"Have You cast Judah off completely?" -Jeremiah 14:19
Jeremiah looked at his society and described it as overwhelmed by great destruction (Jer 14:17). He diagnosed it as wounded and incurable (Jer 14:17). Under these circumstances, Jeremiah prayed: "Let my eyes stream with tears day and night, without rest" (Jer 14:17).
Pope John Paul II looked at our world and described it as a "culture of death." Although this is even worse than what Jeremiah described, Pope John Paul II assured the victory of a civilization of love and life over our "culture of death." Pope John Paul II was not naive. He realized the "enormous disparity between the powerful resources available to the forces promoting the 'culture of death' and the means at the disposal of those working for a 'culture of life and love' " (The Gospel of Life, 100). However, "we have faith in God our Father and Lord, in His goodness and mercy...God is preparing a great springtime for Christianity" (Mission of the Redeemer, Pope John Paul II, 86). Moreover, the "new springtime of Christian life...will be revealed...if Christians are docile to the action of the Holy Spirit" (Toward the Third Millennium, Pope John Paul II, 18).
"We are more than conquerors because of Him Who has loved us" (Rm 8:37). Thank You, Jesus!
Prayer: Father, I will cross the threshold of hope.
"Then the saints will shine like the sun in their Father's kingdom. Let everyone heed what he hears!" -Mt 13:43
The Holy Father's Remarks
"America will remain a beacon of freedom for moral truths which are at the very heart of its historical experience. And so, america, if you want peace, work for justice. If you want justice, defend life. If you want life, embrace the truth - the truth revealed by God." Blessed Pope John Paul II The quote is from the following speech: Evening Prayer at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, Jan. 27, 1999 The Holy Father's Remarks "May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you." (Psalm 67:4) 1. We are here together in this striking Cathedral Basilica to worship God and to let our prayer rise up to him like incense. In singing God’s praises, we remember and acknowledge God's dominion over creation and over our lives. Our prayer this evening reminds us that our true mother-tongue is the praise of God, the language of Heaven, our true home. We are gathered on what is already the eve of a new Millennium – by any standard a decisive turning-point for the world. As we look at the century we are leaving behind, we see that human pride and the power of sin have made it difficult for many people to speak their mother-tongue. In order to be able to sing God’s praises we must relearn the language of humility and trust, the language of moral integrity and of sincere commitment to all that is truly good in the sight of the Lord. 2. We have just heard a moving Reading in which the Prophet Isaiah envisions a people returning from exile, overwhelmed and discouraged. We too sometimes experience the parched desert-land: our hands feeble, our knees weak, our hearts frightened. How often the praise of God dies on our lips and a song of lament comes instead! The Prophet’s message is a call for trust, a call to courage, a call to hope for salvation from the Lord. How compelling, for all of us today, his exhortation: "Be strong, fear not! Here is your God... he comes to save you" (Is 35:3-4)! ........ 6. "O God, let all the nations praise you!" (Ps 67) At the end of this century - at once marked by unprecedented progress and by a tragic toll of human suffering - radical changes in world politics leave America with a heightened responsibility to be for the world an example of a genuinely free, democratic, just and humane society. There is a lesson for every powerful nation in the Canticle from the Book of Revelation which we have recited. It actually refers to the song of freedom which Moses sang after he had led the people through the Red Sea, saving them from the wrath of the Pharaoh. The whole of salvation history has to be read in the perspective of that Exodus: God reveals himself in his actions to defend the humble of the earth and free the oppressed. In the same way, in her Magnificat Canticle, Mary, the Mother of the Redeemer, gives us the key to understanding God’s intervention in human history when she says: the Lord "has scattered the proud in the conceit of their hearts... and exalted the lowly" (Lk 1:51-52). From salvation history we learn that power is responsibility: it is service, not privilege. Its exercise is morally justifiable when it is used for the good of all, when it is sensitive to the needs of the poor and defenseless. There is another lesson here: God has given us a moral law to guide us and protect us from falling back into the slavery of sin and falsehood. We are not alone with our responsibility for the great gift of freedom. The Ten Commandments are the charter of true freedom, for individuals as well as for society as a whole. America first proclaimed its independence on the basis of self-evident moral truths. America will remain a beacon of freedom for the world as long as it stands by those moral truths which are the very heart of its historical experience. And so America: If you want peace, work for justice. If you want justice, defend life. If you want life, embrace the truth – the truth revealed by God. In this way the praise of God, the language of Heaven, will be ever on this people’s lips: "The Lord is God, the mighty... Come then, let us bow down and worship". Amen. |
John Barrys Blog: Polish Model Ania Goledzinowska Amazing Medjugorje Conversion...
John Barrys Blog: Polish Model Ania Goledzinowska Amazing Medjugorj...: Many Italians- though not many outside of Italy- already know the story of the Polish girl, Ania Goledzinowska who had a difficult childhoo...
Former atheist poet reveals details of her Catholic conversion :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
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Poet Sally Read speaks with CNA in Rome on July 24, 2012. |
Former atheist poet reveals details of her Catholic conversion :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Back from Medjugorje, Bosnia
Back from Medjugorje, Bosnia
Date: July 29, 2012
Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages
I've just returned from a summer retreat in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, with five peaceful days spent in the Marian shrine of Medjugorje. Each time I visit this town, I am stunned into silence by the profound and extraordinary peace that pervades the place, a peace so profound and so penetrating that it silences all doubts. An energy this holy cannot be based upon a lie. Still, I spent some time reviewing the many criticisms and accusations about the alleged apparitions still taking place here, and there are signs of contradiction and causes of concern, intermixed with lies and slanders and deliberate obfuscations. Clearly the Blessed Mother, if she is indeed appearing here (as I truly believe) has decided not to make it easy for anyone to reach a judgement about the place - not without considerable prayer and discernment.
Which is why I'm with Cardinal Schonborn on this one. If you haven't been here yourself and you haven't subjected the Shrine to your own personal prayerful, interior discernment, then no amount of rational analysis of the pros and cons will do you any good. This is the classic kind of case spoken of by St. Ignatius in The Spiritual Exercises. When you are faced with an issue or a problem in which the negative and the positive seem to be weighed almost equally, then you must resort to a careful discernment of spirits, and ask you self when considering the negative and the positive, which gives you the greater peace. Always go with the peace was the advice given by this great 16th century saint. And the peace of Medjugorje is simply too overwhelming to ignore, it pours into the atmosphere from such a profound source of sacredness and imbues the air with grace and holiness. http://www.medjugorje.ws/
Which is why I'm with Cardinal Schonborn on this one. If you haven't been here yourself and you haven't subjected the Shrine to your own personal prayerful, interior discernment, then no amount of rational analysis of the pros and cons will do you any good. This is the classic kind of case spoken of by St. Ignatius in The Spiritual Exercises. When you are faced with an issue or a problem in which the negative and the positive seem to be weighed almost equally, then you must resort to a careful discernment of spirits, and ask you self when considering the negative and the positive, which gives you the greater peace. Always go with the peace was the advice given by this great 16th century saint. And the peace of Medjugorje is simply too overwhelming to ignore, it pours into the atmosphere from such a profound source of sacredness and imbues the air with grace and holiness. http://www.medjugorje.ws/
Read the whole article on gaymystic.blogspot.com
Marija Urges Youth To Be Active
by Jakob Marschner
Make good use of everything that Medjugorje offers, come along, and do not merely watch when others pray, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti advises participants in next week’s Youth Festival. Mary counted on us from early on, and we had a beautiful time, Marija tells of her own youth.

Thousands of young people will meet for the Youth Festival in Medjugorje on August 1-6. A lot is being offered but to make the most of it, showing up in itself does not suffice, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told Radio Maria on July 25.
“We always say: profit from this time of grace and begin praying on the way here. We have the church, the chapel for Eucharistic Adoration, Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain: we have so many places that stimulate prayer, more so than anywhere else in the world” Marija said.

“Here you will find people praying in the fields or just walking and praying the Rosary and you find yourself thinking: then I’ll pray too. Don’t just watch. I remember in (the late Medjugorje priest, ed.) Fr Slavko’s days we would even pray behind a bush or rocks on Apparition Hill” the seer continued.
“You can use one of her messages, Scripture, the lives of saints to feel God and His presence. Use the Psalms, we fell in love with the Psalms; they flow in your heart. We felt it, it was continuous prayer. Is this continuous prayer possible? It is waiting for you at Medjugorje.”

“Go to confession when you arrive, that the Holy Spirit, by way of the presence of Our Lady, can use us and form us. Help us. Many come and give you the impression of a broken vase, but Our Lady forms them into a beautiful vase” Marija said.
“There are so many examples of lives, of youth, who arrive in suffering. Even these last few days I have encountered youth lamenting problems. I replied “You are in the right place. Welcome. Our Lady was waiting for you, She will bring you to her Son. A thousand times over. Just proclaim your yes.”

“We are preparing to welcome a sea of youth that will come for the 23rd International Youth Festival. It will be a great joy for us and we await all of you that are coming. We put all of you under Our Lady’s mantle. It will be grand, and it will be a thank you to Our Lord for everything that is being done through His Mother.”
Marija’s conversation with Radio Maria host Fr. Livio Fanzaga also made her remember her own youth. The visionary confirmed that the Virgin Mary was preoccupied with the young people long before the idea came up of a Youth Festival.
“She guided several groups. The first was for families, to get the families to pray together. Then a little at a time she began with a youth group, and we went along because we were so taken by this experience – it was a natural consequence of having apparitions. They would grab our hearts, our minds, our whole person. Sometimes we would pray all night” Marija remembered.

“Then, to establish some order, she would call us to form a youth group. We would meet three times a week on Apparition Hill, then another group began in the rectory two times a week.”
“Our Lady counted on us from the beginning. In 1985 we were like goats running and praying all over the hillside. Then we began many other things, and today we can say it was the strongest and most beautiful experience of our lives.”
Antonio Miraldi transcribed and translated from Italian.
Make good use of everything that Medjugorje offers, come along, and do not merely watch when others pray, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti advises participants in next week’s Youth Festival. Mary counted on us from early on, and we had a beautiful time, Marija tells of her own youth.
Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti in Varese, Italy, November 2011. Photo: Daniel Miot, guardacon.me
Thousands of young people will meet for the Youth Festival in Medjugorje on August 1-6. A lot is being offered but to make the most of it, showing up in itself does not suffice, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told Radio Maria on July 25.
“We always say: profit from this time of grace and begin praying on the way here. We have the church, the chapel for Eucharistic Adoration, Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain: we have so many places that stimulate prayer, more so than anywhere else in the world” Marija said.
“We are preparing to welcome a sea of youth” Marija says – here from a previous Youth Festival in Medjugorje
“Here you will find people praying in the fields or just walking and praying the Rosary and you find yourself thinking: then I’ll pray too. Don’t just watch. I remember in (the late Medjugorje priest, ed.) Fr Slavko’s days we would even pray behind a bush or rocks on Apparition Hill” the seer continued.
“You can use one of her messages, Scripture, the lives of saints to feel God and His presence. Use the Psalms, we fell in love with the Psalms; they flow in your heart. We felt it, it was continuous prayer. Is this continuous prayer possible? It is waiting for you at Medjugorje.”
Being active or being a spectator: Medjugorje’s Youth Festival places a choice before the participants, and their outcome of the festival also depends on what they choose, says visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. Photo: Daniel Miot, guardacon.me
“Go to confession when you arrive, that the Holy Spirit, by way of the presence of Our Lady, can use us and form us. Help us. Many come and give you the impression of a broken vase, but Our Lady forms them into a beautiful vase” Marija said.
“There are so many examples of lives, of youth, who arrive in suffering. Even these last few days I have encountered youth lamenting problems. I replied “You are in the right place. Welcome. Our Lady was waiting for you, She will bring you to her Son. A thousand times over. Just proclaim your yes.”
With the theme “Lord, increase our faith”, the 23rd International Youth Festival takes place in Medjugorje on August 1-6
“We are preparing to welcome a sea of youth that will come for the 23rd International Youth Festival. It will be a great joy for us and we await all of you that are coming. We put all of you under Our Lady’s mantle. It will be grand, and it will be a thank you to Our Lord for everything that is being done through His Mother.”
Marija’s conversation with Radio Maria host Fr. Livio Fanzaga also made her remember her own youth. The visionary confirmed that the Virgin Mary was preoccupied with the young people long before the idea came up of a Youth Festival.
“She guided several groups. The first was for families, to get the families to pray together. Then a little at a time she began with a youth group, and we went along because we were so taken by this experience – it was a natural consequence of having apparitions. They would grab our hearts, our minds, our whole person. Sometimes we would pray all night” Marija remembered.
Marija during an apparition when she was 21, as young as many festival participants
“Then, to establish some order, she would call us to form a youth group. We would meet three times a week on Apparition Hill, then another group began in the rectory two times a week.”
“Our Lady counted on us from the beginning. In 1985 we were like goats running and praying all over the hillside. Then we began many other things, and today we can say it was the strongest and most beautiful experience of our lives.”
Antonio Miraldi transcribed and translated from Italian.
"These also were godly men whose virtues have not been forgotten; their wealth remains in their families." -Sirach 44:10-11
We need grand grandparents like Joachim and Ann, the grandparents of Jesus. We need grandparents who have not merely lived to see their children's children, but who are totally consecrated spiritual warriors that will "go out in a blaze of glory." Our grandparents shouldn't be re-tired but re-fired. They should "fight hard for the faith" (Jude 3), attack the gates of hell (Mt 16:18), and shoot Satan out of the sky (Lk 10:18). We need grandparents who aren't living as if they are afraid of dying (see Heb 2:15). We need elder Christians who are not ashamed of the Gospel (Rm 1:16), who have the courage to speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15) and witness for Jesus (Acts 1:8), and who have long since stopped worrying about being popular (see Gal 1:10).
Grandparents, soon you will be seeing Jesus face-to-face (see 1 Cor 13:12). Now is no time for fear and selfishness. "You are not to spend what remains of your earthly life on human desires but on the will of God" (1 Pt 4:2). It's time to run for the finish line, "life on high in Christ Jesus" (Phil 3:14). When we die is not as important as how we live. Despite the weakness and struggles of old age, live and die for Jesus.
Prayer: Father, "now that I am old and gray, O God, forsake me not till I proclaim Your strength to every generation that is to come" (Ps 71:18).
Promise: "Blest are your eyes because they see and blest are your ears because they hear." -Mt 13:16
Photo Image, Memorial Service, Aurora, Colorado
This photo image was sent to me by a friend of the Memorial Service
held in Aurora, Colorado, where the shooting took place.
held in Aurora, Colorado, where the shooting took place.
Look at the image in the clouds. What do you see?
I see an image of an Angel.
I see an image of an Angel.
Our Lady's message to Marija of July 25, 2012
"Dear children!
Today I call you to the 'good'. Be carriers of peace and goodness in this world. Pray that God may give you the strength so that hope and pride may always reign in your heart and life because you are God's children and carriers of His hope to this world that is without joy in the heart, and is without a future, because it does not have its heart open to God who is your salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call."
"It is He Who is our Peace, and Who made the two of us one by breaking down the barrier of hostility that kept us apart." -Ephesians 2:14
Jesus is our Peace. He alone can break down the barrier of hostility that separates us from one another. A barrier of hostility had built up between Jews and Gentiles. Many barriers of hostility separate husbands and wives, parents and children, and employer and employee. These are not physical barriers of concrete, wood, or steel, but spiritual barriers of hostility, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, or resentment. These barriers can imprison us for life and forever in hell after this life. Only Jesus can remove these barriers.
In the suburbs of America, people buy invisible fences to keep their dogs in the yard. Barriers of hostility are like invisible fences. Whenever we come close to being free, living a new life, repenting of sin, and loving Jesus with all our hearts, the devil activates the invisible fence and keeps us trapped in the yard of sin, apathy, self-hatred, and selfishness. However, the invisible fence can't shock the animal unless there's a specific collar on it. Likewise, the devil can't activate the invisible fence without our wearing an invisible collar of hostility, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, or resentment. If we repent of these sins and thereby take off our collar, we can walk through the invisible fence and be free. The barrier of hostility is gone.
Jesus, remove my barriers by removing my collar of sin.
Međugorje Ave Marija, Jakov Čolo e Roberta Faccani.wmv
Seer Sings Mary's Praise On Record
by Jakob Marschner
Medjugorje visionary Jakov Colo publishes a collection of songs influenced by 17 years of daily apparitions, and sings duet with Italian professional singer Roberta Faccani for the single. Video shows Jakov as a young man in the late 1980s, and footage from Apparition Hill and St. James Church. Jakov Colo with Roberta Faccani: “Medjugorje Ave Maria” from Jakov’s upcoming CD “A Mia Madre” (“For My Mother”) Text and music: Franjo Kraljevic Arrangement: Gabrijel Prusina http://is.gd/jT1Jrj
Medjugorje documentary, 2009
This documentary follows a group of pilgrims from Ireland who travelled to Medjugorje in 2009. It includes interviews with the visionary, Vicka and the charismatic priest, Fr Jozo Zovko.
Medjugorje: No verdict yet, but faith, conversions abound
Medjugorje: No verdict yet, but faith, conversions abound
A woman prays against a crucifix on Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, June 25. Millions of pilgrims from all over the world have visited the site where six village children first claimed to see Mary in June 1981. (CNS photo/Dado Ruvic, Reuters)
Just before departing, a devout Catholic friend told me I should be visiting Fatima or Lourdes instead. He questioned the authenticity of the apparitions in the former Yugoslavia. Another dear friend, a priest, forwarded an anti-Medjugorje article from Crisis Magazine that featured a picture of a wolf in sheep clothing.
Recalling my late parents’ admonition to ‘never look a gift-horse in the mouth’, I decided to check out Medjugorje for myself.
I knew even before making sure my seat was in a fully upright and locked position — it took five planes and a two-hour van ride to reach our destination — that the Church has neither officially condemned nor approved the activities at Medjugorje, other than saying that parishes or dioceses should not sponsor pilgrimages. The late Blessed John Paul II was reportedly a supporter of the Medjugorje visionaries.
Allow me to cut to the chase: I did not see the Blessed Virgin Mary during my week-long visit. The links on my rosary beads did not turn to gold, nor did I see the sun spinning.
What I can say is that I was absolutely stunned by the outpouring of faith and heartfelt devotion I encountered. Our visit took place during the 31st anniversary of what the reputed visionaries say was their first encounter with Our Lady back on June 24, 1981. The village was inundated with thousands of pilgrims from all over the globe.
Indisputable fruits
Every day there were long lines for confession, where priests heard penitents tell their sins in more than a dozen languages, some I’d never even heard of before. Masses were jammed and reverent. Every night at 10 p.m. the amphitheater was packed with over 15,000 pilgrims who came to adore the Eucharist.Even with such an enormous crowd, there was utter silence as the King of Kings was venerated. We knelt there in the gravel and I felt myself overcome with emotion. In the midst of such a huge crowd, packed with the sick and infirm, pilgrims of every age, and religious sisters from around the world dressed in their various habits, it seemed I was just a tiny speck, entirely insignificant in this vast sea of faithful.
It was then that I felt the Lord whisper a word of love to me that I — I who am so undeserving — am indeed precious to Him. A love beyond understanding filled my heart as tears streamed down my cheeks, so that even now as I write these words, I am brought back to that moment of profound peace. Our God loves us in spite of ourselves.
I saw fellow pilgrims climb barefoot up a 1,700-foot peak, praying the Stations of the Cross, oblivious to the sharp rocks they trod. One man was missing a leg and was making the climb using metal crutches.
I met a pediatrician and her dentist husband, who met during the Bosnian war in the 1990s when they both worked to save the children coming out of the refugee camps. They are sponsoring one of the dozens of kids who live in Medjugorje’s orphanages. I listened to former drug addicts who live in a community dedicated to helping men and women break free from the bondage of addiction. Theresa Burke, the founder of Rachel’s Vineyard, a ministry that helps women wounded by abortion, received her inspiration from Medjugorje.
The message of Medjugorje is simple. It’s a call to conversion: Pray the rosary daily from the heart. Fast on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays or perform some other penitential act. Read the Bible. Receive the Eucharist frequently and go to confession monthly.
If more Catholics lived that way, we would surely have more peace, stronger families and an increase in vocations. I’m all for that.
Category: Joyce Coronel, Views
About the Author (Author Profile)
Joyce Coronel is a regular contributor and columnist for The Catholic Sun.7/18/12
Blind Women Saw After Sun Miracle
By Jakob Marschner
Raffaella Mazzocchi was blind on one eye when her family persuaded her to go to Medjugorje. When she saw a sun miracle, she first turned blind on both eyes for five minutes. But she could see when she opened up her sick eye, and when she opened both, her inexplicable healing was complete.
The major sun miracle during visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo’s apparition on October 2nd 2011. After watching a similar occurence, Raffaella Mazzocchi’s sight was restored
Blinded on one eye without notice, then healed from one moment to the next. There is nothing gradual to the story of Raffaella Mazzocchi’s eye sight.
At age 16, on December 22nd 2001, the Italian girl completely lost sight on her right eye while she was at school. Doctors found her condition was due to retrobulbar optic neuritis, a virus that irreversibly destroys the optic nerve.
“It is a diagnosis without hope of recovery, and no treatment seemed to work. I was forced to leave school because I could not study. I could not even sleep, I went ahead with psychotropic drugs, and in this state I lived in a nightmare for eight years. I lost faith, and I stopped attending church” Raffaella Mazzocchi tells in her testimony at Messaggi Medjugorje.
Raffaella Mazzocchi
“One day, my aunts, my mother and my sister decided to go to Medjugorje, and at all costs they wanted to take me with them. I was reluctant but eventually succumbed to the entreaties of my family, but I had no intention of praying for my recovery.”
Raffaella Mazzocchi and her family arrived in Medjugorje and went to climb Apparition Hill on June 26th 2009. On the way down, something unusual caught the family’s attention.
“My sister noticed that the sun moved in a non-normal way, and seemed to be dancing. So I grabbed the my sister’s sunglasses and with my good eye, the left, I first clearly saw the sun rotating and pulsating, almost approaching my face and moving back again, and then changing color constantly, becoming red, blue, orange, green” Raffaella Mazzocchi recounts.
The Blue Cross by the foot of Apparition Hill in Medjugorje where many apparitions have taken place, and where Raffaella Mazzocchi got her eye sight back
“I finally took off the sunglasses and started to cry desperately because I realized that I had also lost the sight on my left eye and had become completely blind. My screams attracted many pilgrims who gathered around me but I kept screaming more and more desperately because I felt a strong burning in my eyes.”
“This total blindness lasted five minutes, the longest of my life.When she saw I was in panic, my mom got me seated and somehow managed to calm me down” the young Italian woman tells.
“While I kept my head down and my eyes closed, suddenly I felt the urge to open my right eye, the sick one, and I realized that I could see my hands. I opened the other eye and I could see very well with that, too.”
The sun miracle that Raffaella Mazzocchi saw in June 2009
“By moving my hands back and forth before my eyes, I realized that I was healed, but instead of jumping with joy, I was overcome by fear and locked. From seeing my eyes, my mother noticed the change in me and ran up to hug me. So did all the many pilgrims” Raffaella Mazzocchi tells.
“From that day, my sight has been fully recovered, and even now I have a perfect view of 11/10. And, more importantly, I also picked up the faith again because now, finally, we see in all directions.”
While the story of Raffaella Mazzocchi is relatively well-known in Italy, it has not been told in English before.
Bishop Venant Bacinoni from Burundi came to Medjugorje
Bishop from Burundi came to Medjugorje
Bishop Msgr. Venant Bacinoni, bishop from Diocese of Bururi in Burundi, was in Medjugorje from July 1st to July 9, 2012. This was his first visit to Medjugorje. He first came to Belgium and his friends from Belgium invited him to come to Medjugorje with them, as a pilgrim. “This is one really good experience for me, I can see people praying, and they pray from the heart, you can see that they came here because of prayer and not because of something else. This is where one sees fruits. People come to pray, they participate in the Holy Eucharist, and they receive sacraments. This is also where they meet in friendship and in dialogue, this is really something good. We had really heavy civil war in Burundi that lasted for more than 15 years and this message of peace is really important for me and for our people as well. We cannot have peace without prayer, without hope and without help of Our Lady and God. This is the message that I am going to take from Medjugorje”, said bishop from Burundi.
Medjugorje Official
"The Lord took me from following the flock." -Amos 7:15
Amos was a country boy, a shepherd, and a pruner of sycamore trees - a nobody chosen by God to prophesy to the nation of Israel (Am 7:14). Jesus likewise sent out His apostles as nobodies. He didn't let them have the possessions and money by which many people try to command respect (see Mk 6:8-9). He didn't even provide them with accommodations (see Mk 6:10). The apostles had about as much prestige as homeless people. Of course, without credentials, status, clout, or worldly power, they were almost certain to be rejected. So Jesus told them to be prepared to shake the dust from their feet if any place did not receive them (Mk 6:11).
Jesus is the same today as yesterday (Heb 13:8). He continues to insist on choosing "the world's lowborn and despised, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who were something; so that mankind can do no boasting before God" (1 Cor 1:28-29). When Jesus sends us forth in weakness, His power reaches perfection (2 Cor 12:9). Jesus promised that the lowly will inherit the earth (Mt 5:5). Will you agree to become lowly? Will you let the Lord work through you?
Father, may I be lowly in the world's eyes and great in Your eyes.
"Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens!" -Eph 1:3
Praise the risen Jesus, only Hope for the world. Glory and praise forever!
The 17th International Seminar for Priests began in Medjugorje
The 17th International Seminar for Priests that gathered more than 400 priests, deacons and seminarians from twenty countries began on Monday, July 9th, in Medjugorje with the liturgical evening prayer programme. Fr. Ivan Sesar, the Provincial of Herzegovinian Franciscan Province from Mostar was the main celebrant at the solemn Holy Mass of introduction to the seminar.
The coordinator of the seminar is dr. Miljenko Steko, and the theme of this International seminar that will finish on Saturday, July 14 is “Priest – man of faith.” The lecturer at the seminar is Dr.Fr. Ivan Dugandzic.
The seminar is simultaneously translated to more than ten languages. These international seminars began in summer 1996, at the request of priests themselves and grew with the time into these regular annual gatherings of priests from all over world. Medjugorje Official
The coordinator of the seminar is dr. Miljenko Steko, and the theme of this International seminar that will finish on Saturday, July 14 is “Priest – man of faith.” The lecturer at the seminar is Dr.Fr. Ivan Dugandzic.
The seminar is simultaneously translated to more than ten languages. These international seminars began in summer 1996, at the request of priests themselves and grew with the time into these regular annual gatherings of priests from all over world. Medjugorje Official
"Jesus sent these men on mission." -Matthew 10:5
Although "the harvest is good but laborers are scarce" (Mt 9:37), Jesus does not immediately send out His disciples to labor in His harvest. First, He commands them to pray for the Father to send out laborers. Second, He gives His disciples authority over every demon and sickness (Mt 10:1). Third, He determines His primary community by choosing twelve apostles by name (Mt 10:2-4). Finally, He sends them out to evangelize and minister (Mt 10:6ff).
We will not have workers in the harvest until we form Christian community, until we are in a family of our own twelve apostles. However, we won't be able to participate in and form community unless we use our God-given authority to remove demonic strongholds standing in the way of Christian community life. However, we need to pray before receiving God's authority.
Yes, we need to pray for workers for the harvest, particularly for priestly and religious vocations to be accepted. Yet there's more. We must pray for Christians to use their authority in Jesus to form the community that provides workers for the harvest. Workers for the harvest are themselves a harvest, the fruit of prayer, the proper use of spiritual authority and Christian community.
"As he saw the crowds, his heart was filled with pity for them, because they were worried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. So he said to his disciples, "There is a large harvest, but few workers to gather it in. Pray to the owner of the harvest that he will send out workers to gather in his harvest." (Mtt 9:36-37).
Pray for Your Shepherds!. May 18 2012 Ivan's message in Medjugorje
Published on May 19, 2012 by 88kmitchell
After the apparition of Our Lady at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje, on May 18, 2012 at about 10:00 p.m., Ivan said:
"The most important from tonight's meeting together with Our Lady I will try to describe in these words:
Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her motherly blessing: 'Praised be Jesus my dear children.'
Then Our Lady, with Her arms extended, prayed for a while over all of you here. She prayed for a while over you who are sick present here and then She blessed us with Her motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought for a blessing. Then Our Lady, especially prayed for a while for priests, bishops and the Holy Father. She also called us:
'Dear children, also today I desire to call you to pray together with me for my shepherds, that they may lead their flock tirelessly in faith. The Mother prays together with you. Pray, dear children, with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.'
After that I recommended all of you, all of your needs, all you intentions, your families and in a special way, all the sick. Then a conversation followed between me and Our Lady. After that conversation Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated sign of the cross, with a greeting, 'Go in peace, my dear children.'
After the apparition of Our Lady at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje, on May 18, 2012 at about 10:00 p.m., Ivan said:
"The most important from tonight's meeting together with Our Lady I will try to describe in these words:
Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her motherly blessing: 'Praised be Jesus my dear children.'
Then Our Lady, with Her arms extended, prayed for a while over all of you here. She prayed for a while over you who are sick present here and then She blessed us with Her motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought for a blessing. Then Our Lady, especially prayed for a while for priests, bishops and the Holy Father. She also called us:
'Dear children, also today I desire to call you to pray together with me for my shepherds, that they may lead their flock tirelessly in faith. The Mother prays together with you. Pray, dear children, with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.'
After that I recommended all of you, all of your needs, all you intentions, your families and in a special way, all the sick. Then a conversation followed between me and Our Lady. After that conversation Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated sign of the cross, with a greeting, 'Go in peace, my dear children.'
"I will espouse you to Me forever." -Hosea 2:21
Imagine going to a funeral home and seeing Jesus raise a twelve-year-old girl from the dead (Mt 9:25). What would you think? What would you say to Him? What if Jesus then walked over to you and said: "I will espouse you to Me forever" (Hos 2:21)?
Jesus is proposing to you something which transcends any relationship - including marriage - something which will last forever. How could you accept His proposal? How could you even understand it?
Jesus will do three things to prepare you to make the decision of espousal to Him forever. He will:
* allure you (Hos 2:16). Jesus - lifted up on the cross, in the Resurrection, and at the right hand of the Father - will draw you to Himself (Jn 12:32; see also Jn 6:44).
* lead you into the desert (Hos 2:16).
* speak to your heart (Hos 2:16). The Sacred Heart of Jesus will have heart-to-heart talks with you.
After this desert experience, you will decide to be espoused to Jesus forever "in right and in justice, in love and in mercy" (Hos 2:21). You will be espoused to Jesus in fidelity "and you shall know the Lord" (Hos 2:22). Respond "I do" to Jesus, the Bridegroom (Mk 2:19).
Father, may I "grasp fully, with all the holy ones, the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ's love" (Eph 3:18).
"Jesus turned around and saw her and said, 'Courage, daughter! Your faith has restored you to health.' That very moment the woman got well." -Mt 9:22
Priest Warns of Excessive Celb Focus
By Jakob Marschner
Media over-covered football manager Roberto Mancini’s visit to Medjugorje, says former editor-in-chief of Radio Mir Medjugorje and head of the information centre. Medjugorje may not be subjected to a celebrity and advertising style, Fr. Mario Knezovic writes in Franciscan magazine.

Medjugorje is modest and silent, and this atmosphere is at odds with excessive media coverage of famous people’s visits, a former head of Medjugorje’s information centre states.
Fr. Mario Knezovic, who further served as editor-in-chief of Radio Mir Medjugorje, was particularly struck by media behavior when football manager Roberto Mancini visited:
“The first day, the entire front page. Inside, three pages of text and photos. The second day, half of the cover and two pages inside. The third day, two pages again. One would think that something big is happening. Turns out a football manager has come on pilgrimage to Medjugorje” Fr. Mario Knezovic writes in Nasa Ognjista, a Croatian Catholic magazine.

“The news of the arrival of Roberto Mancini turned into a sensation, as if no one else are coming to Medjugorje during the year. Why this fascination with “ordinary mortals”? Certainly his arrival should be followed, recorded and published about, but not in exceeded measure as in this case.”
To Fr. Mario Knezovic, part of the core identity of Medjugorje is being challenged by recent years’ more frequent celebrity visits.
“Medjugorje can not tolerate to be subjected to an advertising and celebrity style. This world is modest and silent. Those who deny that do not realize that Our Lady herself wanted to stand back and point to Jesus” he writes.

Fr. Mario Knezovic next points to a column he wrote in the recent issue of Glasnik Mira, the magazine published by the parish of Medjugorje.
“I wrote that every story has a quiet hero who is not destined for this. Some exist and become a part of the story with the motive of recruiting other heroes. Such a story we meet in Medjugorje. “Little” people’s stories often come across as the biggest when we view them with eyes of honesty” he writes in Nasa Ognjista.
Media over-covered football manager Roberto Mancini’s visit to Medjugorje, says former editor-in-chief of Radio Mir Medjugorje and head of the information centre. Medjugorje may not be subjected to a celebrity and advertising style, Fr. Mario Knezovic writes in Franciscan magazine.
Fr. Mario Knezovic during a Mass in Medjugorje. For several years, the Franciscan priest headed the parish information centre, and served as editor-in-chief of Radio Mir Medjugorje
Medjugorje is modest and silent, and this atmosphere is at odds with excessive media coverage of famous people’s visits, a former head of Medjugorje’s information centre states.
Fr. Mario Knezovic, who further served as editor-in-chief of Radio Mir Medjugorje, was particularly struck by media behavior when football manager Roberto Mancini visited:
“The first day, the entire front page. Inside, three pages of text and photos. The second day, half of the cover and two pages inside. The third day, two pages again. One would think that something big is happening. Turns out a football manager has come on pilgrimage to Medjugorje” Fr. Mario Knezovic writes in Nasa Ognjista, a Croatian Catholic magazine.
Football manager Roberto Mancini followed by reporters in March, during the first of his two visits to Medjugorje in 2012
“The news of the arrival of Roberto Mancini turned into a sensation, as if no one else are coming to Medjugorje during the year. Why this fascination with “ordinary mortals”? Certainly his arrival should be followed, recorded and published about, but not in exceeded measure as in this case.”
To Fr. Mario Knezovic, part of the core identity of Medjugorje is being challenged by recent years’ more frequent celebrity visits.
“Medjugorje can not tolerate to be subjected to an advertising and celebrity style. This world is modest and silent. Those who deny that do not realize that Our Lady herself wanted to stand back and point to Jesus” he writes.
Fr. Mario Knezovic
Fr. Mario Knezovic next points to a column he wrote in the recent issue of Glasnik Mira, the magazine published by the parish of Medjugorje.
“I wrote that every story has a quiet hero who is not destined for this. Some exist and become a part of the story with the motive of recruiting other heroes. Such a story we meet in Medjugorje. “Little” people’s stories often come across as the biggest when we view them with eyes of honesty” he writes in Nasa Ognjista.
Catholic Woman who saved Jewish Children
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Irene Sendler |
A concert was held July 5 at the Melbourne Recital Centre to remember Irena Sendler, the Polish Catholic who saved some 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of Warsaw’s ghetto.
The concert, titled “Irena’s Song: A Ray of Light through the Darkness,” featured acclaimed Israeli composer and conductor Kobi Oshrat and Israeli vocalist Karin Shifrin. The pair collaborated with the Australian Orchestra Victoria to remember the heroine through music.
Read the Full Story.
Dear Family of Mary
Cardinal Impressed by Medjugorje Fruits
by Jakob Marschner 7/6/2012
Medjugorje’s spiritual fruits are overwhelming good, says Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna. He calls the Church’s stand on Medjugorje “very clear”: the question of authenticity is left open, and so clergy cannot arrange official pilgrimages. But all are free to visit on their own.

“Overwhelming good spiritual fruits”. To Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, this is the most important about Medjugorje, he tells Our Sunday Visitor.
Cardinal Schönborn, a member of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the main editor of the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, says the Church’s teaching on Medjugorje is clear, and has been so continuously for 21 years now:
“I think that the Church’s teaching on Medjugorje is very clear. The bishops of the countries of the former Yugoslavia took a clear position in 1991. This is still valid and has been confirmed by the Vatican twice” Cardinal Schönborn says.

“There are three important points in this statement. First, that it is not confirmed that the events are of supernatural origin. That means it is neither confirmed nor denied. The Church left it open.”
“The second point is that, as the so-called apparition question and message question has not been decided, it is not permissible to make official pilgrimages to Medjugorje. So, for example, I cannot organize a formal diocesan pilgrimage to Medjugorje as we can to Rome or Fatima or Lourdes.”
“The third point, however, is that the people who choose to go to Medjugorje on their own are entitled to spiritual care. So, we priests or bishops are invited to provide spiritual company to pilgrims. That’s what my predecessors in Vienna did from the very beginning regarding Medjugorje, and that’s what I continue to do” Cardinal Schönborn tells Our Sunday Visitor.
“I think these three points are sufficient for a good understanding of how to approach Medjugorje. The most important for me are the overwhelming good spiritual fruits of Medjugorje.”
As a member of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Cardinal Schönborn will be among the formal receivers when the results from Cardinal Camillo Ruini’s current investigation into Medjugorje are being presented.

CDF, the Church’s teaching organ and a key Vatican office headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became the Pope, will formally hand over the report from Cardinal Ruini’s commission to Pope Benedict XVI, with or without remarks of their own.
This Autumn, Cardinal Schönborn will open his Cathedral in Vienna for a public apparition to a Medjugorje visionary for the third consecutive year when Ivan Dragicevic returns to the Austrian capital.
The Cardinal celebrated New Year 2010 in Medjugorje, climbed Apparition Hill with visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti, and also met with Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez and Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo.
Medjugorje’s spiritual fruits are overwhelming good, says Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna. He calls the Church’s stand on Medjugorje “very clear”: the question of authenticity is left open, and so clergy cannot arrange official pilgrimages. But all are free to visit on their own.
While Cardinal Schönborn praises the fruits of Medjugorje, it is other local dishes he is being served here – by visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti during the Cardinal’s visit for New Year 2010. Right: visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
“Overwhelming good spiritual fruits”. To Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, this is the most important about Medjugorje, he tells Our Sunday Visitor.
Cardinal Schönborn, a member of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the main editor of the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, says the Church’s teaching on Medjugorje is clear, and has been so continuously for 21 years now:
“I think that the Church’s teaching on Medjugorje is very clear. The bishops of the countries of the former Yugoslavia took a clear position in 1991. This is still valid and has been confirmed by the Vatican twice” Cardinal Schönborn says.
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna (born January 22nd 1945) is the main editor of the current Catholic catechism. As a member of the key Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he will be on the receiving end of Cardinal Ruini’s commission report on Medjugorje, expected later this year
“There are three important points in this statement. First, that it is not confirmed that the events are of supernatural origin. That means it is neither confirmed nor denied. The Church left it open.”
“The second point is that, as the so-called apparition question and message question has not been decided, it is not permissible to make official pilgrimages to Medjugorje. So, for example, I cannot organize a formal diocesan pilgrimage to Medjugorje as we can to Rome or Fatima or Lourdes.”
“The third point, however, is that the people who choose to go to Medjugorje on their own are entitled to spiritual care. So, we priests or bishops are invited to provide spiritual company to pilgrims. That’s what my predecessors in Vienna did from the very beginning regarding Medjugorje, and that’s what I continue to do” Cardinal Schönborn tells Our Sunday Visitor.
“I think these three points are sufficient for a good understanding of how to approach Medjugorje. The most important for me are the overwhelming good spiritual fruits of Medjugorje.”
As a member of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Cardinal Schönborn will be among the formal receivers when the results from Cardinal Camillo Ruini’s current investigation into Medjugorje are being presented.
Cardinal Schönborn has been a personal friend of the Pope since the early 1970s when he studied under not-yet Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in Regensburg
CDF, the Church’s teaching organ and a key Vatican office headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became the Pope, will formally hand over the report from Cardinal Ruini’s commission to Pope Benedict XVI, with or without remarks of their own.
This Autumn, Cardinal Schönborn will open his Cathedral in Vienna for a public apparition to a Medjugorje visionary for the third consecutive year when Ivan Dragicevic returns to the Austrian capital.
The Cardinal celebrated New Year 2010 in Medjugorje, climbed Apparition Hill with visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti, and also met with Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez and Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo.
"The Lord took me from following the flock, and said to me, 'Go, prophesy to My people Israel.' " -Amos 7:15
The gift of prophecy is to be sought above all other gifts (1 Cor 14:1). We need to hear prophecy because, like a two-edged sword, it will penetrate and divide soul and spirit (Heb 4:12). Prophecy will judge "the reflections and thoughts of the heart" (Heb 4:12). Because prophecies are messages from God, they are not easily dismissed. We naturally resist God's words, for His ways and thoughts are as different from our ways and thoughts as the heavens are high above the earth (Is 55:8-9). However, prophecy resists our resistance.
Prophecy stands up for itself. It fights against our hardness of heart. Because prophecy cannot be chained (2 Tm 2:9), easily brushed off, or forgotten, it is easier to throw the prophets out of town or to kill them than it is to dismiss their prophecies (see Am 7:12). This shows how powerful and undying prophecies are. This helps us understand why prophecy raised the dry bones of a sinful nation from the dead (Ez 37:4) and why the Church is founded on the apostles and the prophets (Eph 2:20).
Instead of rejecting prophecy and persecuting prophets, pray to receive prophecy. Pray: "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening (1 Sm 3:9). Lord, penetrate and purify my heart with Your prophetic word."
Father, only say the word and I shall be healed (Mt 8:8).
"Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven." -Mt 9:2
!" (Am 7:16)
Pilgrims from Uganda in Medjugorje
After Medjugorje celebrated 31st anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions, many groups are still present on their pilgrimages and among them we met a group of pilgrims from Uganda. Fransis is bringing pilgrims from Uganda since 2005, and he brought 40 pilgrims on his first trip. They heard about Medjugorje from one Italian priest who spoke on Radio Maria in Uganda. “I had to take a map to look for this place and then I decided to bring a group of pilgrims together with a priest. It was hard for us to obtain visa since we do not have embassy in this country”, said Fransis. One of the pilgrims, Frederik Deogratias Musaazi said: “I was immediately impressed with people’s conviction in the presence of the Blessed Mother in this place. People here believe so much and the whole group that I was with was really impressed with that. When I returned to Uganda, I promised Mother Mary that I will proclaim the word about her throughout the country, that I will spread her name. People are asking to come here. They would like to know where Medjugorje is. I do not think this is going to stop, people are going to continue coming here.”
Radio Mir Medjugorje is also interviewing people who walked to Medjugorje for this 31st Anniversary. Livia Cianni and Guido Piasnelli walked from Rome to Medjugorje. They started their journey on June 16 and they arrived on June 24, 2012, the evening before Our Lady’s Apparitions. These two pilgrims spoke about their pilgrimage and about the experience of Medjugorje. “Medjugorje was calling us, we were here in 2011, and we felt invitation because Medjugorje changed us. This is the centre of the spirituality. It was a long journey, but the heat was the worst”, said Livia and guido who already announced their next pilgrimage when more people plan to join them.
Davor Miksic, Mile Pavic and Vjeko Rimac walked 520 kilometres from Samobor, Croatia. They started their journey on June 12, 2012. “This is a great experience for us, we met wonderful people and this is thanksgiving to the Queen of Peace and to Jesus”, said three pilgrims from Samobor.
We should also mention a group of 22 pilgrims who walked from Rama in Bosnia and they walked for nearly two whole days. “We came to thank Our Lady; we are filled with Holy Spirit!”
Ivica Sapina walked from Bugojno for three days. “This is my 12th or 13th time to walk to Medjugorje. I do not find it hard, this is where I find true peace”, said Ivica. We also met a group of nine pilgrims from Livno and one 12 years-old boy was with them as well. A sixteen-years-old girl said that she nearly gave up, but at the end she continued because of the promise she made to Our Lady.
Medjugorje Official
Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Mirjana of July 2, 2012
"My children; "Again, in a motherly way, I implore you to stop for a moment and to reflect on yourselves and on the transience of this your earthly life. Then reflect on eternity and the eternal beatitude. What do you want? Which way do you want to set out on? The Father`s love sends me to be a mediatrix for you, to show you with motherly love the way which leads to the purity of soul; a soul unburdened by sin; a soul that will come to know eternity. I am praying that the light of the love of my Son may illuminate you, so that you may triumph over weaknesses and come out of misery. You are my children and I desire for all of you to be on the way of salvation. Therefore, my children, gather around me that I may have you come to know the love of my Son and thus open the door of eternal beatitude. Pray as I do for your shepherds. Again I caution you: do not judge them, because my Son chose them. Thank you."
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