
The sun shines even when the rain falls.

The sun shines even when the rain falls
I can sense there is good news coming in Medjugorje’s direction in the not-to-distant-future. Why else would satan be so active these past few months attempting to discredit all the good that pours forth from Our Lady’s presence there?
Last week, an attack on the statue that stands on Podbrdo; a couple of months before that a highly publicised, wild claim from a priest that Medjugorje was the work of satan; and now another smear attempt to say that the Vatican is finally clamping down on Medjugorje because it has suspended canonical faculties of a former friar of Medjugorje, (not associated with the parish for some 10 years!). No doubt this story will be added to all the other screams from those who oppose the truth of of Our Lady’s apparititions at Medjugorje.
And remember also that canonical faculties can be restored to a priest, and should this happen then Rome will issue a notice on this as well.
So be braced and look forward to the time when Rome WILL announce shrine status for Medjugorje.
This is why satan is angry and rails against Our Lady and Medjugorje in this way at this time. he knows that good news is a-coming. his time is running short to turn as many souls away from the Good News that Medjugorje brings to the people and which reignites the Church.
Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Through Mirjana, one of the Medjugorje visionaries, Our Lady constantly reminds us to pray for our shepherd and priests. So let us listen to Our Mother and not to the scandal-mongers and those who seek to cut down the tree that bears fruit at Medjugorje.
Look out for the rainbow!

Dear children! Hatred gives birth to dissensions and does not regard anyone or anything. I call you always to bring harmony and peace. Especially, dear children, in the place where you live, act with love. Let your only instrument always be love. By love turn everything into good which Satan desires to destroy and possess. Only that way shall you be completely mine and I shall be able to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call. July 31, 1986

1 comment:

  1. Ed,

    Thank you for your lovely comments and wonderful Blog! The thing I don't understand is why would anyone think that this is Satan's work when Our Lady is asking for prayers especially for priests? Just common sense to me that if it truly was Satan's work does anyone really think he'd be asking for prayers? Especially for priests? That has to be the blind leading the blind how very sad, let us pray that others will be blessed with the light of truth!
    God Bless!
