
Fr. John Randall's New Rosary Prayer Book

Father John J. Randall's new Rosary Prayer Book has been reprinted with a hard cover with his picture on the cover.
It also contains the Novana to the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mercy chaplet. It is being sold at Saint Charles Borromeo Church, 178 Dexter Street, Providence, R.I  Tel-401-421-6441 at the cost price of $4:00 - Also available at Gabriel's Trumpet book store at 477 Washington Street, Coventry, R.I. Tel: 401-823-4884 

Father John Randall had been a radio personality in Rhode Island for many years and was also instrumental in bringing about and furthering the Catholic Charismatic movement. The Spirit and the Word was the name of Father Randall's radio ministry.

 ~As compiled by Father John Randall~ 

This Scriptural Rosary booklet contains all the prayers of the Rosary with a verse of Scripture for each of the twenty mysteries of the Rosary. For example, the Joyful Mysteries begin like this:
Our Father
The Archangel Gabriel appeared to a young maiden in Nazareth of Galilee names Mary. (Luke 1:26-27)
Hail Mary
"Hail, full of grace! God is with you." (Luke 1:28)
Hail Mary
Mary was filled with fear at this message of the angel. (Luke 1:29)
Hail Mary
And so on. Each of the mysteries is Scripturally explained so that one's focus remains on one small part of the mystery for each Hail Mary prayed.  

This Scriptural Rosary booklet contains all the prayers of the Rosary with a verse of Scripture for each of the twenty mysteries of the Rosary.      

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