
Our Lady's message to Mirjana-October 2, 2007

Latest Special Medjugorje Message, October 2, 2007 - Our Lady's apparitions to Mirjana

“Dear children, I call you to accompany me in my mission of God with an open heart and complete trust. The way on which I lead you, through God, is difficult but persevering and in the end we will all rejoice through God. Therefore, my children, do not stop praying for the gift of faith. ( Only through faith will the Word of God be light in this darkness which desires to envelope us. ) Do not be afraid, I am with you. Thank you.
” Mirjana described that, at the end of the apparition, she saw an intense, strong light as the Heaven was opening and Our Lady entering into Heaven through that light.


Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Medjugorje.

In 1991, Patrick Latta, a successful businessman and car dealer in Canada, and his wife Nancy, a commercial lawyer, received a great grace of conversion through the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje. Leaving behind everything they had created in their material world, they moved to Medjugorje in 1993, during the height of the war.
With Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM as their spiritual guide and confessor until his death in November of 2000, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Retreat House was born, with a specific desire to support, renew, and foster vocations to the Priesthood and religious life.
Now after 15 years of living in Medjugorje and 12 years of construction, streams of pilgrims from around the world come to Our Lady's Retreat House to honor her as the Queen of Peace.
All is possible with God.-Praised be Jesus & Mary.


Our Lady's Medjugorje Message of September 25, 2008

Message of September 25, 2008

"Dear children! May your life, anew, be a decision for peace. Be joyful carriers of peace and do not forget that you live in a time of grace, in which God gives you great graces through my presence. Do not close yourselves, little children, but make good use of this time and seek the gift of peace and love for your life so that you may become witnesses to others. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Parents, Consecrate your Children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
O most pure heart of Mary, full of goodness, show your love towards us. Let the flame of your heart, O Mary, descend on all people. We love you immensely. Impress on our hearts true love so that we long for you.
O Mary, gentle and humble of heart,remember us when we sin. You know that all people sin. grant, that through your most pure and motherly heart, we may be healed from every spiritual sickness.
Grant that we may always experiencethe goodness of your motherly heart,and that through the flame of your heart, we may be converted. Amen

Mary is our good Mother, consecrate your children to her Immaculate Heart and place them under her protection.


A Medjugorje Reflection.

Dear children! With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions.( Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children. ) God will reward you with great graces and you will earn eternal life. I am near you and thank all those who, through these years, have accepted my messages, have poured them into their life and decided for holiness and peace. Thank you for having responded to my call. June 25, 2006


The Holy Souls in Purgatory.

By Susan Tassone
Doctor of the Church, mystic, founder of reformed Carmelite convents, and canonized only 46 years after her death, St. Teresa was born in Avila, Spain on March 28, 1515.
Made in poverty, in suffering, in face of endless difficulties, but supported always by the Mighty Hand of God, is the way she summed up the story of her foundations.
God visited her in visions and revelations, including assisting the souls in purgatory.
Take the example of Don Bernardine of De Mendoza, who was brother of the Bishop of Avila and -- compelled by his love for the Blessed Virgin -- offered St. Teresa one of his houses (near a place called Valadolid) for a Carmelite foundation.
Two months after his offer was accepted, Don Bernardine suddenly fell ill, could no longer speak, and was thus unable to make his confession (but gave visible proof of his sincere contrition). He died far from where St. Teresa was at the time.
"My daughter, his salvation has been in great danger, but I have had compassion on him, and have shown him mercy, in consideration of the service which he has rendered to My Mother, in giving that house for the establishment of a monastery of her order," Our Lord allegedly told St. Teresa. "Nevertheless, he will not leave purgatory until the first Mass shall have been said in the new convent."
What a story this is!
From that day, said Teresa, the grievous sufferings of Bernardine's soul were so present to her that in spite of the great desire to build a foundation in Toledo, she pressed forward to complete the foundation in Valadolid first.
She arrived at Valadolid on the Feast of St. Lawrence.
Arrangements were made, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered.
And at the moment of Communion, as the priest advanced toward her holding the ciborium and St. Teresa received the Sacred Host, Bernardine appeared to her with a shining countenance.
As she herself wrote, he "thanked me and I saw him ascend immediately to Heaven. Great is the mercy of Our Lord, and wonderfully acceptable is any service rendered to His Blessed Mother." We can see that Our Savior takes into account the services rendered to his saints and above all, to His Mother, when the soul faces Him at the particular judgment.
The duration and the intensity of its purgatory is affected. Thanks to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, his purgatory was very short!
Don Bernardine’s release also rested on the suffrages and satisfactions offered by the faithful of the Church Militant. The angels and saints present these suffrages to God, and add to them the weight of their own merit.Their personal intervention increases the efficacy of these suffrages and augments their value in proportion of their own sanctity and glory.
Fr. Lamy, once of the Diocese of the Cure d'Ars, writes: "The Holy Virgin does not love purgatory. It is a place of sorrow. I love to pray for the souls in purgatory, and the most Holy Virgin chides me because I do not ask sufficiently for them. She said: I await graces for these souls -- the graces which I did not dare to ask.”
Of all the good works that we can offer for the benefit of the souls in purgatory, the most excellent and the most profitable are the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Communion. The Holy Eucharist is the highest expression of the union of charity because it is the sacrament of union within the Church and Our Lord is present therein.

Take time to remember to refresh our beloved dead with a Holy Mass.
Offer a Novena of Masses for your family tree including all ancestors back to Adam and Eve. Include those not yet conceived or born. Associates or friends who have left either a negative or positive impact on our lives. Those who have injured us or given a bad example. Remember your teachers, pastors, supervisors, mayors and governors.
Those souls whose happiness has been hastened by our Masses, will never forget us; they will interest themselves in our welfare and families. They shield their friends from dangers and protect them from evils that threaten them. Sometimes it is a sudden inspiration to change our plans, to give up some undertaking in which our lives would have been in danger.
They show that blessings and consolations of all kinds are promised in return for generous devotion to the departed.
Happy and blessed are they who pray for the dead at all seasons of the year.
On earth they will have joy, confidence, and peace, and in heaven rest, happiness, and an eternal reward.

Jesus calls us to be like a Sanctuary Lamp.

A LAMP TO THEIR FEET"-No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel basket or under a bed; he puts it on a lampstand so that whoever comes in can see it." —Luke 8:16

I'm sitting before the Blessed Sacrament reposed in the tabernacle. This church is not my parish. I didn't know where the tabernacle was located. So I looked for the burning light inside the sanctuary lamp. Once my eyes located the lamp, I knew where Jesus was. We are called to be like sanctuary lamps. A light in the darkness. When people see us, they can find Jesus. Like St. John the Baptizer, we can be "the lamp, the light, set aflame and burning bright.
The sanctuary light in this church is not bright at all. It's a rather dim light, in fact. However, the church sanctuary is in semi-darkness, and the light, though dim, is easily spotted by someone looking for it. Therefore, we must not be discouraged if we feel we are not exactly shining stars compared to other believers. Some Christians shine more brightly than others.
"What of it? All that matters is that" our shining lives reflect the light and glory of God. People line a street or driveway with candle luminaries to point the way to a party. We must do the same for Jesus. We, His followers, possess the Light of Life.

"Awake, O sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light, Then let your light shine publicly for the glory of God. Father, may Your light shine in me to the world so that people may see goodness in my acts and praise You.

Enter the church in Silence and with Great Respect. Consider yourself unworth to appear before the Lord's Majesty.


We are in Desperate need of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward."
- (1 Samuel 16:13

Set For Success
Whenever we see a significant occurrence in the Word of God, we also witness the Spirit of God at work in some form or fashion. The Spirit was present at the moment of creation (Genesis 1:2), He was grieved over the condition of man at the time of the flood (Genesis 6:3), and He was involved in the miracle of the incarnation of Christ (Matthew 1:18). The Holy Spirit, being God, is inseparable from the workings of God, and David's appointment as the king of Israel is no exception.
Notice that the first thing to follow David's appointment is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Although it was a great honor to be made king, the far greater honor that day was the Spirit's abiding presence in his life. It was critical for David to receive this anointing because without it he would be left to accomplish God's will with his limited, feeble human resources.
But with the Spirit's fullness upon him, David had privileged access to the spiritual wealth of heaven. God had given him perfect and sufficient provision for spiritual success.
We see this modeled over and over again in Scripture. The Lord appoints His people to seemingly impossible tasks, then provides the Spirit to motivate, fuel, guide, and accomplish the impossible. This was the case with Samson, Peter, and Paul. The Scriptures even attribute the marvelous works of Christ to the Power of the Holy Spirit at work in Him (Acts 10:38).
Is there any question that we are in desperate need of the Spirit's active presence in our lives? No wonder the Bible calls us to be continually filled with God's Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). If David needed the Spirit in order to serve as Israel's king, how much more do we need it if we're to serve the King of Kings?.......Come Holy Spirit, come and decend upon me and my family by means of the powerful intercession of the Immacualte Heart of Mary your well beloved spouse.



Fr. Edward Sousa Jr. pictured on right of photo with Fr. Peter Mary Rookey at the home of Patrick and Nancy Latta in Medjugorje. PLEASE JOIN THEM IN PRAYING THE MIRACLE PRAYER.

MIRACLE PRAYER>>> Lord Jesus, l come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. l give You my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite You into my life, Jesus. I accept You as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I love You, Lord Jesus. I praise You, Jesus. I thank You, Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen.

Mary my mother, Queen of Peace, St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, all you angels and Saints please help me. Amen.

Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel. When you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word, with all your heart, something good spiritually will happen to you. You will experience Jesus, and He will change your whole life in a very special way. You will see.


With extended hands Our Lady calls and invites us.

Tuesday, the 18th of March 2008
(Message given to Mirjana)

Mirjana transmitted the following:
I have never seen Our Lady address us in this manner. She extended her hands towards us and with her hands extended in this way, she said:
"Dear children, today I extend my hands towards you. Do not be afraid to accept them. They desire to give you love and peace and to help you in salvation. Therefore, my children, receive them. Fill my heart with joy and I will lead you towards holiness. The way on which I lead you is difficult and full of temptations and falls. I will be with you and my hands will hold you. Be persevering so that, at the end of the way, we can all together, in joy and love, hold the hands of my Son. Come with me; Fear not. Thank you."


Sister Emmauel Maillard of Medjugorje speaks in Spain & Portugal.

FACING DEATH ! -I just came back from a mission in Spain and Portugal. It is evident that these two countries, which were far from Medjugorje for so long, are ardently opening themselves to Our Lady’s messages! Among other incredible blessings, I appreciated the example of a manufacturer who decided to dedicate the profits of his work to the broadcasting of the Divine Mercy and publications about Medjugorje. He donates financial support to each work that he prints, which allows him to publish religious books at a lower cost. Thanks to his sacrifice, thousands of people are reached who would not be otherwise if they had to pay the normal price. This shows what impact of grace a single ‘Child of Medjugorje’ can have when he puts himself to the service of Jesus and Mary through the concrete actions that are in his power! I would not be surprised to learn in Heaven that such generosity allowed many souls to find Salvation. What a beautiful example! It may inspire us for similar actions that we are capable of doing for Our Lady! I could not help thinking, ‘If the Gospa found people like this in each country, how fast she would cover the world with her messages!’

*Returning from the mission, my sisters drove me from Dubrovnik airport to Medjugorje. During the trip, we saw a car careening toward us in our lane, it was going at full speed on the wrong side of the road. The driver had fallen asleep and his head was down! A collision was inevitable. My sister held the horn down and pushed on the brake, the man finally lifted his head and, just a few yards from our car, he was able to quickly pull back into his lane. Our survival hanged only by a thread! Five minutes earlier we had sung a hymn to the Guardian Angels and to St Michael the Archangel. I believe these Heavenly friends spared us from a terrible accident! This is a good encouragement to put the Angels to work in all circumstances! They can act with such power where humanly we aren’t able to do anything by ourselves!

Sister Emmanuel of Medjugorje in Madrid, Spain.

This picture was taken last Wednesday after Sister Emmanuel had finished her talks in Madrid, Spain. Her lecturers here in Spain have been a huge success. Sister Emmanuel is pictured here also with spanish author Maria Vallejo Nagera. Maria is the tallest one in the back of the photo.


The Physical and Spiritual Healing of David Parks. David meets Fr. Peter Rookey.

The Physical and Spiritual Healing of David Parkes
By June Klins
In 1998, Irish singer David Parkes spoke at a retreat sponsored by Gospa Missions of Evans Cit, PA.
“It’s funny how God works through your life. In spite of all we do against Him, in spite of how much we kick Him, He’s just waiting for us to come back, standing there with open arms.” David Parkes continued,” The story I want to share with you is a very human story. It is one of anger, hurt, guilt, but most all compassion.”
David related that his story began in 1977, when he was 27. David was playing soccer professionally in Dublin, Ireland, and he and his wife Ann had two children. The little boy, Ken, was born with cystic fibrosis. In January of 1977 David won a major talent contest and a bright future in show business faced him. But in April of 1977, his whole world came tumbling down when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, described by David as “one of the most debilitating illnesses the medical community has to deal with.” In the first 6 weeks after his diagnosis, David went from 220 pounds to 99 pounds. Over the next decade he had 8 major surgeries for this illness.
On Christmas Eve of 1988 he had his 9th surgery and it was unsuccessful, so it had to be repeated 2 weeks later. After an 11 hour surgery, the surgeon admitted that there was nothing else he could do and David had about 12 to 14 weeks left to live. Eight weeks after this surgery, his band held a benefit concert for him. The tickets said that the benefit was for David’s “funeral expenses.”
At this concert, a man who was a travel agent specializing in pilgrimages to Medjugorje, offered a free trip for David and Ann. David knew a little about Medjugorje because he and Ann had spent their honeymoon in Dubrovnik, and every time Ann would hear things about Medjugorje she would share it with David. But David was not interested in hearing about anything religious. “I didn’t want any part of it, “ he said. “ Because in 1982, you see, God and I parted company. There were two main reasons for this. The first one had to do with Ken. I couldn’t understand how this loving God could inflict such an illness on a newborn baby.” The second reason had to do with himself. As he was getting progressively worse from the Crohn’s, he wondered why God was giving him so many crosses. So David decided to put God totally out of his life. He told Ann and the kids not to go to Mass, and not even to pray in the house. He also told Ann to get rid of the statues and crucifixes in the house.
Although a religious pilgrimage did not appeal to him at all, he had always wanted to go back to Yugoslavia, so he accepted the trip as a “holiday,” not as a “pilgrimage.” In April of 1989, he and Ann set out for Yugoslavia. David had a few rules for Ann on this trip: She was not to mention religion and was not to pray in his company.
As David shuffled to the departure gate, he became very conscious of a man sitting in the front row. The man had a hood up over his head. The travel agent introduced David to the hooded man, FR. PETER ROOKEY. As they shook hands, David felt threatened because, in his words, “an aura of love came from Father at me. The last thing you want if you’re away from the Church is an aura of love to come at you, especially from a priest.” So David insulted Fr. Rookey. It was so bad that the travel agent considered leaving David behind!
David was in terrible pain, and the 3 hour ride from Dubrovnik was very hard for him. After a rest stop on the way from Dubrovnik, the tour director got on the microphone and announced, “We are approximately one hour from Medjugorje, and I would like us all to recite the Rosary.” David went berserk! Ann told him to be quiet as he was making a spectacle of himself. The real surprise, though, came when they arrived in Medjugorje and he found out that there are no hotels there and that you stay in people’s homes. The house he was staying in was not even fully built. There was no roof. As he protested that the house did not have a roof, the tour director said, “Oh, it will next year when you come back.”
David was so weak at this point that he could not even carry any of the suitcases. As they were led into their room, David thought this was the smallest room he had ever been in, and what was worse was that there were only 2 bathrooms for the house, and 16 people staying there.”I need a bathroom to myself,” David protested. “I’ve two weeks to live.” He was so angry that he told Ann that in the morning he was packing up and going to Dubrovnik.
The next morning, Ann talked David into going to Mass, which was to be celebrated by FR. ROOKEY. David ended up giving his seat to some elderly ladies and had to stand in agony for 1 ½ hours. He said his only interest in Mass was counting the pieces in the stained glass windows. He also counted 16 candles and 14 priests, but Fr. Rookey was not amongst them! He felt he had been conned into going to Mass.
After Mass, Ann told David that Fr. Rookey was having a healing service in the graveyard. David did not want any part of it, but Ann promised him that if he went, then when it was over, she would pack up with him and they would go to Dubrovnik together. So David reluctantly agreed.
As he approached the little graveyard behind St. James, he could see about 600 people on 3 sides and Fr. Rookey and 3 other Irish priests in the middle. David watched as the first person got blessed. Fr. Rookey anointed him with oil, traced the Sign of the Cross on the person’s forehead and then placed his hands on the person’s head. Immediately that person fell to the ground. The same thing happened with the next person, and the next five people. David wondered what was going on.
He left for a bit, and when he came back he described the area as looking like a battlefield, with bodies lying all over.
“Ann, this is hypocrisy,” he said. “Those Franciscan priests should not allow this to happen.” Ann asked him to have a blessing. He said, “Remember, Ann, I am an atheist. I don’t believe in God.” But Ann retorted,“ It would do you good.”
David left and came back 20 minutes later and Ann pleaded with him for 2 hours before he finally submitted to having a blessing.
As Fr. Rookey approached David he said, “David, there’s something you want to tell me.” David looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Father, I don’t wish to speak with you. I’m very ill and the doctors say I’ve maybe two weeks to live.”
Fr. Rookey reached into his pocket and pulled out a black crucifix containing 7 relics of the 7 founders of the Servite order, the Servants of Mary. He placed the crucifix in David’s right hand and anointed him with oil on his forehead and then he placed his hands on David’s head and began to pray. The next thing David remembered was that he was lying flat on his back. When he opened his eyes a famous politician from Dublin was standing over him. Embarrassed to be in that position, David said, “Who hit me?” The man said, “ Parkes, the Spirit is with you very strongly. You’ve been out for 20 minutes.”
David felt an intense burning heat from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. “I’ve never, ever had that sensation before, prior to Medjugorje or since Medjugorje, but from that day, all the pains and aches associated with Crohn’s Disease have disappeared.”
Two days after returning from Medjugorje David had an appointment with the surgeon, who got the surprise of his life.
The David Parkes walking into his office was not bent over in pain, but now walked upright and was 4 pounds heavier.
The surgeon said, “David, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.” The surgeon sent him for a week’s worth of intensive testing which confirmed that there was no sign of Crohn’s anywhere in David’s body.
“I also had an incredible spiritual healing,” David declared. “At this time in my life I was very troubled.” Ken’s disease weighed heavily on his shoulders and caused tension in their marriage. In August of 1987, David left Ann and the kids and got involved with another woman. He went home, but in January of 1988, he left again. He had even contemplated suicide. In June of that year he went back home.
After the physical healing, the desire to leave Medjugorje was gone. “All of a sudden this little village began to take on something very special,” he said. Ann helped him climb Apparition Hill. As he sat there looking at the twin towers of St. James, he had the urge to pray, but he couldn’t remember the words of the prayers. He was agitated that he could not remember the words, and Ann sensed something was wrong. They embraced and he began to apologize for all the hurt he caused Ann, their children and their parents. Ann started to cry and then David began to cry. They cried in each others’ arms for about 10 minutes. When they stopped, David said, “ I had the most incredible peace, an inner peace that seemed to allow me to live with myself, and I honestly feel that if we don’t have that inner peace within us, it is impossible to converse with anyone else.”
David continued, “The graces that I received in Medjugorje have stayed with me till this very day and you know, if Jesus came in beside me and said, ‘I want to put you to the test. I’ll put you back in the mental state you were in in 1989, and I would inflict a physical ailment on you, and I will offer you one healing, which one is it to be?’ There would be no hesitation. I would jump in and say to Jesus, ‘ I will have the spiritual healing.’ I could accept any form of physical ailment You want to give me, because I would accept it as a form of penance – penance for the wrongs I’ve done in my life. But I could not be without the love of Jesus. It’s given me a whole new meaning to life, a whole new will to love life, but most important of all, a will to live life the way that Jesus would want me to live life, not for David Parkes to live in David Parkes’ old form of religion.”
“That’s my story. From that day on, my whole life changed. In September of 1993, I gave up my secure job with the band, a band I had played with for 14 years…I decided I wanted to do the work of the Lord. I am the most surprised person in the world to be standing here before you talking about God, talking about His Mercy, talking about His love.”
David is now an international Catholic recording artist. Since his healing, he has traveled extensively telling his story and giving concerts. At the present time, David is working in Medjugorje as Pilgrimage Director for Marian Pilgrimages which is based in Dublin, Ireland. If you are ever in Medjugorje, try to find out which day he is giving a free concert in the yellow building behind St. James. You won’t regret it! " Medjugorje Spirit "


In Medjugorje, I have come to bring you and lead you to my son Jesus.

This picture of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament was painted by our good friend,- Rhode Island artist Ann Porter, at the request of Fr. Edward A. Sousa Jr. A copy of this beautiful painting is in Medjugorje.


Cardinal Bertone - A beacon for Medjugorje

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cardinal Bertone – a beacon for Medjugorje?
It’s almost a year since Cardinal Bertone, as a representative of the Holy Father, visited Fatima in October 2007 for the shrine’s 90th anniversary. In his homily given at the Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 14th October, the Cardinal Secretary of State said this of the seers involved: Mary's language was simple and suitable for children, but far from sugary and nothing like the language of a fairy tale. Indeed, she introduced them in very realistic terms into the drama of life; she asked for their collaboration and since she found Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia full of generous willingness she revealed to them: “Therefore, you will have much to suffer, but God’s grace will be your comfort” (First Apparition, 13 May 1917).

The Virgin chooses innocent children as her select collaborators in order to combat with the weapons of prayer and penance, of sacrifice and suffering, the terrible leprosy of sin that corrupts humanity. Why does she do so? Might it not be because this responds to the method of God, who “chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong... things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are” (I Cor 1: 27, 28)....Ninety years after the apparitions, Fatima continues to be a beacon of comforting hope but also a strong appeal for conversion. The light that Mary made shine into the eyes of the shepherd children and manifested to so many people in the miracle of the sun on 13 October, shows that God’s grace is stronger than sin and death. Mary invites everyone, however, to convert and repent; she wants simple hearts who generously accept to pray and suffer for the reparation of sins, for the conversion of sinners and for the salvation of souls.

Mary expects a response from all her children! Dear brothers and sisters, let us accept her invitation and remain faithful to our Christian vocation.Let us offer fervent prayers every day, especially the Holy Rosary, as well as our suffering in reparation for sin and for world peace. Let us consider ourselves her small and humble children who are anxious to live in praise and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity, to whom this Church is felicitously dedicated. Amen!

So in this short extract we see that the Cardinal acknowledges:1) the simplicity of Mary’s messages 2) that the seers will suffer but be graced by God 3) that the weak are chosen to shame the strong 4) the light that Mary brings 5) the miracle of the sun (also witnessed at Medjugorje) 6) the call to repentance and conversion7) the importance of praying the Rosary 8) that we are Our Lady’s “children” 9) and that Mary expects a response from her “children”How different is this from all that is happening at Medjugorje?

*POPE JOHN PAUL II has been quoted as saying: “Medjugorje is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima!” Cardinal Bertone’s comments would seem to echo this claim!• Full homily available at http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/secretariat_state/card-bertone/2007/documents/rc_seg-st_20071014_bertone-fatima_en.html
Posted by Pilgrim at 3:32 PM


The True Story of Fr. Steven Scheier.

Fr Steven Scheier was ordained in 1973. Unfortunately he was more concerned about what other priests thought of him than about being a good priest for Jesus. His priesthood was not in the service of Jesus but to win people’s admiration. Deep down he knew he was not doing what he should be, that he was not the priest he should be. He hid that to the point that people thought he was a good priest.

On October 18, 1985, Fr Steven was travelling from Wichita to his parish (Parish of the Sacred Heart) in Fredonia, Kansas, 86 miles away. The highway does not have any shoulders, it is heavily travelled by semis, pickups and vans. That morning he had gone to Wichita to meet a priest and was returning that afternoon. He was involved in a terrible accident: a head-on collision with a pickup truck and with God. Three people were in the pickup. No one was killed. Fr Scheier was thrown from his vehicle. His entire scalp was taken off on the right side. The doctors told him afterwards the right side of his brain was partially sheered off and many cells were crushed. He was unconscious at the scene. Behind him in the ambulance on the way to the hospital was a nurse, who later mentioned she tried to help him with the Hail Mary but didn’t know it but he was saying the Hail Mary over and over by himself. He was taken to a small hospital in Eureka Kansas. He had suffered a broken neck, a C2, the second cervical vertebra was broken, the hangman’s break. Had his head been turned either way at the scene of the accident he would have asphyxiated. The doctor said there wasn’t much he could do and sewed his scalp back on and called for the lifewatch helicopter in Wichita from Lesley Hospital and they brought him to Wichita. He did not know he was being transported because he was unconscious. One of his parishioners who happened to be in the hospital was told he was being given a 15% chance to live. Many people of different Christian faiths prayed for him. He said God hears everyone’s prayer and that’s why he’s still here today. He had no surgery. The accident happened in October and on 2nd Dec he was released from hospital and still had the halo, as he called it, a support around his head. He recuperated at home until they could take the halo off, in April. He returned to his parish in May.
One day when saying Mass, the Gospel was today’s Gospel about the fig tree. When reading it in the Church, the page became illuminated, enlarged and came off the lectionary towards him. He finished Mass as best he could and back at the rectory/presbytery remembered a conversation that had taken place shortly after the accident.
In that conversation Fr Scheier found himself standing before the judgement of Jesus. He doesn’t know how long it lasted. He says the Lord took him through his entire life, and showed him how he had failed in his priestly service. Fr Scheier said “yes” to everything Jesus said about his life. Before the accident Fr Scheier had planned that when he would go before the judgment seat of Jesus he would say he was pushed on any day he sinned and couldn’t do anything else. He had a number of excuses all ready. He used to confession regularly before the accident but not appropriately i.e. he was not allowing the sacrament to change his life. He did not have a purpose of amendment. After the accident he wondered how many of his confessions were valid because he had no purpose of amendment. Before the accident he was thinking there would be time to convert but during this judgment scene Jesus taught him there is no time. Now before Jesus he was talking to Truth and when you are talking to Truth you can’t give excuses. At the end of his judgment his sentence from Jesus was hell. Fr Scheier said “yes” as that was the only logical thing he deserved. At that moment, however, he heard a woman say, “Son, will you please spare his life and his eternal soul?” The Lord replied, “Mother, he’s been a priest for twelve years for himself and not for me, let him reap the punishment he deserves.” “But Son,” she said, “if we give him special graces and strengths then let’s see if he bears fruit; if not, your will be done.” There was very short pause, after which Jesus said, “Mother, he’s yours.”
Ever since then he has been hers. He didn’t have a special relationship with her before the accident but since then she has become everything to him. At the foot of the cross Jesus looked on her and made her mother of the whole Church. Fr Scheier says she takes that very literally and seriously. Fr Scheier experienced Jesus’ mercy but Mary was the one who interceded for him. He has learned this beautiful truth, no one of the Blessed Trinity can say “no” to Our Lady. It is impossible. They will not say “no” to her. He says “Isn’t she someone you want on your side?”
We believe in Jesus, Our Lady and the saints in two ways, with the head or the heart. Fr Scheier believed with his head and knew nothing with his heart. He believed the angels and saints but they were make-believe friends and were not real. After the accident he became aware that they are very real, that we have only one home and its not here. Fr Scheier says a lot of our priorities are mixed up. His priorities were mixed up, his priority should have been to save his soul and save other souls. If he had died his parishioners would not have thought that he would have gone to hell. Jesus doesn’t take a popularity poll, Jesus is the only one that matters when it comes to what others think about us because we are alone before Jesus in judgment. We cannot say somebody made me sin. Jesus knows the truth.
Fr Scheier says during his first twelve years after ordination he was not being a priest for Jesus. Instead of suffering for Jesus he was a priest for himself. He always ran from the cross. If we run from the cross there is a bigger one awaiting us. He says he was a coward during those twelve years. His mission now is to let people know that Jesus’ love outweighs justice, that hell exists and that we are liable to hell and also that Jesus’ Divine Mercy exists.


A Beautiful Story

This was sent by Fr. Peter-A beautiful story!

A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year old daughter. The girls were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family member died. When they Went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand - ALIVE!
The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be executed. The older girl was asked how she had survived and she says:- 'A man wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came every day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister,' she said. She was interviewed on Egyptian national TV, by availed Muslim women news anchor.
She said on public TV, 'This was none other than Jesus, because nobody else does things like this!' Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He really was crucified, and it's clear also that He is alive! But, it's also clear that the child could not make up a story like this.
There is no way these children could have survived without a true miracle. Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what to do with this, and the popularity of the Passion movie doesn't help! With Egypt at the center of the media and education in the Middle East , you can be sure this story will spread.

Christ is still turning the world upside down! Please let this story be shared. The Lord says, 'I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. '
Jeremiah 17

Mark 8:38 which says, "Therefore whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and my Words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man shall also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels".


Happy Birthday to Our Mother Mary.

Today the church celebrates Our Mother Mary's birthday Let's give our mother Mary the present she wants more than anything else, that is, obeying what her Son Jesus tells us. Let's also tell her we love her and thank her for being such a great mother. However, she will give us more birthday presents than we give her, although it's not even our birthday. She will intercede for us to give our whole lives to Jesus and receive the most precious gifts of salvation, repentance, forgiveness, life in the Holy Spirit, healing, freedom, peace, etc. Although it's not your birthday, open up your gifts.

Medjugorje: Fire rages around recently damaged statue of Our Lady.

Monster Fire Threatens Medjugorje Apparition Site
The days here in Medjugorje have been blistering hot, with no rain for at least the last 1 ½ months. There have been many sporadic fires behind the mountains and in the fields throughout Medjugorje and the surrounding area. Because the area is so dry, it only takes one little spark to ignite into an out-of-control fire in just minutes. Coming out of English Mass today, which was at noon, in celebration of the day the Church recognizes as Our Lady’s birthday, the Caritas Community members noticed a lot of smoke coming in the direction of Apparition Hill. As they got closer, they saw that there was a fire on the right side and back of Apparition Hill.


A Call to Conversion, What will your answer be?

Our Lady’s message, January 25, 1988 - Dear children! Today again I am calling you to complete conversion, which is difficult for those who have not chosen God. God can give you everything that you seek from Him. But you seek God only when sicknesses, problems and difficulties come to you and you think that God is far from you and is not listening and does not hear your prayers. No, dear children, that is not the truth. When you are far from God, you cannot receive graces because you do not seek them with a firm faith. Day by day, I am praying for you, and I want to draw you ever more near to God, but I cannot if you don't want it. Therefore, dear children put your life in God's hands. I bless you all. Thank you for having responded to my call.
COMMENT: Our Lady being the loving mother that she is calls us all to prayer and conversion. What will your answer be to her.? Will it be Yes or will it be No? The choice is yours.


Archbishop George Pearce speaks of Medjujorje.

Msgr. George Hamilton Pearce, retired archbishop of the Fiji Islands, came with a group of American pilgrims on a private visit to Medjugorje at the end of September / beginning of October 2002. He has already been in Medjugorje in the eighties and in the nineties: he believes in the apparitions and in the authenticity of Our Lady’s messages. Msgr. Pearce is a religious, member of the Congregation of Marist Fathers. Since retiring from active Episcopal service, he lives and serves in the Archdiocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA, where - in the cathedral - he leads a Marian prayer group. Fr. Mario Knezovic spoke with him.

Father Archbishop, when someone mentions the word “Medjugorje”, what do you think about and what do you say about this place?
I have no doubt about its authenticity. I have been here three times already and I say to any priest who asks about it: just go and sit in the confessional, and you will see miracle after miracle after miracle… through Mary’s intercession and the power of God. We were told: “By their fruits you will know them”. Certainly, the heart and soul of the Medjugorje message is the Eucharist and the sacrament of the reconciliation.

Father Archbishop, the Church still examines the events of Medjugorje. What is your personal position? Do you believe in the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in this place and in the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary generally?
I have no doubts whatsoever. This is the work of God. As I said: you cannot but believe when you stand a little time in the confessional. Signs and wonders are merciful gifts of God too, but this is the greatest of all miracles for a priest to see the people around the altar of the Lord. I have been in several shrines, I have spent quite a bit of time in Guadalupe, I have been about eight times at Fatima, and also in Lourdes, it’s the same Mary, the same message, but here at Medjugorje this is the “now” word of Our Lady for the world. There is so much anguish and suffering. Our Lady has been with us all the way through, and in a special way in Medjugorje.
Do you know that, in the world, there are several thousands of prayer groups inspired by Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje? There are more than a thousand groups in your country, the USA… How much is this a sign that the Church recognises God’s words in the words of Our Lady?

We had many humorous remarks from the Pope John Paul II. Somebody asked him why he had not been to Medjugorje yet, and he answered: “It has not been approved yet!” Mirjana told us this morning that he told her that, if he were not Pope, he had been to Medjugorje long ago! We have a little group in the Cathedral in Providence, where I am. They call it “Little St. James”. They meet every evening; they have exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, benediction and Holy Mass.
We see that there is much tension in the world. America has felt the violence of the terrorism. How much America today can listen to the message of Peace and work on a just peace in the whole world?
I think that we have not got the message yet. There was a great turn to the Lord right after September 11th, but we need more then that, I think, before that country really turns to the Lord. So we just pray for that day, we hope we will turn to the Lord before we have to learn too many lessons, but this is also an act of the mercy of God. Everything is an act of the mercy of God. We know very well that God in his merciful love, in his permissive Providence, will take all the means possible that none of the least of his children will be totally lost. That’s all that really matters.

Father Archbishop, what would you say to those who want to come to Medjugorje? What would you say to those who doubt?
I would say: come in the spirit of an open mind, in prayer, entrust your journey to Our Lady. Just come and the Lord will do the rest.


The Holy Spirit in the Spiritual Life-Fr. John Randall

Order tapes below.
Photos of CFP Retreat/Reunion/Conference on this link.
CFP RETREAT/REUNION/CONFERENCE TAPES 2007. THEME: THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE SPIRITUAL LIFE: This twelve tape album contains the following talks by CFP members and by Fr. John Randall.
Father Randall is a priest with the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA, and was instrumental in bringing the Charismatic Renewal to New England. His talks reflect the wisdom of his fifty plus years as a priest as they relate to the Holy Spirit's work in his life and the lives of others.
Tape excerpts on this link:
Note: A New Book By Fr. Randall " No Spirit, No Church" may be ready for release by December of 2008. Lets all pray that it is. E.S.


The sun shines even when the rain falls.

The sun shines even when the rain falls
I can sense there is good news coming in Medjugorje’s direction in the not-to-distant-future. Why else would satan be so active these past few months attempting to discredit all the good that pours forth from Our Lady’s presence there?
Last week, an attack on the statue that stands on Podbrdo; a couple of months before that a highly publicised, wild claim from a priest that Medjugorje was the work of satan; and now another smear attempt to say that the Vatican is finally clamping down on Medjugorje because it has suspended canonical faculties of a former friar of Medjugorje, (not associated with the parish for some 10 years!). No doubt this story will be added to all the other screams from those who oppose the truth of of Our Lady’s apparititions at Medjugorje.
And remember also that canonical faculties can be restored to a priest, and should this happen then Rome will issue a notice on this as well.
So be braced and look forward to the time when Rome WILL announce shrine status for Medjugorje.
This is why satan is angry and rails against Our Lady and Medjugorje in this way at this time. he knows that good news is a-coming. his time is running short to turn as many souls away from the Good News that Medjugorje brings to the people and which reignites the Church.
Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Through Mirjana, one of the Medjugorje visionaries, Our Lady constantly reminds us to pray for our shepherd and priests. So let us listen to Our Mother and not to the scandal-mongers and those who seek to cut down the tree that bears fruit at Medjugorje.
Look out for the rainbow!

Dear children! Hatred gives birth to dissensions and does not regard anyone or anything. I call you always to bring harmony and peace. Especially, dear children, in the place where you live, act with love. Let your only instrument always be love. By love turn everything into good which Satan desires to destroy and possess. Only that way shall you be completely mine and I shall be able to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call. July 31, 1986


In the Power of the Holy Spirit

Jesus began working in His hometown Nazareth by moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, reading the Bible, and proclaiming the good news to the poor. Jesus prophetically and fearlessly challenged His hometown folk, although this filled them with indignation and even endangered His life. If you're working for the Lord anywhere, especially in your hometown, see if you're doing it Jesus' way. For example, when St. Paul began His work in Corinth, "it was in weakness and fear, and with much trepidation. Can you relate to this? Following the example of Jesus, Paul chose to move in the power of the Holy Spirit. Rather than trying to hide his fears behind a facade of "macho-ministry," Paul spoke to the Corinthians with no particular eloquence, no persuasive force, and no "wise" argumentation. He relied only on "the convincing power of the Holy Spirit" and determined to "speak of nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

To help Paul overcome his fears, "one night in a vision the Lord said to Paul: 'Do not be afraid. Go on speaking and do not be silenced, for I am with you' " (Acts 18:9-10).
Paul's work followed the pattern of Jesus' ministry. Jesus, Paul, and you have had tough jobs. Don't make it tougher. Do your work Jesus' way. Do it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Don't give in to fear. Proclaim the good news of the crucified and risen Jesus to all nations, especially to the poor. Work for, with, and in Jesus........ "Your faith rests not on the wisdom of men but on the power of God."


Fr. Peter Mary Rookey-The Healing Priest.

Fr. Peter Mary Rookey
Probably one of the most well-known priests of the Servite order is Fr. Peter Mary Rookey. Although a number of interesting books have been written about Fr. Rookey and his charism of healing, when asked about his gift, Father simply says, “It is God’s work, not mine - He does all the healing, I just pray.”
In 1948, after having been healed miraculously from blindness, Fr. Peter Mary Rookey formed the Servite Order in Ireland. Father has traveled the world using his charism, including many trips to Medjugorje. Although Father does not travel as much now, in 2006 at the age of 90, Fr. Rookey made a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.

In Medjugorje, Father was asked to bless a young boy in a wheelchair, and after having blessed the young boy, Father ordered the boy to stand up. The boy stood up and walked to Fr. Rookey and fell sobbing with joy into his arms!
Perhaps one of the most well known healings through Fr. Rookey was the physical and spiritual healing of David Parkes.

 You can send a prayer request to him via Fr. Peter Mary Rookey, O.S.M.
3121 West Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60612

He receives calls from Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM (Central Time) at 773-638-0159 ext. 102.

Fr. Rookey shares what he calls a Miracle Prayer and tells us that if we mean each word fully with all of our heart, that we will experience something spiritually good.

Lord Jesus, l come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. l give You my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite You into my life, Jesus. I accept You as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I love You, Lord Jesus. I praise You, Jesus. I thank You, Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen.
Mary my mother, Queen of Peace, St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, all you angels and Saints please help me. Amen.

Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel. When you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word, with all your heart, something good spiritually will happen to you. You will experience Jesus, and He will change your whole life in a very special way. You will see. Medjugorje Spirit

Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Mirjana.

Today, with my motherly heart, I call you gathered around me to love your neighbour. My children, stop. Look in the eyes of your brother and see Jesus, my Son. If you see joy, rejoice with him. If there is pain in the eyes of your brother, with your tenderness and goodness, cast it away, because without love you are lost. Only love is effective; it works miracles. Love will give you unity in my Son and the victory of my heart. Therefore, my children, love.....Marijana reported that Our Lady blessed all the people present and once again called us to pray for all our Shepherds.


Saint Faustina's Diary.

When a great storm was approaching, I began to say the chaplet. Suddenly I heard the voice of an angel: “I cannot approach in this storm, because the light which comes from her mouth drives both me and the storm.” Such was the angel’s complaint to God. I then recognized how much havoc he was to have made through this storm; but I also recognized that this prayer was pleasing to God, and that this chaplet was most powerful.
Saint Faustina was referring to the powerful prayers of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.