
Are Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in the Democratic Party?'

                 R.I. Bishop Tobin: 'Are Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in the Democratic Party?'

By Michael W. Chapman | February 7, 2020 | 11:35am EST

Bishop Thomas Tobin, head of the Diocese of Providence, R.I.
Bishop Thomas Tobin, head of the Diocese of Providence, R.I.

Commenting on the top Democrats who are running for their party's presidential nomination, Bishop Thomas Tobin, head of the Catholic Diocese of Providence, R.I., noted that all of them are "pro-abortion," so extreme in their views that they support "even partial-birth abortion."
He also asked whether pro-life people are even "welcome" in the Democratic Party.
The top Democratic candidates support abortion, apparently without restrictions, which is the position of the Democratic Party platform.
Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg and his "husband" Chasten Buttigieg. (Getty Images)
Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg and his "husband" Chasten Buttigieg. (Getty Images)
Joe Biden is a Catholic who ignores the church's teaching on this issue. Pete Buttigieg was baptized a Catholic but is now Episcopalian and "gay married." Amy Klobuchar is a Congregationist, Elizabeth Warren is a Methodist, and Mike Bloomberg is a Jew who reportedly attends synagogue only on certain holy days. Bernie Sanders is a Jew who reportedly practices no particular faith.

"As the presidential primary shifts to New England, it's sad to note that all of the major Democratic candidates are pro-abortion, supporting even partial-birth abortion," said Bishop Tobin in a Feb. 4 tweet.
"Where are pro-life Democrats supposed to turn?" he said.  "Or are pro-life voters not welcome in the Democratic party?"
Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist who practices no "organized religion."  (Getty Images)
Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist who practices no "organized religion." (Getty Images)

According to the Democratic Party platform, "We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion --regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured."
"We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment," states the platform.
Joe Biden.   (Getty Images)
Joe Biden. (Getty Images)

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