
Medjugorje, 16th death anniversary of Fr. Slavko Barbaric

date: 20.11.2016.
On Thursday, November 24, 2016, parishioners of Medjugorje parish and all pilgrims will commemorate Fr. Slavko’s 16th death anniversary by climbing Cross Mountain at 2 pm, and by celebration of the Holy Mass at 6 pm in the parish church. Fr. Slavko died on Cross Mountain on Friday, November 24, 2000, at 3.30 pm, after having completed the Way of the Cross for the parish.
Fr. Slavko Barbaric was born on March 11, 1946. When he was 19, he entered into the Franciscan Order and he was ordained as a priest in 1971. He had Ph.D. thesis in the field of religious pedagogy and gained the title of psychotherapist. Fr. Slavko tirelessly worked with pilgrims in Medjugorje, ever since he finished his studying in 1982. His books were translated in more than twenty languages and printed all over the world. He had true passion when he gave talks to the pilgrims, he led many Eucharistic Adorations of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers before the Cross, led prayers of Rosary on Apparition Hill as well as the Way of the Cross on Cross Mountain.
He organised and led annual international meetings for priests and youth, initiated seminar for married couples and led seminars of fasting and prayer in “Domus pacis”. He founded “Mother’s Village”, institution for care and education of children who were left orphans after the homeland war in our country. His psychotherapeutic education enabled him to work with addicts in the community Cenacolo, established by sister Elvira. He also founded similar community called “Merciful Father” for all young people with difficulties of addiction. Help of many benefactors from all over the world was directed towards foundations for young talents and war orphans.
 Fr. Slavko Barbaric travelled all over the world spreading Our Lady’s messages of peace and reconciliation. He was known for excellent virtues of speaking many languages, having great communication skills, education, simplicity, care for those in need, inexhaustible energy, hard work, and above all that he had devotion, humility and love. He prayed and fasted unceasingly, and loved Our Lady with childlike love. The purpose of his life was to bring souls to God through Mary, the Queen of Peace, by fasting and prayer.

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