
Mary, The Sorrowful Mother

Mary of the month (April 2012)

By Fr. Benjamin On Sunday, 1 Apr 2012 ·

The beginning of this month coincides with Holy Week, and to accompany the last days of our Lenten journey, here is a deeply treasured image of Mary, the Sorrowful Mother. The Spanish have a great tradition of Good Friday processions, and a statue of La Dolorosa always accompanies the way of the cross. This image is from a church in Madrid.

The Sorrowful Mother is very comforting because it reminds us that Mary knows what it is to suffer, and that the Queen of Heaven is moved by the pain of her children. At the same time, Mary’s courage in accepting her most terrible sufferings without complaining should give us strength to accept our sufferings with greater faith. +
Tatiana (Tajci) sings Via Dolorosa   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avmfZb8LZdc

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