
The Cross is our identity

Fr. Ike Mandurić at Cross Mountain: The Cross is our identity

date: 15.09.2019.
On Sunday, 15 September 2019, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was celebrated on Cross Mountain, traditionally in Medjugorje celebrated on the first Sunday after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Solemn Holy Mass, celebrated by Fr. Ike Mandurić, with the parish priest Fr. Marinko Šakota and 25 more other priests concelebrating, was celebrated on Cross Mountain at 11 am.
Fr. Mandurić at the beginning of the Holy Mass said that many came bringing their joy, gratitude, but also their tears, wounds, pain and prayers.
-As we discover the identity of the cross, find the way to become one with that identity, with that symbol, so it becomes your motto and the way of life, that we may love that cross more and more. Fr. Ike reminded all gathered to how this cross was built and invited all to make a covenant with the cross, to give the promise that each one of us will venerate the cross from now on.
Let us promise to the Lord that we will not ask of Him to take us down from the cross, do not take us down, but keep us there just as you did up to now. Enrich us there as you did in the past. Protect our souls! Protect our hope and our faith! Do not take us down from the cross, Lord, but let us recognise you there so we would be people who love, who are noble and who burn for our values, but also those who pray and come to Our Lady, said Fr. Ike Mandurić, adding that those who gaze at the cross, gaze at the future.
Numerous pilgrims were up on Krizevac today, pilgrims from all over the world and many local people, many of them walked all the way to the top. Holy Mass was broadcasted live by Radio Mir Medjugorje and our photo gallery is HERE.

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