
Spirit of Medjugorje

The First Christmas Apparition in Medjugorje
The following is used with permission from the book My Heart Will Triumph by visionary, Mirjana Soldo. This is just a short excerpt of her lengthy account of her first Christmas after the apparitions started in 1981.
Artist's impression from Vicka's description of Our Lady with Baby Jesus during the apparition, Christmas 1981
The picture shown above was taken at Vicka’s grandmother’s house in Medjugorje. The sign underneath the painting says, "Artist's impression from Vicka's description of Our Lady with Baby Jesus during the apparition, Christmas 1981." The artist is a Croatian painter named Davor Zilic.
     As Christmas day wound down for everyone else, I prepared for my apparition, and I was more excited about it than usual. After all, it was Jesus' birthday, and what mother is not filled with joy on her child's birthday? I would get to experience the apparition with the others for the first time in months.
     I joined Ivanka, Vicka, Marija, Ivan and little Jakov in the church. After praying together, we all felt Our Lady's presence. She appeared before us in a gleaming, golden dress unlike anything I had ever seen – this style was identical to the gray one she usually wore, but the fabric looked like molten metal. It radiated gold, and Our Lady herself emitted the same lustrous hues.
      Describing her dress as "golden" hardly defines it, though. There are no human words that can convey the beauty of such a color. Even the word "color" is inadequate, unless a color can be alive, and infused with emotion. I can say that my couch, for example, is a beige color, and in earthly terms I would be correct. The "color" of her dress, however, is almost like light – but an ethereal sort of light that bends, flows, and undulates according to Our Lady's movements and the feeling she wishes to convey.
     Our Lady's arms were folded across the front of her dress, which seemed peculiar until I realized she was holding an infant, just like the first time we saw her. She hadn't come again with an infant until now. I yearned for a closer look, but something prevented me from seeing the baby's face. "Love one another, my children," Our Lady said with a warm smile. "You are brothers and sisters."
     She then blessed us and departed. Regaining my senses, I was surprised to find myself in Medjugorje with the others and not at our apartment in Sarajevo. The experience was so intense that I forgot where I was. 

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