
Medjugorje: Youth Festival

20th International Prayer Meeting of Youth – Medjugorje Youth Festival
20th International Prayer Meeting of Youth – Medjugorje Youth Festival will be held in Medjugorje from August 1st to 6th. Theme of Meeting is “Do whatever He tells you!”(Jh 2,5). Youth Festival will be directly broadcasted through Internet both in picture and sound.


Why is Roman Catholicism attacked so much?

Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said: If I were not a Catholic and were looking for the True Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hates. My reason for doing this would be that if Christ is in any one of the churches of the world today, he must still be hated as he was when he was on earth in the flesh. If you would find Christ today, then find the Church that does not get along with the world.
Look for the Church that is hated by the world as Christ was hated by the world. Look for the Church which is accused of being behind the times as our Lord was accused of being ignorant and never having learned. Look for the Church which men sneer at as socially inferior as they sneered at our Lord because he came from Nazareth. Look for the Church which is accused of having a devil as our Lord was accused of being possessed by Beelzebub, the prince of devils. Look for the Church which, in seasons of bigotry, men say must be destroyed in the name of God as men crucified Christ and thought they had done a service to God.

Look for the Church which the world rejects because it claims it is infallible as Pilate rejected Christ because he called himself the Truth. Look for the Church which is rejected by the world as our Lord was rejected by men.
Look for the Church which amid the confusion of conflicting opinions its members love as they love Christ and respect its voice as the very voice of its founder, and the suspicion will grow that if the Church is unpopular with the spirit of the world then it is unworldly, and if it is unworldly it is other-worldly. Since it is other-worldly it is infinitely loved and infinitely hated as was Christ himself. But only that which is divine can be infinitely hated and infinitely loved. Therefore the Church is divine. (slightly edited for readability)

Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Marija

Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer for you. Thank you for having responded to my call. July 25, 2009

Fr. Joe Whalen at the Tomb of Ven. Solanus Casey

Father Joe Whalen of Saint Raphael Oil ministry praying over the Tomb of Ven. Solanus Casey.
Detroit, 9-28-08
You can contact Fr. Whalen by mail at Saint James Church, 12 Franklin Street, Danielson Ct. 06239 or call 860-774-6553 or 802-343-0573


The Third Commandment

THE THIRD COMMANDMENT" Remember to keep holy the sabbath day." —Exodus 20:8 The Lord commanded us to remember to keep holy the new covenant's sabbath, that is, Sunday. Do you remember? Is the whole day set apart as special? Or do you just go to church on Sunday? If Jesus isn't "Lord of the sabbath" (see Mk 2:28), then He's not Lord of your life. If He's not Lord of all, He's not Lord at all. The Lord's word about the Lord's day for many people has fallen on the footpath. We don't understand what God has sown in our minds, so the devil comes to steal it away (Mt 13:19). Some of us used to observe the Lord's day. In fact, it was the most joyous day of the week. However, we gave all that up as our society changed. We had no roots. Some still believe in keeping Sunday holy; nonetheless, the pressures of work, the lure of shopping centers, and the spell of television (especially pro football) have choked it off. However, there are a few, a remnant, who obey the third commandment, and they will bear fruit "a hundred — or sixty — or thirtyfold" (Mt 13:23). Let those who have ears, hear (Mt 13:9).


God Has An Answer

God has a Positive Answer:
You say: "It's impossible"
God says: All things are possible
(Luke 18:27)
You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:28-30)
You say: "Nobody really loves me”
God says: I love you
(John 3:16 & John 3:34)
You say: "I can't go on
God says: My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things
(Philippians 4:13)
You say: "I'm not able”
God says: I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)
You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it
(Roman 8:28 )
You say: "I can't forgive myself“
God says: I Forgive you
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: "I can't manage"
God says: I will supply all your needs
(Philippians 4:19)
You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
(II Timothy 1:7)
You say: "I'm always Worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME
(I Peter 5:7)
You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom
(I Corinthians 1:30)
You say: "Ifeel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5)
Medjugorje Net


Body of Christ Prayer Meeting

Father Randall's Body of Christ Prayer Group Meeting

My Children raise up you hands in praise for I am near and the sound of your praise tells Me you trust me. When you praise and worship it opens My heart and My love pours out into your souls. When you receive My love they cleansed and refreshed and when they are refreshed, they are open to receive the many blessing I have for you.
What hurts, what worries you, whatever troubles you will soon be no more--for victory is coming. My victory that I share with you. My resurrection power shall raise those who have died and I shall bring home those who praise me now.
So praise and rejoice my little ones-for your time of suffering is short.


Moses Had, Nothing But Jesus

NOTHING BUT JESUS" I will be with you; and this shall be your proof that it is I Who have sent you." —Exodus 3:12 The proof to show Moses that he was sent by God was that, after Moses brought the people out of Egypt, they would worship on Mount Horeb. A proof after the fact is not a very good proof by human standards. Moses realized this and asked for another assurance, for God to reveal His name. With this, Moses could name for the people the One Who had sent him. "God replied, 'I Am Who Am.' Then He added, 'This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you' " (Ex 3:14). This also was less than ideal. If you go up to people and say, "I AM sent me to you," do you think they'll understand what you're saying?In effect, the Lord sent Moses to Egypt with nothing but faith. Even Moses' miraculous staff wasn't that much help because the Egyptian magicians could perform the same signs. *The key to power in ministry is not having a few things to fall back on but having nothing to fall back on. When Jesus sent the apostles out for ministry, He set them up by giving them nothing and taking away the little they had. He told them: "Take nothing for the journey, neither walking staff nor traveling bag; no bread, no money" (Lk 9:3). Jesus is still trying to leave His workers with nothing but faith in Him.-- Will You Accept This?

Prayer: Jesus, "give me only Your love and Your grace. That's enough for me" (A Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola).

Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Brown Scapular

Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Feast of the Brown Scapular
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! Let's pray today for all the Carmelites throughout the world and especially for those who are cloistered and praying for the world!
Also, the Church celebrates on this day the feast of the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel. The scapular, which derives its name from the Latin word scapulæ, meaning shoulders, is a dress which covers the shoulders. It is mentioned in the rule of Saint Benedict as worn by monks over their other dress when they were at work, and it now forms a regular part of the religious dress in the old Orders. But it is best known among Catholics as the name of two little pieces of cloth worn out of devotion to the Blessed Virgin over the shoulders, under the ordinary garb, and connected by strings. The devotion of the scapular, now almost universal in the Catholic Church, began with the Carmelites. The history of its origin is as follows: During the thirteenth century the Carmelite Order suffered great persecution, and on 16 July 1251, while Saint Simon Stock, then general of the Order, was at prayer, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, holding in her hand a scapular. Giving it to the saint, she said,"Receive, my dear son, this scapular of thy Order, as the distinctive sign of my confraternity, and the mark of the privilege which I have obtained for thee and the children of Carmel. *It is a sign of salvation, a safeguard in danger, and a special pledge of peace and protection till the end of time. "Whosoever dies wearing this shall be preserved from eternal flames." It is much to be wished that people should everywhere join this confraternity, for the honor of Mary and for the salvation of souls, by a life fitted to that end. In order to have a share in the merits of the sodality every member must:1. Shun sin, and, according to his state of life, live chastely.2. Say every day, if possible, seven times, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.3. Strive to serve God by venerating Mary, and imitating her virtues. Also, this feast is well celebrated in New York City in a most unusual and interesting way!
Posted by Padre Steve at 8:31 AM


Burning Love

THE BURNING LOVE OF GOD "The bush, though on fire, was not consumed." —Exodus 3:2

Consider a burning candle. The flame on the candle eventually burns out when the wax is all consumed. In Jesus, however, we are not like candles which burn out, but rather like the burning bush, which is neither burned out nor consumed (Ex 3:2). Some people are afraid to receive God's love. They fear that the fire of God's love will consume them and they will never be the same. Immersed in God's love, they know they'll have to repent and be dedicated to holiness (Ex 3:5). Yet just as Moses was drawn to the burning bush by the awesomeness of the sight, God's love attracts people despite their fears.God's burning love is a Trinity-love, the fire of love which perpetually arcs between the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit. God pours this burning Trinity-love, consuming but not destructive, into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Nothing can separate us from this love. Be like Moses. Walk toward God, not away from Him. Remove not only your sandals, but any love for the things of the world. Don't be afraid of the overpowering love of God. Many have been hurt by failed human love, but the love of God never fails. Abandon yourself to God's love. Your entire life has been a search for His love. Be true to yourself and true to God. Live in His love. The Lord secures justice, and the rights of all the oppressed." —St. Bonaventure advised: "Look not to the light but rather to the raging fire that carries the soul to God with intense fervor and glowing love."


The Vision Sister Briege McKenna Recieved in 1981

The vision that Sr. Briege McKenna got for Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during a conference in Rome one month before the apparitions in Medjugorje began. Sr. Briege saw a white church with two towers -- and inside the church she saw Fr. Tomislav sitting in the chair of the main celebrant. Living water was flowing from the chair, thousands of people came and drank from the water, and then hurried outside to bring their friends, too.
Neither Sr. Briege nor Fr. Tomislav could identify the church, but only four months later Fr. Tomislav was assistant pastor of Medjugorje, immediately recognizing the church of Sr. Briege's vision when he first saw St. James Church.

Aborting the Future- The mother of Moses disobeyed the unjust law.

ABORTING THE FUTURE"Pharaoh then commanded all his subjects, 'Throw into the river every boy that is born to the Hebrews, but you may let all the girls live.' " —Exodus 1:22 Today many babies are aborted just because they're girls, or black, or handicapped, or whatever might be the abiding prejudice of the moment. In the days when the Israelites were in Egypt, the government decreed that baby boys were to be thrown into the river. Moses' mother disobeyed this unjust law, and through a series of miracles her son became the leader that would set the nation free from slavery. Could it be that babies saved from abortion today will grow up to be among the greatest leaders in human history? When we save a baby's life by praying in front of an abortion chamber, we may be saving the life of a new Moses and thereby saving the lives of millions. We may be saving the lives of a whole nation. The Lord promised a reward to those who give a cup of cold water to a lowly one (Mt 10:42). How much greater is the reward for those who save the lives of the lowly ones in the womb? Moses' mother, Jochebed (Nm 26:59), is one of the most important people in history because she resisted an unjust law that condemned her baby to death. Go and do likewise (Lk 10:37). Prayer: Father, may I be willing to give my life to save the lives of children in the womb. Promise: "He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." —Mt 10:39- St. Henry wrote: "Present glory is fleeting and meaningless, while it is possessed, unless in it we can glimpse something of heaven's eternity."


Body of Christ Prayer Meeting

Body of Christ Prayer Meeting, Saint Charles Church, Providence, Rhode Island.


My Little Children,
I am placing my arms around all of you. I am lifting you and placing you into my heart. I want to fill you with a new anointing. I want to fan the flames. I want to bring you to a place of worship. My commend to you is to rejoice. Rejoice for near is the day when your tears will be wiped away and your souls shall dance, and your hearts shall be at peace.
That day is coming and when it does may it find you living your lives in praise and worship.
For that will be the key that unlocks the gates to my Kingdom.


Servants to the World


Recent video releases from Medjugorje


Da Mihi Animas: Get prayed up!#links#links

Da Mihi Animas: Get prayed up!#links#links
Matthew Ch. 10 I'm sending you like sheep in the mist of wolves.

You will be like sheep among wolves


You will be brought to trial before rulers and kings, to give witness before them and before the Gentiles on My account." —Matthew 10:18 Jesus is the Truth the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. He does not conceal from us the more difficult realities of following Him. He bluntly states we are sent out "like sheep among wolves" (Mt 10:16).

The government will bring us to trial; the religious leaders will flog us; even our families will turn us over to the police because of our Christian witness. We "will be hated by all" on account of Jesus. We are followers of Jesus, not because we don't know any better, but because we love Him. Naturally, we don't want to suffer or be rejected. Nonetheless, our love for Jesus is stronger than our love of self or our fear of pain. We want to be with our Lord, even at the foot of the cross. We prefer to die with Jesus rather than live without Him. We love Him "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health."Even death will never separate us from Him, for love is stronger than death. Jesus, the Bridegroom, I love You; I live for You.

Jesus, if it be Your will, may I die a martyr's death for love of You.


Father Manlio speaks on Medjugorje

[The Echo of Medjugorje in Italy]

Every year thousands of priests fill the presbytery of the Parish of Medjugorje to directly draw from the grace that is abundantly flowing forth from that blessed site. Many bear witness to how their priesthood is constantly renewed by their meeting with Gospa, the Mother of the Church and the mediatrix of grace. With the approach of the twenty-eighth anniversary of the apparitions, we interviewed a priest from Italy’s Marche region, Father Manlio, who is an assiduous visitor to the Shrine.
1. What is Medjugorje for you?
Beginning from what I have read and from the readings and reflections made, Medjugorje is the final point and the completion of the message of Fatima. John Paul II even went so far as to say that today Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world, although he did not officially speak about this, in order to avoid compromising himself and to avoid compromising a phenomenon that is still ongoing.
Our Lady appeared a total of three times in Fatima; in Medjugorje Our Lady has been coming down from Heaven every day for 28 years!
2. Why such prolonged apparitions?
Because the situation of Christianity is very critical and Our Lady is working to change it.People still do not want to accept conversion of the heart. Mary prays for this and she urges people to pray; she wants to save the Church, the family, couples, young people, she wants to save the whole world! She has been appearing for such a long time because she wants to create a model of a Christian community that might know how to welcome her messages and transform them into life!
*3. Why does Medjugorje continue to encounter opposition?
Because so many bishops and priests are not informed, they have failed to take an interest in this phenomenon from the beginning and therefore they are indifferent and apathetic, as though it were a fact of devotionism.
4. What is most surprising about Medjugorje?
The rediscovery of faith, conversion. Those who confess, personally touch this reawakening. There people touch the miracle in various moments, under various forms. Many people who pray and convert, countless prayer groups and charitable associations that were founded there, the expansion of the message everywhere. It is a continuous miracle! The Church will have to deal with this miracle. Medjugorje is the last step in the work that Mary is doing in order to prepare the coming of Jesus; because the triumph of Mary will be the conclusion and it will come about through the preparation of the Kingdom of Christ.
5. Is it right to return often to that place?
Yes, it is right, because we need to recharge ourselves and enrich ourselves spiritually. Nowadays life is rife with problems and if we do not refuel with graces that come to us from Mar, it will be difficult for us to face up to the burdens of everyday life. It is known that the Church is currently undergoing a serious crisis from the point of view of vocations, while many vocations come about in Medjugorje from a living meeting with the Lord.
6. Do you think that this is meaningful?
Certainly! After the conversion of hearts, vocations vocations represent one of the best fruits. One of the criticisms that these apparitions often come up against is that Our Lady speaks too much.
7. In the Gospel Mary limited herself to contemplation, saying very few words, how can weexplain so many messages today?
I have my own opinion on this point. I had also prepared an article in reference to the synod of bishops which took place last October on the Word of God. I compared the theme of the Word of God with the word of Mary.
8. Why does Our Lady speak so much?
In all the latest apparitions,Our Lady has done nothing other than represent the Gospel to us. This insistence has a precise significance: Mary’s intention is to bring us back to the essential, she wants to re-evangelize the Church of today and I believe that She is the personbest suited for the job! This is why the Word of God is not understood and accepted today; it is as though people have become accustomed to it: people think they already know everything! I am convinced that Our Lady, as our Mother, wanted to say to us that the Word as it is communicated to us, is monotonous, cold, stale, a Word that no longer touches our hearts. We need a warmer Word, a Word that comes from our Mother’s heart. Our Lady wants to be today’s catechist. First of all, she listened, she assimilated, as saint Luke wrote. Mary listened, observed and kept…This is because the moment was to come when she would unveil the casket in which she concealed God’s Word. Within the family the father has one role and the mother has another: she is more affectionate, she is more capable of being understood and of sensing the needs of her children. Our Lady wants to give this help to the Church of today.
There is a title that Our Lady attributes to herself during these times: she defines herself as the Divine Shepherdess. If Christ is the Shepherd, Mary is She who continues Christ’s work. Our Lady has many titles!
9. How do Mary’s monthly messages enrich your life as a priest?
I believe that we need to read them, meditate on them, screen them better and make them an exegesis to come to an understanding of the logic that connects them. They would appear to be the same, almost monotonous. But there is something deeper that cannot always be understood, like for example the concept that it is only though prayer that we can come to know God and His Will as regards us. I refuse to say that they are simply repetitive; they are as repetitive as the extent to which we are unable to welcome them and experience them!
I hope that the day will come when all these messages that Our Lady gave in Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorje are welcomed and become the object of a more in-depth study; I hope that an international committee might be established on these messages, because Our Lady cannot speak heedlessly, and up to now she has not been given the attention she deserves.
10. Jesus was "a sign of contradiction so that the secrets of many hearts might be unveiled." Is this the case for Mary today?
This goes without saying, there is no need to be surprised about this! It is good that nowadays there are some generous souls who diffuse her messages and who have welcomed the invitation to be Mary’s witnesses.
11. What is the future of Medjugorje?
The time will come in which the Church will have to make a stance…

Tongue Tied


Some people brought Him a mute who was possessed by a demon." —Matthew 9:32

In Matthew's Gospel, we go with Jesus on a miracle and healing tour (Mt 8 and 9). Matthew saves the best till last when Jesus looses the tongue of a mute by expelling a demon (Mt 9:33). Three chapters later, Matthew recounts the healing and deliverance of another mute.

The deliverance of the mute is very important to Matthew because he knows that all of us are tongue-tied by the devil in some way. We may not be able to spontaneously pray, enthusiastically praise, or boldly evangelize. We are like Zechariah during the nine months John was in the womb. The devil's got our tongues. If he controls our tongues, he controls our entire bodies.

The Holy Spirit is poured out to free our tongues so we can pray and praise both in our native language and in foreign tongues (Acts 2:4). Either the Spirit looses our tongues and the devil is tied, or our tongues are tied and the devil set free. Our sword against the evil one is the Holy Spirit using our tongues to wield the prophetic word of God. Let's unsheath our tongues and attack the gates of hell.

Holy Spirit, use my tongue for warfare against Satan.


Holy Cards For Your Inspiration: Independence Day..........July 4#links

"If My people,
which are called by My name,
shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land."


Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Mirjana of July 2, 2009

Here is the message given to the Medjugorje visionary Mirjana when Our Lady appeared to her at the Blue Cross at the base of Apparition Hill this morning.

Dear children! I am calling you because I need you. I need hearts ready for immeasurable love; hearts that are not burdened by vanity; hearts that are ready to love as my Son loved; that are ready to sacrifice themselves as my Son sacrificed himself. I need you. In order to come with me, forgive yourselves, forgive others and adore my Son. Adore him also for those who have not come to know him, those who do not love him. Therefore, I need you; therefore, I call you. Thank you. July 2, 2009