
Dear Children of Medjugorje

From Sr. Emmanuel Maillard While
On Mission in Ireland
May 11, 2017
Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!

1. On May 2, 2017, Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross in the midst of a big crowd. After the apparition, she shared the following message from Our Lady: 

"Dear Children, I am calling you to pray, not to ask for but to offer sacrifice - sacrificing yourselves. I am calling you to reveal the truth and merciful love. I am praying to my Son for you, for your faith which is all the more diminishing in your hearts. I am imploring Him to help you with the divine spirit, as I also desire to help you with my motherly spirit. My children, you must be better. Only those who are pure, humble and filled with love sustain the world - they are saving themselves and the world. My children, my Son is the heart of the world. He should be loved and prayed to, and not always betrayed anew. Therefore, you, apostles of my love, spread the faith in the hearts of people by your example, your prayer and merciful love. I am beside you, I will help you. Pray for your shepherds to have all the more light, so as to be able to illuminate all those who live in darkness. Thank you."
See a video of Mirjana receiving the apparition here!

2. Long Live the Queen of the Rosary!
It is so sad today to see that some religious communities have to close down because of the lack of vocations coming to its doors! Is there a solution to avoid such a catastrophic situation? 

Let me give you an example of one that I just learned about while on mission in Israel. It happened in 1984 in Quito, Ecuador.
A Carmelite Convent named "Carmen Alto" was very poor, and was languishing because of a lack of vocations. All the sisters were old, and the novitiate had been closed for quite a long time. For many years there had not been a single vocation on the horizon! The Prioress, Mother Maria Helena Del Corazón de Jesus, heard about Medjugorje and began to hope again.
One day, an Italian nun of the Dorothea Community, Sister Luicela, visited "Carmen Alto" and mentioned to the Prioress that she was going to Medjugorje with a group of pilgrims. Mother Maria Helena seized the opportunity, and begged Sister Luicela to pray for vocations to their Carmel while she was there. (She was hoping that Sr. Luicela could speak to one of the visionaries and pass the intention on to the Blessed Mother. She heard that you could write letters to Mary and receive an answer from her in your heart during prayer, and that sometimes Mary even answered questions.) So the Carmelite Prioress entrusted a letter to Sr. Luicela with her intention. Such a problem was not new for Sister Luicela because the Dorothea Order also lacked vocations. She gladly accepted the job.

Unfortunately, Sister Luicela was not able to meet with a visionary while in Medjugorje, but she was able to be present during an apparition. When the visionaries shared what the Gospa had said during the apparition, the Sister was amazed! In fact, Our Lady had answered her request before she even expressed it! This is the message Our Lady gave that day: "I will take care myself of the communities that will pray together the full Rosary (all 3 parts) every day for the intentions of my Immaculate Heart, and I will choose their vocations."
When Sr. Luicela returned to Quito, she delivered the message to the Prioress of the Carmel, who felt in the depths of her heart that this message was for her. At first, she was wondering what Our Lady meant by "the intentions of my Immaculate Heart," but then she realized: 'It is clear! The intentions of the Blessed Mother are those of God!'
During the next community chapter meeting, the Prioress suggested to the sisters that they pray the 3 parts of the Rosary together every day. They gladly welcomed Mary's request. They changed their daily schedule in order to introduce this new feature, and they also prayed the Rosary while they worked. This initiated a period of great Marian fervor in the Carmel.

A few months later, the first vocation arrived, Sr. Maria de Los Angeles, followed by other vocations. So many postulants entered the monastery that the Prioress had to found another Carmel, the Carmel of Santo Domingo in Ecuador, 18 years ago. 

As a rule, when a Carmelite Convent reaches a number of sisters greater than 21, they had to found another Carmel. This time in Panama. It goes without saying that in these new Carmelite communities, the tradition of praying daily the 3 parts of the Rosary together remained alive!
During my recent mission in Galilee, the young Carmelite sister who told me this story in Haifa said to me: "I am a fruit of this message and of these rosaries, because I joined the Carmel of Santo Domingo!"

A few years ago, Mother Maria Helena visited a monastery of Poor Clares. After hearing this testimony, the sisters decided to adopt this prayer as well, following Mary's message in order to obtain vocations. Needless to say that a little while later, new vocations of the Poor Clares started coming in!

This gives us a better understanding of why Our Lady so often says to us "Dear children, I invite you to live my messages!" Today, the issues of the Church and of the world are immense. Not a single path to victory is to be neglected! May this key given by Mary Queen of the Rosary inspire many of her children who are today burdened with problems and losing courage! Mary would never fail in her promises! 
3. Blessed Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima will be canonized on May 13th at Fatima.

Blessed Jacinta and Francisco will be canonized at Fatima on May 13th. There will be great graces associated with this canonization, combined with the Centenary of Mary's apparitions to the 3 little shepherds. They were very innocent and enthusiastically willing to do everything the Virgin asked. Here is an example: 

The Blessed Virgin told them to pray for "La Russia". She insisted to such a degree that the children believed that "La Russia" was a very great person who was a sinner doing many evil things. And so they prayed and made sacrifices for her. 

Only well after the apparitions did they find out that La Russia was a big country and not a woman! Let us pray to Francisco and Jacinta to protect the innocence of children who are being so severely abused in our day!                                      
In order to welcome the graces of this Centenary and not let them go to waste, take some time to read and meditate on the beautiful messages that Mary gave at Fatima, and reaffirmed in Medjugorje.

If they had been followed, it would have saved millions of lives in World War II, (not to mention many other disasters)! She said:
"Pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war."
"Jesus wishes to use you to make me known and loved. He wants to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world."
"Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners. Many souls are going to hell because there is no one to sacrifice themselves or pray for them."
"When the time comes to say it, do not hide. Tell everyone -  
  • That God grants us His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary;
  • That we should ask her for them;
  • That the Heart of Jesus wants us to venerate with Him the Immaculate Heart of Mary;
  • And that we should ask the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace because God entrusted it to her.
"Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He might send you? For this would be an act of reparation for the sins that offend Him and also a plea for the conversion of sinners. "

"Oh," said one of the visionaries. "If only I could spread in everyone's heart the fire burning within me that makes me love the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary so much!"

4. The next live broadcast in French

The next live broadcast in French will take place on June 3rd at 9 p.m. I will talk about the message of the 2nd. The May 3rd live broadcast can be seen at:  
Dearest Gospa, Our hearts are wide open to welcome the very special graces of this 100th Anniversary of you apparitions in Fatima! We deeply desire to collaborate with you for the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart!
Sister Emmanuel +
(Translated from French)

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