
Medjujorje: Our Lady's message to Marija of May 25, 2027

May 25, 2017 message to Marija

"Dear children! The Most High has permitted me to call you anew to conversion. Little children, open your hearts to the grace to which you are all called. Be witnesses of peace and love in this peaceless world. Your life here on earth is passing. Pray that through prayer you may yearn for Heaven and the things of Heaven and your hearts will see everything differently. You are not alone; I am with you and intercede before my Son Jesus for you. Thank you for having responded to my call."

A Little Reflection
When Our Lady identified herself as the Queen of Peace, she said that peace would come about in the world when each person was at peace with God, ones self and ones neighbor. This peace would only come about as each person experienced conversion - conversion through prayer, fasting, penance and faith. As one experiences daily conversion to a deeper relationship with God, one's life changes. It is the changes in our lives, which speak to others. They notice our peace in times of trial, our reliance on God's love and mercy and a greater love for brothers and sisters and friends. This is how we witness to others.  Another way for us to witness, as Our Lady states, is to yearn for heaven. Through prayer, this yearning will help us to have a different perspective in life, which will lead us to a greater peace as we realize the fleeting nature of the things of this world. I am grateful that Our Lady is with me as I try to live her messages. 
               by Sr. Isabel Bettwy

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