
Tajci - "Lay Your Hands"

Uploaded by TajciTV on Jan 29, 2012
Song about healing written by Tajci. Inspired by Sue Cordero. Arranged by Tony Miracle. A KickStarter Project produced by Cameron Production in January 2012.
Story behind the song   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By10nDsMkRM&feature=relmfu

Comment   Thank you so much for your love of my Aunt Sue and for the kindness that you have shown to her and the family. This has touched me so much, I have been brought to tears, tears of sadness and joy. What a beautiful way to remember her, a woman so marked by grace, beauty, strength, faith, love and courage. She was a wonderful wife, mother, Aunt, daughter, and friend! Again, Thank you Tajci, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
willkim05 1 month ago

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