
Pastor Installation

Father Edward A. Sousa, Jr.

Father Edward Sousa was installed as the new pastor at the St. Joseph Church, Hope Street on the East Side of Providence on Sunday, Sept. 30. Auxiliary Bishop Robert C. Evans presided at the installation Mass. In his homily, Bishop Evans asked parishioners to work with Father Sousa and support him in his ministry so he can be “that good and faithful steward.” At the end of the Mass, Father Sousa briefly spoke. “I’m proud to be your pastor,” Father Sousa said.

1 comment:

  1. Prayer for Priests

    O my Jesus, I beg You on behalf of the whole Church:
    grant it love and the light of Your Spirit,
    and give power to the words of priests
    so that hardened hearts might be brought to repentance
    and return to You, O Lord.

    Lord, give us holy priests;
    You Yourself maintain them in holiness.
    O divine an Great High Priest,
    may the power of Your mercy accompany them everywhere
    and protect them from the devil's traps and snares
    which are continually being set for the souls for priests.
    May the power of Your mercy, O Lord, shatter and bring to naught
    all that might tarnish the sanctity of priests,
    for You can do all things.

    (Diary of Sister Faustina, 102)
