
Fr. Stojan Damjanović: “There are great fruits of Medjugorje”

date: 06.04.2016.
Fr. Stojan Damjanović is a member of the Franciscan Province of the Most Holy Redeemer based in Split. He lives on a small island, Visovac, where the Franciscans have their monastery of Our Lady of Angels and their novitiate. He is the parish curate and teacher of novices. He served in the missions in Africa. Fr. Stojan is a poet too, having written more than 200 poems, one being devoted to Our Lady, the Queen of Peace. He was our guest at Radio Mir and he spoke about the small island of Visovac and the novitiate of the Franciscan Province of Split, as well as his own experience of Medjugorje.
”The first time I heard about the apparitions in Medjugorje, I was visiting my parents in Ljuti Dolac (a village 10 miles away from Medjugorje). I said nothing. I remained open to the events while seeking to verify a little what was going on. So, I thought a lot, listened and followed all that was happening. Everything seemed really convincing. I came to Medjugorje and I accepted the events intellectually. I am happy to see so many people coming here, so many spiritual healings taking place here and so many conversions. It is a big thing not only for the Croatian people but also for the whole world. This is what assures me of God’s involvement in the whole matter. There are many fruits here and we ought to be grateful to God for having given us Medjugorje. Every time I come to Herzegovina, I come here. I do so discretely. I always rejoice when someone gives testimony about Medjugorje and I am grateful to God for every witness, said Fr. Stojan  .http://www.medjugorje.hr/en/

The Queen of Peace 
Our Lady of Peace is our Mother,
Who will give us spiritual peace,
Which from a spring she brings us,
Therefore let us exult. 
This spring shall never run dry,
Of living water there concealed.
And so from it we drink the water,
Which our Mother offers to us all. 
The grace of God shall never run dry,
While Our Lady spreads His Word.
Of which she will never become weary,
Since greater is none among women. 
The love of our Mother will endure,
Nor can she fade from our sight.
With us our Mother will remain.
For that is what she is. 
Unaware are we nor do we know
How much we have need of our Mother.
Queen of Peace, our Mother.
She will show us the way. 
She will plead for us with her Son,
Who will hear her fervent prayer,
For she is His Mother,
And living water He will grant us. 
For our Mother desires our salvation,
In which she mightily rejoices.
Her love is beyond any words,
She wishes to give help to us all.

The Mother of Peace prays with us,
All of whom here she loves dearly.
She has passed thirty summers with us,
And strongly confounded the evil spirits. 
Our Lady, Our Mother has a goal,
She is patient and knows how to aid us.
She commends us all to our God,
So that her blissful children we may be. 
She will pray for all to her Son,
And be with us right to the end.
Because she is our Mother,
So will she remain with us. 
It is easy for us to go astray,
And lose faith in our God.
But when a child loses the way,
His Mother loves him even more.

Our Mother’s love always lasts,
Our Mother’s love never ceases.
For she can never become weary,
Nor can her love come to an end. 
Our amen is all that she needs,
She will plead with Her Son.
And salvation will be granted,
Her children will be with her.
Therefore let us thank Our Lady,
Pray to Our Mother of Peace.

                         Fr. Stojan Damjanović

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