wish to walk with Jesus and experience his presence in our lives.
Unfortunately, many simply do not want to hear the truth of the Gospel.  
Many reduce truth to their own criteria.
Regrettably, we are frequently deafened by pride.  
We allow ourselves to hear only what we want to hear.
Nevertheless, the increasing number of people, especially young people, earnestly seeking the truth is encouraging. The possession of the truth becomes a liberating experience.
Pope Benedict XVI said, “The Truth is the Truth and there is no compromise. Christian life requires, so to speak, the daily ‘martyrdom’ of fidelity to the Gospel – that is the courage to let Christ grow in us and direct our thinking and our actions. But this can only happen in our lives if there is a solid relationship with God” (Wednesday General Audience, August 29, 2012).
The truth can only be discovered if the human person is open to discover it and to know it.  
In our own society, we continue to argue over moral issues.  A cacophony of yelling and name calling exists because false ideologies do not leave room for dialogue.  Instead, modern man finds himself trapped in a dark and silent cavern of blindness and deafness.  
Many cry out that a woman is autonomous from God’s law and natural law, thus allowing her to make any decision that she desires over the life of her unborn child.  She is free, in the name of “reproductive health,” to end the life of her own child.  
Many cry out that because of love, a man should be able to marry a man, and that a woman should be able to marry a woman.  But is this true love or is this is an infernal obsession with lust?
Can men and women be so deaf and blind that they can no longer recognize the truth of their own bodies?  
Can they be so deaf and blind  to the truth of the sexual act as God and nature intended it to be, that they turn on themselves like ravenous animals?
And yet, the root of this collapse into the abyss can be traced back to the massive rejection of one fundamental principle which is rooted in God’s law and natural law: “the inseparable connection, established by God, which man on his own initiative may not break, between the unitive significance and the procreative significance which are both inherent to the marriage act”  (Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae, 12).  
Once a deaf and blind humanity separates sex from procreation, a deaf and blind humanity can kill an unborn child because the child becomes an unwanted result of a sexual act that is no longer open to procreation.  
Once a deaf and blind humanity separates the unitive dimension from the procreative dimension of the marital act, this same blind humanity, obsessed with sex, can pervert the unitive dimension of sex by erroneously thinking that sex between two men or sex between two women is the same as sexual intercourse between a man a woman.  
Saint Paul has already warned us about this sad scenario of our times.  
“…since they refused to see it was rational to acknowledge God, God has left them to their own irrational ideas and to their monstrous behavior” (Romans 1:28).  
British historian and philosopher Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) once said: “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.”
What is the solution?  The solution is not what; it is who.  
“And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hands on him.  He took him off by himself away from the crowd.  He put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, ‘Ephphata! – that is, ‘Be opened!’ – And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly” (Mark 7: 32-35).
In meditating on today’s passage from the gospel, we might note the direct relationship between deafness and speech.  Jesus first touches the man’s ears and then he touches his tongue so that he may speak.  
The lesson here is very clear.
Hearing the word of God is not enough; we must also proclaim the truth.  
During his first pastoral visit to the United States, Pope John Paul II said: “And so, we will stand up every time that human life is threatened. When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, we will stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life.
When a child is described as a burden or is looked upon only as a means to satisfy an emotional need, we will stand up and insist that every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift of God, with the right to a loving and united family.
When the institution of marriage is abandoned to human selfishness or terminated, we will stand up and affirm the indissolubility of the marriage bond.
When the value of the family is threatened because of social and economic pressures, we will stand up and reaffirm that the family is necessary not only for the private good of every person, but also for the common good of every society, nation and state.
When freedom is used to dominate the weak, to squander natural resources and energy, and to deny basic necessities to people, we will stand up and reaffirm the demands of justice and social love.
When the sick, the aged or the dying are abandoned in loneliness, we will stand up and proclaim that they are worthy of love, care and respect” (Mass at the Capitol Mall in Washington; October 7, 1979).
The solution to today’s challenges really rests with each of us.  Are we going to follow Jesus or are we going to continue down the path of self-destruction?  



"Get up and stand here in front." -Luke 6:8

Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath. Jesus was "in your face" about doing this healing. The text shows that Jesus intentionally challenged the Pharisees on this issue (Lk 6:8-10). Jesus sometimes healed people privately (see Mk 5:40ff; 8:23ff). However, on this occasion, Jesus not only healed the man, but had him come stand up in front of everyone before He healed him (Lk 6:8). Jesus began the overturning of an unjust mindset by a public act of love and healing. This healing was also a direct challenge to authority not open to His Father's plan, and would intensify His future suffering and lead to His own death (Lk 6:11).

Don't be afraid to give the world "something to talk about." Jesus tells us to put our light on the lampstand so that all may see it. Then all will see your good works and some who see will give glory to God (Mt 5:15-16). Others who see them might persecute you. Then your suffering will give even more glory to God. If you must suffer for being a Christian, then praise God! (1 Pt 4:16)

 Father, give me the spiritual gift of discernment so that I may know when to keep my actions secret (Mt 6:1-18) and when to make them public (Mt 5:15-16; Jn 3:21). May I always seek to glorify You and never bring attention to myself (1 Cor 10:31). "In my life, Lord, be glorified."

The Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrated in Medjugorje



The Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross was solemnly celebrated in Medjugorje on Sunday, September 9, 2012 with participation of many parishioners and pilgrims who have arrived from the following countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, France, Malta, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Belgium, Korea, Poland, Brazil, Portugal, Romania, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Holy Masses in Croatian language were celebrated at 6, 7, 8, 12 and 7 p.m. Solemn Holy Mass was celebrated at 11 a.m. and Cross Mountain and Fr. Slaven Brekalo was the main celebrant. First Monday after the celebration of the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross time of the evening prayer programme in Medjugorje is changing as well. Rosary will start at 5 p.m. and Holy Mass will be at 7 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays and Saturdays will be from 9 to 10 p.m. and Rosary on Apparition Hill on Sunday will be at 2 p.m. and Way of the Cross on Fridays on Cross Mountain will be at 2 p.m. as well. Holy Mass at 1 p.m. in Croatian language will be only on Saturdays. (photos)
Medjugorje Official


22nd Medjugorje Peace Conference


22nd Medjugorje Peace Conference
October 20 and 21, 2012
Bren Events Center, UCI Campus, Irvine, California
Located 40 miles south of Los Angles, CA


Josip Elez
Son of Medjugorje Visionary Ivanka
Reverend Svetozar Kraljevic, ofmPriest from St. James, Parish
Valentyna Pavsyukova
She brings many doctors and medical students to Medjugorje for life-changing retreats
Dr. Alexandra ZagorodniaShe will give testimony of her conversion while on retreat in Medjugorje

Reverend Kerry Beaulieu is pastor of Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church, Newport Beach, CA In addition to serving in five parishes he has taught at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, CA and was vicar for priests for the Diocese of Orange from 1999 until 2004. Father is an elected member of the Council of Priests and active in Worldwide Marriage Encounter as a team priest. His first love is parish life and the call of the parish to be an Evangelizing community.

Tajci Cameron is a singer/songwriter and inspirational speaker from Croatia. She and her husband and producer, Matthew, developed a unique model of narrative concerts that have seasonally aired on EWTN and TBN and are available on DVD and CD. With her “iDoBelieve” concert series, Tajci performed over 900 events including 2006 Youth Day in Medjugorje for over 30,000 people. Previously she performed at Madison Square Gardens and Carnegie Hall in NY. Presently she and her husband live in Cincinnati with their three young sons.
Michael Crotty, raised in a devout Catholic family in San Francisco, was lured by the excitement of crossing moral boundaries and soon became addicted to crack cocaine. After countless failures in rehab facilities, he traveled to Medjugorje with his father. There, in an encounter with the Gospa, he found the courage to enter Comunita Cenacolo a unique rehab community in the village. While recovering, he helped other young people save their lives by facilitating their entry into the program.

Reverend Patrick Crowley, SS.CC., is a member of the Sacred Hearts Community and resides in Hemet, CA. He also is a member of the Association of Christian Therapists and active in Healing Light Ministry. A respected Retreat Master, Father has ministered for his Community in foreign countries and counsels women seeking healing from abortion. He is the Spiritual Director for the Irvine Medjugorje Peace Conference.

Reverend Timothy Deeter was born and ordained to the priesthood in Chicago. For the past fifteen years he has ministered in Perth and Sydney, Australia in the areas of liturgical music, vocations discernment, young adult ministry and World Youth Day 2008. In Perth, he is pastor of St. Paul’s Parish and chaplain of Edith Cowan University. His visits to Medjugorje led him to avidly promoting devotion to Our Lady and the need to live her messages. Father is a dynamic and resourceful speaker.
Josip Elez was born in 1990 in Caplina, a village close to St. James Church in Medjugorje. His mother, Ivanka, is one of the six Medjugorje visionaries. When at home, he is graced to be present during the Gospa’s annual apparition to his mother on June 25. His family earnestly endeavors to live the Gospa’s call to conversion through prayer, fasting, the Sacraments and peace. Their family rosaries are offered for families around the world. Josip currently, attends Irvine Valley College in California.
Reverend Joseph Grbes, OFM was born in Rama, Bosnia-Herzegovina. He joined the Franciscan Order in 1986 and studied in Bosnia-Hercegovina, England and the USA. He presently serves in Chicago as Pastor of St. Jerome Croatian Parish, while continuing his post-graduate work in pastoral theology at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. A young man when the Medjugorje visions began in 1981, Father has studied Our Lady’s messages and encourages all to respond to her urgent call to peace and frequent confession.
Reverend Svetozar Kraljevic, OFM of St. James Parish in Medjugorje has been closely involved with the reported apparitions there. He has written two books that give clear spiritual insights into what has become the spiritual event of our time. Father “Svet” is loved and admired for his efforts in maintaining Mothers Village, which provides a home, school, and medical and dental care for orphans and single mothers, and for assisting other homeless families. Father also devotes many hours almost every day to hearing confessions.
Monsignor James Lisante is pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Massapequa, NY. While devotedly guiding the faith of his parish congregation, he often can be seen on Fox News Channel and ABC Eyewitness News defending Catholic ethics on right to life for the unborn, faith and family relationships. Monsignor has originated a TV show for PBS called Close Encounter in which he interviews screen stars and sports figures who express their joy in actively living their Catholic faith. His delivery is highly stimulating.
Reverend Doug Lorig is Pastor of St. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale, AZ and has been the Spiritual Director for the Arizona Mir Center for 20 years. He was an Episcopal Priest until 1979 when he, his wife Nancy and their four children converted to the Catholic Church. He was ordained to the Priesthood of the Catholic Church in 1984, through the Pastoral Provision of John Paul II, which has allowed more than a hundred such ordinations. He and his wife have 15 grandchildren.
Most Reverend Dominic M. Luong was born in Vietnam. In 1958, he emigrated to the United States where he continued his seminary studies in Buffalo, NY and in 1966, was ordained a priest. He eventually was incardinated in Archdiocese of New Orleans where he served as the Director of National Center for Vietnamese Apostolate. In 2003, Pope John Paul II appointed him Auxiliary Bishop of Orange, California. His motto is, “You are strangers and aliens no longer” (Eph. 2:19).

Chris Mattson is Mistress of Ceremonies for this Conference. Chris holds a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from the University of Dallas. For 17 years she worked for the Diocese of San Diego, CA. including several years as diocesan pro-life coordinator She is an Oblate of the Order of St. Benedict and is active in prison ministry. Chris has been married to Eric for 38 years; they have three grown children. She made her first pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 1988.

Valentyna Pavsyukova, upon moving to the USA from the Ukraine—a communist regime disavowing God’s existence—she underwent conversion, becoming a Catholic. Dedicating her life to serving God, in 2007 she and friends founded Chalice of Mercy nonprofit group working to protect the dignity of life from conception to natural death and to aid poor Ukrainian people. She brings Ukrainian physicians to retreats in Medjugorje. Many, upon returning to Ukraine, return to their faith determined to protect life at all its stages.
Connie Salazar of Irvine, CA is an accomplished vocalist and recording artist. Because of her inspirational voice, she is invited to cantor at local diocesan liturgical celebrations and to sing for religious conferences throughout the United States. Connie has produced three cd’s. Her music has been carried on a variety of Christian radio stations including EWTN, Vatican Radio, Indie Gospel Radio (Internet) and Ireland’s Highland Radio. Julianne Choi will accompany Connie on the piano.
Reverend Edward Sousa, Jr. wanted to be a successful Chef, marry and have children. He became that successful Chef, but Our Lady tugged at his heart, calling him to enter the seminary. Unsure of his vocation, he traveled to Medjugorje where he heard Father Jozo speak of the dignity of the call to priesthood. Our Lady led him back to the seminary and in 2003 he was ordained a priest for the Providence, RI Diocese. In thanksgiving to Our Lady for his vocation, Father Sousa has often returned to Medjugorje.
Spirit Alive Music Ministry is located in the Los Angeles Diocese and consists of Lisa and Richard Derleth, Docie and Tony Heim, and Suzie and Michael Wooldridge. They are a lively and deeply spiritual music group and recording artists who offer their music as an avenue of meditation and contact with God. Their Ministry performs at churches and conferences and has produced three CD’s. They will provide our conference music.

Dr. Alexandra Zagorodnia is Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the National Medical University of Bobomoletz in Kiev, Ukraine. During a retreat in Medjugorje with 38 other doctors, she confronted the truth of the sanctity of life from moment of conception. Returning to Kiev, she re-evaluated her profession and discontinued recommending abortions. Now, happy in living the truths of her faith, she openly advocates protection for the child in the womb.

“I beg of you…to live my messages and relate them to whomever you meet.”
This conference is sponsored by the Medjugorje Peace Conference Committee. Conference organizers recognize and accept that final authority regarding apparitions rests with the Holy See.