
A Reflection of Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of July 25, 2010 by Sr. Isabel

To be happy in this life and forever in eternity.” The answer to “Why did God make you? as found in the old Baltimore Catechism is still valid today. How Our Lady knows that. She desires the we all follow her in joy. There are so many things today that try to rob us of our joy -- sickness, financial concerns, unemployment, sins of all kinds, decisions about the future and on and on. All these concerns pale in light of the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ and His love and mercy. The more we draw closer to Jesus and develop our personal relationship with Him, the more joy and peace we will experience. It’s that simple. The Holy Spirit is the life giver and will always give us the graces we need to focus on the Lord and turn all our concerns over to him. He will guide us if we allow Him. Our Lady gives us the means for that to happen, joyful prayer and surrender. May we turn to Our Lady and ask her to guide us along the path of joy and peace, now and in eternity.


  1. Dear children! Also today I desire to call you all to be strong in prayer and in the moments when trials attack you. Live your Christian vocation in joy and humility and witness to everyone. I am with you and I carry you all before my Son Jesus, and He will be your strength and support. Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjugorje message, March 25, 2010

  2. Healing from Severe Bedsore
    My grandma(Mrs.Ghana Soundari) was suffering from severe bedsore.Her BP was low and pulse was going down.She was not able to drink or take food.Doctor said we cant able to cure bedsore.Please pray to god to heal my grandma bedsour and releive her from severe pain.
    Please pray to god to forgive her sins and releive her from severe pain.Please pray to god for her to heal from this sickness
