
Pope Francis Happy when Archbishop from Argentina vistited Medjugorje

This is from the official Medjugorje website...


An Archbishop from Argentina visited Medjugorje

Mons. Emilio Ogñénovich, retired Archbishop of Mercedes-Luján (Argentina) visited Medjugorje from the 25th to the 31st of May, 2006. During his visit, he met Fr. Ivan Sesar, the parish priest. Having founded both a catholic television station and a catholic radio station in Buenos Aires, Mons. Ogñénovich expressed his desire to visit Radio Mir Medjugorje, which he considers to be the vital organ of communication for Medjugorje. In an interview given to Huanita Dragićević, Mons. Emilio Ogñénovich said the following about Medjugorje:

“Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of ignorance within the Church about the great supernatural reality that is happening in Medjugorje, at the heart of the modern world. What fills me with hope, are the words of John Paul II who told us, both priests and bishops, to accompany pilgrims to Medjugorje, because here they are praying, converting, fasting and changing their lives. The Church needs some more time to state its position in relation to Medjugorje, just as in its wisdom, it took time to state its position towards Fatima and Lourdes.

Concerning Medjugorje, I will share my own personal conviction with my fellow bishops in the Bishops Conference of Argentina, and also with our cardinal, Mons. Bergoglio, who was very happy when I told him that I was going to Medjugorje. If you ask me for my opinion about Medjugorje, I will tell you that it can be compared to a mother, a pregnant woman in the sixth month of pregnancy, who impatiently awaits the moment to see her child born, but nobody can hasten it, because the right moment will come in its own good time.”

"Pray! Pray! Pray!" -Our Lady of Medjugorje

Sean Bloomfield
Queen of Peace Productions

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