
The Holy Catholic Priest-The Holy Catholic Church

Fr. Edward A. Sousa Jr.

The Holy Catholic Priests

I saw him climb the altar steps His white head bowed in prayer, His hands, those grace full hands of his Bless all assembled there.
And in his face, that holy face, I saw the years gone by And all the love and sacrifice They meant for you and I.
The Sacred Host, the Golden Cup Raised time and time again, The hallowed feet that rush to serve In ways that never end.
We thank you, God, for this great gift To say the very least, The incense of humanity
The Holy Catholic Priest. ( I heard the voice of Jesus say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqF4N7rdV-w

Kate Watkins Furman


Oh, Bride of Christ, you’re beautiful
So radiant your face.
Crowned in love by holy priests
Your raiment spun of grace.

Attended to by angel choirs
That ever sing your praise,
The mother of the blessed saints
Who wisely chose your ways.

Protector of the Eucharist
Beloved of the Queen,
The keeper of the flame of faith
The door to truths unseen.

Pure flower of the Spring of Life
The soul’s sweet lullaby,
Oh, God’s most gracious gift to man
Through you how blessed am I.

Kate Watkins Furman

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