
I feel as I am at home. It is coming to Mary’s home.

Fr. Ciril Čuš: „I decided to come to Međugorje each year“

date: 24.02.2016.
The leader of this year’s spiritual renewal held in Medjugorje parish from February 19-21, was Fr. Ciril Čuš, parish priest in two Slovenian parishes Žetale i Stoperce. He also spoke about his own experience of Medjugorje where he came for more than 40 times. The first time was in 1996, with one of his friends. „One night, when everyone was asleep, I went up Cross Mountain and I prayed to Jesus to help me. I then felt deep, inner peace that was coming from the inside. For a long while, I carried that peace within me and it accompanied me in all of the difficulties I was encountering. It was then I decided to come to Medjugorje each year and I love coming back here, as Mary is calling us. It is really beautiful to be here, I feel as I am at home. It is coming to Mary’s home. This time also, as soon as I arrived here, I went up Cross Mountain, to think better, to listen to what God wanted from me“, said Fr. Ciril, who has apostolate of spreading Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is huge grace that his bishop also recognised: „Back in 1999, I began to pray Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I began to do that every day, without anyone knowing about it. It was also my motto when I was newly ordained priest: „All yours Jesus, all yours Mary, until the end!“ So, one day after 10 years, my bishop called me and asked me if I wanted to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. I knew it was Lord’s plan for me and I agreed. Every day, surrender yourselves to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. God loves us so much, He cannot wait for us to come to Him, to open our human hearts and to become instruments in His hands. God accepts us just the way we are“, said Fr. Ciril.

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