
Our Lady Invites us to Return to God

“Mary is inviting us through her messages to return to God”

date: 29.10.2012.
Pilgrims from all over the world are still in Medjugorje. The Information Office has registered groups of pilgrims from Ireland, the United States, Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Brazil, Romania and Croatia. We met Jelica Bikfa from Velika Gorica, town in Croatia, who has been bringing groups of pilgrims from 2001.

 This is her 107th trip with pilgrims. Her hundredth group was in October last year and she said it was her golden pilgrimage. “Mary gathered beautiful people and love and communion was present among us from the very beginning. What I have felt the first time, I’ve been experiencing that every single time and I always return home filled with joy and peace. I encourage pilgrims to go to Medjugorje at least once a year because one indeed receives spiritual strength here and our faith is growing even more.

 God is present here in a very special way. This is a place of prayer where pilgrims from all over the world come to seek for God. Many have felt special grace here and they have experienced conversion here.

 Mary is inviting us through her messages to return to God. She invites us to conversion and to live Gospel. She is asking us to do what her Son asks of us”, said Jelica and added how there are many wonderful and encouraging testimonies of people who have come to Medjugorje in these years with her.
source-medjugorje official

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