
Beware of What You Read

Beware of What You Read!
By Fr. Neil Buchlein
Recently another "news-breaking story" was being circulated, saying that the visionaries would be appearing before the Vatican Commission and discussing and revealing the Ten Secrets for them. Really?!
Now we won't have to wait for Our Blessed Mother to tell Mirjana and Fr. Petar to fast and pray for three days before the first secret is revealed for the world. There is so much anti-Medjugorje material being spewed by people who either dislike or hate Medjugorje, some of whom have never been there, but they get a hold of some distorted truths and make it an infallible statement that needs to be believed by all. Why do people like this seek to "poison the water" or look to "sow seeds of discontent" amongst the faithful?
Please be very cautious when you read something about Medjugorje and the Vatican Commission. Read as much as you can about Medjugorje from good sources, and certainly pray that those who believe, as well as the visionaries, will continue to live the Messages of Our Blessed Mother.
Editor’s note: Fr. Neil is pastor of Ascension Church in Hurricane, WV. You can visit his wonderful website at http://www.blessedmotherschildren.com/.
Source-Spirit of Medjugorje

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the info..such a shame people try and make their judgements on Medjugorje but they did it at Fatima in 1917 and did it at Lourdes in 1858...so, it is part of 'the program' and we just need to keep praying and remain faithful to the Catholic faith. Being faithful is the best answer to the untruths of Medj.
