
My heart always stays in Medjugorje

Testimony of Healing in Medjugorje

date: 26.10.2016.
Linda Christy, a pilgrim from Canada, came recently to Medjugorje for another pilgrimage and on that occasion she spoke on radio Mir Medjugorje about her healing that took place here. She told us that she was in a wheelchair for a while and for 18 years she could only walk with crutches. She was healed in June 2010, on Apparition Hill, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She said how her only mission is to give testimony on risen Jesus, to talk about her healing, love and hope. She brought all medical documents, diagnosis and all papers regarding her healing to Medjugorje parish office for the second anniversary of the healing she had.  
Mrs. Linda said: I did not know much about Medjugorje. I came her accidently, in a wheelchair. I was in the constant pain. The journey took 24 hours and it was not easy. It was very hard to go to Apparition Hill and people tried to put me off. I climbed the hill for few hours, but I knew I had to go up”, said Linda, who told us that her miracle took place on the hill.
“I was in such a state that my husband had to dress me up for 18 years, as I was not able to do anything by myself. I owe my life to Medjugorje and to the Queen of Peace, as my life is completely different now. Since I know what it means to suffer great pain, I decided to devote my time and my mission is to help people who suffer pain. You are so blessed to be able to live here in Medjugorje. Once I return to Canada, my heart always stays in Medjugorje”, said Linda Christy.

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