
When the Lord gives us a suffering

Seer On How We Know It’s From God

[adapted from The God of Healing]
Vicka's Healing“When something comes from God, you have harmony, great joy, and a great peace,” said seer Vicka Ivankovic Matovic, the famous seer at Medjugorje.
“You can’t feel well if you have fear in your heart.
“When you feel fear, confusion, and anguish, it comes from the enemy. You can’t trust your feelings if you do not have inner harmony. For sure, suffering cannot be explained; it can only be lived in one’s own heart. When the Lord gives us a suffering—a cross, pain—this is really a big gift.
Medjugorje. One of the visionaries, Vicka. | Spiritual images ...“We often think, how can sickness be a gift? But it’s a big gift! Only God knows why He gives this gift and only He knows the reason for when He takes it back. It is only up to us how we are ready to accept this. It is enough to say, ‘Thank you God for this gift, that you still have something that you want to give to me, I am ready to receive it. I ask only your strength and courage so that I may carry on.’
“And also the Madonna has told us, ‘you don’t know how great is the value of your suffering in the eyes of God.’ There are different kinds of suffering: there is the suffering that God gives and there is the suffering that we make for ourselves, and these are two different things, they don’t have the same value. We must try to accept that which the Lord wants and we must give thanks and when one gives thanks for this great gift, then graces and fruits and everything come sooner. And then we can’t say ‘I’m suffering, I’m in pain,’ God knows this: accept it, don’t talk about it. One who is still able to speak isn’t suffering.
Suffering is to be lived in our souls and in our hearts. God is always ready to give healing. But for God it’s not so easy for him to give us this gift because there are problems. What are these problems? It is like this: many times when there is some difficulty or suffering for our children, a husband, or one of our neighbors, we beg God with great energy to heal their suffering; we are ready to accept anything, do everything, get on our knees, pray for hours but only for that particular moment.
“The Madonna is ready to give the grace that is being requested. And many times the grace is given in order to show that person that God is near. But the Madonna also said that those graces are not to be played around with, because the Madonna said that after receiving a miracle, some people behave worse than before and then the next time they need a special grace, they pray expecting tSources have reported that the Medjugorje visionary Vicka is ...o be satisfied a second time; they think, ‘You gave me [a healing] once before so must give me [a healing] again today.’ In this way we start playing around with these graces from God.
“Already the Madonna said to us, ‘there is no problem for graces; I am able to give them; through my Son I can pray for these gifts and give them; but the problem is with your hearts. You all ask for healing of everything in the body, but too few ask for healing of the heart. When your hearts begin to heal, then your bodies will begin to heal.’ We must pray to have a lively faith. We should pray every day for this gift and this gift will grow every day in our hearts.”

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