Trust, the Holy Spirit is with us
Trust, the Holy Spirit is with us
An invitation to be loved and to love
Message of March 25,2012 from Medjugorje
Posted on March 28, 2012 by Susana Kearney
Message of March 25, 2012 ”Dear children! Also today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing and to call you to prayer. May prayer become a need for you to grow more in holiness every day. Work more on your conversion because you are far away, little children. Thank you for having responded to my call.” 03/2012
I want to share this message of the Virgin Mary to one of the visionaries at Medjugorje, as I will do for now on, because our Mother is asking to work on our conversion and to pray more. As she says we are far away from God, and we can start this Lent to work hard in our conversion.
We experience conversions during our life as steps to be closer to God and to holiness, but we can’t do this alone since our Mother is with us inviting us to pray more, to fast, and to serve our brothers and sisters.
Also, She said on March 2, 2012 to Mirjana, “…Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you.”. So, she is telling us to pray and to trust in the Holy Spirit to have Jesus in our hearts.
She added, “Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him – the High Priest.”
Moreover, our Mother is leading us towards Easter with Jesus. Trust that, in these times of trial, our heavenly Mother is with us to help us to become “apostles of the divine light” this Easter.
Bishop Adriano Langa in Medjugorje
Bishop from Mozambique in Medjugorje
date: 17.03.2012.
Mons. Adriano Langa, Bishop of Diocese Inhambane from Mozambique, came to his second visit to Medjugorje. He came in the mid nineties for the first time, and it was just out of the curiosity. It was because Friars from Herzegovina Franciscan Province, who work in Kongo in missions, spoke to him about Medjugorje. In his interview for radio station Medjugorje, he said: “This second trip is my own initiative, since I got to know Medjugorje as the place of prayer and I wanted to come because of the prayer. I spent my days in silence. My daily programme was to attend the morning Holy Mass, then to pray the Way of the Cross and to finish with the evening prayer programme.
I keep repeating to everyone that Medjugorje is the place that one needs to get to know, since it is here that we received invitation to prayer, this is really the place of the encounter with God”, said the bishop from Mozambique.
Medjugorje Official
Holy Week Healing Service
Holy Week Healing Service
Monday April 2, 2012
Fr. Joe Whalen, MS
Fr. John Welch, MS
St. James Church
12 Franklin St.Danielson, CT 06239
6:30 pm
For more information call: 802-343-0573
All Welcome!
Marija, Our Lady is calling us
"Our Lady is calling us back to the original times: prayer and fasting during Lent" visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti says of the Virgin Mary's message of March 25. Photo: Daniel Miot, guardacon.me
Marija: Fight worldliness with fasting
by Jakob Marschner on Mar 26, 2012
We have many possibilities but little willpower. The world puts us in a cage of a thousand things to do and to pray and fast just a little, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti said when she delivered the Virgin Mary’s message of March 25. She views the message as a call to live Lent like the early Church did, and conquer worldliness through prayer and fasting.
Fr. John Higgins: The Man I Saw Brought Back to Life
by HHAmbrose on Mar 25, 2012 • 8:54 am
March 25, 2012
Who doesn’t enjoy a good BBQ with friends? When I was asked to a young couple’s home for a Young Adult Ministry Home Mass and BBQ I packed my Mass kit and off I went. I arrived about 6:00 pm with a hearty appetite and was greeted by about 15 young people. Then the phone rang and everything changed. I had to drive about 10 miles to a hospital where there was an emergency call.

A couple of weeks later the man came to me for Confession and told me that the doctor couldn’t figure out what happened and had to tear up the Death Certificate he’d already started to fill out. The Paramedics had come to see him in the hospital and shown him their notes. At the bottom of the page they’d written the time and place of his death and then in big bold letters had added “BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE BY GOD”.
Miracles still happen. And no, I didn’t do it. It just happened according to God’s will. Why does He intervene in some cases and not in others? I really don’t know. I haven’t figured that out yet. But I do know that God has worked miracles in my life, the most important for me not being what He did for someone else, but what He has done over and over to bring me back from sin and death, through the Sacraments into His Covenant Relationship.
That man still had to die a natural death to be raised from the dead into eternal life. The resurrection Jesus offers all of us is eternal too. And that’s what we look forward to at Easter.
Father Higgins
Welcome Sweet Holy Spirit
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Acts 2:1-4
Our Lady's Medjugorje message to Marija of March 25, 2012
“Dear children! Also today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing and to call you to prayer. May prayer become a need for you to grow more in holiness every day. Work more on your conversion because you are far away, little children. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Message, 25. March 2012
"Tomorrow is the observance of the Feast of the Annunciation!
God's Word Among Us
“Search the Scriptures.” (John 5:39)
Have you ever picked up your Bible, read a passage from it, and then sat back and wondered what in the world God was trying to say to you? It’s possible that you may have walked away and decided that the passage didn’t have any consequence for your life. But somewhere inside your heart, you probably also sensed that there was something in that passage for you, but you just couldn’t place your finger on it.
God wants to reveal himself to us through Scripture. But just like everything else in the Christian life, Scripture won’t just magically make sense to us. It’s up to us to cooperate with the Spirit as we read the Bible. And that takes some time, some attention, and some perseverance.
The following guidelines may help you cooperate with the Spirit. Try implementing them over the next few days, and see if they make a difference.
• Select a passage from the Bible you want to read. Maybe you will choose to follow the daily Mass readings, along with the meditations in this magazine.
• Don’t read right away, but begin with prayer. If you feel like singing or even humming a hymn you heard at Mass, do it.
• When you feel ready, read the Scripture passage you have chosen.
• Read it again slowly, dwelling on the words or phrases that struck you.
• Use your imagination to place yourself in the scene described in the passage.
• Imagine that Jesus is sitting across from you and speaking these words directly to you.
• Be still. During this quiet period, some words or pictures may bubble up in your thoughts. This may be God speaking to you—especially if the images and thoughts lead you closer to Christ, fill you with hope, or stir your heart to love and forgive.
• Try to write out what you think God is saying to you, and close with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. God wants to reveal himself to us in Scripture. Only by quiet reflection will we learn to hear his voice.
“Holy Spirit, quiet my heart and help me to read Scripture with new ears. Let your revelation penetrate my life and guide me toward Christian action.”
Exodus 32:7-14; Psalm 106:19-23
Great Miracle in Medjugorje
Celebration of Life Pilgrimage to Medugorje, Bosnian-Herzegovina.
Posted on 28.12.2011
I tried to find words how to describe to you the Great Miracle which took place on March 19, 2011 when 45 medical doctors from various regions of Ukraine, (including Kiev, Zaporozhe, Kamenka-Dneprovskaya, Cherkasi, Irpin, Gitomir, and Donezk), began their pilgrimage to a little town called Medjugorje, in Bosnia-Herzegovina…To read more http://www.chaliceofmercy.org/pilgrimages.html
Conversion Corner
Conversion Corner:
By Tracey Philippi
This is the short version of my Medjugorje Conversion. The full version would be the length of a book.
It will be challenging to accurately describe what happened to my life almost 13 years ago. My husband Mark and I had two beautiful children. We were Sunday going Catholics. I prayed a Hail Mary and the Angel of God daily. That was pretty much the extent of my Catholic faith. I was on the fast track with my career. I had worked for 5 years as a critical care BSN, RN. I was hired as a cardiac drug research nurse and worked for the Heart Institute of Nevada and Cardiovascular Consultants of Nevada. During one of my drug research assignments, I was offered a position with one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Merck. I soon found myself traveling the country, and within two years I had been promoted to a senior position in the company. I was making a very good salary, big bonuses, company car, and prestige. My husband Mark was also making a name for himself. He was the head strength coach at UNLV, and started competing on the world stage as a professional athlete. Mark won America’s Strongest Man in 1997. Mark soon found himself as a regular sports figure on ESPN. Our careers and lifestyle were so busy and full that we felt very content on having just a boy and a girl. We believed the God had blessed us with being able to afford private schools, a nanny, housekeeper, and all of our material possessions, what more could we want. We where living the American dream. But inside my heart I felt restless. My heart ached every time I would leave the house, sometimes not seeing my children for days if I were traveling. I had been primed by the culture that a modern day mother does not stay at home. The goal was success and self- fulfillment. This misery I was feeling made me falsely believe that if only I could get that next promotion, make more money, and buy more clothes, I would be much happier. This was the trap I was in. God would not allow me to experience rest in my soul when I was so far away from living the truth and fulfilling my true vocation as a wife and mother. I was blinded. I truly thought that I was doing the right things. I did not know that I needed a conversion. The famous quote from St. Augustine sums it up “ My soul was restless oh God, until it rested in you.” Hopefully you get the picture of where I was in my life.
In the summer of 1999, Mark was competing in the World’s Strongest Man in a country called Malta. I went with him. I did not know at the time anything about Malta. During our time there my heart started to stir. There where beautiful Catholic shrines everywhere on this island. Mark had an event one afternoon and it was very rainy. I stayed in the bus in between events. The bus driver was a very gracious and kind man. He shared with me the history of Malta and how St. Paul on his journey to Rome had been shipwrecked there. St. Paul had converted the island after being bit by a poisonous snake. To this day Malta has remained a Catholic country. I remember contemplating this and realized that I knew nothing about the deep history of my faith. Mark and I returned to Las Vegas but something had happened to me in Malta. A desire that every human heart has, “Why am I here, who made me, and what is truth?” After our return, I was picking up my son at St. Viator’s pre school and started talking to another mom about my trip to Malta. I then asked Angie how she was doing. Angie responded that she had just come back from Medjugorje. I quickly asked her about Medjugorje. Angie had shared with me the story of the visionaries and Our Blessed Mother’s messages. I was stunned and could not stop asking her questions. A few days later, Angie brought me a book on Medjugorje. I was headed off on a business meeting in Santa Barbara. I started reading the book while I was on a plane. I could not put in down! What happened to me that night in the Biltmore Hotel, I will never forget. It completely changed the course of my life. My question why was Jesus sending His mother to the earth everyday was answered. As I read the messages I felt Our Lady speaking right into the center of my heart. I heard her message. I felt the weight of my sins. I felt the horror of where my life was, through the eyes of God, and I saw my place in hell if I did not change the course of my life.
God had in an instant revealed to me that when we go against His laws we put ourselves in grave dangers. I was prostrated on the floor in my hotel room crying out to God to forgive me. I cannot find the words to describe what I was feeling, except deep sorrow over the state of my life, and unbelievable awe that Our Lord was sending His Mother to the earth to warn us and to convert us. It was a real St. Paul like conversion. I wasn’t riding a horse or stuck by lightning but nontheless, in an instant God had revealed to me the state of my soul and the great gift of His forgiveness and mercy.
My life from that moment would never be the same. The journey to where I am today is credited to the great Mother of God and her messages of Medjugorje. I knew that God was calling me to stay at home, raise my children, keeping my marriage open to the gift of life and to learn my Catholic faith. I will never forget telling husband that I would be resigning from my job. It was very difficult and painful during the early part of my conversion. I was totally alone with no support going through a complete 180-degree direction turn in my life. We would need to totally transform our life style and finances. With much credit to my husband, he did not understand what was happening to me, but he stepped up to the plate and worked extra to support us so I could stay at home. My husband, many close family members and friends thought that I had gone off the deep end. This was very difficult for me. I felt the rejection and indifferences from all corners of my life.
In very short time period, I went from being a full time working mother with a successful career to being a full time stay at home mom. Yes, there where many days that this transition was challenging. I had to make many adjustments. My soul was experiencing much need transformations. I could not get my hands on enough Catholic books and resources. I would spend hours at the Divine Mercy bookstore. Soon I found EWTN and Catholic radio. I was like a kid in a candy shop. I was awakened to a world that I did not know existed. Our Lord had infused a thirst in my soul for truth, a thirst to follow Him. I immediately started to the best of my ability following the instructions of the Blessed Mother. Going to Confession, praying the daily Rosary, fasting, reading the Scriptures and going to daily Mass and receiving the Eucharist. This is the remedy to a godless world. What gifts our God has given to His Church.
Within 8 months, I conceived our third child, and have been blessed to have 3 more children. I have been a home schooling mother for 12 years. How I came to home schooling is a whole other story. It wasn’t something that I ever imagined that I would be doing. In fact is something that I at first I did not want to do. To make a long story short, I knew in my heart God was calling me to do this. I had to respond and trust that He would give me the graces I needed to home school. It has been one of the greatest blessings to our family.
The Lord knew that I was going to need some support and direction. With in months of my conversion (1999) I found a parish in Las Vegas that had 6 pm daily Mass. It was the parish of Holy Family. I would drive every night over to the eastside of town with my children. Our Lady was leading me to a holy priest, Monsignor Ben Franzinelli. During this time Monsignor Ben preached and taught with vigor about our Blessed Mother’s messages and God’s call to living a holy life. I learned so much from Monsignor Ben and will be so ever grateful to him and his love for the Church and Our Lady. The Lord provided all I needed to be strengthened and nourished during this time. Being alone on my journey was very difficult and lonely. But at the same time the joys and happiness that my soul felt I cannot describe. God had also heard my prayer and my lamenting for my husband’s conversion. My husband Mark was Confirmed in the fall of 2003. He also has responded to Our Lady’s call, and leads our family of seven in the daily Rosary.
My prayer is that all people hear and responds to the call of Our Blessed Mother. Our Lord has been sending His Mom to the earth everyday for over 30 years from a small village in Medjugorje, Bosnia to six children, now adults. The message is urgent. We are living in a world that is self-destructing. Our hearts have grown cold to the voice of God and His Holy Catholic Church. I lived most of my life following the culture of death. The culture of death is one that is self-centered. It is closed off to the gift of children, and does not respect God’s laws. It encourages immodest fashions that promote sins of the flesh, modern secularism, pornography, feminism, relativism, and indifference to the Catholic Church’s teachings on contraception, divorce, and the holiness of marriage between a man and women. Blessed John Paul II called it the culture of death.
It pains me to know that there are many people who have chosen to disregard the messages of Medjugorje. They fail to see the awesome gift that God has given us through the loving care of His Mother. Many times I hear people say that the Church has not approved them. Most people do not understand that the Church cannot officially approve an apparition until it has ceased. The apparitions of Medjugorje have been ongoing everyday since 1981. They are the longest ongoing public apparitions recorded in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church.
I can only give you my testimony on what Our Lady’s messages did for my life. She led me into the heart and soul of her Son’s Catholic Church. Our Lady led me to Confession, the Holy Eucharist, prayer, penance, and conversion. I beg all who are listening, please respond to Our Blessed Mother’s call. She is showing us the way to live a holy life and how to attain Heaven for all eternity praising and worshiping the Blessed Trinity. She wants us to love her Son and to do His will, for His will is the will of Our Heavenly Father, who has given us life. Praise be Jesus Christ! the center of our lives. In my family we try and go to daily Mass to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Himself. Jesus Himself said, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have life in you.” This is why going to Mass everyday is a wonderful way to get all the help Jesus is offering to us.
These are all the things that I have learned from Our Blessed Mother’s messages from Medjugorje. They are the same things that Our Lord has always taught us through His Holy Catholic Church. Our Blessed Mother is helping to remind us and encourages us to listen to her Son Jesus. http://www.lasvegasmariancenter.com/
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Tracey Philippi |
Conversion Corner:
By Tracey Philippi
This is the short version of my Medjugorje Conversion. The full version would be the length of a book.
It will be challenging to accurately describe what happened to my life almost 13 years ago. My husband Mark and I had two beautiful children. We were Sunday going Catholics. I prayed a Hail Mary and the Angel of God daily. That was pretty much the extent of my Catholic faith. I was on the fast track with my career. I had worked for 5 years as a critical care BSN, RN. I was hired as a cardiac drug research nurse and worked for the Heart Institute of Nevada and Cardiovascular Consultants of Nevada. During one of my drug research assignments, I was offered a position with one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Merck. I soon found myself traveling the country, and within two years I had been promoted to a senior position in the company. I was making a very good salary, big bonuses, company car, and prestige. My husband Mark was also making a name for himself. He was the head strength coach at UNLV, and started competing on the world stage as a professional athlete. Mark won America’s Strongest Man in 1997. Mark soon found himself as a regular sports figure on ESPN. Our careers and lifestyle were so busy and full that we felt very content on having just a boy and a girl. We believed the God had blessed us with being able to afford private schools, a nanny, housekeeper, and all of our material possessions, what more could we want. We where living the American dream. But inside my heart I felt restless. My heart ached every time I would leave the house, sometimes not seeing my children for days if I were traveling. I had been primed by the culture that a modern day mother does not stay at home. The goal was success and self- fulfillment. This misery I was feeling made me falsely believe that if only I could get that next promotion, make more money, and buy more clothes, I would be much happier. This was the trap I was in. God would not allow me to experience rest in my soul when I was so far away from living the truth and fulfilling my true vocation as a wife and mother. I was blinded. I truly thought that I was doing the right things. I did not know that I needed a conversion. The famous quote from St. Augustine sums it up “ My soul was restless oh God, until it rested in you.” Hopefully you get the picture of where I was in my life.
In the summer of 1999, Mark was competing in the World’s Strongest Man in a country called Malta. I went with him. I did not know at the time anything about Malta. During our time there my heart started to stir. There where beautiful Catholic shrines everywhere on this island. Mark had an event one afternoon and it was very rainy. I stayed in the bus in between events. The bus driver was a very gracious and kind man. He shared with me the history of Malta and how St. Paul on his journey to Rome had been shipwrecked there. St. Paul had converted the island after being bit by a poisonous snake. To this day Malta has remained a Catholic country. I remember contemplating this and realized that I knew nothing about the deep history of my faith. Mark and I returned to Las Vegas but something had happened to me in Malta. A desire that every human heart has, “Why am I here, who made me, and what is truth?” After our return, I was picking up my son at St. Viator’s pre school and started talking to another mom about my trip to Malta. I then asked Angie how she was doing. Angie responded that she had just come back from Medjugorje. I quickly asked her about Medjugorje. Angie had shared with me the story of the visionaries and Our Blessed Mother’s messages. I was stunned and could not stop asking her questions. A few days later, Angie brought me a book on Medjugorje. I was headed off on a business meeting in Santa Barbara. I started reading the book while I was on a plane. I could not put in down! What happened to me that night in the Biltmore Hotel, I will never forget. It completely changed the course of my life. My question why was Jesus sending His mother to the earth everyday was answered. As I read the messages I felt Our Lady speaking right into the center of my heart. I heard her message. I felt the weight of my sins. I felt the horror of where my life was, through the eyes of God, and I saw my place in hell if I did not change the course of my life.
God had in an instant revealed to me that when we go against His laws we put ourselves in grave dangers. I was prostrated on the floor in my hotel room crying out to God to forgive me. I cannot find the words to describe what I was feeling, except deep sorrow over the state of my life, and unbelievable awe that Our Lord was sending His Mother to the earth to warn us and to convert us. It was a real St. Paul like conversion. I wasn’t riding a horse or stuck by lightning but nontheless, in an instant God had revealed to me the state of my soul and the great gift of His forgiveness and mercy.
My life from that moment would never be the same. The journey to where I am today is credited to the great Mother of God and her messages of Medjugorje. I knew that God was calling me to stay at home, raise my children, keeping my marriage open to the gift of life and to learn my Catholic faith. I will never forget telling husband that I would be resigning from my job. It was very difficult and painful during the early part of my conversion. I was totally alone with no support going through a complete 180-degree direction turn in my life. We would need to totally transform our life style and finances. With much credit to my husband, he did not understand what was happening to me, but he stepped up to the plate and worked extra to support us so I could stay at home. My husband, many close family members and friends thought that I had gone off the deep end. This was very difficult for me. I felt the rejection and indifferences from all corners of my life.
In very short time period, I went from being a full time working mother with a successful career to being a full time stay at home mom. Yes, there where many days that this transition was challenging. I had to make many adjustments. My soul was experiencing much need transformations. I could not get my hands on enough Catholic books and resources. I would spend hours at the Divine Mercy bookstore. Soon I found EWTN and Catholic radio. I was like a kid in a candy shop. I was awakened to a world that I did not know existed. Our Lord had infused a thirst in my soul for truth, a thirst to follow Him. I immediately started to the best of my ability following the instructions of the Blessed Mother. Going to Confession, praying the daily Rosary, fasting, reading the Scriptures and going to daily Mass and receiving the Eucharist. This is the remedy to a godless world. What gifts our God has given to His Church.
Within 8 months, I conceived our third child, and have been blessed to have 3 more children. I have been a home schooling mother for 12 years. How I came to home schooling is a whole other story. It wasn’t something that I ever imagined that I would be doing. In fact is something that I at first I did not want to do. To make a long story short, I knew in my heart God was calling me to do this. I had to respond and trust that He would give me the graces I needed to home school. It has been one of the greatest blessings to our family.
The Lord knew that I was going to need some support and direction. With in months of my conversion (1999) I found a parish in Las Vegas that had 6 pm daily Mass. It was the parish of Holy Family. I would drive every night over to the eastside of town with my children. Our Lady was leading me to a holy priest, Monsignor Ben Franzinelli. During this time Monsignor Ben preached and taught with vigor about our Blessed Mother’s messages and God’s call to living a holy life. I learned so much from Monsignor Ben and will be so ever grateful to him and his love for the Church and Our Lady. The Lord provided all I needed to be strengthened and nourished during this time. Being alone on my journey was very difficult and lonely. But at the same time the joys and happiness that my soul felt I cannot describe. God had also heard my prayer and my lamenting for my husband’s conversion. My husband Mark was Confirmed in the fall of 2003. He also has responded to Our Lady’s call, and leads our family of seven in the daily Rosary.
My prayer is that all people hear and responds to the call of Our Blessed Mother. Our Lord has been sending His Mom to the earth everyday for over 30 years from a small village in Medjugorje, Bosnia to six children, now adults. The message is urgent. We are living in a world that is self-destructing. Our hearts have grown cold to the voice of God and His Holy Catholic Church. I lived most of my life following the culture of death. The culture of death is one that is self-centered. It is closed off to the gift of children, and does not respect God’s laws. It encourages immodest fashions that promote sins of the flesh, modern secularism, pornography, feminism, relativism, and indifference to the Catholic Church’s teachings on contraception, divorce, and the holiness of marriage between a man and women. Blessed John Paul II called it the culture of death.
It pains me to know that there are many people who have chosen to disregard the messages of Medjugorje. They fail to see the awesome gift that God has given us through the loving care of His Mother. Many times I hear people say that the Church has not approved them. Most people do not understand that the Church cannot officially approve an apparition until it has ceased. The apparitions of Medjugorje have been ongoing everyday since 1981. They are the longest ongoing public apparitions recorded in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church.
I can only give you my testimony on what Our Lady’s messages did for my life. She led me into the heart and soul of her Son’s Catholic Church. Our Lady led me to Confession, the Holy Eucharist, prayer, penance, and conversion. I beg all who are listening, please respond to Our Blessed Mother’s call. She is showing us the way to live a holy life and how to attain Heaven for all eternity praising and worshiping the Blessed Trinity. She wants us to love her Son and to do His will, for His will is the will of Our Heavenly Father, who has given us life. Praise be Jesus Christ! the center of our lives. In my family we try and go to daily Mass to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Himself. Jesus Himself said, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have life in you.” This is why going to Mass everyday is a wonderful way to get all the help Jesus is offering to us.
These are all the things that I have learned from Our Blessed Mother’s messages from Medjugorje. They are the same things that Our Lord has always taught us through His Holy Catholic Church. Our Blessed Mother is helping to remind us and encourages us to listen to her Son Jesus. http://www.lasvegasmariancenter.com/
Kid’s Corner:
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McKayla Philippi |
Kid’s Corner:
“How has Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje
affected your life?”
McKayla Philippi (13 y/o Seton Home Schooled 8th Grader):
“I have grown up with Our Lady’s messages. Having Mother come to the earth everyday is normal for me to think about. When I hear of people that have never heard of Medjugorje it makes me very sad. My mom has been teaching my family about Medjugorje since I can remember. I try and tell others why Jesus wants His Mom to help us believe in Him. Jesus gave us His Mom at the foot of the cross. The Blessed Mother is our mother and she is giving us instructions everyday from Medjugorje on how to be good. She wants us to love Jesus with all our hearts and souls, just like she does. Our Lady is telling us is to pray, make sacrifices by fasting and go to monthly confession. She wants us to especially pray the family the Rosary. The Blessed Mother says that the Rosary will help to keep my family together and help get us Heaven. My family uses scriptural Rosary books to help us to meditate. Mediating on the mysteries of the Rosary is really meditating on the Gospels and New Testament through the eyes of the Mother of God.
Our Lady also encourages us to go to confession once a month. This helps me to keep my soul clean and helps me to avoid offending God. I think that many people need to understand what sin is. So many of our friends and family don’t know the teachings of the Church and cannot remember the Ten Commandments. Sin is saying no to God’s Laws. We live in a society that has forgotten God’s laws. They are many Catholic resources to help you examine your conscience. I would recommend getting one that will help you to make a good confession. This will help you to receive the graces necessary to grow in holiness. That is what the Blessed Mother is encouraging us to do.
Our Blessed Mother also recommends fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays. Jesus Himself fasted for forty days in the desert. It helps us to be spiritually strong and we can also help others by offering our sacrifices and fasting up for them. On Wednesdays and Fridays my four brothers and I write down three things that we are going to fast from. This helps us to encourage one another. My mother tries to fast on bread and water because this is what Our Blessed Mother says is the best way to fast.
Our Blessed Mother is also encouraging us to make the Mass the center of our lives. In my family we try and go to daily Mass to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Himself. Jesus Himself said, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have life in you.” This is why going to Mass everyday is a wonderful way to get all the help Jesus is offering to us.
These are all the things that I have learned from Our Blessed Mother’s messages from Medjugorje. They are the same things that Our Lord has always taught us through His Holy Catholic Church. Our Blessed Mother is helping to remind us and encourages us to listen to her Son Jesus.
John Barrys Blog: Our Lady: One Hour Documentary on Vision TV-Wedne...
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Fr. Svet |
John Barrys Blog: Our Lady: One Hour Documentary on Vision TV-Wedne...: Our Lady Trailer Our Lady will have its world broadcast premiere on Vision TV on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT.
This documentary may not be available to watch outside of Canada.
Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo received her annual apparition by Our Lady.
The visionary Mirjana Soldo stopped having daily apparitions from in December 1982. During Mirjana's last daily apparition, Our Lady gave confided to her the 10th secret, and told Mirjana that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March. In covering the apparitions, we know there is a significance to March 18, that in the future we will know the reason why. Today's apparition lasted 5 minutes from 2:00 to 2:05 PM. Following is Our Lady's message given today through Mirjana: ~ Mirjana celebrates her 47th birthday today. ~
Dear children! I am coming among you because I desire to be your mother – your intercessor. I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father – your mediatrix. I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit. My children, consecrate yourselves to me completely. I will take your lives into my motherly hands and I will teach them peace and love, and then I will give them over to my Son. I am asking of you to pray and fast because only in this way will you know how to witness my Son in the right way through my motherly heart. Pray for your shepherds that, united in my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you. March 18, 2012
"Your piety is like a morning cloud, like the dew that early passes away. For this reason I smote them." -Hosea 6:4-5
Is your commitment to Jesus unstable and changeable? Does it pass away like the dew or a morning cloud? The Lord will patiently draw you to Himself. But, if you do not respond to His gentle promptings, His Word states that He will smite you through the prophets and slay you by the words of His mouth (Hos 6:5).
Jesus does not do this to harm you but to save you. The Word of God can gently trim you (Jn 15:2), or it can kill you. It can judge the thoughts and reflections of the heart (Heb 4:12) and open the door to repentance, or it can judge us fit for eternal damnation (Jn 12:48). God's Word can be a scalpel by which the Holy Spirit operates on us and heals us, or it can be the sword of destruction. (Rv 19:13-15).
We cannot chain God's Word. God's Word is going to work on us whether or not we want it. But we can decide whether to let God's Word work as a scalpel or sword on us. Repent this Lent.
Prayer: Father, deal with me now. Do anything You want without delay. (Expect an immediate response to this prayer.)
Promise: "This man went home from the temple justified but the other did not. For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled while he who humbles himself shall be exalted." -Lk 18:14
New Movie " October Baby
Published on Mar 15, 2012 by EWTN
Andy Erwin & Jon Erwin talk about the new movie " October Baby
Conception to Birth!
From conception to birth!
I can not help but recommend to all of you to watch and circulate widely, a marvelous video clip which shows more clearly than ever before, the beginning of human life within the mother’s womb, from the moment of conception up until birth. In order to produce this Incredible Footage, they have used the most fascinating cutting edge technology.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=fKyljukBE70
How many abortions would be avoided, how many children would be saved, if we sent this footage to all adolescents, who are deprived of the truth about human life these days, instead of giving them condoms and the morning after pill, and pretending that the devastating act of abortion is commonplace and acceptable.
78th Anniversary of the building of the cross on Cross Mountain
78 th Anniversary of building of cross on Cross Mountain
On Friday, March 16th 2012 there will be 78th anniversary of building of cross on Cross Mountain and celebration of first Holy Mass under that same cross. Only 52 days passed ever since the day when decision for the cross to be built on the highest hill in the area, January 21st 1934 due to occasion of Jubilee Year of Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and decision was given to parishioners by their parish priest Fr. Bernardin Smoljan, until the day when cross was finally completed. Engineer Simun Boras from Mostar built the construction plan for the Cross, and Ante Dugandzic Redzo was monitoring all the works of construction.
Parish priest wrote in his report about those days the following: “On March 16, 1934 great group of people in procession started their journey towards the Mountain from the Church, and amongst them members of Franciscan Third Order, who carried the flag of their brotherhood with Name of Jesus, school children, priests and numerous people. The bells on the church rang all the time, husbands were shooting in the air with their festive guns, people prayed Rosary, sang Litanies of Blessed Virgin Mary, and this procession was slowly moving towards the Mountain whose top was already packed with people who were looking at this procession, as well as at other groups that approached from different sides. Holy ceremonies began at 10 a.m. I gave the appropriate speech to people, read letter from His Eminence Bishop, as well as other speeches of congratulation and regards from different sides. After that, solemn blessing of Holy Cross followed, and than with huge ovations from people I changed the name of mountain from Sipovac to Krizevac (Cross Mounatain). After blessing I held Holy Mass and Homily was given by parish priest from Studenci Fr. Grgo Vasilj.”
Already in the following year, on April 12th 1935 penance procession was held on the Cross Mountain and Holy Mass was celebrated at the end. In September of the same year celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was held on the Cross Mountain, all according to the order from local Bishop Fr. Alojzije Misic.
In the last three decades Cross Mountain became essential pilgrimage station on their journey while in Medjugorje, and every Friday pilgrims and parishioners climb the Cross Mountain while praying the Way of the Cross.
A relic of the True Cross of Jesus was received from Rome from Pope Pius XI and built into this cross.
A Reflection on Our Lady Medjugorje message of February 25, 2010
Rivers of living water
A Reflection( by Sr. Isabel Bettwy )
Lent, spring - Our hearts and minds turn to what is coming - Easter and buds on the trees, crocuses and all the beautiful spring flowers that grace the landscape. In this message, Our Lady so beautifully reminds us that nature is getting ready to burst forth in a palette of colors. But, nature depends on God, the master artist, for its growth. So, we, too, in this special time of reflection and grace, must depend on God's grace to transform and mould us more in His image and likeness.
Only He can do it. We are powerless. We can try and try, but of ourselves, we fail. With our eyes and minds focused on the Lord, His passion, death and ultimate resurrection, we have a chance of growing in grace and rooting out the sin in our lives.
Dear children!
In this time of grace, when nature also prepares to give the most beautiful colors of the year, I call you, little children, to open your hearts to God the Creator for Him to transform and mould you in His image, so that all the good which has fallen asleep in your hearts may awaken to a new life and a longing towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Charismatic Mass and Healing Service & Reconciliation Night
March 15, 2012
Time: 7:00 pm
The monthly Healing Mass at Saint Charles Borromeo Church will be held this Thursday evening, March 15th at 7:00 PM in the Church which is handicap accessible from the parking lot. This month's Service is combined with the Parish's Lenten Reconciliation Night so there will be Priests available to hear confession.
Healing Masses are held there every third Thursday of the month. Bring a friend in need of healing. The other Thursdays there are weekly prayer meetings with Mass and Rosary starting at 7:00pm in the lower level.
Please join us this Thursday! Saint Charles Borromeo Church is located at 178 Dexter Street, Providence, R.I. which intersects Cranston Street at the Armory.
Saint Charles Rectory at 401-421-6441
October Baby Movie--A Pro-Life Movie Showing the Pain of Abortion
October Baby” tells the story of 19-year-old Hannah. A health crisis turns her world upside down when her parents are forced to reveal that Hannah was adopted and the survivor of a failed abortion. The news sends Hannah reeling and on a journey to find her birth mother.
Dothan native Rachel Hendrix plays Hannah. The movie also stars John Schneider, Jason Burkey, Chris Sligh and Jasmine Guy.
October Baby - In Theaters March 2012!
"I was glued (to the screen). I am now an October Baby Activist!, It's something I have to be a part of." Mark Hall Casting Crowns; "We urge you to see this movie ...
Dove Worldview:
This is a terrific and touching story and this film should be seen by those who recognize the horrors of abortion. Hannah is the survivor of an attempted abortion although she doesn't know this for many years. You might just need a hanky for this sensitive and touching film.
Hannah has many health issues including epilepsy and she is asthmatic. She battles discouragement too. She writes in her diary that she feels worthless. This movie is about her journey to discover who she really is. Her adopted parents help her to learn the truth about her background. They long to hold on to her as she is, in their eyes, a gift.
Rachel Hendrix is fabulous as Hannah and John Schneider is terrific as her adopted father Jacob. After Hannah learns about the protection of her adopted parents, she is angry and heads out to learn the truth about her birth mother. In the end she discovers why her parents protected her and her love for them is strengthened.
We urge you to see this movie soon! We are recommending it for twelve plus due to its sophisticated theme. It just might change your life! We are awarding the movie five Doves and our "Family-Approved" Seal to this awesome movie!
EWTN Life on the Rock 3-15-12 October Baby Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT8H6nh8ZTI&feature=youtu.be
AND AMAZING GRACE: Jesus, Fr. Fernando Suarez and me
AND AMAZING GRACE: Jesus, Fr. Fernando Suarez and me: Jesus through the lace in the Adoration Chapel at St. Martin DePorres church, Jensen Beach, Fl. On Thursday, March 8th, 2012 at 7pm, my ...
Dear Family of Mary!
March 13, 2012
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him - the High Priest. Thank you." (March 2, 2012)
Now we arrive at possibly the most troubling part of the message:
"This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son."
Any time the word "trial" is mentioned it tends to make us nervous. Yet this can't be news to us. The situation in the world has become more and more tense, more and more divisive. We all feel it. Like the buildup of towering clouds and the heaviness of the atmosphere, we can feel a storm coming. Our Lady could be referring to Lent, and the struggle we have to purify our lives. But it seems like she is thinking in broader terms as well. This is a time of trial, a trial of our resolve, of our commitment to Jesus, of our willingness to follow Him, no matter what.
But how do we respond to this trial? My dear friend, Mary, shared with me a dream she had recently which I think speaks directly to this question. Here is her description of the dream:
Dear Cathy,
Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to you regarding the dream I had a few weeks ago. Like I said on the phone, I don't want to exaggerate its importance, but it did and has struck me in a profound way. I just now read the message from March 2 and it seems to be exactly what my dream was about.
So, a few weeks ago, I had a very vivid dream where I was looking at the sky and there were these terribly ugly cloud storms gathering. They were an ugly black and yellow. And people were saying, "Look at those clouds!" Then the clouds turned into the form of a dragon and it went swooping over the land and the people. There was a lot of chaos and people were screaming. I took the hand of a young girl next to me and I knew she was an unbeliever and unprepared for the evil. A voice said to me, "Don't look at the evil. Just pray." And I began to say the Hail Mary. I wasn't panicked, I prayed with much trust and I knew I was helping the girl next to me whose hand I was holding. Then I woke up.
This dream has really helped me in the last few weeks to just keep praying, amidst all the evil going on around us, to just keep praying. Anyway, I hope maybe this can help some people.
God bless,
Mary told me that this dream was so vivid that it imprinted on her memory as if it had really happened. I find it very compelling. Indeed, it sounds very much like the advice Our Lady gave us: "With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me." Instead of looking at the evil (which will only paralyze us with fear), we can grasp Our Lady's hand (through the Rosary) and let our love for her and our trust in Jesus lead us through the storm to God's peace. This is how we can help our brothers and sisters who do not yet know the love of Jesus. We can grab them by the hand as well, and help them through the storm, strengthened by our prayer and our love and trust in Jesus and Mary!
We may not see the way we are going when the storm is at its height. The sky may be black, the wind howling, the rain lashing at our faces, but we will have the Rosary in hand to bind us tight to Our Mother's side. We will find ourselves sooner or later at the sunrise, in the golden glow of the Resurrection. And if we persevere, we may find lots of other folks there with us, bewildered and happy to have found life as well.
It is hopeful, isn't it! Mary is not going to leave us alone in this trial. She has given us the Rosary as our life line, and she has awakened love in our hearts which is our strength. And best of all, she is with us!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2012
P.S. I am only sharing Mary's dream because I think it illustrates a spiritual principle. I am not saying that her dream is in any way a private revelation. It just demonstrates the importance of prayer and love in any confrontation with evil or danger. As Christians our way is through love of God and neighbor and prayer which provides trust and communication with God. Just wanted to clarify!
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Stormy weather over Krizevac (c)Bernard Gallagher, used with permission |
March 13, 2012
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him - the High Priest. Thank you." (March 2, 2012)
Now we arrive at possibly the most troubling part of the message:
"This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son."
Any time the word "trial" is mentioned it tends to make us nervous. Yet this can't be news to us. The situation in the world has become more and more tense, more and more divisive. We all feel it. Like the buildup of towering clouds and the heaviness of the atmosphere, we can feel a storm coming. Our Lady could be referring to Lent, and the struggle we have to purify our lives. But it seems like she is thinking in broader terms as well. This is a time of trial, a trial of our resolve, of our commitment to Jesus, of our willingness to follow Him, no matter what.
But how do we respond to this trial? My dear friend, Mary, shared with me a dream she had recently which I think speaks directly to this question. Here is her description of the dream:
Dear Cathy,
Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to you regarding the dream I had a few weeks ago. Like I said on the phone, I don't want to exaggerate its importance, but it did and has struck me in a profound way. I just now read the message from March 2 and it seems to be exactly what my dream was about.
So, a few weeks ago, I had a very vivid dream where I was looking at the sky and there were these terribly ugly cloud storms gathering. They were an ugly black and yellow. And people were saying, "Look at those clouds!" Then the clouds turned into the form of a dragon and it went swooping over the land and the people. There was a lot of chaos and people were screaming. I took the hand of a young girl next to me and I knew she was an unbeliever and unprepared for the evil. A voice said to me, "Don't look at the evil. Just pray." And I began to say the Hail Mary. I wasn't panicked, I prayed with much trust and I knew I was helping the girl next to me whose hand I was holding. Then I woke up.
This dream has really helped me in the last few weeks to just keep praying, amidst all the evil going on around us, to just keep praying. Anyway, I hope maybe this can help some people.
God bless,
Mary told me that this dream was so vivid that it imprinted on her memory as if it had really happened. I find it very compelling. Indeed, it sounds very much like the advice Our Lady gave us: "With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me." Instead of looking at the evil (which will only paralyze us with fear), we can grasp Our Lady's hand (through the Rosary) and let our love for her and our trust in Jesus lead us through the storm to God's peace. This is how we can help our brothers and sisters who do not yet know the love of Jesus. We can grab them by the hand as well, and help them through the storm, strengthened by our prayer and our love and trust in Jesus and Mary!
We may not see the way we are going when the storm is at its height. The sky may be black, the wind howling, the rain lashing at our faces, but we will have the Rosary in hand to bind us tight to Our Mother's side. We will find ourselves sooner or later at the sunrise, in the golden glow of the Resurrection. And if we persevere, we may find lots of other folks there with us, bewildered and happy to have found life as well.
It is hopeful, isn't it! Mary is not going to leave us alone in this trial. She has given us the Rosary as our life line, and she has awakened love in our hearts which is our strength. And best of all, she is with us!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2012
P.S. I am only sharing Mary's dream because I think it illustrates a spiritual principle. I am not saying that her dream is in any way a private revelation. It just demonstrates the importance of prayer and love in any confrontation with evil or danger. As Christians our way is through love of God and neighbor and prayer which provides trust and communication with God. Just wanted to clarify!
100,000 attended apparition in Beirut - Lebanon
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Marija Speaking to pilgrims in Beirut |
100,000 attended apparition in Beirut
by Jakob Marschner on Mar 11, 2012Multi hall in Lebanon was at full capacity when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had public apparitions in the Middle East on Saturday and Sunday. Attendees report of an immensely joyful crowd of just about 50,000 people each day. Live transmissions showed an enthusiastic crowd with obvious belief in Christ’s Real Presence in The Blessed Sacrament.
Marija Pavlovic Lunetti medjugorje seer visionary apparition beirut lebanon March 10 2012
The great joy of between 50,000 and 60,000 people filled the multi hall Forum de Beyrouth in Beirut, Lebanon, when Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti took the apparitions to the Middle East on Saturday. An identical number of people were present when the event was repeated on Sunday.
Led by the Maronite Archbishop of Beirut, Monsignor Paul Matar, about 100 priests were present. The Archbishop presided over the Mass on Saturday. Confessions were heard throughout the hall, the Lebanese newspaper L’Orient Le Jour is reporting. Like eyewitnesses, the local news media estimates about 100,000 people attended the two days of prayer and sharing.
“It was an out of this world experience. I have been to Medjugorje twice already but to experience this in my home country Lebanon is a special blessing. People who attended (we were 50,000) were mostly people who heard of the Virgin’s messages but were never able to travel to Medjugorje. It was such an exceptional moment to us all. We were so eager to have the Blessed Virgin appear in Lebanon and bless this torn country” attendee Chirine Karout tells Medjugorje Today.
“I personally thought that she was happy to come to a country where Christians and Muslims are so devoted to her. The Lebanese needed so much to experience this in order to revive their faith and become messengers of peace in their country and in the region” Ms. Karout continues.
“More than 60,000 persons were in the Forum de Beyrouth at 3 pm waiting for the programme to begin at 6 pm. It was so beautiful to see all the Christians in Lebanon singing together to Our Lady, and for the peace in our country. Marija told us that Our Lady blessed us and stayed longer than usual, and that she looked at each and everyone present” attendee Maha Zgheib reports to Medjugorje Today.
“It was a once in a lifetime experience. We felt the presence of our Mother with us, and love and peace filled our hearts” attendee Tamara Abou Zeid testifies.
On both days, the event was being broadcast live by the Lebanese tv station Noursat. The transmissions revealed a crowd with an obvious belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament which was being carried through the hall as people were applauding and reaching out for the monstrance.
Accompanied by her husband, Marija spent part of Sunday visiting the shrines of Jbeil and Batroun, the newspaper L’Orient Le Jour further writes.
Video of Marija in Beirut-Lebanon http://www.gloria.tv/?media=266774
Life is to short not to pray
Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of May 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I call you, through prayer and sacrifice, to prepare yourselves for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Little children, this is a time of grace and so, again, I call you to decide for God the Creator. Allow Him to transform and change you. May your heart be prepared to listen to, and live, everything which the Holy Spirit has in His plan for each of you. Little children, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way of truth and salvation towards eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call." 05/98
A Good Sign
A good sign!
Post by bluecross » Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:36 am
Today, Pope Benedict XVI highlighted what has become the most visible and fruitful witness to the Medjugorje phenomenon as an important aspect of new evangelisation.
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Photo by Bernard Gallagher |
A good sign!
Post by bluecross » Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:36 am
Today, Pope Benedict XVI highlighted what has become the most visible and fruitful witness to the Medjugorje phenomenon as an important aspect of new evangelisation.
Dear Children, I AM CALLING " YOU "
Dear children! Today I am calling on you to decide whether or not you wish to live the messages which I am giving you. I wish you to be active in living and spreading the messages. Especially, dear children, I wish that you all be the reflection of Jesus, which will enlighten this unfaithful world walking in darkness. I wish all of you to be the light for everyone and that you give witness in the light. Dear children, you are not called to the darkness, but you are called to the light. Therefore, live the light with your own life. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Medjugorje Message
Daily Grace: Prayer...The Best Medicine of All
Daily Grace: Prayer...The Best Medicine of All: The Mother of Jesus urges us to pray as a defense against evil. To Ivan’s prayer group: "Dear children, your Mother warns you tonight that...
Medjugorje, The Conversion Stories of Patrick Latta & (wife) Nancy Latta
Uploaded by Coredeemer on Jan 4, 2012 A great conversion
story of a multi millionaire who found himself through Medjugorje.
A Must See!
MEDJUGORJE 2011 - Program 3
Programa desde el milagroso Castillo de Nancy y Patrick,
en Medjugorje. Un lugar destinado para los sacerdotes..
A must see video! Nancy Latta tells her amazing story of
how of how and why the Castel in Medjugorje came to be
built. Nancy speaks in English.
I Have a Say: Father John Hollowell
Priest warns Obama: Better knock the Catholic Church out now - you’ve awakened the giant. by John-Henry Westen
Fr. John Hollowell’s truly amazing monologue needs to be spread far and wide. It’s a wake up call, and one of the most encouraging statements I’ve heard in a long time. It’s a Divine battle cry! he talk heats up after minute 2 where he notes in this talk addressed to Planned Parenthood Pres. Cecile Richards that “we have not doubt” that in the future Planned Parenthood will be seen as the “slave traders, the Nazis, the Communists and all those groups that seek to oppress people.”
He then warns PP and President Obama: “You better knock us out now. You and the President better knock us out right now, because Cecile, I can promise you - Here comes the Catholic Church ... you’ve awakened a sleeping giant.”
“Priests and bishops that have in the past been content to remain quiet are no longer so. ... The Truth is being rained down everywhere. ... Here comes the Catholic Church.”
He notes that PP since its founding “have proclaimed yourselves sworn enemies of the Catholic Church,” but “we’re in the ring now, the gloves are off.” He acknowledges that Cecile has every worldly advantage in her corner - the President of the United States, the media. But Goliath too had every worldly advantage.
The powerful talk ends quoting Tolkein: “The board is set, the pieces are now in motion, at last we come to it - the great battle of our age.” AWESOME!!!
Election Prayer
Tonight, at the All Night Vigil at the Carmelite Monastery, this prayer was given to us. The Carmelites prayed it after both Rosaries and Father Wolfe led us after Holy Mass.
Forward it, print it and start praying it!! God bless.
Election Prayer
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Lord Jesus Christ, You told us to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. Enlighten the minds of our people [in] America. May we choose a President of the United States, and other government officials, according to Your Divine Will. Give our citizens the courage to choose leaders of our nation who respect the sanctity of unborn human life, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of marital relations, the sanctity of the family, and the sanctity of the aging. Grant us the wisdom to give You, what belongs to You, our God. If we do this, as a nation, we are confident You will give us an abundance of Your blessings through our elected leaders. Amen.
Composed by Father John Anthony Hardon, S.J.
Imprimatur: +Rene H. Gracida, Bishop of Corpus Christi, July 7, 1992
Published by Eternal Life in 1992
posted by http://hicatholicmom.blogspot.com/
Our Lady's Message to Mirjana of March 2, 2012
Dear children; through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through him and in him the High Priest. Thank you.
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