
Dear Family of Mary!

(c)Sue Kathman 2008

October 31, 2012

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! Today I call you to pray for my intentions. Renew fasting and prayer because Satan is cunning and attracts many hearts to sin and perdition. I call you, little children, to holiness and to live in grace. Adore my Son so that He may fill you with His peace and love for which you yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call." (October 25, 2012)

Renew fasting! Today is a fast day, according to Our Lady's desires in Medjugorje! She asks us to fast on Wednesday's and Friday's. So today, let's renew fasting! Let's honestly approach Our Lord, and in His presence, ask to receive the grace to fast, the grace to enter into the spirit of fasting, the call of love!

Fr. Slavko wrote a beautiful prayer for fast days, found in his book Be Similar to My Heart:

Father in Heaven, today I decide to fast. In doing so, I do not despise Your creatures. I do not renounce them; I only want to rediscover their value. I decide for fasting because Your prophets used to fast, because Jesus Christ fasted and so did His apostles and disciples. I especially decide for fasting because Your servant Mary, fasted too.

Father, I present this day of fasting to You. Through fasting I want to listen to and live Your word more. I want, during this day, to learn to be turned more toward You, in spite of the things that surround me.

I present this fast for PEACE IN THE WORLD. I pray to You for all those who are in conflict because they have become blind through what they possess. Father, open our eyes, through fasting, to what You give us, to what we have! I am also sorry for the blindness that has taken hold of my senses so that I do not give thanks for the goods I have.

Through this fast cleanse me of all bad habits and calm my passions, and let the virtues increase in me! Let the depth of my soul open to Your grace through this fast so that it may totally affect and cleanse me!

Mother Mary, pray for me! Let every evil and Satan's temptations keep away from me today through your intercession and through the power of Your protection! Teach me, Mary, to fast and to pray that day after day I may become increasingly similar to You and Your Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit! Amen. (Fr. Slavko Barbaric, O.F.M. Be Similar to My Heart. p. 33-34)

May our fasts be filled with grace today!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2012

The path to Podbrdo

(c)Sue Kathman 2008
The path to Podbrdo

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