
The God Factor

Rev. Graham: Media Miss 'Huge' Factor in Trump Win, 'The God Factor'

By Michael W. Chapman | January 3, 2017 | 1:37 PM EST

Rev. Franklin Graham.  (BGEA)
Commenting on how the liberal media and polls were totally wrong about Donald Trump -- for months and going into Election Day -- Reverend Franklin Graham said they "have offered an infinite variety of reasons for why" Trump won and Clinton lost, but missed the most important element: "The God Factor." He also stressed that Christian Americans must not let down their guard and must continue to pray for this nation that is in "rebellion against God and His ways."
"Were they ever wrong!" Rev. Graham said of the mainstream media and virtually every poll in his January 2017 commentary in Decision magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Trump won 30 states and 306 electoral votes; Clinton won 232 electoral votes.
"The media have offered an infinite variety of reasons for why Donald Trump won and Hillary Clinton lost," said Rev. Graham, "but I believe there is one crucial component that played a huge part in the election process and eventual outcome.  I’ve called it 'the God factor.'"
"The church of the Lord Jesus Christ—millions and millions of Christians—called out to Almighty God in prayer throughout the year, asked for His providential hand to restore and guide our nation, and engaged in the political process by flocking to rural and urban polling places to vote," said the reverend. "They also committed themselves to look at candidates running for office on every level—local, state and national—and to cast their vote for those who best represented Biblical values."
Given the election results, Graham said, "I believe the Lord has given us a window of opportunity for our nation to repent, turn away from our iniquities and turn back to Him." America must turn back to God, he emphasized because our problem is not a political or economic one -- it is a spiritual problem.

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