
In Medjugorje, I have come to bring you and lead you to my son Jesus.

This picture of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament was painted by our good friend,- Rhode Island artist Ann Porter, at the request of Fr. Edward A. Sousa Jr. A copy of this beautiful painting is in Medjugorje.


  1. I love that picture of Mary, and I think I included it on one of my posts.

    Thanks Ed!

  2. Thank You Elaine and Thank You Easter.

  3. I have a prayer card with the immage on the front with a prayer to Our Lady of The Most Blessed Sacrament and a Eucharistic Prayer to our Lord, Jesus on the back. Does anyone know where I can purchse them in bulk?

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    You can purchase this holy card in bulk from the, Leaflet Missal Company, 976 W. Minnehaha Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 9582
    Telephone 1-800-328-9582

    God Bless, Ed

  5. Thank you very much!!
    God Bless you Fr. Ed.
