
My Cure in Medjugorje

By Irene Douglas

On the plane going to Medjugorje I twisted
my knee and was unable to go downstairs. Even
walking was a problem. I was staying on the
second story, so I had a problem going down the
stairs. I did not think you could tell my problem,
but in church I was kneeling and trying to get up,
when, all of a sudden, two women on each side
helped me to stand up
So one day, I was in church and the priest was
saying the Chaplet of Mercy and was starting at
each limb, so when he said the legs, I tried to kneel
and very simply said, “Father, You sent me here
Irene on her 90th and I’m unable to go to the hill [Apparition Hill]
or the cross [Cross Mountain].” I could feel the
rubbing in the inside of my knees. I stood up and
walked to where I was staying and asked the lady
to walk upstairs with me. We got to the landing,
and I said, “Do you see how I’m walking?” We
hugged each other and cried. I made it to the hill
and the cross and suffered no pain again.

All I could think is – it is so very simple. With so
few words, He will heal. It’s His choice. Medjugorje
has helped me twice. I only hope my story will
help someone to see that it takes very few words
for the Lord to respond with a complete healing.
Editor’s note: Irene is from Bellevue, WA.
source Spirit of Medjugorje 

1 comment:

  1. Message, 25 April 2016:
    “Dear Children, my Immaculate
    Heart bleeds as I look at you in sin
    and sinful habits. I call you: Return
    to God and to prayer that you might
    be happy on earth!
    God calls you through me so
    that your hearts can be hope and
    joy for all those who are distant.
    May my call be for you a balm for
    the soul and heart so that you may
    glorify God, the Creator, who loves
    you and calls you to eternity.
    My children, life is short; make
    good use of this time to do what is
    good. Thank you for responding to
    my call.”
