
Invitation to Medjugorje, Is Our Lady Calling You

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhzlxYh89XdbBgaxWQMxQUxbD2PfVbchGknK5XLRVrRt1sJtNMr78XLGmd0TPRX-l5dKLHFceRkpRgvIu6sS9Ugv2qJZmShMmPFmt4qGecxBwMRz83dcM5tKXrpspyckCjUTmG04Tml30t6/s1600/Our+Lady+3.jpg Is Our Lady calling you? 
us for 12 grace-filled days in the beautiful village of Medjugorje, with Fr Jaime Garcia and Fr Jason Brilhante. 
Departing June 12, returning June 23, 2016
$2,689 per person, including all taxes, two meals a day, our guide in Medjugorje and ground transportation. 
Call Stefanie, 206 Tours, 1-800-206-8687

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