Lord, Please remember me in your kingdom -- The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision. Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, and do not be silent. For I am with you (Acts 18:9).---Come Holy Spirit.
Dear Family of Mary
Jesus "went on to tell them, 'I solemnly assure you, you shall see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.' " -John 1:51
The Lord loves you perfectly, and He wants to show His love for you by sending Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and other angels to be more active in your life. For angels to be very active in our lives, we must have lives which fit into the job descriptions of archangels and angels. We need lives of discipleship, holiness, and evangelization. We need to love so deeply and courageously that we are worthy of being persecuted. Angels are especially active in helping persecuted Christians (see Acts 12:7ff; 5:19; Lk 22:43). In effect, we need the Holy Spirit to be as active as possible in our lives.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17). He is "Power from on high" (Lk 24:49; see also Acts 1:8). He produces the fruit of love, joy, and peace (Gal 5:22). Lives teeming with truth, power, and love are occasions made for angels. When the Holy Spirit is moving, Michael wields his sword, Gabriel announces God's message, and Raphael guides and heals. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, the angelic spirits have a place to work. Come, Holy Spirit!
Prayer: Father, in this Year of Mercy, may archangels and angels need to be extremely active.
Promise: "I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with all my heart, for You have heard the words of my mouth; in the presence of the angels I will sing Your praise." -Ps 138:1-2
Praise: St. Gabriel the Archangel was the first creature in recorded history to speak the name of Jesus (Lk 1:31).
Uploaded on Jul 2, 2011
"Why Medjugorje ?" is an insightful short film by Josip Loncar promotions officer with the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS). It documents his own personal experience when he visited Medugorje for the first time in 1987. This short film very much captures the Spirit of Medugorje from a pilgrim's perspective. As an added bonus narration is by renowned scripture scholar Tony Hickey. After watching this film, you will have many good reasons why you should consider visiting Medugorje.
"Between you and us there is fixed a great abyss, so that those who might wish to cross from here to you cannot do so, nor can anyone cross from your side to us." -Luke 16:26
The rich man, traditionally known as Dives, spent eternity staring across a great chasm separating himself from the Lord (Lk 16:26). How ironic! Dives spent his lifetime constructing this chasm (or gulf) to isolate himself from the poor. Now this gulf, built day by day during his life, could not be undone in eternity.
In the USA, many gulfs have been built to isolate the not-so-poor from the poor. We have suburbs, which the poor can't reach because of distance and low income. We have expensive colleges and professional training, which often serve to exclude those without sufficient income. The high cost of medical insurance often excludes the poor from the treatment they need.
This is not meant so much to criticize those who enjoy these things as it is to make the point that those who have a gulf between themselves and the poor must work harder than ever to bridge that gulf. Charity obliges those with a sufficiency to share with those without (see 2 Cor 8:14). "Woe to the complacent" who do not reach out to the Lazaruses in their midst (Am 6:1).
King Jesus will judge us on our outreach to the poor (see Mt 25:35ff). All Christians are to "be mindful of the poor" (Gal 2:10) and even have "a preferential love" for the poor (Catechism, 2448). Reach out to the poor. Bridge the gulf now, before you have to stare across it forever.
Jesus, You made Yourself poor for My sake (2 Cor 8:9). Give me Your heart, mind, love, and ministry to the poor.
Medjugorje: Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, given through Marija:
"Dear children! Today, I am calling you to prayer. May prayer be life to you. Only in this way will your heart be filled with peace and joy. God will be near you and you will feel Him in your heart as a friend. You will speak with Him as with someone whom you know and, little children, you will have a need to witness, because Jesus will be in your heart and you, united in Him. I am with you and love all of you with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje... a perpetual Pentecost
The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje... a perpetual Pentecost: Medjugorje is a perpetual Pentecost, with the Holy Spirit manifesting in thousands of people there every day. In the first eight months o...
The priest, exorcist – I can no longer live without Medjugorje
date: 04.07.2010.
Priest Leonid, redemptorist from Ukraine province, participated in the 15th International seminar for priest in Medjugorje and gave the testimony, first to the other participants and then to Radio Station Mir Medjugorje. We publish the testimony as it was given:
My first pilgrimage to Medjugorje was related to my obligations and to my occupation in the priest vocation. Namely, in 2005 local Church entrusted me with huge responsibility and gave me heavy burden to carry and that was service of exorcist. The first months and the very first year were filled with God’s love and grace, but also with great difficulties and tempations. One of the major difficulties took place during one session of exorcism over one possessed person. That person spoke to me in very rough voice, full of horror in these words: “I am horrible, I am powerful, and I will destroy you. I will destroy your priesthood and all of your life.” Although that was quite bad, I did not take that seriously at all. After all, I believed in God completely and I did not have any reasons to doubt that. I also knew that if I had fear in front of the Satan that would be as if I already lost something. But God allowed this situation to take place, and I am going to share with you how great and how mighty his Mother is, and how Medjugorje is sacred ground.
When I was in great pain, when I suffered and when I was tempted daily, I was not able to pray at all. I would go to confession every single day, but Satan tempted me all the times. The temptations were so strong that I lost peace in my soul completely. And not only that, I also felt that I lost my priesthood and my vocation. I felt that was complete and total destruction of my life. In that difficult reality, while I was still unable to figure out what was happening to me, somebody offered me to come to Medjugorje. And I came. I was with a group of priests. I was just not able to pray, not even when they prayed. During that pilgrimage I met one other priest, father Ambrosias from Slovakia. He completely sacrificed his life and his vocation working with people from Ukraine in the region of Carpatho – Ukraine. He travelled soon after heart attack, and he also had diabetes. He was a Franciscan priest who came to Medjugorje five times before that. He absolutely thrilled me with his life and humbleness. He became my friend, I would help him around, take him by the hand, as he was older man. It appeared as I was helping to him, but the truth was that it was the other way round. We were once climbing up the Hill of Apparitions and it was to be the apparition to one of the visionaries. Everything was packed with people, priests. I sat next to Fr. Ambrosias and I turned my back to the apparition site. I felt myself not worthy of being there at all. But during the time of the Rosary, I felt desire to look towards that direction, to see what was happening there. At the same time, as I felt that desire, other inner voice was saying to me not to look there. You are failure and you will end up in hell, I heard. It was horrible. Those first, positive feelings directed my look towards the apparition site. I started to look and I was searching for a sign. Maybe I was to see something at the end. Hope was being born in me slowly, but also more new arguments about how my humiliation was not to be changed. But, I believed in crucial moment. Just for a moment. And in that very moment, as the answer to all of the questions ever rose, I was able to feel how Our Lady was coming down, from Heaven to this world. It was horrible in that moment. Such a powerful perception, scent of the other world I used to feel up to that point. And then, I was appeased by certain gentleness, light touch, like a gentle breeze of Our Lady’s presence. She was coming closer to me. And as She was closer to me, the power of evil was disappearing. In my heart I experienced new revelation. I was able to experience how powerful Her presence is, how she was humble. Then I realised that She does not cast away evil spirits, but they ran themselves. The are not able to bear Her purity and beauty of Her presence. She does not humiliate them nor She sends them away. She simply loves them and they can not stand that! And then, change of spirits within me took place. Spirit of Satan, spirit that destroys, disappeared with all of his depressions and fears. Instead of that spirit, Our Lady’s spirit took place. In my heart, I heard the voice: “Do not be afraid, I am your mother! I am your guarantee that you will not be destroyed, that you will not fail.” Everything was changed. That experience of presence of Our Blessed Mother became miracle of love that saves me, my vocation and my life! I started to feel Our Lady’s presence in every exorcism I perform. I will just share one little example, since there are many similar ones. Our priests were dealing with one possessed girl who came to confess in front of one young priest who just returned after his studies in Rome. And as he was saying the absolution words, that person, Satan in that person hit that priest so hard that he felt down immediately. Then, the same person started calling other priest in some strange voice. That priest was scared and he called me. After few moments that girl was in front of me and I started to pray over her. As I began exorcism, I knew the diagnosis straight away, the girl was severely possessed and I invited five devoted faithful to pray as well. As I recited traditional prayers of exorcism, Satan just laughed. It spoke to me in English language, humiliated me and constantly laughed at me. Then, I began to pray to Our Lady. I was totally exhausted. I began to be nervous as well. I felt that I need to finish my prayer, but the evil spirit was not going away. It was the spirit of suicide. I began to call Our Lady with all of my heart. In the same way as the child calls his mom. And real screaming began at those moments: “ I can not stay here any longer, Our Lady is here, I need to go away.” And the spirit was gone. This was just one situation and there are so many similar ones. During these five years, as I have been entrusted the service of exorcism, I experience many temptations and trials. I had those before; I know I will have those in the future as well. But, Our Lady keeps me in Her heart. I CAN NO LONGER LIVE WITHOUT MEDJUGORJE AND JERUSALEM. I need to be in Medjugorje and Jerusalem every year. That is what faith is for me. Here I have faith, blessing and grace. I am grateful to dear God that I am able to witness Our Lady’s grace in this way. I would like each one of us to want to love more our Blessed Mother, Mother of God. She is our Mother. She loves Her children. She is prepared to do anything Her children ask of Her. I feel that if it wasn’t for Her presence, we would all be destroyed. That is why we should try to live every second of our lives with Her. I feel personal invitation to help other people to come to Medjugorje. To bring here all of those people who experience tremendous spiritual suffering.”
At the end, priest Leonid blessed all of the listeners of Radio Mir.
My first pilgrimage to Medjugorje was related to my obligations and to my occupation in the priest vocation. Namely, in 2005 local Church entrusted me with huge responsibility and gave me heavy burden to carry and that was service of exorcist. The first months and the very first year were filled with God’s love and grace, but also with great difficulties and tempations. One of the major difficulties took place during one session of exorcism over one possessed person. That person spoke to me in very rough voice, full of horror in these words: “I am horrible, I am powerful, and I will destroy you. I will destroy your priesthood and all of your life.” Although that was quite bad, I did not take that seriously at all. After all, I believed in God completely and I did not have any reasons to doubt that. I also knew that if I had fear in front of the Satan that would be as if I already lost something. But God allowed this situation to take place, and I am going to share with you how great and how mighty his Mother is, and how Medjugorje is sacred ground.
When I was in great pain, when I suffered and when I was tempted daily, I was not able to pray at all. I would go to confession every single day, but Satan tempted me all the times. The temptations were so strong that I lost peace in my soul completely. And not only that, I also felt that I lost my priesthood and my vocation. I felt that was complete and total destruction of my life. In that difficult reality, while I was still unable to figure out what was happening to me, somebody offered me to come to Medjugorje. And I came. I was with a group of priests. I was just not able to pray, not even when they prayed. During that pilgrimage I met one other priest, father Ambrosias from Slovakia. He completely sacrificed his life and his vocation working with people from Ukraine in the region of Carpatho – Ukraine. He travelled soon after heart attack, and he also had diabetes. He was a Franciscan priest who came to Medjugorje five times before that. He absolutely thrilled me with his life and humbleness. He became my friend, I would help him around, take him by the hand, as he was older man. It appeared as I was helping to him, but the truth was that it was the other way round. We were once climbing up the Hill of Apparitions and it was to be the apparition to one of the visionaries. Everything was packed with people, priests. I sat next to Fr. Ambrosias and I turned my back to the apparition site. I felt myself not worthy of being there at all. But during the time of the Rosary, I felt desire to look towards that direction, to see what was happening there. At the same time, as I felt that desire, other inner voice was saying to me not to look there. You are failure and you will end up in hell, I heard. It was horrible. Those first, positive feelings directed my look towards the apparition site. I started to look and I was searching for a sign. Maybe I was to see something at the end. Hope was being born in me slowly, but also more new arguments about how my humiliation was not to be changed. But, I believed in crucial moment. Just for a moment. And in that very moment, as the answer to all of the questions ever rose, I was able to feel how Our Lady was coming down, from Heaven to this world. It was horrible in that moment. Such a powerful perception, scent of the other world I used to feel up to that point. And then, I was appeased by certain gentleness, light touch, like a gentle breeze of Our Lady’s presence. She was coming closer to me. And as She was closer to me, the power of evil was disappearing. In my heart I experienced new revelation. I was able to experience how powerful Her presence is, how she was humble. Then I realised that She does not cast away evil spirits, but they ran themselves. The are not able to bear Her purity and beauty of Her presence. She does not humiliate them nor She sends them away. She simply loves them and they can not stand that! And then, change of spirits within me took place. Spirit of Satan, spirit that destroys, disappeared with all of his depressions and fears. Instead of that spirit, Our Lady’s spirit took place. In my heart, I heard the voice: “Do not be afraid, I am your mother! I am your guarantee that you will not be destroyed, that you will not fail.” Everything was changed. That experience of presence of Our Blessed Mother became miracle of love that saves me, my vocation and my life! I started to feel Our Lady’s presence in every exorcism I perform. I will just share one little example, since there are many similar ones. Our priests were dealing with one possessed girl who came to confess in front of one young priest who just returned after his studies in Rome. And as he was saying the absolution words, that person, Satan in that person hit that priest so hard that he felt down immediately. Then, the same person started calling other priest in some strange voice. That priest was scared and he called me. After few moments that girl was in front of me and I started to pray over her. As I began exorcism, I knew the diagnosis straight away, the girl was severely possessed and I invited five devoted faithful to pray as well. As I recited traditional prayers of exorcism, Satan just laughed. It spoke to me in English language, humiliated me and constantly laughed at me. Then, I began to pray to Our Lady. I was totally exhausted. I began to be nervous as well. I felt that I need to finish my prayer, but the evil spirit was not going away. It was the spirit of suicide. I began to call Our Lady with all of my heart. In the same way as the child calls his mom. And real screaming began at those moments: “ I can not stay here any longer, Our Lady is here, I need to go away.” And the spirit was gone. This was just one situation and there are so many similar ones. During these five years, as I have been entrusted the service of exorcism, I experience many temptations and trials. I had those before; I know I will have those in the future as well. But, Our Lady keeps me in Her heart. I CAN NO LONGER LIVE WITHOUT MEDJUGORJE AND JERUSALEM. I need to be in Medjugorje and Jerusalem every year. That is what faith is for me. Here I have faith, blessing and grace. I am grateful to dear God that I am able to witness Our Lady’s grace in this way. I would like each one of us to want to love more our Blessed Mother, Mother of God. She is our Mother. She loves Her children. She is prepared to do anything Her children ask of Her. I feel that if it wasn’t for Her presence, we would all be destroyed. That is why we should try to live every second of our lives with Her. I feel personal invitation to help other people to come to Medjugorje. To bring here all of those people who experience tremendous spiritual suffering.”
At the end, priest Leonid blessed all of the listeners of Radio Mir.
Life in the Spirit Seminar
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 1
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 2
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 3
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 4
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 5
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 6
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Part 7
"God has set up in the Church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracle workers, healers, assistants, administrators, and those who speak in tongues." -1 Corinthians 12:28
Jesus "ascended high above the heavens, that He might fill all men with His gifts" (Eph 4:10). He commands us to set our hearts on spiritual gifts (1 Cor 14:1), especially on the greater gifts (1 Cor 12:31), "those that build up the Church" (1 Cor 14:12). The Lord does not want us to be ignorant of spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:1). Consequently, the Father and the Son have sent the Holy Spirit not only to give us gifts, but also to help "us to recognize the gifts He has given us" (1 Cor 2:12).
In summary,
* each Christian has several gifts of the Spirit,
* we must recognize, use, and develop these gifts,
* we need the benefits of all the gifts of the Spirit, and
* therefore, we must seek out and be open to the ministry of other Christians as they use their spiritual gifts.
This is what it means to set our hearts on spiritual gifts. We should pray that we will recognize and use all our spiritual gifts. That even one spiritual gift in one Christian be undeveloped is a significant loss for the Church and the world. Furthermore, we should pray that the Lord open our eyes to see those around us gifted by the Spirit. Many of these Christians are not strongly developed in the use of their spiritual gifts, but they have such a treasure within them (see 2 Cor 4:7), if we can only appreciate it. Seek the gifts in yourself and in the Church.
Holy Spirit, may I not waste in any way the gifts You gave me in Baptism and Confirmation.
Jesus "said, 'Young man, I bid you get up.' The dead man sat up and began to speak." -Lk 7:14-15
St. John Chrysostom used his gift of oration to build up the Church.
Medjugorje - Veneration of the Cross
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You, because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world!
Our Lady speaks about the Cross:
Friday, August 31, 1984"I love very specially the Cross which you have providentially erected on Mount Krizevac. Go there more often and pray."
August 30, 1984 "Dear children! The cross was also in God's plan when you built it. These days, especially, go on the mountain and pray before the Cross. I need your prayers. Thank you for having responded to my call."
September 12, 1985 "Dear children! I wish to tell you that the Cross should be central these days. Pray especially before the Cross from which great graces are coming. Now in your homes make a special consecration to the Cross. Promise that you will neither offend Jesus nor abuse the Cross. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 20, 1986 "Dear children! The second message of these Lenten days is that you renew prayer before the Cross. Dear children, I am giving you special graces and Jesus is giving you special gifts from the Cross. Take them and live! Reflect on Jesus' Passion and in your life be united with Jesus! Thank you for having responded to my call."
September 11, 1986 "Dear children! For these days while you are joyfully celebrating the Cross, I desire that your cross also would be a joy for you. Especially, dear children, pray that you may be able to accept sickness and suffering with love the way Jesus accepted them. Only that way shall I be able with joy to give out to you the graces and healings which Jesus is permitting me. Thank you for having responded to my call."
March 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today, in a special way, I invite you to take the cross in the hands and to meditate on the wounds of Jesus. Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children, during your life sustained because of your sins or the sins of your parents. Only in this way, dear children, you will understand that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator. By Jesus' passion and death on the cross, you will understand that only through prayer you, too, can become true apostles of faith; when, in simplicity and prayer, you live faith which is a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call."
March 25, 2013 "Dear children! In this time of grace I call you to take the cross of my beloved Son Jesus in your hands and to meditate on His passion and death. May your suffering be united in His suffering and love will win, because He who is love gave Himself out of love to save each of you. Pray, pray, pray until love and peace begin to reign in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 25, 2016 "Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling all of you to conversion. Little children, you love little and pray even less. You are lost and do not know what your goal is. Take the cross, look at Jesus and follow Him. He gives Himself to you to the death on the cross, because He loves you. Little children, I am calling you: return to prayer with the heart so as to find hope and the meaning of your existence, in prayer. I am with you and am praying for you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
October 2, 2009 "Dear Children, As I look at you, my heart seizes with pain. Where are you going my children? Have you sunk so deeply into sin that you do not know how to stop yourselves? You justify yourselves with sin and live according to it. Kneel down beneath the Cross and look at my Son. He conquered sin and died so that you, my children, may live. Permit me to help you not to die but to live with my Son forever. Thank you!"
May 02, 2012 "Dear children! With motherly love I implore you to give me your hands, permit me to lead you. I, as a mother, desire to save you from restlessness, despair and eternal exile. My Son, by His death on the Cross, showed how much He loves you; He sacrificed Himself for your sake and the sake of your sins. Do not keep rejecting His sacrifice and do not keep renewing His sufferings with your sins. Do not keep shutting the doors of Heaven to yourselves. My children, do not waste time. Nothing is more important than unity in my Son. I will help you because the Heavenly Father is sending me so that, together, we can show the way of grace and salvation to all those who do not know Him. Do not be hard hearted. Have confidence in me and adore my Son. My children, you cannot be without the shepherds. May they be in your prayers every day. Thank you."
March 02, 2013 "Dear children! Anew, in a motherly way, I am calling you not to be of a hard heart. Do not shut your eyes to the warnings which the Heavenly Father sends to you out of love. Do you love Him above all else? Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly Father, out of His great love, sent his Son to redeem us by the Cross? Do you repent for not yet having accepted the message? My children, do not resist the love of my Son. Do not resist hope and peace. Along with your prayer and fasting, by His cross, my Son will cast away the darkness that wants to surround you and come to rule over you. He will give you the strength for a new life. Living it according to my Son, you will be a blessing and a hope to all those sinners who wander in the darkness of sin. My children, keep vigil. I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you. I am especially praying and watching over those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you - for your shepherds. Thank you."
December 02, 2013 "Dear children, with a motherly love and a motherly patience I am looking at your ceaseless wandering and how lost you are. That is why I am with you. I desire to help you to first find and come to know yourself, so that, then, you would be able to recognize and to admit everything that does not permit you to get to know the love of the Heavenly Father, honestly and wholeheartedly. My children, the Father comes to be known through the cross. Therefore, do not reject the cross. Strive to comprehend and accept it with my help. When you will be able to accept the cross you will also understand the love of the Heavenly Father; you will walk with my Son and with me; you will differ from those who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father, those who listen to Him but do not understand Him, those who do not walk with Him - who have not come to know Him. I desire for you to come to know the truth of my Son and to be my apostles; that, as children of God, you may rise above the human way of thinking and always, and in everything, seek God's way of thinking, anew. My children, pray and fast that you may be able to recognize all of this which I am seeking of you. Pray for your shepherds and long to come to know the love of your Heavenly Father, in union with them. Thank you."
©Mary TV 2016
The Medjugorje Message: God, the Father of mercies...
The Medjugorje Message: God, the Father of mercies...: When John went to confession in Medjugorje he was greeted with a warm welcome from the Irish- American priest who was sat in the box shelt...
Happy Birthday to Our Mother Mary
Today the church celebrates Our Mother Mary's birthday Let's give our mother Mary the present she wants more than anything else, that is, obeying what her Son Jesus tells us. Let's also tell her we love her and thank her for being such a great mother. However, she will give us more birthday presents than we give her, although it's not even our birthday. She will intercede for us to give our whole lives to Jesus and receive the most precious gifts of salvation, repentance, forgiveness, life in the Holy Spirit, healing, freedom, peace, etc. Although it's not your birthday, open up your gifts.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Spirito Santo Medjugorje
Dear children! Today I call you, through prayer and sacrifice, to prepare yourselves for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Little children, this is a time of grace and so, again, I call you to decide for God the Creator. Allow Him to transform and change you. May your heart be prepared to listen to, and live, everything which the Holy Spirit has in His plan for each of you. Little children, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way of truth and salvation towards eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Our Lady's Medjugorje message of May 25, 1998
Our Lady's Medjugorje message of May 25, 1998
Mother Teresa has been declared a saint
Mother Teresa: Every Abortion is a Rejection of Jesus
By Michael W. Chapman | September 2, 2016 | 7:33 AM EDT

Mother Teresa (1910-1997), founder
of the Missioanries of Charity, a
Catholic religious order. (AP)
It was no mistake that God came into the world as a baby, an innocent child. It was all part of His divine plan. Had Mary said no, had she rejected God’s will, then our salvation might not have been. She cooperated with God, as did Joseph.
There’s a lot of theology in that point but one lesson is clear: In accepting pregnancy, in accepting a child, every mother and father accepts Jesus to one degree or another, but if they say no to a pregnancy, they reject Him.
Jesus told us this Himself in the Gospels, “Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name welcomes me.” (Mt 18:5). Mother Teresa (1910-1997) emphasized that point in a now-famous speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 3, 1994.
“But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because Jesus said, ‘If you receive a little child, you receive me,’” said Mother Teresa. “So every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus, is the neglect of receiving Jesus. It is really a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.”
As Mother Teresa spoke, on stage with her were some of the most anti-life politicians in history, President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton and Vice President Al Gore and his then-wife Tipper Gore. Mother Teresa, 5-feet tall and probably weighing no more than 100 pounds, was not afraid.
She explained (see video), “[I]f we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”
If it is okay to kill babies, then why are we shocked over shootings at Newtown? About 3,000 children are killed by abortion in the United States every day, yet the dominant media say … nothing. They instead demand gun control while the Planned Parenthood mill down the street is killing children by the bushel.
Mother Teresa continued, “How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even His life to love us. So, the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, her free time, to respect the life of her child.
“For the child is the greatest gift of God to the family because it has been created to love and to be loved,” she said. “The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts. By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble -- so abortion just leads to more abortion.”
“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love one another, but to use any violence to get what they want,” said Mother Teresa. “This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”
However, there is a simple solution: adoption. There is never any reason to kill a child. There are millions of couples in the United States and around the world who want to adopt – today. There are also hundreds, if not thousands of organizations working to make that happen.
“A most beautiful gift God has given our congregation is to fight abortion by adoption,” said Mother Theresa. “We have given already from one house in Calcutta over 3,000 children into adoption. And I can tell you what joy, what love, what peace, those children have brought into those families. It has been a real gift of God for them and for us.”
She continued, “I remember one of the little ones got very sick, so I sent for the father and mother and I asked them, please give me back the sick child, I will give you a healthy one. And the father looked at me and said, ‘Mother Teresa, take my life first, then take the child.’”

(Screenshot: Biography)
“So beautiful to see, so much love, so much joy that little one has brought into that family,” she said. “So pray for us that we continue this beautiful gift. And also, I offer you – our Sisters are here [the Missionaries of Charity] – anybody who doesn’t want their child, please give it to me. I want the child.”
Yes, the Missionaries of Charity will take the child, as will countless other groups, religious and secular. There is no need to abort a baby, to reject a pregnancy, to say no to Jesus.
Mary said yes. Joseph said yes. We should strive to be like them. It will bring great joy to the world and to ourselves.
"God has put us apostles at the end of the line." -1 Corinthians 4:9
Paul repeatedly published lists of the sufferings of Christians (see 2 Cor 6:4ff; 11:23ff). Paul described the apostles as "men doomed to die in the arena," "a spectacle to the universe," "fools on Christ's account," sneered at, "hungry and thirsty, poorly clad, roughly treated, wandering about homeless," insulted, persecuted, and slandered (1 Cor 4:9-13). Paul stated that, in effect, Christians should expect to be treated as the world's garbage; "that is the present state of affairs" (1 Cor 4:13).
Paul emphasized our sufferings with and for Christ:
* so that we would expect to suffer (1 Pt 4:1),
* to teach us that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ (Phil 1:29; Acts 5:41),
* to show us the joy there is in Christian suffering (Col 1:24; 1 Pt 4:13),
* to show us the power in redemptive suffering (see Jn 12:24), and
* so that we would want to suffer with and for Him (see Phil 3:10) more than we want to stay in our "comfort zone."
Christians, don't be afraid of suffering, or you will be afraid to live, die, and love. "Christ suffered for you in just this way and left you an example, to have you follow in His footsteps" (1 Pt 2:21).
Father, may my love for You impel me to suffer for You (2 Cor 5:14).
"May my mouth speak the praise of the Lord, and may all flesh bless His holy name forever and ever." -Ps 145:21
Medjugorje: Our Lady's message to Mirjana of September 2, 2016
(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2016
Mirjana Soldo encounters Our Lady today!
Mirjana Soldo encounters Our Lady today!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
September 2, 2016
Dear Family of Mary!
Here is the September 2, 2016 message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, given through Mirjana:
Dear Family of Mary!
Here is the September 2, 2016 message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, given through Mirjana:
September 2, 2016
"Dear children, according to the will of my Son and my motherly love, I am coming to you, my children, but especially to those who have not yet come to know the love of my Son.
I am coming to you who think of me and who invoke me. To you, I am giving my motherly love and I am carrying the blessing of my Son. Do you have pure and open hearts, and do you see the gifts, the signs of my presence and love? My children, in your earthly life, be led by my example. My life was pain, silence and immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father. Nothing is by chance: neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering, nor love. All of these are graces which my Son grants to you and which lead you to eternal life.
Of you, my Son asks for love and prayer in Him. As a mother I will teach you: to love and to pray in Him means to pray in the silence of your soul and not only reciting with your lips; it is even the least beautiful gesture done in the name of my Son - it is patience, mercy, the acceptance of pain and sacrifice done for the sake of another.
My children, my Son is looking at you. Pray that you also may see His face and that it may be revealed to you. My children, I am revealing to you the only and real truth. Pray that you may comprehend it and be able to spread love and hope; that you may be able to be apostles of my love.
In a special way, my motherly heart loves the shepherds. Pray for their blessed hands. Thank you."
I am coming to you who think of me and who invoke me. To you, I am giving my motherly love and I am carrying the blessing of my Son. Do you have pure and open hearts, and do you see the gifts, the signs of my presence and love? My children, in your earthly life, be led by my example. My life was pain, silence and immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father. Nothing is by chance: neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering, nor love. All of these are graces which my Son grants to you and which lead you to eternal life.
Of you, my Son asks for love and prayer in Him. As a mother I will teach you: to love and to pray in Him means to pray in the silence of your soul and not only reciting with your lips; it is even the least beautiful gesture done in the name of my Son - it is patience, mercy, the acceptance of pain and sacrifice done for the sake of another.
My children, my Son is looking at you. Pray that you also may see His face and that it may be revealed to you. My children, I am revealing to you the only and real truth. Pray that you may comprehend it and be able to spread love and hope; that you may be able to be apostles of my love.
In a special way, my motherly heart loves the shepherds. Pray for their blessed hands. Thank you."
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
My Cure in Medjugorje
On the plane going to Medjugorje I twisted
my knee and was unable to go downstairs. Even
walking was a problem. I was staying on the
second story, so I had a problem going down the
stairs. I did not think you could tell my problem,
but in church I was kneeling and trying to get up,
when, all of a sudden, two women on each side
helped me to stand up
So one day, I was in church and the priest was
saying the Chaplet of Mercy and was starting at
each limb, so when he said the legs, I tried to kneel
and very simply said, “Father, You sent me here
Irene on her 90th and I’m unable to go to the hill [Apparition Hill]
or the cross [Cross Mountain].” I could feel the
rubbing in the inside of my knees. I stood up and
walked to where I was staying and asked the lady
to walk upstairs with me. We got to the landing,
and I said, “Do you see how I’m walking?” We
hugged each other and cried. I made it to the hill
and the cross and suffered no pain again.
So one day, I was in church and the priest was
saying the Chaplet of Mercy and was starting at
each limb, so when he said the legs, I tried to kneel
and very simply said, “Father, You sent me here
Irene on her 90th and I’m unable to go to the hill [Apparition Hill]
or the cross [Cross Mountain].” I could feel the
rubbing in the inside of my knees. I stood up and
walked to where I was staying and asked the lady
to walk upstairs with me. We got to the landing,
and I said, “Do you see how I’m walking?” We
hugged each other and cried. I made it to the hill
and the cross and suffered no pain again.
All I could think is – it is so very simple. With so
few words, He will heal. It’s His choice. Medjugorje
has helped me twice. I only hope my story will
help someone to see that it takes very few words
for the Lord to respond with a complete healing.
Editor’s note: Irene is from Bellevue, WA.
source Spirit of Medjugorje
"The spiritual man, on the other hand, can appraise everything." -1 Corinthians 2:15
The Spirit of God is teaching us everything we need to know (Jn 14:26) and guiding us to all truth (Jn 16:13). However, only the spiritual person can accept what the Spirit is teaching (1 Cor 2:13-15). The merely natural person "cannot come to know such teaching because it must be appraised in a spiritual way" (1 Cor 2:14). Yet we should be able to accept the Spirit's teaching, since we are spiritual persons in Christ. We became spiritual when we were baptized.
However, we must live our Baptisms, or we will prevent ourselves from appraising and receiving the teaching of the Spirit. This explains why many Christians are not hearing the Spirit's word to their churches (Rv 2:7, 11, etc.), families, neighborhoods, businesses, and countries. The words of the Spirit are truth (1 Jn 5:6) and life (see Jn 6:63). The Spirit wielding the Word is our major offensive weapon in spiritual battle (Eph 6:17). We must hear the Spirit or be deceived, deprived, and defeated. Therefore, we must live our Baptisms and be spiritual persons - not only potentially, but actually.
Renew your baptismal promises. Repent. Give your life completely to Jesus. Love Him with all your heart. Then receive the Spirit, His teaching, and His life.
Father, send the Spirit of truth to guide me to all truth (Jn 16:13).