
Dear Family of Mary

Pope Francis I
Habemus Papam!!!
Pope Francis I
March 14, 2013
Dear Family of Mary!
"...My children, keep vigil. I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you. I am especially praying and watching over those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you - for your shepherds. Thank you." (03/02/13)
Last night the Vatican News Service sent out this simple announcement:
Vatican City, 13 March 2013 (VIS) - Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., was elected as Supreme Pontiff, the 265th successor of Peter, and has chosen the name Francis.
The Cardinal proto-deacon Jean-Louis Tauran made the solemn announcement to the people at 8:12pm from the external Loggia of the Hall of Blessings of the Vatican Basilica following the white "fumata" which occurred at 7:06pm.
Following are the words pronounced by Cardinal Tauran:
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum;
habemus Papam;
Eminentissium ac Reverendissium Dominum,
Dominum Georgium Marium
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Bergoglio
Qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum.
[I announce to you with great joy;
We have a Pope;
The most eminent and most reverend Lord
Lord Jorge Mario
Cardinal of Holy Roman Church Bergoglio
Who has taken the name Francis.]
With this announcement the whole Church rejoices! We have received our Holy Father Francis with great joy!
Our Lady asked us to keep vigil with her for the Shepherds, "those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you". So our vigil of prayer is not over. It has actually just begun! We can join Our Lady in praying for Pope Francis I. He is Our Papa now!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2013
PS. Ivan was just in Buenos Aires at the beginning of March! Our Lady appeared there. Maybe she wanted to visit the home of the next Pope, to confer an advance blessing!!

PPS. We note that Cardinal Bergoglio (Pope Francis) is on the list of pro Medjugorje Cardinals on p.43 of "Medjugorje and the Church" by Denis Nolan. And on p. 91 Archbishop Emilio Ognenovich is quoted as saying in 2006 that Cardinal Bergoglio "was very happy when I told him that I was going to Medjugojre." He is a friend of Medjugorje!

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